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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1998)
' - - •• Zm35££3BS3S53&3SSS5SZSm!£m 402-472-2588 RgSp^llSrJ -I' 402-47J-I741 (FAX) $8-00/1.5 wofcfe OWO/WwordiOludenW i vr ^ $0.15 each additional word 34 Nebraska Union / $0.75 billing charge F>O.Box880448-. _^ ^:4i$0.7^9headllne Lincoln, NE68588-0448U" Deadline: 3 p.imweekday prior 205Mcydtt 210 Books 2l3ClolMng 216 Computers 220 Furniture 230Jowoky 240 MbeoNanoous zoo rnovo tQlnpm®nT 265 Stereos VlVs 270 Ticket Exchange 290 Vehicle* 300 Adoption 305 Alterations/Sewing 310 Automotive 320 Bridal 338 Employment 340 Entertainment 348 Hairstyling 350 Health/Fitness 355 Instwction/Hitoring 365 Ugal S*rvic*s 370 Mtec«Mcm«ous 378 Pregnancy 385Rwg$i_BiB 4AA Trmnktn ooo lanning 390 Tattooing 395 Typtng/Rosumos 400 Roommates 410 Housing Wanted 420 Rooms for Ront 430 How»lof Rnl 440 Duplex* for Rent 450 Apartments for Rent 460 Summer Housing . 470 Moble Horn* I 490 Horn* for Sale 500 Help Wanted 520 Work Study 530 Summer Jobs 540 Internships 555 Business Opportunities H 600 Rides ^03g>r|ngBfeaktttos^^^ 610 Announcements 615 Meetings 620 GreekAffairs 630 Student Government 640 Personals 645 Lost ft Found 650 Wanted 660 Fundraising 670 900 Numbers Macintosh Classic computer and computer console. $102. Onkyo Studio professional stereo. Must se« Pie Am Amp, 400 watts. JBL Studio speakers, excellent condition, $450- Firm! New speakers alone $1,200. JBL's are best studio speakers. Call Kent 8-3pm at 466-1888 or evsninfls 489-4548. Microsoft Office *97 Professional, ful version unopened unregistered, student special $75. call 1-800 Packaid Beil computer, 200mhz Intel Pentium Proces sor. 2.16B hard disk drive, 16 MB RAM, CO ROM drive, plus keyboard. Less than a year old, $500 476-1812 8:30-5 pm.. Monday-Friday. 2 Pioneer three way speakers, great condition, hardly used, $175 for both 080 435-1684. Keep Your Beer Cold Easily fit all your beer needs Into one miniature refrig erator now at the low price of $60.436-0861 Engagemant/wedding set Size 5,14k. .16 marquis w/12 surrounding diamonds. Asking $400.796-9525 after 5pm Cable descrambler kit only $14.95. See alt the pay channels. 1-600-752-1389. Wanted 8-10 tickets for Kansas and/or Texas game. Cal Shannon at 476-9931 wanted: Kansas tickets. Multiple seats if possible. Call Wss at 438-6106._ Wanted: two football tickets for Oct 17th Kansas State game and 4 tickets for Oct 24th Missouri game. Cal 4724676. '894UZUki Katw»,aD0cC. $1500 firm. 477-9473. " !WWH!.|L*l-..'[' 11 --' 'll.' ‘91 Eagle Premier ES LTD, 4-door, good condition $1800 or best oWsr. Cal Beth 4364403T *92 Subaru 4 wheel drive Loyale wagon. 107,000 miles. $5250 or best offer. 438-5058. _ 83 Honda Prelude 5-speed, A/C, sunroof, casette. $1300 or best offer. 438-9131 ■ 90 Honda Civic LX 4 Door Auto power features, stereo. Excellent condition $4,600 raf228-0266 1986 Subaru 4 door GL, 4 wheel drive. 423-3875 for rlfitniln 1990 Mazda B2200 pickup with air conditioning, new brakes, good tires, runs excellent $2,950 call 464-0647 Beer Wagon For Sale Zebra Striped 1977 Dodge 4X4, $2,500 OBO 4384155. _ . ,8^: CAR AUCTION ESmwnRaGMIfi and Mne, Sunday; Sept 20th at 330,. Honda 1995 CBR 600 F3.6500 miles. Pipe, Jet Kit, Helmet, 8 Tank Bra. $4600.466-5854 Welcome Back Students BEST BUY AUTO We have telsbla cars and fte lowest price In town. Bring cash and trade in. (402)465-5005. ADOPT- Loving financially secure couple want more than anything to share their unconditional love with your newborn. Expenses paid. Please call Qail & Russell at 1-800-964-6779/ -,-i ADOPT-We Promise your newborn a life filled with love, laughter, holiday gatherings, vacations and a se cure future. Expenses paid. Call Caryn & Chris 1-800-219-112S. ADOPTION-Happily married couple w/loving hearts and open arms ready to welcome & provide your new born with secure home & bright future. Med/legal exp. paid. Please call Karen and Ed TOLL FREE 1-800-554-7333 (A» cate kept strictly confidential) We love to share our hearts and home with the right newborn. Well offer a special life to a child. Love, hap piness, financial security and education. Expense paid. Ptease call Muriel and Howard, 1-800-651-2557. Auto Accidents & DWI Other criminal matters, cal Sanford Pollack 476-7474. Free Pregnancy Test Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Please can for appointment or more information, 483-2609. Check out our website www.birthrisftt.otg Horse stable available 787-7111_ Academic Expressions Resumes, term papers, theses, dissertations, newslet ters. Academic edfeng, MLA/APA/AP/Chicago Manual. 402-628-2221. Female, nonsmoking roommate needed to share 2 BR apartment in.secured SdUmLincotn complex. Access to pool, spa, weight room, tanning. $290/month. 1/2 utilities. Call Gina 423-6805, leave message. Male, 30, seeks male/female to share 2 bedroom house. Nonsmoker, must be responsible, open-minded, and dependable. Must move in ASAP. 421-8624 Greg._ _ Roomate needed private bedroom and bathroom with large walk-in closet and extra storage. 787-7111. 25th & Washington. Furnished living room and bed room. Refrigerator. Non-smoking/non-drinking gentle man. $175utilitieep«d. 477-5032._ III 2548 W: Four bedroom, two bath. Great House. $750. TRI-WIN PROPERTIES. 438-0946. 3,4 and 5 bedroom houses near UNL stadium. Wash er/Dryer. central air, dishwasher, lawn maintenance provided. $800.489-9294. 1426 N. 23rd. Very nice 5 bedroom, 2 bath, parking, near campus. <850.432-0644. 2127j3St. 3glusbedrooms, washer/dryer, parking. Large three bedroom at 914 F St. Central air. Parking. Washer/dryer hookups. $550.435-2552._ Newly remodeled two bedroom house near East Cam pus, washer /dryer, one and half baths, central air, dishwasher, parking $700.467-3054. “What brewing company | produces more beer than §3 any other in the world?” B Unfurnished three bedroom, 1 1/? baths, fireplace, kitchen with appliances. Washer/dryer. 1419 N. 20th. 402-292-7686._ Exceptional 2 bedroom, with washer. Walk to campus. $495 plus deposit call 432-6476. Walk to UNL Nice 2 bedroom with washer. $495 plus deposit call 432-6476. _ WHY RENT? Start investing in your future now. Great opportunity to start collecting rent instead of paying it Call us for more information on these great properties nor campus: 4-PLEX for $69,900 DAVE VOROVKA • 440-5234 Duplex for $72,500 DIANE MERRICK • 432-3032 Woods Bros Realty, 3737 S. 27th, 434-3500_ ’"AVAILABLE NOW!’! 2627 Vine Street Efficiency, super dean, blinds, appliances, A/C, parking, $285. 3220 Apple Street 1 BR, heat paid, appliances, d/w, blinds, laun dry, parking, $375 2504 Vine Street 1 BR, heat paid, UNL dose, d/w, appliances, laundry, parking, $375 1109 & 1121 N. 28th St 1 BR, heat paid, pod, appliances, laundry, blinds, parking ,d/w,patio, breakfast bar, 311 North 24th St 1 BR, central air, appliances, $275. 2504 Vine Street Newer 2 BR, appliances, laundry, d/w, parking, blinds, $475. 311 North 24th St 3 BR, appliances, laundry hkps, patio, cent air, storage, $550. 489-4857 Cherry Hill Realty ^SEPTEMBER RENT FREB! 3 BRS Available Now Designed for Students!! CLAREMONT PARK APARTMENTS 9th & Claremont 474-7275 14300 Cornhusker Hwyl 1BR, heat paid, appliances, d/w, pool, blinds, parking, $375. * Newer 2 BR, Appliances, microwave, d/w, pool, laundry, parking, $510. 2BR townhouse, heat paid, 11/2 BA, appliances, pool, $535. 489-4857 Cherry Hill Realty ***Efficiency Apartments*** Close to City Campus. _water, Heat, and Gas Paid 477-4490 1 Month FreerUNL Close 2740 R. Nice Three Bedroom, A/C $450. Laundry, gar age. 430-6328. 4 Bedroom Next to Campus 1932 R St. 4 bedroom, 2 bath, off-street parking, dish washer. W/D hookups. $800, lease 475-3111. No pets. 1 One large bedroom, nice working kitchen with pantry. Newer appliances, dishwasher, drivate entrance, stor age. Very sharp, must see. $375, utilities paid, off street parking with laundry. 2929 R St, 474-3529. No smokers, no pets. $100 BONUS Bring this ad when you move in to one of 1 or 2 bedroom, spacious apartments. We have an outdoor pool, balconies for BBQ’s, electric entry, central air, and we’re nestled in a serene neighborhood. Call for an ap pointment, if you qualify for an apartment we'll save you an eoctra $100 on you first month's rent Jones Properties 475-7262. 331 S. 19th. Large 2 bedroom, dose to campus, C/A, parking, $380. Call 489-5168. 1230 D Street. Newer, extra dean, 2 bedroom, starting at $435. Laundry, off-street parking 483-6280. 2618 Q, Brand new deluxe, 2 BR, all appliances, garage. $475.430-6328.__ 1/2 Month Free Rent Two bedroom in south area, all appliances, off street parking, laundry fadlities $385, plus utilities. Eden Management 489-2333. 1/2 Month Free Rent Newer two bedroom near campus, all appliances $475. Eden Management 489-2333 Better dollar value studio arid one bedroom in well maintained vintage building. $295-305.432-2288. Brand New 3 bedroom, 3 Bath, in each unit $760 per month, available now. No Smokers. Call Julian 432-7030 or Remboit Homes 488-9222. CLOSE TO CAMPUS One and two bedrooms. No pets, FREE CABLE 1910 Knox, 521 N. 25th, $350 and $450.477-7684. Colonial Heights Apartments One, two and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421 -3070. GETOFF! Campus It can be cheaper to live off campus in your own apartment. Affordable locations available now: 1 bedroom $310-380 2 bedroom $380-550 3 bedroom $595-660 . 2 bedroom + loft $660 3 bedroom + loft $695 Management One 477-2600 Roomy, three bedroom, two bath. 4915 Walker, 2612 J. St., and 5230 Leighton. Price $576 plus deposit. 438-4418. _ Two bedroom. Modem. 508 S. 25th Off-street parking. Priced low. A/C. Reasonable utilities. Laundry. 463-2357 CENTURY MANAGEMENT eg We provide: * Locations throughout Lincoln * 24-Hour Emergency Maintenance * Professional & Personable Leasing Staff Call us today! 402-484-8600 Willowhaven Apartments 1800 Knox Fim color TV with paid S&ptonnbor rent. Receive 1/2 month rent FREE. •FIREPLACE “Swimming Pool Tree ceUular phone •Minutes form downtown •Garages *1 BR% start at $349 *2 BRti start at $459 :> •Clean & updated •Friendy service CuntiRV Manapmwfmt 438-8322 or 437-8321 You’re Back.... We’re Here ★5 minutes to City Campus ★Serene Neighborhood ★Relax and BBQ on Balcony ★Splash in the Pool ★Electric Entry ★Convenient Laundry Room ,*» Jones Properties 640 8 20th. 475-7262 $100 apodal with years lease! \—■ ~,M v""‘ ~n WAITED We^g^wto hchnissaw Bves by . -- . ;. % : A ■ k*m Ym wilder? . WUmmmt *h coed health? Interested learntf extra cash wMe you watch ft, read, or jut relax for a Me? mm km Snot Ptaaaa helpslKn2 Sain wcte, sagery palMs, hemophiacs ad mama |Airc If aaa |vnp haA )Mf vnm«i II JpwH HHw MH JfwWWl hepatitis B shot, yoa aay quafify fir OV' specialty pro-am and earn up to $380 a '*474-2335 li . mesa Interesting 2 bedroom in historic and award winning Hayward Building. Secure building, short walk to UNL-Ctty $57,990 (402)335-3696 call leave message. $9-$12 per Hour for Delivery Drivers Domino’s Pizza is now hiring for day and evening shifts for delivery drivers and limited evening inside help. No experience necessary. Ail you need to start is a good driving record, reliable personal vehicle, liability insur ance, and a good attitude. Apply at any of the Domino's locations. $8 Guaranteed Four full time day and night shifts. Management material only. Also available part-time days $6.50+to start Subway 12th $ Q and Student Union. See Kevin or Rod. Absolute Spring Break... Take 2’—2 Free Trips— only 15 sales and...Earn $$. Hottest Destinations! Lowest Prices! Free Meats, Drinks, Parties!! -Limited Offer** 1-800-426-7710/www^ Accounts Payable Specialist Part-time opportunity in our Accounting Division to perform varied accounting duties. Duties include: entering Guaranty Fund assessments; processing check requests; generating premium tax reports; com pleting annual state mailings. Position requirements: Associate Degree in Accounting or equivalent; 2 years accounting experience; key boarding skiBs; proficiency using word processing and spreadsheet software. Ap ply in person 8am to 4pm M-F to: Woodmen Accident and Ufa Company Human Resources 1526 K Street LincolrvN| 68506 ArturoS Mexican Restaurant and Cantina now taking applications for ail positions. Apply in person at 803 Q St 10:00am to noon or call 440-7034. Attention Students!! ■'* . - 43 - — Positions must be filled by 9/30. No telemarketing. $12.15 to Start Work 10-40 hours around class schedule. Call 477-8663. BREWSKYS is now accepting applications for part-time evening bartending. Please apply in person at 1602 South St. or 2662 Comhusker Highway. Bum Steer Now Hiring for all positions. Apply in Person, 6440 O Street BW3 Looking for part-time full-time help in the kitchen, day time cashier. Beginning wages vary. Applied within or call 475-2999. AIT employees received 50% off from all food. Ask for Brian. CELLULAR ONE EXPRESS We are taking applications for sales reps for our Russ>, Super Saver and WSIMart Kiosk Stores. Appli cants need some weekday, daytime availability of 1:00pm as well as weekend availability. Flexible hours and great commission structure. Call 560-0061. * o BryanLGH MEDICAL CENTER Child Development Assistant This position assists in carrying out the daily schedule for an assigned group of children. It includes observing and relaying significant individual and group behavior to appropriate personnel, maintaining a Safe and orcjeriy environment, and conducting daily activities for the children. This position also involves attending staff meetings and developmental programs as required. Requirements of the position include knowledge of ap propriate child care practices usually acquired through child care experiences and/or college course work. Part time 25 nours/wk) 2p.m.-8pjn.; Mon thru Fri Please submit resume/application or caN: BryanLGH Medical Center East 1000South 48th Street Lincoln, NE 68506 (402)483-8610 Fax:(402)483-8444 Job UnscgO) 483-3886 Cleaning help wanted two days/week for city laundry 11th & Cornhusker, $6.50/nour. Apply at 56th & Hoktrege Laundry Land. Clerical Assistant/Runner PT Clerical assistant needed for law office. Send letter of application & resume to: Office Administrator, Suite 8307 &BC Center, Lincoln, NE 68508. Clerical Assistant/Runner Law Office Assistant PT. Duties: typing, copying, filing, run errands. Needs own transportation. Send ap plication & resume to: Office Administrator, Suite 203, 7441 O St, Lincoln, NE 68510. CNA’s, CSM’s, LPN’s and others interested in working with the elderly as care-giyers. HaveanvuiMor (Assisted Living for the Elderly) Has the following position available: • Part-time caregivers • Part time on call caregivers • Part time cooks • Part time activities We’ll work around your achedule. Will train. Competitive Wages and Benefits. Ask receptionist for application at 4848 S. 48th, #2. between 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday or for more in formation, call Doreen at 430-8762.