The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 16, 1998, Page 14, Image 14

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    ■■; mmm
% $«0/15wor* (student
$0.15 each additional word
34 Nebraska Union $0.75 billing charge
P.O. Box 880448 $0.75/line headline
Lincoln, NE 68588-0448 ■' Deadline: 3 p.m. weekday prior
* <■' ■ »-» • . - , ^ ^ ;■-* •'•** •’ « . ' —
■ ■' - I —
2551 it
270 ticket Exchange
290 Vehicles
300 Adoption
i" >•.
385 Rentals
388 Tanning
390 Tattooing
410 Housing Wanted
420 Rooms foe Rent
430 Houses for Rent
440 Duplexes for Rent
450 Apartments for Rent
440 Summer Housing
470 Mobile Homes
480 Vocation Rentals
490 Homes for Sale
500 Help Wanted
510 Child Care
520 Work Study
530 Summer Jobs
540 internships
555 Business Opportunities
600 Pictet
603 Spring Break Trips
610 Announcements
620 GreekAffairs
630 Student Government
640 Personals
645 Lost A Found
650 Wanted
660 Fundraising
670 900 Numbers
The Jean Outlet. 3241 South 13th, 420-5151. Al ready
broken-in Levi*, $4.95 - $15 .95. also colored camo..
Legendary Computers
4711 Huntington. New, used, ana custom systems.
Cal 466-10iiM. A 5% dscount with mention of this ad.
Macintosh Classic computer and computer console,
$102. Onkyo Studio professional stereo. Must sel Pre
Am Amp, 400 watts. JBL Studio speakers, excellent
condition, $450- Firm! New speakers alone $1,200.
JBfs are best studio speakers. Ceil Kent 8-3pm at
466-1688 or evenings 469-4548.
Microsoft Office *97 Professional, ful version unopened
unregistered, student special $75. call 1-800
2 Pioneer three way speakers, great condWon, hardy
used, $175 for both 060.435-1684.
Bedroom set: queen size bed and 4 drawer dresser,
nxceaent shape, $200.421-7393.
Couch, chair and table, like new. $450 OBO. Two
queen soft-sided waterbeds, $250 each. 421-9281.
Keep Your Beer Cold
Easily It al your beer needs into one miniature refrig
erator now at the low price of $60.436-0961
Engagement/wedding set. Size 5,14k, .16 marquis
w/12 surrounding diamonds. Asking $400. 796-9625
star Span.
11 cSjsjSsscwnt^eTforwi^lTS&l^e^lHtl^ay
i> ■' ‘.’a: * ‘
Pioneer 12 Disc Car CD Changer for sale. Will work
with ANY FM car stereo. 1 year otd, warranty still re
maining, excellent condrtion. CaS 436-6120 if interested.
wanted 8-10 tickets for Kansas and/or Texas game.
Cal Shannon at 476-9931
Wanted: Kansas tickets. Multiple seats if possible. Call
Whs at 438-6106.__
Wanted: two football tickets for Oct. 17th Kansas
State game and 4 tickets for Oct. 24th Missouri game.
Cal 472-8676.
*90 Ford T-bird, good condition, 2-door, automatic,
a/c, power windows and locks, 102,000 miles, $3750.
Cal 472-4042 days or 420-1561 evenings.
“92 Subaru 4 wheel drive Loyaie wagon. 107,000 miiee.
$5250 or beat offer. 438-5058. _
83 Honda Prelude 5-speed, A/C, sunroof, casette.
$1300 or best offer. 438-9131.
90 Honda Civic LX 4 Door Auto power features,
stereo. Excelent condition $4,600 csS228-0266
1986 Subaru 4 door GL, 4 wheel drive, 423-3875 for
1990 Mazda B 2,200 pickup with air conditioning, new
brakes, good tires, runs excellent $2,950 call
*89 Dodos tynasty, ‘89 Chevy Beretta, ‘83 Renault Al
liance, ‘89 Eagle Premier. St. John's Church at 76th
and \4ne, Sunday. Sept. 20th at 3:30.
Honda 1995 CBR 600 F3.6500 miles. Pipe. Jet Kit.
I lihna* i Tank Dra tiSM iAA-COCI
ADOPT- Loving financially secure couple want more
than anything to share their unconditional love with
your newborn. Expenses paid. Please call Gal & Russell
at 1-800-964-6779.
ADOPT-We Promise your newborn a life filled with
love, laughter, holiday gatherings, vacations and a se
cure future. Expenses paid? Call Caryn & Chris
ADOPTION-Happily married couple w/loving hearts
and open arms ready to welcome & provide your new
born with secure home & bright future. MedOegal exp.
paid. Please call Karen and Ed TOLL FREE
1-800-554-7333 (AM cals kept strictly confidential)
We love to share our hearts and home with the right
newborn. WeH offer a special life to a child. Love, hap
piness, financial security and education. Expense paid.
Please cal Muriel and Howard, 1 -800-651 -2557.
Auto Accidents & DWI
Other criminal matters, cal Sanford Pdacfc 478-7474.
Pregnancy Test
Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Please cal for
appointment or more information, 483-2609. Check
out our webeite
Academic Expressions
Resumes, term papers, theses, dissertations, newslet
ters. Academic editing. MLA/APA/AP/Chicago Manual.
f. -V ' ' ", ’■ • : .I
^IAaS Mm
Female roommate needed to share cute 2 bedroom
apartment close to campus. $220 + 1/2 utilities.
438-6197 Julie.
Female, nonsmoking roommate needed to share 2 BR
apartment in secured South Lincoln complex. Access
to pool, spa, weight room, tanning. $29Q/month, 1/2
utilities. Call Gina 423-6805, leave message.
Graduate commuter needs room only during the week,
M-F, Male/Nonsmoker, cdl collect 402-553-8894
Male. 30, seeks male/female to share 2 bedroom
house. Nonsmoker, must be responsible,
open-minded, and dependable. Must move in ASAP.
421-8624 Greg._ _
One roommate male /female. 2118 Vine. $175 plus
utilities. Call 438-5882. Ask for Mike, Marcus, or Jeremy.
Roomate needed private bedroom and bathroom with
large walk-in doeet and extra storage. 787-7111.
Roommate needed for 4 BR duplex, $200 rent and
$200 deposit. 1/4 utilities. <^i 327-0827 after 4pm.
Roommate needed to share 4
bedroom duplex.
Washer/dryer, central air, 2 full bathrooms, dishwasher,
disposal, and more entertainment than a Thursday
night sitcom. Located near campus. $210+1/4 utilities
Cal Tkn, Chris, or Eduardo at 438-B37B.
.■ ■ ' ■> ■ .. - ..
25th & Washington. Furnished living room and bed
room. Refrigerator. Non-smoking/non-drinking gentle
man. $175 utilities paid. 477-5032.
Ill 2548 W: Four bedroom, two bath. Great House.
$750. TRI-WIN PROPERTIES. 438-0946.
3,4 and 5 bedroom houses near UNL stadium. Wash
er/Dryer, central air, dishwasher, lawn maintenance
provided. $600.489-9294.
1426 N. 23rd. Very nice 5 bedroom, 2 bath, parking,
near campus, $850.432-0644._
2127 Q St. 3 plus bedrooms, washer/dryer, parking,
nice. $575.488-5446._
Large three bedroom at 914 F St. Central air. Parking.
Washer/dryer hookups. $550.435-2552._
Newly remodeled two bedroom house near East Cam
pus, washer /dryer, one and half baths, central air,
dishwasher, parking $700.467-3054.
Close to Campus
Unfurnished three bedroom, 1 1/z baths, fireplace,
kitchen with appliances. Washer/dryer. 1419 N. 20th.
Exceptional 2 bedroom, with washer. Walk to campus.
$495 plus deposit call 432-6476.
One bedroom duplex central air, 28th and A. Available
September 6th, $325.476^221.
September Free
Spacious 3 bedroom, oak floors, freshly decorated,
A/C. $475/month, 489-1938 or 730-5050.
Walk to UNL Nice 2 bedroom with washer. $495 plus
deposit call 432-6476. _
why Ram
Start investing in your future now. Great opportunity to
start collecting rent instead of paying iL
Call us for more information on these great properties
near campus:
4-PLEX for $69,900 DAVE VOROVKA • 440-5234
Duplex for $72,500 DIANE MERRICK • 432-3032
Wbodi Broji Realty. 3737 S. 27th, 434-3500_
2627 Vine Street
Efficiency, super dean, blinds, appliances, A/C,
parking. $285.
3220 Apple Street
1 BR. heat paid, appliances, d/w. blinds, laun
dry, parting, $375
2504 Vine Street
1 BR, heat paid, UNL dose, d/w, appliances,
laundry, parking, $375
1109 & 1121 N. 28th St
1 BR, heat paid, pool, appliances, laundry,
blinds, parking, d/w,patk>, breakfast bar,
311 North 24th St
1 BR, central air, appliances, $275.
2504 Vine Street
Newer 2 BR. appliances, laundry, d/w, parking,
blinds, $475.
311 North 24th St
Cherry Hill Realty
HCIaremont Park Apts!!
"Designed for Students
"nose to campus
"Relax in our pool
*1/2 off September rent*
*1/2 off Deposits*
3 Bedrooms svsitabto lmmedistety
9th & Claremont -
14300 Comhusker Hwy!
1BR, he^paid, appliances, d/w, pool, blinds.
Newer 2 BR, Appliances, microwave, d/w, pool,
laundry, parking, $510.
2BR townhouse, heat pad, 1 1/2 BA, appliances,
Cherry Hill Realty
***Efficiency Apartments***
Close to City Campus,
Water, Heat, and Gas Paid 477*4480
1 Month Free-UNL. Close
2740 a Nice Three Bedroom, A/C $450. Laundry, gar
age, 430-6328.
4 Bedroom Next to Campus
1932 R St. 4 bedroom, 2 bath, off-street parking, dish
washer. W/D hookups. $800. lease 475-3111. No pets.
: . 4 . • i . . . . . , . ,
One large bedroom, nice working kitchen with pantry.
Newer appliances, dishwasher, private entrance, stor
age. Very sharp, must see. $395, heat/gas paid, off
street parking with laundry. 2929 R St., 474-3529. No
smokers, no pets.
$100 BONUS
Bring this ad when you move in to one of 1 or 2 bedroom,
spacious apartments. We have an outdoor pool,
balconies for BBQ’s, electric entry, central air, and
we’re nestled in a serene neighborhood. Call for an ap
pointment, if you qualify for an apartment, we’ll save
you an extra $100 on you first month's rent.
Jones Properties 475-7262.
331 S. 19th. Large 2 bedroom, dose to campus, C/A,
parking. $380. Call 469-5168.
1230 D Street. Newer, extra dean, 2 bedroom, starting
at $435. Laundry, off-street parking. 483-6280.
2618 Q, Brand new deluxe, 2 BR, all appliances, garage.
1/2 Month Free Rent
Two bedroom in south area, all appliances, off street
parking, laundry facilities $385, plus utilities. Eden
Management 489-2333.
1/2 Month Free Rent
Newer two bedroom near campus, all appliances
$475. Eden Management 489-2333
Better dollar value studio and one bedroom in well
maintained vintage building. $295-305.432-2288.
Brand New 3 bedroom, 3 Bath, in each unit. $760 per
month, available now. No Smokers. Call Julian
432-7030 or Rembolt Homes 488-9222.
One and two bedrooms. No pets, FREE CABLE. 1910
Knox, 521 N. 25th, $350 and $450.477-7684.
Colonial Heights
One, two and three-bedroom apartments available.
Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421 -3070.
It can be cheaper to live off campus in your own
apartment Affordable locations available now:
1 bedroom $310-380
2 bedroom $380-550
3 bedroom $595-660
2 bedroom + loft $660
3 bedroom + loft $695
_ Management Ons 477-2800
Need An Apartment??
Check the listings for off campus housing in the Com
muter and Student Services Center, 116 Nebraska Un
Roomy, three bedroom, two bath. 4915 Walker, 2612
J. St., and 5230 Leighton. Price $576 plus deposit.
Two bedroom. Modem. 508 S. 25th Off-street parking.
Priced low. A/C. Reasonable utilities. Laundry.
We provide:
* Locations throughout Lincoln
* 24-Hour Emergency Maintenance
* Professional & Personable Leasing Staff
•Swimming Pool
•Free cellular phone
•Minutes form downtown
*1 BR% start at $349
*2 BR's start at $459
•Clean & updated
•Friendy service
Century MsnsoevTient
438-8322 or 437-8321
You’re Back..
We’re Here
♦5 minutes to City Campus
♦Serene Neighborhood
♦Relax and BBQ on Balcony
♦Splash in the Pool
♦Bectric Entry
♦Convenient Laundry Room
Jones Properties
>100 special with years leseel
$9-$12 per Hour for
Deliv drivers
Domino's Pizza is now x day and evening shifts
for delivery drivers am evening inside help. No
experience necessary. AH you need to start is a good
driving record, reliable personal vehicle, liability insur
ance, and a good attitude. Apply at any of the Domino's
s time days
/ Subway
12th A Q and Student Union. See Kevin or
Absolute Spring Break... "Take 2"—2 Free Trips— only
15 sales and...tarn $$. Hottest Destinations! Lowest
Prices! Free Meals, Drinks, Partiesl! "Limited Offer"
1 -800-426-7710/
Accounts Payable Specialist
Part-time opportunity in our Accounting Division to
perform varied accounting duties. Duties include:
entering Guaranty Fund assessments; processing
check requests; generating premium tax reports; com
pleting annual state mailings. Position requirements:
Associate Degree in Accounting or equivalent; 2 years
accounting experience; key boating skits; proficiency
using word processing and spreadsheet software. Ap
ply in person Sam to 4pm M-F to:
wooQfiiofi ACCKWiu ana law vovnpany
Must have dependable transportation and good hand
writing, will train. No cost or obligation call
Arturo's Mexican Restaurant and Cantina now taking
applications for all positions. Apply in person at 803 Q
St. 10:00am to noon or cal 440-7034.__
Tr-.|llr—|mil.. ... WMH