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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1998)
' MBER 15, 1998 1: ‘ Clinton urges nations to work together to boost growth WASHINGTON (AP) - President Clinton on Monday called the spreading global economic crisis the “biggest financial challenge facing the world in a half century” and uigpd rich nations to act together to boost growth. “Our future prosperity depends upon whether we can work with others to restore confidence, manage change, stabilize the financial system and spur robust global growth,” the president said in a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. Shortly after Clinton finished speaking, finance ministers and central hank presidents of the worlds seven richest countries issued a joint statement pledg ing to cooperate in dealing with the spreading economic crisis and endorsing Clinton^ view that the greatest risk now is recession, not inflation. Clinton’s comments came as deputy finance officials of the worlds seven largest industrial countries - the United States, Britain, Japan, Germany, France, Italy and Canada- were meeting in London with officials of Boris Yeltsin’s gov ernment to assess recent problems in Russia stemming from a botched devalua tion of toe ruble. The president repeated a warning made by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan a week ago that it is unlikely the United States can remain an “oasis of prosperity” in the ever-widening financial turmoil. The president called on Congress to provide the $18 billion he has request ed to replenish the depleted resources of the IMF, which has assembled more than $100 billion in bailout packages for hard-hit Asian countries and Russia. ^Japanremainsifceyto resolving the crisis, the president said. Theworld’s sec with its own problems.^ 7®® ^ 8 Hijacker of Turkish flight surrenders without incident ANKARA, Turkey (AP)—A man described as an Islamic militant hijacked a Turkish Airlines plane Monday to a Black Sea port, where he released all aboard and sunendoed. The hijacker turned out to have only a toy gun, accord ing to Ibrkeyh transportation minister: Ihsan Akyuz told police he staged the hijacking to protest a ban on Islamic style head coverings at Turkey’s universities. He freed all passengers - there were conflicting reports whether mere were It came to a close without eveh a hose bleed," Transportation Minister Ahmed Denizolgun said. Confusion had surrounded details of the hijacking throughout the two-hour ordeal; media reports initially said here was more than one hijacker, and Turkish Airlines first said the man claimed to have a package containing a bomb. State Department: N. Korea launched satellite, not missile WASHINGTON (AP) - Backing away from its initial assessment, the State Department said Monday the object launched by North Korea in the Western Pacific twb weeks ago was a satellite and not a missile. But, it said, the military imputations could be ominous for North Korea’s neighbors either way: ' “Ws have concluded that North Korea did attempt to orbit a very small satel lite. We also have concluded the satellite failed to achieve orbit,” State Department spokesman James P. Rubin said. The test caused deep anxiety in Japan because North Korea launched the object over Japan Is mam island. With a range of more than 900 miles, the test suggested mat Norm Korea could strike any portion of Japanese territory. Rubin said the military implications are similar whether the test involved a missile or a satellite. “The North Koreans have demonstrated in this launch a capability to deliver a weapons payload against surface targets at increasing ranges, con firming the inherent capability to threaten its neighbors,” he said. He added that me United States regards the test as “a threat to U.S. allies, friends and forces in me region.” Copy Dak Chief: Diane Broderick Professional Adviser: Don Walton, Photo Chief: Matt Miller (402)473-7248 DedpChkfi Nancy Christensen Adverttatog Manager: NickPaitsch, ArtDtoector. Matt Haney (402)472-2589 CMtoe Editor: Gregg Steams Aset Ad Manager: Andrea Oeltjen Direnions Editor: Jeff Randall OnnllUd Ad Manager: Mami Speck Fax number. (402) 472-1761 World Wide Web: The Da* Nebraskan OJSPS 1444)80) is pUbished by the UNL Pubications Board, Nebraska Union 34,1400 R Si, Lincoln, NE 68588-0448, Monday through Friday duming the academic yean weekly during the summer sessions.'nie pubic has access to the Publications Board. Readem are encouraged to submit story ideas and comments to tfieDtiy Nebraskan by caKng (402) 472-2588. Subscriptions are $68 for one year. Postmaster Send address changes to tfie Daly Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34,1400 R St, Lincoln NE 685880448. Periodicalpostagepaid at Lincoln, NE. ALL MATERIAL COPYRKiHT19N THE DALY NEBRASKAN N. Ireland’s future discussed 4** BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) - Northern Ireland’s Protestant and Catholic politicians broke new ground Monday as they debated how to gov ern this long-divided land together - and shared afew laughs in between. Seamus Mallon, the Catholic deputy leader of the new legislative Assembly, told its 108 members - who sat divided, with Irish Catholics on the left and British Protestants on the right - that a new era had begun. “We have to move from criticism to construction, from making demands to making choices, from claiming rights to taldng responsibility for our own lives,” Mallon said. British loyalist and Protestant Assembly leader David Trimble said afterward that the upbeat atmosphere during the daylong debate “shows you how far we’ve come” since April’s peace accord. At its only previous session since being elected in June, the Assembly chose Trimble and Mallon to lead its yet-to-be-formed administration, which will oversee different govern mental departments. The two leaders indicated Monday they were likely to delay appointing the rest of the administration until November. First, they plan to hold a historic summit with the Irish government - launching formal cooperation between a---— We have to move from criticism to construction, from making demands to making choices, from claiming rights to taking responsibility for our own lives.” Seamus Hallon Catholic deputy leader of Assembly both parts of Ireland, a critical part of making die peace agreement work. Appointing government ministers requires majority support from both the Assembly's blocs. But Protestants oppose giving the Sinn Fein party any positions unless the Irish Republican Army, a group with which the party is allied, starts disarming. The IRA- 14 months into an open-ended truce - says that won’t happen. Yet Monday’s debate set more firsts in the gradual coming-together of Trimble’s Ulster Unionists, Northern Ireland’s main Protestant party, and Gerry Adams’ Sinn Fein party, which has 18 seats in the Assembly. Sinn Fein has long said it would never set foot in the grand Stormont Parliamentary Building-a hated sym bol of the Protestant-dominated gov eminent that ran Northern Ireland ftom 1921 to 1972. Adams and other Sinn Fein mem bers began their new careers inside Stormont on Monday by pointedly debating in Gaelic, the ancient Irish tongue that most Protestants consider foreign and don’t understand. This triggered good-natured repar tee across toe divide, with one unionist noting that Adams’ command of Gaelic appeared to be suspiciously peppered with English words. In his opening speech, Trimble emphasized his desire to see the Assembly become “a pluralist parlia ment for a pluralist people.” He welcomed Sinn Fein’s moves to “cross the bridge from terrorism to democracy” and said he hoped Adams would “embrace peace with a new vigor” by getting the IRA to disarm. Conviction on crime inspired by talk show overturned Former governor of Alabama dies at 79 ■ George C. Wallace, who survived a 1972 assassination attempt, died of cardiac arrest. MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) - George C. Wallace walked with a bounce and flashed a smile that could border on a smirk when he was a noisy presidential candidate and archenemy of civil rights crusaders. By the time the former Alabama governor died Sunday night, he had been humbled by the pain and paraly sis caused by a 1972 assassination attempt, an experience that also trans formed him politically. After the attempt, unable to walk, barely able to communicate in a whis per, he had recanted his racist stand and hoped for a different place in history. He wanted to be seen as a force for -i the little man, a Democrat who helped bring on the modern conservative movement He did not want history to remember him only for his “segrega tion forever” battle cry of 1963 and his attempts to keep blacks out of all-white public schools. Wallace Kennedy, were at his side when he was pronounced dead at 9:49 p.m., Jones said. “We are deeply grateful for the prayers of the people of Alabama,” Wallace’s son said at the Capitol. George Corley Wallace was bom Aug. 25,1919, in Clio, in the rural, row-crop country of southeastern Alabama. His father was a fanner and county commissioner, his mother a - county health worker. Wallace, a short, pugnacious politician lost his first race for gover nor in 1958 when his views on race were moderate. When he won four years later, Wallace was a fist-shaking segrega tionist who soon would stand outside an auditorium at the all-white University of Alabama seeking to block the enrollment of two blacks. It helped launch him into the national spotlight and, in 1964, Wallace ran few the White House in a handful of primaries against President Lyndon Johnson. He launched a full scale bid for the presidency in 1968 under the banner of the American IndeoendentPartv. DETROIT (AP) —A state appeals court has overturned the murder con viction of a man who shot a man who revealed a secret crush on him during a taping of “The Jenny Jones Show:” The Michigan Court of Appeals said Jonathan Schmitz should have been allowed to remove a juror before the trial began. The three-judge panel said the error was harmful enough to warrant overturning his conviction on second-degree murder. Schmitz was accused of shooting Scott Amedure, a gay man, in March 1995 after Amedure revealed on the show that he was attracted to him. Schmitz, who is heterosexual, said he appeared on the show, taped in Chicago, believing a woman was going to reveal a crush on him. When the two returned to Michigan, police said Schmitz shot and killed Amedure at his Orion Township mobile home. He later told police he was humiliated by the surprise on-cam era announcement He was convicted in 1996 of sec ond-degree murder and was sentenced to 25 to 50 years. Jury selection for the case took three days. On the final day, Schmitz’s lawyers asked the judge to remove a juror Oakland County prosecutors objected, saying that because the defense had not objected previously, they could not remove the juror on the final day. Judge Francis X. O’Brien sided with the prosecution. The appeals court said Schmitz’s attorneys should have been allowed to remove the juror at any point in the jury selection. Amedure’s family also has sued Jones and distributor Warner Bros, for $50 million, claiming they were at least partly responsible for Amedureb death. Ill 1972, Wallace was the early leader in the Democratic presidential primaries. Accompanied by his second wife, Cornelia, he headed to Maryland for that state’s primary. At a shopping center in Laurel on May IS, 1972, Wallace plunged into a crowd of well wishers to shake hands. Suddenly a blond man in dark glasses lunged for ward with a gim. He was hit five times. One bullet jammed against his spine. Arthur Bremer, a former busboy from Milwaukee, was convicted in the assassination attempt, which had no apparent political motive. He is still in prison. The day after he was shot, Wallace carried both Maryland and Michigan, his most triumphant moment But his presidential campaign ended, and so did his old political stand and style. “I think he should be remembered for more than race,” said one of his biographers, Stephan Lesher, “(but) he’ll always be stained by race.” Wallace, 79, died at a hospital of cardiac arrest after it appeared he was recovering from a blood infection, the latest of a series of ailments that had sent him to intensive-care units numer ous times over the years. “For more than an bout; the gover nor fought, and fought hard, for his life,” said Jackson Hospital spokes woman Victoria Jones. Wallace suffered from Parkinson’s disease and spent most of his days in bed at his Montgomery home. He was taken to Jackson Hospital Thursday morning. Wallace’s son, George Wallace Jr, J and one of his three daughters, Peggy