The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 11, 1998, Page 11, Image 11
r~^i~ ~i E»m* 8fop now Mrtng. Ful and part-time positions MMKe. k*«t be dependable and21. Apply at 81 SO FARABEE’S Mnaes toboomingl Accepting apps for el positions. Gobbles Weekday Lunch Cashier Flexible schedule, Free Meals, apply at 13th and O St, Lincoln Squat* Food Gramercy Hill Retirement COOK/BAKER FULL-TIME BANQUEI/QUANTTTY COOKING EXPERIENCE HELPFUL FULL BENOTTS INCLUDE: HOUOAY/VACATION/SICK PAY HEAUH/DBIIAtAJFE WSURANCE A401(K) COOK/BAKER PART-TIME SUNDAYS 10:45 AMTO7:15 PM PRER4RE SOUPS/SANOWICH MEAL ADDITIONAL HOURS ALMLABLE HOUOAY A VACATION RAY APPLY IN PERSON AT: 6800 ‘A* STREET UNCOCN. NE 68510 Gramercy Hid Retirement 1 Food Server Part-Time 4:15 p.m. to 7*15 pjn. - ■ di Apply in person 6800 AST Lincoln NE 68510 EOE Grandmother's Now hiring host/hostess cashier, waitsry positions. fTeaWe acneduanaApptyanvtime.70thAA. _ Great Part-time Job Chid Cars Staff needed for before school program in Elementary School. Varied days available. Call 475-0805. _' o BryanLGH MEDICAL CENTER Guest Service Liaison ^ (Part-time 9 hrs/wk) TNspotflfo to reaponafcte for arwtina art assisting paltents and guests antving at BryanLGH Center East •"PteJte* must present a good first image and have tee ability to offer help and provide directions and InformEHon so that al customers feet comfortable MdMcureabout how to proceed after arrival at tfie Medteal Center. Good customer service skits and ini tettve am essential far this Job. Entrance Mon. AHias.]5:30-1fc30am) 2) Plaza Entrance 7hurs.AFri(11«n-330pm) Please submit leeumafepolcation or cat BryanLGH MedjcalCcmter East UftMnlharran Lincoln's largest sports bar is looking for Lincoln's beet employees. All positions open. Apply at 33rd & Superior. _ p 1 I Internal Auditor (Part-time) Ajpwt-time position it available now with the poesodity of t becoming a fuH time position. Minimum require ment* are: business admmfstration major or related IWd, erfth 6 houra of accounting and 3 hours of fnance, and December 1998 graduate. Please send resume, cover letter and tranecibt (transcript MUST accompany resume) to National Bank of Commerce, Human Resources Division, Box 82408, Lincoln 68S01. EOE. Intramural Rag . - gja_ai.tli.MaM ACfUSol^'/ rOOIDall UmCNH The Office of Cempue Recteetion ie curventiy hiring of ficials for Flag Football. Starting pay is $5.65/hour, 6-12 hours par week. If Interested, please call 472-4783 or 472-4772._ Junior & Senior Accounting Major Looking fora part-time or fuN-time job for experience in your neid before graduation? Boowiaepera, auditors needed for 20 unit chain with career opportunities available. Ti Y on a job before you graduated Apply at Paycheck Advance, 48<h & 0.464-7446. _ Knolls Country Club Now taking sppBcsWons for part-time: • Grounds Craw e Dunoi anenaants • Sarvers Will work around your school schedule. Please call 423-2843 far more information. Laundry Land at 48th & Old Chaney is hiring for the 1:30 to 7:30 p.m. shift. 2-3 shifts/week. $6.50/hour. a s- ,, Jjl|• ■ ■ " Mppry wruiin. Lawn Care Personnel needed. Part-Time and full-time position available. Work around school schedule. Must have good driving record and clsan personal appearance. CM 432-5602 to apply. Lawn service looking for people who take pride in their work. Ful/Psrt time, cal 730-4421 Lincoln Journal Star is looking for assistant district manager. Average of 20 hours a weak. Early morning hours and aome office hours. Cal 473-7379. Looking for axperienosd harvest help. COL license preferable. Calf665-2261 and ask for Ron, 665-2179 and ask for John, or 665-2523 and adt for Mark. Love To Cook? Work around your class schedule without burning the midnight oil. me Food Service at Cedars Youth Services is looking for a positive, energetic parson to join our team. You may work ful or part-time and we are happy to work around your class schedule. Cedars Youth Serf ices is committed to serving children and youth in crisis including nutritious, great tasting meals, if you have a high schod dptoma and a valid NE driver’s license, you may be just the parson we're looking for. Schedule includes soma weekends but no evenings after 7:00 pm. $7.00 hourly guaranteed phis excellent benefits. CEDARS YOOTH SERVICES Submit completed application to Cedars Youth Servic es, 770 N. Cotner, Site 410, Lincoln, NE 68505 or call 434-5437 to have an application mailed. Resumes will not be substituted for the application. SCVAA/ADA. Lunchtime host person needed at the Thsi House Res taurant Monday through Friday, lunch provided. Apply in person 610 N.27thSi after 5 pm ask for Cathy. Mother’s & Other's $500-$2,500 part-time. FuUtraMngTor free booklet. call 1-800-2aMP^ 31” SISw Nanny/Mother’s Helper Two children in beautiful south Uncoln home. $6.90 parhout Shifts avalable are 730am-9:30 or 10:30am also 5:OOprTHfcOOpm. Monday through Thursday, Friday or Saturday optional. Duties include preparing meals, bathing, ight cleaning. Must have mid to larger size reliable car, excellent driving record, references, gas will be reimbursed for taking children to various activities. Quality individual needed, willing to work and be flexible. Other shifts are Saturday or Sunday 10:00am-6:00pm. Also looking for computer literate, good typist to nato run home business. Rexible hours. Need excellent spelling aptitude, if interested call 488-1239 for any ofthe above jobs. Nebraska Republican Party Looking tor several students to assist with fund raising during me 1998 campaigns. Earn up to $8/hour $50 Hiring Bonus Mr No Friday or Saturday Work 12-20 hours/week Sunday-Thursday 5-9pm Located Downtown Call Bryan at475-2122 Need Extra Cash? Local company is seeking enthusiastic, hardworking indMdual to set appointments. No experience neces sary just a good attitude. Various shifts are available. If ntaraetedplease cal Danny at 464-7088. Need work? Excellent buainees opportunity! Set your own houtsl Unlimited earning potontian Cal 890-9684 Needed: Part-time administrative assistant for safety/medical consultant. Must be proficient in Microsoft Word and Power Point. Flexible hours, contact Karen O Profes sional Bueineao Associates, 474-6070. _ NIGHT DESK CLERK 6 p.m.-7 a.m. Sunday. Monday and Tuesday. Must have experience with public. Professional attitude and appearance. Some free time to study. References re tired, apply in person at Town House Motel, 1744 M NIGHT RESEARCH INTERVIEWERS • Gain a valuable job experience as a market research telephone Interviewer. • Accuracy la a must far thaaa business to buainees interviews. A DawiKIa aIa||A Wa| um w nexjoie rogni nours. Chooae night hours you work each week a minimum 131/2 hours par waiak. • Potential to earn as much as $8.00 per hour or mom with a guaranteed rate of $6.00 par hour, baaed on your productivity. • Aakabout our hiring bonue far a nighUme Wiese Research Associates 1630 S 70th, Suite 100 Lincoln, NE 68506 402-4837054 Now^riringforgart-ttme^^osWons. Apply in parson at Now hiring part time day, evening and weekend posi tions, Free meals and uniforms, competitive wages, Now hiring part-time sales associates. Apply Tuesday Morning. East Park Plaza, 220 N 68th St_ Now hiring: weekend and night wait staff/hostess, and day/avening cook. Enjoyable atmosphere. Apply within. I *sot amm** OFFICE ASSISTANT Student to assist professional staff with various aspects of day-to-day operations including but not limited to: .records management across the Husker’s 24 varsity sports programs; entry of financial/scholastic and other information into NCAA database; assistance with event management of Big 12/NCAA champion ships. Good communication skfls, an ability to organize information, & work independently with attention to detail. Must have PC computer skills (Microsoft Word, Excel, Access & Fie maker Pro.). Position open imme diately; work 10-15 hra/week fail & spring semesters; full-time, summer 1999. Apply in person at 208 NU Coliseum, M-F 8-5p.m. by Monday. September 21, Officials for Lincoln Public Schools middle level flag football and volleyball. Experience preferred but not required. Games will be held on Saturday mornings. For more information call Karen Hand after 12 p.m., 436-1811. Old Chicago Is now hiring fun and outgoing people for the following positions: Kitchen positions with opportunity for ad vancement, host, bussere, servers, part-time book keeper. Come visit us at 826 P St. and find out where the fun is. __ Osco Drug 66to & 'O’, 48th & Van Oom, 56th Jfttwy 2,14th & Su perior. Now hiring part time rterhi for pWi. wonlmndn and third shift. Must be 21 or older, flexible work and wiployBfftfiwyHifTt Pharmacy Technician positions available at 66th & ‘O’ and 48th & 'O'. EOE Package Handler Part Time Immediate Job openings loading and unloading pack ages for RPS. $8-5Q/hour to start plus $1/hour tuition reimbursement. 5a.m.-9a.m., Monday through Friday, NO WEEKENDS!! Applications accepted by appoint ment only at RPS Incorporated 435-4242 EOE/AAE PackagigjWorkers 6:30am-3:00pm $9.67 2:30pm -11:00pm 10.-30pm-7.-00am Assignments last from 12 weeks to indefinite. Good Attention to Detail Desire for Quality Work. Apply Immediately Manpower 1001 S. 70th Suite 219 Part time help needed ASAP 20 hours a week, evening hours. Apply at N Street Drive In, 19th&N street Part-time Help Needed Retail store detk must be a self-starter and dependable. Must be able to work Saturday until 6pm and weeknight until 7pm. Apply 1745 O Street. Part-time help needed for deli in Haymarket. Lunches and evenings. Apply 816 P St. Ask for Bob. Part-time position for high energy, detail-oriented, self-starter. Can Dry Cleaning Station at 423-5580 today. Part-time sales assistant needed in a fast-paced retail environment. Duties include front counter, telephones and data entry. This position would include working weekends as well as scheduled evening hours during the week. Apply in person at Schaeferls, 48th & R, be tween 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday. Physical Science or Engineering student who is adept with machine tools and computers. 15-20 hours per week. 472-6761.; BryanLGH ^ MEDICAL CEXTBI Pick a schedule that works for you!!! Environmental Techs Theee positions dean and decontaminate patient and non-patient locations within the hospital. 1) 8am-4a0pm, 5 days a week which includes wknds. 2j 4pm-12:30am, Monday through Friday Part Time mki: tuenem ngpte)Mon-ni . 14-8pm Mooday-Fhday ) 6-1 Opm Monday-Friday BryanLGH Medical Center East Human Haeourcee 1600 South 48th SL (402) 463-8610 Fax: (402)483-8444 JOB UnIT]402) 463-3066 Senior Technologies DOOG&BLAIR ' BY MARK ILICH OnL dOCOrte 7&AN07HEA TTAO orTZCASSX ENSU& 2JT£AflfVA£m~dH£K5 YOdA SOUL d!U CS££KtUHSO UfALESS A*0 7Ve /40CKS ii ; I X£H- SOXSiL &iYcMY! £J£ccon£70 mCMSS/C ejeu. £*6£tSM £J7£A/JTVRE XU D£ • £JM£A£ VOaX *SOOC DXXN6Q... cyu cecxosMEP , THE NORM BY MICHAEL JANTZE ®X JUST TOO STOP1P/ I'M THe PRODUCT Of THe WPfe Mew SMARTS/ /you CANT IMRBOUeON DMAAeep/———— \6oops// »«wi«?Ge ACROSS /• 1 Scrap • C.P.A., e.g. to Commanded 14 “Let Me Go, to Type of salmon to “-for All • Seasons” 17 Goddess of the chase it As neat as it Twerp’s cousin 20 Start of a quip 23 A vowel for Zeno 24 Duffer’s delight 20 Lionized actor? 20 Pasture sounds H Big blows 98 Suffix with Nippon 37 Kimono sash 38 Eaten away 38 Middle of the quip 44 Hubs 45 Em followers 46 Coral or Red 47 Upright 48 Penny 49 “Auld Lang , 50 Lyric poem 58 Makeshift bed 54 End of the quip 83 Central or Hyde 84—Bator, Mongolia 65 Scout unit ..11111 1 INSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE ______:_,_-_ ' ':V ' ' ’ ■ ‘ -vi ' ' ' ' 68 Out of the wind 67 Biblical ointment •8 Muse for Pindar 68 Libidinous to Salver 71 Novices DOWN 1 “M*A*S*H” . actor 2 Hit 212° 3 Track shape 4 Deliver, as a song 5 Characteristic 8-of worms 7 Handle problems 8 Fledglings’ sounds 8 Kingdom in SW Pacific Ocean 10 Nemesis fi Iowa college town 4^ 12 Pub missile 13 Means justifiers? 21 Very rich man 22 Prods 25 Sierra 28-as the eye can see 27 Lift with effort 28 First name in honesty M-Semple McPherson 12 Fortify 13 Crummy 14 German industrial city 15 Bristles M Kids’ rm. 11 Mary or John Jacob 12 Hostelry 13 Small auk 18 Wine locale, often,' ' 45 Like bright nights 51 intimidate 53 Singing group 54 Semiprecious stone 55 Lung sound 56 Keene's Nancy ST Made do s« Christie role 59 Rooney or Griffith 60 What a homer evokes 61 Dorothy’s dog 62 Poetry of a people