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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1998)
Hjnggt help needed on area form for tall harvest 780-7806 leeusmsasana. aresgaggar**'1"*'* °— jjgasssfi&as&a”^ m Hundreds of student jobsl CaaihtSaCJOUne: 470-8000 or checkout SBC* homepage: www-unl.adufcarears/seic »»-8SSS,«2a5SS?5Llto-. fomoanaiMta. Muat ba abia to write legibly and be fo mjler wkh computer keyboard. Bttngu5ab*ty a plus. Apply In peteon at Global Network Communicatior^ 3060N. foduatrial Ave (Northwestern Metal Building, 2nd Hoop. Intern®! Auditor (Part-time) - AparMkna poaMon is awHabie now wkh the poaaMty of It becoming a full time poaMon. Minimum require "*anfo are: business administration major or related •aid, «Mh 6 hours of accounting and 3 hours of fowtca, *** December 1098 graduate. Please sand resume, “nrarlehar and ksnscrxjt (transcript MUST accompany resume) to National Bank of Commerce, Human Rjraources Division. Box 82408. Uncoln 68501. EOE. Nebraska Republican Party Looking tor several students to mist with fund rising duir*&w1SK>e campaigns. < Earn up to $0/hour $50 Hiring Bonus No Friday or Saturday Work 12-20 houra/week Sunday-Thursday 5-9pm Located Downtown Call Bryan at 475-2122 Need Extra Cash? Local company Is seeking enthusiastic, hardworking IndMdual to set appointments. No experience neces sary Just a good attitude. Various shifts are available. If intetaetaapleaae cal Pinny at 464-7088. Need work? Excellent business opportunity! Set your own hours! Unlimited earning potential! Cell 480-9684 NIGHT DESK CLERK 6 p.m.-7 a.m. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Must have experience with public. Profeestonal attitude and appearance. Some free time to study. References re quired, apply In person at Town House Motel, 1744 M Now hiring part time day, evening and weekend posi tions. Free meals and uniforms, competitive wages. Now hiring part-time sales associates. Apply Tuesday Morning. East Park Plan. 220 N 86th St Intramural Hag Football Officials The Office of Campus Recreation is currently hiring of JcWe ter Flag Football. Starting pay is $5.65/hour, 47fc47B3a?4?2^»772#,t' W ,nt*rested. please call Junior & Senior in yourlield before graduation? Bookkeepers, auditors n««ted tor 20 unit chain with career opportunities . Knolls Country Club NowteMng sppications ter part-time: •Grounds Crew • Buffet attendants ' •Banters W* work around your school schedule. Please call 423-2843 tor more information. Lteindry Land at 48th 8 Old Cheney is hiring for the 1-30 to 7:30 pm. shift. 2-3 shifts/week. $6.50/hour. Apply within. _ Lawn Care Personnel needed. Part-time and full-time position avatabte. Work around school schedule. Must have flood jj^4hft'lffv?^nd de*n appearance. Lincoln Journal Star is looking for assistant district manager. Average of 20 hours a week. Early morning hous and aomsoBtoe hours. Cal 473-7378._ and atet tor John, or 665-2523and ask for Mark. Lunchtene hoat person needed at the ThW House Res MAKE EAST MOHEY1QO OH SPRING BREAK FOR J* mafcaand Florida packages and is currently accepting campus sales representatives. Cali Many Manor School of Childhood has one morning 7-10a.m. and 3 afternoons 1-5:45p.m. Monday through Frid^. Another position 3:00- 5:30p.m. Tuesday andThursday, 3-5:45 Monday through Friday. Wachar Aide posittons avaiable. Apply at 3a0 N 48th MoM swtted. tookirm for nMuraNy beautiful women far art photography. Cat Scott ter Interview 441 -4722 b°oW* Now hiring: weekend and night wait staff/hostess, and day/evening cook. Enjoyable atmoaphere. Apply within. OFFICE ASSISTANT Student to aaeiat professional staff with various aspects of day-to-day operations including but not limited to: records management across the Husker's 24 varsity sports programs; entry of financial/scholastic and other information into NCAA database; assistance with event management of Big 12/NCAA champion ships. Good communication skis, an ability to organize information, A work independently with attention to dotal. Must have PC computer sMs (Microsoft Word, Excel, Access & Fie maker Pro.). Position open imme diately; work 10-15 hra/week fall & spring semesters; full-time, summer 1999. Apply in person at 208 NU Coliseum, M-F 8-5p.m. by Monday. September 21, 1998. Office help needed. Basic receptionist skill full or part-time. No experience necessary, Good pay. 473-6242 or 1-800-335-9426. Officials fOr Lincoln Public Schools middle level flag football and volleyball. Experience preferred but not required. Games will be held on Saturday mornings. For more information call Karen Hand after 12 p.m., 436-1811.__ Old Chicago Is now hiring fun and outgoing people for the Mowing positions: Kitchen positions with opportunity for a £ vancement, host, bussers, servers, part-time book keeperCome visit us at 826 P St. and find out where Osco Drug 66th & ‘O’, 48th & Van Dom, 56th & Hwy 2,14th & Su perior. Now hiring part-time clerks for nights, weekends and third shift. Must be 21 or older, flexible work schedule and employee discount Pharmacy Technician positions available at 66th & ‘O’ and 46th & ‘O'. BOE Package Handler Part Time immediate job openings loading and unloading pack ages for RPS. $6.5Q/hour to start plus $1/hour tuition reimbursement 5a.m.-9a.m„ Monday through Friday, NO WEEKENDSII Applications accepted by appoint ment only ah RPS Incorporated 435-4242 60E/AAE Ftadbto schedule okay. Through T_ Nanny/Mother’s Helper Two children in beautiful south Lincoln home, $6.90 52Llf5!L®ifiL5^,ab,e *• 7=30am-930 or 10:30am afao5:00pin-9tf0pm. Monday through Thursday, Friday or Saturday optional. Duties include preparing mssIs. battSng. tight cleaning. Must have mid to larger **** f^aWe ear, excellent wiving record, references. 9M w* be reimbursed for taking children to various activities. OualrtfindividuaJ needed. wilUng to work snd be liexibie. Other shifts are Saturday or Sunday 1&00arn-6:00pni. Also looking for computer literate, oood typist toheip run home business, fteribie hours! 8P*,,infl aptitude, if interested call 488-1239 far any Jthesfiwfnh. I iwibim a-i i Ifflli iaaMal P ■ Pa fca Ja OtmAAtn PackagingWorkers 6:30am-3:00pm $967 2:30pm -1160pm 10:30pm-7:00am Assignments last from 12 weeks to indefinite. Good Attention to Detail Desire for Qw*ty Work. Apply Immediately Manpower 1001 S. 70th Suite 219 Part Time COL drivers needed for local area. Will work around class schedule. Cal 1-600-23(M)572. Part time help needed ASAP 20 hours a week, evening hours. Apply at N Street Drive In, 19th ft N street Part-time Help Needed Ratal store detk must be a self-starter and depended. Must be able to work Saturday until 6pm and weefcnightunll 7pm. Apply 17450Street Part-time help needed for del in Haymarket. Lunches and evenings. Apply 816 P8tAak for Bob. Part-time sales assistant needed in a fast-paced retail snvfronmen^ Pubes include front counter; telephones and data entry. This position would include working weekends as wal as scheduled evening hours during "kMc Applyjrrpersonal Sct2ES£48th & R. be tween to urt*4!30Mono8y*rnd8y. Part-tinle work. -6-15 hours per week. Flexible scheduling. Country Sliced Ham. CM 467-2585. .. " "" . . .*1 IJn -J ' Pawnee Lake Physical Science or Engineering student who is adept with machinetools ana computers. 16-20 houreper week. 472-6761., _ ***PRE-HEALTH STUDENTS*** Have you had your “3-shot Hep B Series” If so, you may qualify for a medical research study. Just 4 hours a week of your time can earn you over $380 every 4 weeks while you study. Call 474-2335 and ask for Dana. - j It Nabi Biomedical Center ; t 300 S. 17th Street - J- . 1Lincoln. NE 68508 _ > . .. * ~ - 5 ■ I : ■ 68501orerotft&^SSnior^.comEOE/AAP ’ Production Assistant Lincoln CabieVision is seeking a fun time productions assistant to work in local origination. Qualified appli cants will haws a high schooTeducation or equivalent and strong video production skills. Undergraduate course work in video production a plus. Position offers an excellent benefits package indudbu medical, dental and vision insurance, company paid life and dfeablity insurance, 401(k), pension, and FREE CABLE if you Ivs In the service area. Applicants must be able to communicats effectively with co-workers and com munity cable users. Apply in person at CabieVision, 5400 & 18th St., Lincoln, NE 68512, M-F 8:30am-6pm and Sat 9am-1pm. CsWeVfelon lean Eguaigyortuntty Employer Cabfc^ision Psychology, Sociology, and Criminal Justice Majors Comhusker Place Detox seeking individuals to work on call as Alcohol Service Workers. Must be a team player and able to work evenings and overnights. Good communication skills with a diverse population a must Apply 721 K street. Quick Connect Computer Services is looking for a tal ented, energetic person to work as a computer train ar/fechnidan. CaM34-9494. DOOG & BLAIR , ue'cc CM W m&: /*£Z?" /£v//_5 ^ ^c?T J,*.J ' TMS JM* r1 7ZW6X'! W - THE NORM IF VOU UBARN eVe*VTHIN6 I neve* pip, it shoulp MAW© Me INSTANTLY SMART©*. ) ACROSS 1 Veteran actor 7 Not gregarious 14 In an itinerant fashion 17 “The-of Emily,” 1964 film 10 Spring resort it Slender 20 “-on the Run," McCartney - album 21 Arched ceilings or vaults 22 Man’s slipper 24 An Oscar winner: 1990 29 Pygmy’s pigment 27 “-Stop The ’ Music,” 1980 film 28 Ruler of England: 924-40 31 Feast of Lots 32 Bothersome people 38 Ponder 40 Gobi's refractory images 41 Macadamizes 42 Chemists’ substances 43 Indigent ones, old style 48 Get out! 47 Great Caesar’s ghost ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE _. _ so I PKxep up a ‘Few’ BOOKS AT -me LIBRARY ... . . . I Receive up to $500 tuition w*ek6nd*and Holiday®w-15 - R>r rnow^gMjrortrme Rrat Commerce JdbHoWne Receive up to $500 tuition assistance! , MM IhMiaMktfOtaMw AtfnRSrOOMMBKZM National Bank of Commerce is currently accepting ap plications for the (blowing part-time positions: * Teller - WWamatxag. Havelock, Parkway and East Park ; Balance & Transit Clerk For more details call the First Commerce Job Hotline at 434-4700 or visit our website at Equal Opportunity Employer sates Assoctatercustom Framing, diverse responsibili ties. Creative working environment. Permanent part time. 15-25 hours par week. Must be reliable <nd cus tomer service oriented. Flexible hours, includes week snds. Dick BBck Art Materials. 474-2062. Sears Automotive Tire and battery installer. Flexible hours. $6.00/hour base, plus incentive of $.90- $1.30. Uniforms and tools provided. CaM pager number 473-2478. EOE Seeking male or female for swine production assistant. Flexible weekday and weekend hours. Good pay. FrierxSy atmosphere. Contact tarrowing manager. Laud OeWng, 794-0303. U-STfP Starting Salary Between $6.00 & $6.50 Seeking to fUl the customer service associate positions. Part-time and Full-time hours available at a variety of locations. Benefits available. Preferable 19 years or older to apply. Call 435-3509 Ext.242. Mon day-Sunday, Day or evening to set up an appointment. An Equal OoDortunitv EmokMar I s 1 l ] s \ 3 s 49 Author Augusto Bastos so In the manner of ancient Greeks 53 Like certain charges 54 Slice again 55 Absconded DOWN t Of muscular contractions a Egg painting 3 *1 would give no man— Shak. 4 Dairy cattle of India 5 Ancient Ionian kingdom • Emulated Coe orCram 7 Go hammer and tongs • Magnitude •“-del Cairo”: Mozart 10 Sailing vessel 11 Alaskan lake 12“-the Dark," Palance film 13 “Barry—,” O'Neal film 15 —1—shanter ie Cainan's father 22 Boom letters 23 'Kidnapped” auth. 25 Israeli Prime Minister from Milwaukee 26 Place of desire? 25 Church projection 29 Sounds of rebuke 90 Charlemagne’s emp. 32 Actress Greene 33 Cal Ripken’s team 34 “—Vita" yeAW—you ReAuy diWt KNOW MUCH, pip you? j r STUDENT EMPLOEE ACCOUNTING CONTRACTS ASSISTANT University Housing Dept hiring immedfeteiy. Academic Vbar 12-15 hours, summer Ml time. Computer Experi ence Necessary. Contact Housing Contracts, 1006 Seaton Hafi for an appfication. Salaty <5.65 per hour. w. Study This Ad! Up to $7 per hour $6.50 per hour to start JoaTths teem that payal Butter King offers excellent pay and exciting benefits Tuition reimbursement program rtexiDie scneouie •Paid vacation *Meai discounts/paid breaks Tree meals untl the first paycheck The prerequisites? Ambition, energy and a friendly atti tude. Apply in person to BK manager at Student Union. EOE SUBWAY Part-time day, evening and weekend help available. Apply at 10th and Ugh_ TEACHER ASSISTANT Before and after school part-time positions available immediately in Lincoln Public Schools working with the Family Service Schools Out program. Responsibilities include: Assisting supervising teacher with activities, interacting with children, ana some parent communi cation. Flexible hours available in the morning and/or afternoon programs. Starting wage $5.50 and hour. Application required, Family Service, 501 South 7th, Lincoln, NE 68506. If you require accommodation to apply or interview, please contact the Human Resources office at 441-7949 or 1-800-642-8481. EEOC. Telephone Sales Representative Experian is an international organization, offering the worldto largest data and technology resources. Imme diate full-time (8:00am to 5:00pm) and part-time (flexible) positions are available In our Lincoln facility ter Telephone Sales Representative (in the CO-ROM Sales Group). These positions will aggressively market and seM Experian* Marketshare lead generation soft ware. Required skills and knowledge: Windows 95, attentions to detail, ability to work independently, per suasiveness/sales ability, mathematical aptitude, ne gotiation, planning and organization skills, and judge ment. Previous saies/teie-saies experience preferred; however, if interested, please submit an applica tion/resume to: Experian 949 West Bond St. Lincoln, NE 68521 Pay- IAIYA A73-Q7R1 f/w&w/n'&KS /3/vjpas: C&U//KD Mri£P awe... i 7 x BY MARK ILICP I s f i t BY MICHAEL JANTZE reetANy J I DO/ v SMwrreR... A4- Ijy 38 An Afr. people 38“-Joey” 37 Subnasal structure 38 Settle a dispute 38 Endeavored 40 Womanizer 41 Lead tool 43 C.C.U. site 44 Choir member 48 Having vocal quality, to Pierre 47 About 48 Fashionable Christian Si PBS offering S3 From-Z