The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 04, 1998, Page 3, Image 3

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Johanns speaks to College Republicans
Nelson criticizes Johanns
While saying he wanted to stay
out of the 1998 governor’s race,
Gov. Ben Nelson criticized Lincoln
mayor and Republican gubernatori
al candidate Mike Johanns for mak
ing remarks concerning Nelson’s
record on state spending Thursday
Johanns said this week that he
would have spent $800 million less
if he had been governor for the past
eight years.
Nelson said Johanns’ comments
were “irresponsible” and “mislead
ing” and pointed out that the aver
age growth rate in spending was
higher for the city of Lincoln than
for the entire state during the past
eight years.
He said the numbers Johanns
used to compare state spending
increases were inaccurate because
the average annual percentage of
spending increases for the entire
state included state aid to local gov
ernments - of which more than
$107 million went to the city of
If state aid had been cut, Nelson
10 more troopers to patrol
Gov.Nelson announced at a
rhursday morning press conference
in front of the State Capitol that 40
more State Patrol troopers will be
cruising Nebraska’s highway and
interstate roads this Labor Day
He said the State Patrol officers
will monitor Nebraska to ensure
compliance with traffic laws,
including speed limit and safety belt
The additional troopers were
drawn from administrative person
nel who volunteered to patrol state
roads during the busy holiday week
end, State Patrol Col. Michael Behm
He said the State Patrol’s goal is
to prevent any accident-related
deaths on a weekend when an aver
age of three people are killed on the
state’s roads.
Ethanol fuel choice for state
Nebraska has added 13 new
f'hrvslor mini-vans desioned to run
on high-percentage ethanol gasoline,
Gov. Nelson announced Thursday.
Of more than 1,200 vehicles in
Nebraska’s fleet, almost 200 have
engines that bum fuel made with 15
percent ethanol, making Nebraska
the second largest user of ethanol
powered vehicles in the nation,
Nelson said.
Nelson said the number of gaso
line stations supplying fuel contain
ing ethanol has increased since
1991, making it easier for more peo
ple to purchase the higher-octane
In the U.S. there are an estimated
250,000 vehicles built to use higher- ,
percentage ethanol fuel. >« ., , iVl
Nelson encouraged more people
to purchase so-called E-85 vehicles
and said increased use of ethanol
would have a positive impact on the
price of corn and grain sorghum,
which are used to produce ethanol.
“It’s good for the environment
and it’s good for the economy,” he ,
Compiled by senior staff
writer Todd Anderson.
said, increases in spending at the
local level would have been greater.
Using numbers supplied by the
Johanns for Governor campaign,
Nelson said the average rate of
spending growth for the city of
Lincoln during the last eight years
was 4.1 percent, compared to a 3.1
percent increase in state spending
when state aid to governmental sub
divisions is accounted for.
Nelson touted his conservative
spending record, saying he’s proud
of holding the line on state spend
“I’m a fiscal conservative,”
l*T 'Nelson Said. **'": • • ' v
“I’ve even been called a. fiscal
conservative by other fiscal conser
Nelson called on the Lincoln
mayor to point out where he would
have made $800 million in cuts over
the past eight years, but said he did
n’t expect a response.
“It’s hard to look people in the
eye and tell them you’re cutting
their funding,” Nelson said.
Because of an editing error, the
student government telephone num
ber was listed incorrectly for organi
zations interested in donating money
to the Laura Cockson Memorial
Scholarship. The Association of
„ Students of the University of
Nebraska phone number is (402)
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By Brian Carlson
The UNL College Republicans
began gearing up for the campaign sea
son by hearing from Lincoln Mayor
Mike Johanns, who will be at the top of
their party’s ticket in November.
Johanns, the GOP nominee for
governor, spoke to the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln group Wednesday
In brief remarks before his partisan
audience, he touched on famihar con
servative campaign themes. He called
for more efficient government, setting
priorities and providing tax relief -
things he said he had accomplished as
“Part of the responsibility of gov
erning is making choices about what
are priorities and funding them at an
appropriate level,” he said. “We
should not define government so
expansively as to try to be all things to
all people.”
Johanns was asked about his deci
sion to oppose a constitutional amend
ment to limit the growth of state rev
enue, a proposal he had earlier
He said he changed his mind when
he realized the amendment’s language
would restrict the use of state surpluses
We should not define government so
expansively as to try to be all things to all
Mike Johanns
gubernatorial candidate
to income and sales tax relief. That
would preclude property tax relief in
Nebraska, he said.
Johanns also alluded to the scan
dal-ridden past few months of Bill
Clinton’s presidency and Clinton’s sup
port from Johanns’ opponent,
Democrat Bill Hoppner.
“I take great pride in saying I voted
for Bob Dole in 1996. And I voted for
George Bush in 1992,” he said. “I don’t
think my opponent is anywhere tonight
telling people he’s proud to have voted
for Bill Clinton in the last two presi
dential elections.
“That’s where we begin in defining
the differences in this race.”
Johanns also encouraged members
to become involved in his campaign.
Motivated, energetic workers and vol
unteers would have a chance to move
up in die campaign ranks and possibly
earn a role in a Johanns administration,
he said.
Michael McDaniel, president of
the College Republicans, said his
group planned to be active in the cam
paign, recruiting volunteers and pro
moting discussion of important politi
cal issues.
The group also has scheduled
speakers for the fall.
Ward Connerly, who worked to
pass California’s Proposition 209 end
ing affirmative action in 1996, will
speak Sept. 29. Omaha Mayor Haul
Daub will speak Oct. 13, and 2nd
District GOP congressional nominee
Lee Terry will speak on a yet unspeci
fied date.
Johanns’ bid for governor tops the
agenda, McDaniel said, ^ . n > |
“We are 100 percept supportive of
Mike Johanns,” he said “We share .the
same viewpoints, and we support his
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