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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1998)
Available for May and August; 3-4 Barfcooms, 2 Baths, 2 Garage, Appliances, W/D, Central Air, No Pets; 3 Bedroom $785; 4 Bedroom $8954825; 435-7807. ' | t I_ Available Now! 2845 T ‘Brand New*— By Campus. 3 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 omai garage, washer/dryer. A* Appliances. $785. 1415 S.W. 22nd Nearly New* —Townhouse, 3 bedroom, 2 bath. WhsherAftyar. 2 car garage. $895. Newer 4 bedroom, 2 bath. Washer/dryer. Garage. All Appliances. Between campuses. Off street parking. 465-8911 1 Bedroom Apartments Also Aw8aMs Rental Real Estate J>ennis Management. Co. QUALITY FOR LESS 2 bedroom apartments within 2 miles from campus. No pets. All have coin laundry. Year leases. Clean. 2527 H $435 w/balcoay 1560 S. 20 $425 w/balcoay 203 8. 30 $405 w/garage 920 S. 22 $455 w/Breplaoe 1 bedroom apartments $295 & up Houses $700 and up i ' RENTAL REAL ESTATE 469-6345 2 bedroom 1000m ft California bath. New appliances including newer 7 plex mostly graduate students available August 1st. No smoking, no pets. $475 2501E Street 432-3686. 2 bedroom, in historic Hayward Condos. AM electric, secure building. Verrrry nice. $665 + utilities/month. Cal (402)335-3606. Leave Messrs. 1020 C Sheet Beautiful tegs one bedroom. $395 plus deposit CaM Mm. 430-901^ 1717 J Street; 2 bedroom, $375. Heat, water, and garbage paid; 483-2034 2638 “Q” . Two bedroom in new 4-plex. AM appliances, include waaher/dryer. 2 stal garage. Eden Management 489-2333 3501 Baldwin, 2 bedroom, nicely decorated, C/A, fire place ^laundry, parking, brick 4-plex. No Smoking. August 1st! East Campus —targe 2 bedroom, deck, fireplace, parking 4210 Huntington. $470.423-0002. RPCVJHiinilfl Start enjoying the benefits of working with one of the largest, and most pro fessional teleservices companies in the nation...great pay and benefits, great experience and great people! $70051 Plus these and other terrific benefits: • Bonuses • Paid Professional Training • Paid Vacations/Holidays • Insurance & 401 (k) • Immediate Evening & Limited Daytime Schedules Make Your Move Today! Call 476-0445 Or apply in person: 9 a.m.- 6 p.m. 809 P Street 'Upon completion of training. Reduced work schedule may affect hourly rate. Thorough background investigations conducted on prospective employees. An equal opportunity employer. m Marketing Services OStay CoolO SPLASH in our pooil Spacious apartments, featuring concrete balconies, perfect for 680*8, central air, electric entry, off-street parking in a serene neighbor hood. 475-7262 Read the Summer Edition of the Daily Nebraskan each Thursday Si' Si'_ Si'_ Vi'- Si'- Si'- Si'- Si/- Si'- Si' Si' Si' Si' Si' v,/ Tfv 7^7^ Tfc 'y%. -/fk TfT'yfrTlCTfr ^ ^3® !>©$#*.. || ^ What ora your plans for naxt year? -)£ k~ Grab your friends, and check out ¥ . ■* <*apartments> . -^r k- k 9™ ft Claremont 474-7275 ^ */$£* 3 4 4 bedrooms available for August ^ kik-k-kkik-k k k k k k k k k /l> /I' /T' /!> /!' /I' /T' /»' /»'"* nn'"* o' /t> /p"“’Tn Brand New 3 bedroom, 3 Bath. W/D in each unit. $840iper month, available July. No Smokers. CalJuRan 432-7P30 or Rembdt Homes 468-9222. CAMPUS CLOSE HEAT PAID! .3 LOCATIONS 1100 North aSIh 2804 Vine Shoot 1121 North 2Mh 1 Bedroom Super dean Appliances, £VW On-site laundry 6 month lease Parking $375,monthly 489-4857 Cherry Hill Realty Colonial Heights Apartments One, two and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and Indoor heied pool. 421-3070. Current & Fall Leases ENERGY-EFFICIENT, affordable one and two bedroom units with electric entry and sound/fire resistant con struction. Our community is nestled on tree-line streets, just 5 minutes to UNL - 475-7262 Efficiency Apartment for Rent. Light, bright, clean, wood floors, heat furnished, quiet tumished or unfur nished, no smoking, grad student or staff. Call 477-8282._ Free cellular phone With eveiy rental. Great apartments. 2 bedroom soites w/fireplace. Swimming pool w/large tanning deck. Hexane lease terms. Pick up your nee phone tottay. Great Price. Must See. WiHowhaven Apartments 1800 Knox St 476-6200 Leasing for Now and August. One, two, and three, bedroom apartments. Management One 477-2600 T«H£mi*moT i OflvmSlMtTTOOFl .. c\sm cut tmere_ 13 Wt 601 W "omsfi cuwos. HOUR "W Tcttsav ciom mw£ am -MMWl%MES>0HE5. ACROSS i Carolina rail s Caliphs 10 Economist Greenspan 14 Stole is Jollity is Trigonometric term 17 Banquet rationale 20 Airlines’ customers 21 Fencing swords 22 Tin Woodsman’s need 23 Tiff 2S Banquet messages 33 Keep-on (observe) 34 Tune for Tebaldi i 35CCXIV -s- II i 36M.Sc. or Ph.D. 37 The birds and 1 the Bee Gees 40 Always, in poesy 41 Raison d’ 43 Chemical suffixes 44 Knight’^ weapon 46 Some banquet speakers 48 Sonny portrayer: 1972 50 TV commercials si Cockpit chief 54 Hardens, as fat so Banquet perils 62 Idealism philosopher 63 Nimbi ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 14 Pace for a pony is A grandson of Adam M Parts of hammerheads 17“-and Lovers": Lawrence DOWN t 1 Cow for beans, e.g. 2 Killer whale 3Risqu6 4 Something often owed s Lion’s prey • Balmy 7“Exodus"hero and namesakes 8 High spots, for short 9 Husht to Germ free ti Mode of conversation 12 Status quo is Headland 18 Designs pressed into silks, e.g. 19 Substance 23 Most clever 24 “Tonight" show host of yore 29 V.M.I. student 29-a customer 27 Luzon’s Point 29 Substance giving red wine an astringent taste 29 Eggs on 30 Bread bakers 31 Princess Anne, to Princess Margaret 32 Begets 30*-Camera”: Van Druten 39 Snow vehicle 42 Convoys 45Says yes 47 M. Hulot portrayer 4t Deer playgrounds? •i Use a prod 82 Rimsky Korsakov subject Si “Tonight" show host today 84 Kipper 55 Rainer role 55 Tip end: Comb, form 57 Revolutionist Trotsky 55 Concordes 50 Forty winks 51 Scheduled