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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1998)
. - ---’..v. _- ■ ■ '__ ■—-■-■■■. ■■_______ . ____^_: Jeans, shorts and camo. The Jean Outlet 3241 South 13th Sindian Village 420-5151. iw# sentra 4 door XE Auto, air 42K $5350.1993 Talon 2 door auto, air 88K $4250.1990 Prizm 4 door auto, air 75K $3250.1990 Sentra 2 door 4 speed 76K $1850. Baer* Auto 1647 South 3rd 477-6442. JvU> iVIIIMPi ADOPTION A *-»--■»--— A loving Bnomiuvo We offer counseling and adoption services to help you plan the best future tor your baby. No fees or obligations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children's Home. 4600 Valley Rd.. Suite 314,483-7879 Massage therapy. Swedish, deep tissue. 477-0138 Auto Accidents & DWI Other criminal matters, call Sanford PoRack 476-7474. Criminal Defense, DWI, Bankruptcy, Stone Law Firm, Affordable Rates, 475-0055 _I washer/dryer, 9795. Available August 1.440-6046, _ _ Four bedroom house near campus/bus. Newly car peted/ insulated/ sided. Amiable July 1st 483-5445 or 483-4887. Four Bedrooms. 2988 Apple. $780 Throe Bedrooms, 2434 9625 Throe Bedrooms, 1314 N. 24th, 9625 Throe Bedrooms, 1325 N. 21st, 1628 Three bedrooms. 909 N.23rI, 8800. Pets Welcome. 432-6644 / Ml I Ml WBMmMmgMkjmm HOUSES FOR RENT '“WALK TO CAMPUS* 2331V 5 bedroom, 2 bath, new carp*, fresh paint, new binds, washer & dryer, appliances, C/A, parking, no pets. $995. 2309 *U* 4 bedroom, 1 bath, washer & dryer, appli ances, C/A, parking, no txrts.^395. 465-6911 Juniors/Seniors/ Upper Classmen Great home dose to UNL. Air conditioning, wash 423-1535 di#hwa#her' ®Pen now or in August. Large main floor. 244 S. 26th. Two bedroom. Sun porch. $475. Utilities paid. Offstreet parking. flci hoinn n»r cwipui. 15? 0011. 3204 HokJrege. Four bedroom, 11/2 baths. $775. 1541 N. 26th. Five bedroom, two baths. $900. One to five bedroom apartments and houses. 489-5166 Share 3 bedroom acerage, stable, pool $400 month. 467-2840.__ SmaM two bedroom house in quaint older neighborhood. $360 plus utMWee. 475-7262 for appointment 1429 N 20th, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, wash er/dr^er,^no smoking, no pets, $625. AvaUabie Aug 1st ARE You SINGLE AND... Want to meet Someone? * The CUPID CONNECTION . Can Help! •Tired of reading the personal ads? •Spending a fortune on 900 numbers? •Wonder what the other person looks like? CUPID CONNECTION HAS THE ANSWER! •CALL 1 -800-794-0667 FOR DETAILS! •MUST BE 18 OR OLDER...NO ONE IS TOO OLD! •Only requirement is that your are single! THIS IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO MEET OTHER SINGLES! Exciting New Concept...Extremely Affordable Call Cupid Connection Don’t Delay Call 1-800-794-0667 Today 1 -800-794-0667 Not just another dating service