The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 18, 1998, Summer Edition, Page 3, Image 3

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more than bargains
By Barb Churchill
Staff Reporter
Thrift stores aren’t just for bargain
hunters any more.
At one time thrift stores were just
places to buy cheap clothes and house
hold items, but now they offer many
other options.
Gwen Gies, manager of Lincoln’s
Junior League Thrift Shop, 2201 O St,
wants people to know about the options
Junior League Thrift and many other
“customer-friendly” thrift stores have to
“If you’re trying to put together a
wardrobe on a budget, we’re going to
show you things that will interchange,
so you can stretch that dollar,” Geis
said. “We understand budgets.”
The staff at Junior League Thrift
Shop is adept at helping people who
have little or no experience with profes
sional dressing, Gies said.
“Recently, we helped a woman try
out several interview outfits, for both
- her first and second-round interviews,”
Gies said. “She got the job, and came
back and thanked us for our help.”
Junior League Thrift is unique as far
as Gies knows, because all the money
spent at Junior League Thrift stays in
Lincoln. In addition, because there are
only five paid staff members working
for Junior League Thrift, Gies included,
much of tire work is done by volunteers.
However, these volunteers are car
ing, sympathetic and “very” profession
al, she said
“We try to help people, especially
those on public assistance or making
very low incomes, with their interview
and career-wear” Gies said
Although Junior League Thrift spe
cializes in women Is clothing, they also
have men’s and children’s clothing
available, as well as housewares and
even some computer equipment from
time to time, she said
Business tends to be slower in the
summer, Gies said, because so many
students go home.
“Like anything else, retail takes a hit
in the summer. Secondhand stores, new
goods stores, even grocery stores, every
one takes a hit due to garage sales and
less students being around,” she said
Gies wanted students to know they
would Have help picking out just the
right outfits if they came to Junior
League Thrift
“We are more than just Goodwill,”
she said. “We are different from them;
we even have air-conditioning.”
The Junior League Thrift Shop’s
hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday
through Saturday. The store is closed
Jazz violinist
to perform
benefit concert
From Staff Reports
Friday, 90-year-old jazz
legend Claude “Fiddler”
Williams will perform during
the Lincoln Area on Aging’s
“Lifelong Living and All That
Jazz” benefit, located at the
Cornhusker Hotel, 333S. 13th
St. Williams has been active on
the jazz scene since the 1920s,
when he joined Count Basie’s
famed big band as its original
Williams' will play the vio
lin during his Lincoln stint. He
is the oldest of the remaining
jazz violinists. Ste{>hane
Grappelli died earlier this year
and other greats such as Jean
Luc Ponty are at least 30
younger than Williams.
“Lifelong Living and All
That Jazz”benefits the Seniors
Foundation, which serves
Lincoln and Lancaster County.
Hors d’oeuvres and compli
mentary wines and gourmet
ales will be served from 6:30 to
8:00 p.m. Williams, along with
Lincoln jazz group the
Lightning Bugs, will play from
8 to 10 p.m. Tickets are $30 per
person and can be ordered by
calling 441-6154.
Camp provides musical atmosphere
By Barb Churchill
Staff Reporter
Summer is supposed to be a time
for relaxing and unwinding.
But don’t tell that to the young stu
dents attending this week’s Great
Plains Music Camp.
The Midwestern students at the
Great Plains Music Camp will attend
multiple workshops, clinics, lessons
and concerts in order to totally
* immerse themselves in music, said
Robert Fought, director of Great Plains
and professor of saxophone at the
University ofNebraska-Lincoln.
“There are multiple objectives (for
the students),” Fought said. “The
important thing is that students come
to UNL for musical satisfaction, malm
new friends, learn something new
about music, get to know our students
and faculty and have fun.”
Great Plains tries to vary its activi
ties from year to year, Fought said, in
order to give returning students a sense
of musical growth and change. One
thing added this year was a master
class and performance from the a cap
pella group Pieces of Eight. Arts are
Basic collaborated with the UNL
School of Music to bring Pieces of
Eight to UNL, he said:
“Pieces of Eight will sit down and
talk about what it takes to be a musi
cian on Wednesday evening,” Fought
said. “This gives die students a little
better idea of what it is they are doing”
Great Plains is run as an outreach
program of the UNL School of Music,
Fought said Great Plains was intended
for middle school and high school
vocalists and instrumentalists to
improve their ability while meeting
other students which share the same
“The whole purpose of the School
of Music outreach programs is to reach
out to die community. That’s why we
have the Winter Winds festival,
Saxophone Day and many other activ
ities. We want to share our musical
experiences with the people in the state
and region, and invite them to partici
pate in musical activities,” Fought said
Saxophonist Karen DeVries
believes Great Plains is a positive
“I think the camp helps with musi
cal development and helps increase
playing ability” she said
One of the highlights thus far was
the UNL Faculty Recital, which was
held Monday in Kimball Recital Hall,
DeVries said.
“The recital was helpful to learn
new things you can do with your
instrument and musk,” DeVries said
“Gene (Smith, incoming UNL jazz
faculty member) played some nice
DeVries attended Great Plains last
year, and said she intends to come back
next year, because “it’s nice to meet
people and share our common inter
DeVries has only one complaint,
she wid
“Sometimes, the free time is bor
ing. There’s not a lot to keep us enter
tained, but there’s plenty of stuff to do
We want to share
our musical
experiences with the
people in the state
and region, and
invite them to
participate in
musical activities.”
Robeht Fought
camp director
during the day,” DeVries said. *
But all of die work will pay off by
Saturday, DeVries said.
Great Plains has several concerts
which are free and open to the public.
Thursday’s appearance by die a cap
pella group Pieces of Eight will be
held at 7:30 p.m. in Kimball Recital
Hall. Saturday’s small ensemble con
certs, featuring woodwind quintets
and quartets, brass quartets, a clarinet
choir, the Great Plains jazz vocal
ensemble, and barbershop quartets
will be held at 11 a.m. in both
Westbrook Recital Hall and Kimball
Recital Hall. The Great Plains’ final
concert will he held Saturday at 1:30
p.m. in the Lied Center for the
Performing Arts. Admission to all
events is free.
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