■‘I ' ;£ Jv; Jim ' J'V * Being gay OK, but being hud about it limits others’ views VANCE is a senior physical and health education mqjor and a Daily Nebraskan columnist, Here’s something pretty sick for you to hear. I like to have sex with large dogs, preferably boxers. I like to have sex with little girls, not over the age of 10.1 also enjoy doing it with elderiy, female amputees in wheel chairs. Two things are guaranteed. The first is that none of those are true. The sec ond is that you found the sexual acts I mentioned gross, repulsive and irrele vant information, unless you are really messed up and liked it So why did these statements gross you out? Quite simply because they are not deemed by society as normal, and all those with young daughters, large dogs and handicapped grandmas would be a bit scared wife me around. But if I did choose to engage in these acts, it would be my choice. I may feel I have a natural drive to perform these acts, but I could just not do them, in order to be accepted in this society. I could make a decision as to what is more important—my sexual drives and desires, or my societal acceptance. Or I could engage in these acts, and not go telling everyone. Sounds logical doesn’t it? Now why don’t we apply this logic to homosexuality? Homosexuals choose to follow their sexual desires. Then they expect to get social acceptance after telling the whole world about their sexual desires, drives and acts. Here’s the big flaw none of the gays seem to understand: With your action of coming out, you’re just defining yourselves by your sexuality. Of all foe key elements I expect people to know of me, my sexuality isn’t one of them. Do we call priests and nuns “nonsex uals”? No, because their sex life isn't too damn important So why is your sexual behavior so important that I need to be aware of it? If it is so important that it affects who you are, then why are you surprised when people act differently toward you? The more you define your selves by it foe more you limit my thoughts and expectations of you. I want to say I am not prejudiced against homosexuals. I really don’t care if a gay couple gets married, as they have the right to choose who drey want to be with. They have just as much right to that as they do choosing anything in life. That’s what this country is about. I am, however, sick of everyone coming out of the closet Not only do you all come out of the closet kicking and yelling, you stand in front of my televi sion, in my living room, telling the world about your sexuality. Next time you come out of the closet, make sure it’s on your way out the door. I really don’t care about your sexual behavior. Do you want to hear more stories about amputees, dogs and litde girls? Then why tell me about your desires and acts? This has nothing to do with homopho bia, or blocking out the gay population. It has to do with relevant information Granted I have shared my sexual behaviors in previous articles, but they were relevant to important points the majority of society faces, gay or straight Telling me you are a gay male simply tells me that ifby chance _ _ you rmd me attractive, you would like to bend me ove I think I could have gone without knovving that I understand not all gays find every one attractive, but with a self-ranking of 7, the odds are better than not that at least one gay male would find me possibly delicious. I am not a very religious person, and I haven’t quoted any Bible scriptures or verse so I can be more soundly represented in my view point. Just take an analytical look at this, 4m and maybe flmjrm you can 4 ^ understand why if you are gay, you should just be gay and be quiet!!! . , Anthony V Y ^ COLMAN Sex scares v -'V ' " .« because of own insecurities COLMAN is a sophomore general studies major and a Daily Nebraskan columnist. Why are straight people so obsessed with gay sex? A lot of homophobic straight people seem to miss die point entirely when faced with issues concerning gay rights and identities. All they seem to think about is what gay people do in bed. Many people seem to think that people are gay because of the kind of sex they have. Not true. Some religious groups say that it’s OKfor a person to be homosexual and to have homosexual thoughts, as long as they don’t act on those feelings and have sex with some one of their own gender. There are no laws against being gay, but there are quite a few laws that deal with specific same-sex sex acts. When the subject of gay sex does come up, many heterosexuals profess their aversion to the very notion of it, declaring it unnatural or just plain gross, as if any sex is very tidy. A lot of heterosexuals may so insistently portray their solid straightness in an effort to mask insecurity about their sexuality. Let’s iust face it. B While we’re more sexually v aroused when our psychological W preferences in partners are met, on a purely biological level, the human animal responds \ 1 to lubricated fm | \ \ friction. It really doesn’t matter whether this lubricated friction is applied by a man or a woman, a machine, or even a well trained animal; human sexual response on the biological level is automatic. It’s also true that humans can feel affection, even love, for members of their own gender. Emotions aren’t all that tidy. Affection can dip into mental, emotional, physical, sensual and sexual levels of awareness and expression, in spite of what one believes they ought to feel. When a person first realizes that they’re capable of some kind of sex or emotional response with another mem ber of the same sex, panic ensues. Bigots unquestioningly accept the notion that homosexuality is bad. One of the worst pejorative names little boys can think to call each other is “faggot” Later, when they become aware of their own sexuality and find, even for a heart beat that it flashes in the direction of the same sex, then there’s trouble. At this point, one has the choice to either confront one of the greatest and most pervasive taboos in our culture, or to deny the inner reaction by supporting the taboo. Almost invariably, people choose the latter. It’s an old psychological truism: the more you want to taste the forbidden fruit, the more you condemn it Shakespeare was aware of this concept, and assumed his audience understood it , so well that he made it a joke: “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” That line has been met with the laugh ter of recognition for almost 400 years. By soundly condemning homosexual ity outwardly, one avoids facing the possi bility that one might be capable of responding sexually or romantically to a member of onels own sex. When it comes right down to it, most people are afraid of homosexuali ty because they don’t want to think that they might be gay. That doesn’t mean that all homophobic men are really gay, although a surprising number of them are. But it’s possible that many het erosexuals are averse to the sugges tion of same-sex coupling so they can mask the fact that they’re secretly sort of intrigued by the idea. So what it comes down to is this: because of ignorance, sexual insecurity and unwillingness to simply deal open ly with one’s own feelings, we have to put up with rampant homophobia and gay-bashing. Homophobia doesn’t hurt just gay people. Ultimately such attitudes demean us all. It’s similar to a well-known point Frederick Douglass made about slavery: ultimately the society of slave-holders were hurting themselves, compromising their own morality and humanity by such vicious oppression of fellow humans. By harassing gay people and preaching hatred and intolerance, homophobes perpetuate oppression, degrade our societal standards and limit us by preventing people from interacting freely with one another. Ultarlal Fancy Unsigned editorials are the opinions of the Spring 1998 Daily Nebraskan. They do not necessarty reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its employees, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. 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