The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 04, 1998, RETROSPECTIVE, Page 11, Image 11

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    In words and pictures
“It’s ironic that Laura could
make me laugh like few others. I
never cried more than once or twice
in front of her. But from the time
Brenda and I ran into the
emergency room and learned the
fate of our friend, 1 have cried with a
hurt I never before felt.”
Sports Senior Reporter Shannon
Heffel finger on the death of her friend,
junior Laura Cockson. who was killed
by a drunken driver March 14.
“This is the most lame-brained,
crack-brained piece of nonsense I
have ever encountered in my life .”
Sen. Ernie Chambers of Omaha,
testifying against LB 1214, a bill that
would create a two-tiered mamages
“When Coke said it wasn’t given
a fair deal... that’s as erroneous as
can be.”
James Main, assistant vice
chancellor for business and finance,
on the beverage contract
“Got AIDS? Fag?"
Quote from graffiti found on UNL
sidewalks on Oct. 7, 1997
“ ... I just appreciate living long
enough to be blessed by so many
people that God has led into my life,
and my last statement would be that
I hope that this incident will inspire
other people to find another wav ... ”
The last words of Robert Williams.
who was put to death Dec. 2, 1997. for
murdering twv women in 1977
“I have no social life. I have no
Lt. Gov. Kim Robak. on how her
work as a mother of two ami as a lieu
tenant governor kept tier mom the
gubernatorial rac j
‘i am sad by the outcome of this
v ote because it is going to be
misinterpreted by the community.
It is going to be seen as a lack of
sensitivity to the diversity in Lincoln.
Symbols like this are loudly heard.”
Chancellor James Moeser, on the
Academic Senate’s initial vote to not
observe Martin Luther King Jr.’s
birthday with a university holiday
“It’s always easy and satisfying to
piease the public. It’s very difficult,
but crucial, to inform them."
Veteran journalist Bill Moyers.
in a speech to journalism students
“I’m a firm opponent of closing
school. I said I would never close it.
but I think it’s the right thing to do."
Chancellor James Moeser, on
closing school in the wake of the
October blizzard
“The neighborhoods are just
decimated. It looks like a war zone
out there...."
Mayor Mike Johanns, describing
the scene after the October buzzard
“Picture this: a huge cola and
aluminum bust of ASUN President
Curt Ruwe in greenspace.
Let’s get started.”
Dewin Rickett, a senior biological
sciences major, on what to do with
6,000 Pepsi cans and a roll of duct tape
Matt MillkrDN'
MORRISON, left, Matt Siglinger, back, and
alumnus Ben Bare play a board game dur
ing the power outage after the snowstorm
in late October. These students did not
% . have electricity and heat for five days, and
jjgggij temperatures in the house dipped below
jp 45 degrees.
COACH TOM OSBORNE announced his
retirement at a Dec. 11 news conference.
I Osborne was inducted into the College
I Football Hall of Fame after the waiting
period was waived.