GRANT from page 1 their friends. “We don’t want to see our friends - people in our sorority houses or residence halls - we don’t want to see these people hurt and killed by drunk driving or irre sponsible drinking,” Neall said. She said grant representatives wanted to know why UNL students went on bar crawls, a 21st birthday ritual where they go to bars and become highly intoxicated. Neall said students go on bar crawls as a rite of passage, because of peer pressure and to do some thing they could not do before. Bar crawls were a concern of government and law enforcement representatives who met later that afternoon. Sen. Carol Hudkins of Malcom said, “The problem is the friends of newly 21-year-olds go out just to see kids get smashed out of their minds.” Hudkins said they also dis cussed how law enforcement would use the grant money to hire more police officers to bust parties where minor drinking occurred, which would make underage drink ing more of a risk. But Hudkins said the goal of the grant was to promote responsi ble drinking, not eliminate drink ing. “It is not an abstinence thing, except for those under 21, so it’s responsible drinking. It’s a case of let’s control the binge drinking - the whole bunch of alcohol in a small time,” Hudkins said. And UNL students seem to fre quently binge drink, which is why the university was invited to apply. The University of Nebraska Lincoln had drinking patterns exceeding the national average by 6 percent* according to a-1994 study UNI Unis in IrinUng rates The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation may give up to $700,000 to the university to help combat binge drinking problems, which have been identified in three studies. • 44 percent of college students are binge drinkers • 20 percent of that group are frequent binge drinkers • 35 percent of UNL binge drank in high school and college • 58 percent of UNL freshmen binge drink • UNL students drink and drive at a rate 19 percent higher than the national average • 9u percent or assuaits reported on campus were alcohol related (1995 study) • 57 percent of UNL students reported binge drinking one or more times in the past two weeks (1994 study) • 28 percent of UNL students said the safest place for a minor to drink was a fraternity or sorority party • 92 percent of UNL students said alcohol was easy to obtain • 114 bars and restaurants with liquor licenses are located within a one mile radius of City Campus Source: 1994 study by Henry Wechsler for the Harvard School of Public Health 1997 UNL Omnibus Survey 1995 study commissioned by Chancellor James Moeser of 140 colleges by Henry Wechsler for the Harvard School of Public Health. Binge drinking was defined as five or more drinks for a man — four for a woman — in one night. Charles Greene, director of judicial affairs, said as the universi ty cracked down on on-campus drinking, the community felt the effects. The grant would allow them to work together on the prob lem. ® priff f#*? I?. aWiTOWi 'I i ilili ii ■H—MMaeaiMir .., ly - as a community, as a campus within the community - is devise a plan to educate everyone on the evils and ills of drinking,” Greene said. Greene said talking to students - and the community — and get ting them involved was the strength of UNL’s proposal. Greene said the key to success of the grant, if UNL received it, would be education. “If you talk to folks enough, perhaps they’ll listen.” Gun shots kill 1 student, wound 2 at Nashville party NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - A masked gunman fired indiscriminately on a home where a party was being held early Thursday, killing one college stu dent and wounding two others. No one has been arrested for the 1:30 a.m. shooting, which occurred in a house near the Tennessee State campus in suburban Nashville. The assailant fired several shots from a rifle through a front window, sending approximately 20 people inside scrambling for cover. “Bullets were flying around tod people were looking for someplace to hide,” said Nashville Police Sgt. Charles Griffin. Hershel J. King, 21, of Chicago was killed. Fellow Tennessee State students Cicely E. Mitchell, 21, of Dyersburg, Tenn., and John W. Hart, 23, of Houston, were wounded. They were in fair condition following surgery at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Another young woman suffered a broken arm when partygoers ran for cover. Griffin said it does not appear that King was singled out by the assailant. Authorities have no motive for the shooting. Last October, a former Tennessee State student was killed in a campus dormitory when Ik pulled a gun on two men who were trying to buy marijuana from him. That killing occurred during “crime-free week” at the school, which has an enrollment of8,600. Racial remark leads to call for official’s ouster PERU (AP) — A state senator is calling for the ouster of a top official at Peru State College who admitted mak ing a racially insensitive remark at a fac ulty retreat. David Ainsworth, vice president of academic affairs, was accused by the Peru State faculty union of suggesting that a white female faculty member dress in blackface to satisfy diversity requirements. “I was addressing a a faculty retreat in early April and I made a remark that was at best a little insensitive,” Ainsworth said from his home Thursday. “At that time I apologized for it, and since that time I have contacted those folks in writing.” / Omaha Sen. Ernie Chambers, who is black, is not satisf ed with the apology. “Nebraska is not big enough for Peru State College and Dr. Ainsworth. One of the two has got to go,” Chambers told KQLN-TV in Lincoln. “If tfify do not fire him, I am going to do every thing in my power to dismantle Peru State and send it into oblivion.” The State College Education Association sent a letter of complaint to Ainsworth, Peru State College President Robert Burns and the Nebraska State Education Association. Ainsworth is accused in the com plaint of making the comment during an April 3 retreat at Peru State’s Regional Technology Cento- in Nebraska City. “We’re concerned about statements which might be construed as having racist construct,” said Roger Larsen of the Nebraska State Education Association, an umbrella organization for higher education faculty unions. Ainsworth said his comment did not reflect racism on his part. “I have spent my career working to improve cultural relations, working to teach teachers to deal with multicultur alisfn and diversity;” he said.*1 intend to continue to support those principles. j CONGRATULATIONS \ the College of Business Administration j salutes some of our finest students | Chancellor’s Leadership Recognition Essential Experiences Award Recipients TanyArit Serena Birge N&befleBuanrd »« -« «*»•« PnmBMWW CKwumi /# AfexsMn rsaie-wooa tt. . ciBnaunn Arwwftl* fcTt AtlsMon /wpaanaaB Cara Medley ^Sars SlmBonsea Bv/itSday - W- ..>. »L mwk i umef Erin Went Outstanding Student Organization Member |>, ,, ,««■%»_ f |••,: .>v • pwwSCU ivipil - 81 v|pKleat Athlete of tbe Year $yaaTefcn .. fvrmrnmmsgsa^^^ - ■ ■ ."irirrri.v || || I Blltl ill EjjSl it B mmSB ilXtl IfSili I^B ig| |E sLSBI Bl iyi nn j^B By^^Bb £J| BB bEUp IK^MIB ^i^bP ink B ^B B I'BflB V^i B B B^^^BBIk BlBBI B JH Bni BWlflf ik^^ni. 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