The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 27, 1998, Page 15, Image 15

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    Summer employment
Omaha World Herald seeks outgoing self starter to re
cruit select and contract newspaper carriers for home
delivery in the Lincoln Market. Must be 18 or over,
have reliable transportation with liability insurance.
Pleae call 476-6100 for more information or appl.y at
825 MSLSte 103, Lincoln.
Summer employment person to help install underground
sprinkler systems. Experience preferred but
will train right person if not afraid to work. Fun job, fun
people. Call 580-6208.'
$$ Attendance Bonus $t
Our new incentive plan wilt put cash in your pocket
Nahrask a mink Company
has many positions open. Stocking, Packing, Misc
Warehouse duties. Rain or shine 40 hours a week.
Daytime- no weekends. May through August. Ws have
a few openings now of you have hours open prior to final
4700 South 19th SL
Surrogate Mothers Wanted
Fee plus expenses for carrying a couple* child. Must
be 18-35 and previously had a child, jjtevenjjtz, At
tomey(317)996-2000. - ^
Swim Instructors (WSI) and Lifeguards for Red Dfbss
Lessons. Part - Time, June 2 - August 14, Up to $6
-per hour. Apply at 220 Oakcreek Drive, or call
.441-7997 ^ _ ,
Temporary Positions
Medteafinformran Services Cterk
3PM-1AM "
Monday through Thursday
Performs ail clerical functions necessary to file, retrieve,
copy and distribute medical records. Performs
various clerical dutiee as required. Abie to operate var
ious types of office equipment including FAX, copier,
phones, microfilm reader/printer and computer tracking
systems. Gives and follows written as well as oral
instructions. Performs duties under minimal supervision.
Please submit resume/application or call:
Bryan Memorial Hospital
Human Aaeourcss
1000 South 48ft Street
Lincoln, HE 68606
Fare (402)483-8444
JOB LINE: (402) 483-3606
The Pta-Mor Ballroom is looking for a friendly, energetic
individual to join our bar tending staff. Must be 21 or
over. Call 475-4030. Tuesday through Friday for more
The Still
Lincoln’s Leading Liquor Retailer is seeking a motivated
team leader for Night Manager. Retail experience a
must. Send Resume to: 5560 S. 48th St., Lincoln, NE
a €PmsrCaamaimk ■
National Bank of Commerce is currently accepting Ap
plications for.
Part-time Tetier- Pioneers
Part-time Tstier- Wamaburg
For more details call the First Commerce Job Hotline
at 434-4700.
Equal Opportunity Employe
The Commuter and Student Services Center has a list
of tutors for students use. Anyone wishing to be on the
list of either to tutor or in need of a tutor, fill out an ap
plication at the ASUN Commuter and Students Services
Center. 116 Nebraska Union.
FT/PT Positions Available. Garden Center Cashiers
and Sales Floor. Variety of Hours. Apply Anytime at
the Layaway Department.
We are now hiring for full time or part time positions.
Please apply in person. Sam’s Club, 4900 North 27th.
We need umpires for baseball. Lincoln Little Chiefs.
Call 432-5191, leave your name and number. $$$$
Weekends only, Omaha World Herald has an opening
for a customer service representative for Saturday and
Sundays from 6:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Duties include
answering phones, enter data into computer system,
dispatch newspapers. Please apply at 825 M, ste 103,
r*1 ■
Daytoursjfo^s^5 and tk June only. Transportation
Needed: Energetic. Nurturing and Conscientious Stu
dent for Babysitting Monday, Wednesday and Friday
afternoons. 2 Preschool Children, References Required.
Summer Work Study Student Wanted to Work in the
Economics Department, CBA. Computer experience
preferred, general office duties include operating copy
machines and-some phone, $6 per hour, cak Carol at
Adventure in New England
Join 40 ONL students working in New England this
summer. Make $3,000-$10,000 depending on how
hard you work. 477-7559. ;
CAMP STAFF- Outstanding, accredited Slim Down
Camp on modem college-campuses in Massachusetts
and Pennsylvania seeks-students and professionals in
terested in fitness and funl Specialties: athletics,
dance, aerobics, tennis, swim, nutrition, R.D., R.N. 7
weeks, internship credit available. Three years college
minimum. You can help.change a life this summer!
Camp Camelot,■■800-421-4321; e-mail:
Church nursery worker needed Sunday mornings,
9:15-12:15. Se^S/hour. Please cafl for Kalhy on Monday
or Wednesday. 486-4673 or 483-4262.
Full Time - Summer Help
Quality Movers Express is presently taking phone and
written applications for its summer Crew, with 7 loca
tions in Kansas and Nebraska we have the job for you.
If you ate 18 year or older and want a fun time summer
job with a lot of variety, give us a call today! We will
take down the necessary information to reserve you a
slot on our summer crew. At that time, arrangements
will be made for you to be sent an application to com
plete and return. Once you have signed on you can
earn additional bonus money for each friend you recruit
to come work with us. Call the location nearest
your summer home: Wichita 800-239-1422, Manhattan
800-239-1423, Salina 800-239-1424, Topeka
800-239-1425,Lawrence 800-238-1426, Kansas City
(Shawnee, KS) 800-239-1427, and Omaha, NE
• Have fun
• Make a difference
• Summer in New England
Residential Summer Camps Seek Staff in ALL individual
and team sports; Baseball, Basketball, Tennis, Soccer,
In-Line Hockey, Golf, Swimming, Sailing, and RN's
and Coaches. Located in the Berkshire Mountains of
Massachusetts, just two and a half hours away from
NYC. Boston. Competitive Salaries + Room and
Board. Internships are available. Call Camp Greylock
for Boys (800)842-5214 or Camp America for Girls
(800)779-2070 Grad. Students Welcome.
Help Wanted
For Custom Harvesting. Combine operators and truck
drivers. Experience preferred. Good summer wages.
Call (970)483-7490 evenings.__
Horseback Riding
Staff Needed
Work at a Girl Scout summer overnight camp for 9
weeks June-August, 1998. Call (303)778-8774
EXT247or e-mail:
Run new Case International Combines, and new Auto
matic Twin Screw Trucks. Need non-drinkers and
non-smokers, need CDL Driver's Liscence, Will help
obtain CDL, Room and Board Provided. Call
785*689-4660. __
* I i-l •* > 7 « --V-. ~ «o OK* •
Painters needed. Over 100 positions available. No ex
perience needed. Work outside in your hometown
with friends. 1-888-277-9787. _
Show me the money!
Make $6500 this summed College credit, travel. Resume
builder. Call Yvette at 436-9591.
Summer Employment at
Branched Oak Lake
Full and Part Time Available. Please call Don or Linda
at Branched Oak Marina and Restaurant 783-3311
Summer Employment: Persoh to care for two small
children in my home. Ages 4 and 18 months. Please
call 486-1356.
Looking for Customer Service Representatives wanting
to work in a dynamic, progressive, family oriented Con
venience store. Competitive wages plus commissions,
benefits and advancements available. Ask for Jeff at
475-8504 to set up an appointment
Understanding the
Female Athlete
Learn from Jive experts
J.B. Ketner, MD
Kiynn K. Buckley, MD
Douglas P. Tewes, MD
Optimum Diet
Karen Miller, RD, UNL
Disordered Eating
Kerri Kirby-Alcalde, Liaison,
UNL Athletic Department
Ut$. Department of Agriculture; Agricultural Research .
Service; GS-1 tp GS-2 ($6.55 to $7.36/hr); Laboratory
& Field Research Positions Open for Summer Employ
ment; Wheat, Sorghum, & Forage Research Unit; 344
Keim Hail, East Campus, University of Nebraska, Lin
coln, NE; Phone: 402-472-1490 or 402-472-2961. The
United States Department of Agriculture is an Equal
Opportunity Employer.
What are you doing for summer vacation???
Rancho del Chaparral, a summer camp for girls
high in the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico, is
looking for staff members for the 1998 summer
» season, May 30-August 3,1998. Positions
able include Program Staff,Counselors
and Administrative Staff. Please call or write:
Girl Scbuts of Chaparral Council, Inc., 600
TUeras NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102. Phone
Work with Kids! Have Fun!
Outstanding brother/sister camps in N.H. and Maine
seeks counselors: WStersports, Landsports, Tennis,
Mountain Biking, Arts, WMdemess, Gymnastic and
more! Top salary/ travel room/ board. Cedar (boys:
888-844-8080, apply on line Wicosuta (girls:
•800-846-9426, e-mail: WicocampGultran&com)
Accounting Internship.
Dinosaurs Et$. the museum gift shop at MonrW Hall is
offering afield internship to'an accounting Major with
junior status and 3.5 G.P.A. or above. Please send re
sumes to 206 Momll Hail; Attention Amy, Lincoln NE
68588; DeadSne 5-8-98 m
Paid Internship for Student
with Good Computer Skills
Proficient with database management. Organized,
able to work-on multiple projects and meet deadlines.
Knowledge of web design and scanning a plus. Expe
rience with Microsoft Access preferred. Internship to
begin this summer and extend through May 1999.
16-20 hours per week. Flexible schedule. Close to
city campus. $7 per hour. Send resume' or letter of
application by May 1 to Nebraska Film Office, P.O.
Box 94666, Lincoln, NE 68509-4666.
S8 ~~ " *
A Sister Circle
An informal discussion group of African
American women. Contact Tolandra, 472-2597.
Mondays 6-7pnv Nebraska Union 340.
Attention Alt Students
Please review your class sylabi and determine if there
is a conflict with Dead Week POKcy. If so, please contact
ASUN • Student Government as soon as possible
at 115 Nebraska Union, 472-2581.
Final examinations for full semester classes are to be
given ONLY at the rsguiarly echeduledtime as published ' ■
in the Official Schedule of Classes or at another
time DURING FINALS WEEK mutually agreeable to all
The only examinations that may be given during the
last week of classes (Dead Week) are: Tab, practical ex
aminations. make-up or repeat examinations and
self-paced examinations.
Projects, papers and speeches scheduled for comple
tion during the last week of classes (Dead Week) must
have been assigned in writing by the end of the
EIGHTH WEEK of the semester. This refers to the project
and its scope, but hot the topic.
Quizzes are acceptable during Dead Week.
Nursing Students: Stop by Fairfield today from 1 (-1 for
information about Kaplans NCLEX course. _
Pre-Law Students: Stop by outside the Union 11-1
Wednesday for information about Kaplan's upcoming
LSAT course. '
The Publications Board will meet at 3:30 p.m. Monday
in the Nebraska Union to discuss Daily Nebraskan poli
cies. AD are invited to attend.
UNL Horticulture Club
Meeting 5 pm, Tuesday, April 28 in Keim 327. Last
meeting. Don't miss the good food!
Congratulations to Matt Sasek and Heidi Thomas on
their recent pinning. It wa&about time Sas!
-Your brothers
Congratulations to Scott Peterson and Todd Franzen
for being selected as Emerging Leaders leaching As
sistants. Wby to go guysl r
Islander *98
The great king, is ready to start the sacrifices!
Congratulations to Todd Uher on being elected Pres
ident of A £ n Professional Fraternity.
Your brothers trf
For A Fast Cash -
with no upfront cost Cal (402) 441-0922
Nebraska republican party
Is looking for several students
to assist with fundraising during
the 1998 Campaigns.
Earn up to $9.00 per hour
$50.00 Hiring Bonus
No Fridays or Saturdays
Work 12-20 hours per week
(set your own schedule)
Sunday-Thurday, 5-9pm ^
<m IMe cuWe
ACROSS 24 “On Your —“
i Pueblo dweller 99 Wooden knot
» Corday's victim ao Porter1 s “
10 Sondheim’s and Blue”
“-the 20 Hess and
Woods" Horowitz
14 Retired for the 33 Roman wings
night 34 Lofty
is Famed
violinmaker ** B.rown,®h
is Fermented <
honey and 97 Okla. before
water 1907 -
it Bellow 30 Type size
lOLegal 40 Famed
appendage Surrealist
if Like the Sahara 41 Protozoan
OoLoveofthe 43PartofM.LT.
..S™' 44 Yemeni seaport
breezeunfuriecT: 4*Secondaiyjob
Emerson 47 Trustworthy
it Phoned
bo Inoculation
Bi Welcome
B4 Brilliance
Bt Hit hard
Bt Helicopter part
Bi Quayle’s
B2 Twaddle
Bt Conjure up
M Epochs
It Editorial
It Cut wood.
B7 Loaned
1 Lyricist for 24
2 Hautboy
t Bose or Anjou
4 Musical starring
Cohan: 1937
s Herbert's
t Improper
7 U.S.N. two-star
a Devoured
t Capital of
10 Musical starring
Zorina: 1938
11 St. Philip —
12 Follow
it Track numbers
21 Also
aaPoor reviews at Early English sa Secret plan
as Scottish garb kin9 sa Trick
as New Zealand 41 Comedian King M Pack
trees as French painter: M Mi preceders
« Fragrant resin 1780-1867 „ Algerian port
“Challenged 48 Pay dirt .7 Remainder
“Workshop tool so Part of a wheel „ Reproductive
ao Garden tool si Concordes, e.g. cells
ai Coverings for
aa Shaw’s —
as Maturing
'~i- - . , • ■ - • -; • - ■
ui Dusv a fasaaeoq to eitox ^»oi so jeim | §
r*-• "• • • " •