The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 23, 1998, Page 19, Image 19
Work with Kids! Have Fun! Outstanding brother/sister camps In NX. and Maine seeks counselors: Watersporta. Landsporta, Tennis, Mountain Biking, Arts, Wilderness, Gymnastic and YOUTH CAMP STAFF UNL Office of Campus Reaeation PosMona sttt evaieMe (40 hours/week and part time positions available} June 1st through August 7th at $5.50-$6 per hour. Qualifications: Previous experience related to youth sports and recreation is desirable. Lifeguards also needed. Applications available at 55 Campus Recreation Center or 32 East Campus Activities Bulking. . ; , Paid Internship for Student with Good Computer Skills Proficient with database management: Organized, able to work on multiple projects and meet deadlines. Knowledge of web design and scanning a plus. Expe rience with Microsoft Access preferred. Internship to begin this summer and extend through May 1999. 16-20 hours per week. Flexible schedule. Close to city campus. $7 per hour. Send resume’or letter of application by May 1 to Nebraska Film Office, P.O. Box 94666, Lincoln, N£ 68509-4666. 1 : l ! Ililll \ Career Fair! Auditorium-VA Medical Center. Thursday, April 23rd, 3poHipm. A Relaxation Opportunity Join others and relax for 35 minutes each Thursday from 12:10 -12:45. Drop in - Room 43 Lower Level University Health Center. 'A Onset Way To Oat Through The DayT I A Sister Circle An informal discussion group of African I American women. Contact Tolandra. 472-2597. I Mondays 6-7pm, Nebraska Union 340. Attention All Students Please review your class sylabi and determine if there is a conflict with Dead Week Policy. If so, please contact ASUN - Student Government as soon as possible at 115 Nebraska Union, 472-2581. DEAD WEEK POLICY Final examinations for full semester classes are to be given ONLY at the regularly scheduled time as published in the Official Schedule of Classes or at another time DURING FINALS WEEK mutually agreeable to all concerned. The only examinations that may be given during the last week of classes (Dead Week) are: lab, practical ex aminations, make-up or repeat examinations and self-paced examinations. Projects, papers and speeches scheduled for comple tion during the last week of classes (Dead Week) must have been assigned in writing by the end of the week.of!hejsgrri*^T%!Bfere tpjh$projefi„ and its scope, but not the topic. ” Quizzes are acceptable during Dead Week. ; r—. . Beta Alpha Psi Congratulations to our newly elected officers; Pres ident-Jenniter Meyer, Treasurer- Cheryl Larsen, Student Advisory Board Representative, Lynette Hynes, Public Relations Chairman- Shane Rhian, Web Page Coordinator- Kassie Kemper. A special thanks goto our past officer team of John Olenberger, Ryan Horner. Jackie Davenport, Stacey Long, and Tony Copoila. *.> - Come raise the roof at the Spring Jam *98 in Culture Center, April 24, 10.00p.m.-2.00a.m. $5-public, $3-members. Sponsored by Afrikan People's Union. Congratulations to the new Biology Club officers. President-Mike Grace, Vice President-Bo Bothelho, Public Reiations-Lisa Krajicek, and Janine Soyk, Treaurer-Jaspreet Bajwa, Secretary-Heather Hipschman. CREIGHTON PT/OT/PHARMACY Representative will be at Arts and Sciences Advising, 107 OidH. Thursday, April 23,9:30-12 and 1-4:30 p.m. Can 472-4190 for appointment Eating Disorders Support Group Do you think you may have an eating disorder? Are you struggling with food issues? me Eating Disorders Support Group offers support and guidance for people coping with eating disor ders. Meets Thursdays 6:00-7:00pm in room 338, Nebraska Union. Call Tricia at the Women’s Center, 472-0428 for more info. FIGHT NIGHT On Saturday April 25, Sigma Chi presents Fight Night, amateur boxing at its finest. The boxing starts at 7pm In the 4-H building. Tickets will be sold outside of the Union, the Sigma Chi house and at the door for $5. GLBT Resource center elections wiH be held Friday, April 24 at 2pm in 234 Nebraska Union. Call 472-5644 if you canT attend. INTRAMURAL OUT DOOR TRACK MEET The Men's and Women's Outdoor Track Meet will take place on Sunday, April 26 at Ed Weir Track. No advance entry is required. Call 472-3467 for more information. LAST CHANCE!! Looking for an adventure? Join Campus Recreation Outdoor Adventures on oneof these trips: Enchanted Rock Climbing (May 10-17), Western Whitewater Rafting (May 10-17) and Canyoniands Backpacking (May 10-17). Sign up deadline for aH trips is April 23. Escape from the blues. For information: 472-3467.^ IUVnFBOLATENSEMBuT Turkish Sufi & folk music and poetry. Thursday, April 23, 6p.m. St. Mark’s on the Campus Episcopal. 1309 R st. ***PRE-HEALTH STUDENTS*** Have you had your “3-shot Hep B Series” If so, you may qualify for a medical research study. Just 4 hours a week of your time can earn you over $380 every 4 weeks while you study. Call 474-2335 and ask for Cory. ™ Nabi Biomedical Center | 300 S. 17th Street .SSa^=SB=^=B=^BaSSBBBSBSSSSS^=S=^S=siBBB^B=Bsj $$ WORK NOW $$ GREAT SUMMER JOBS WITH OLSTEN STAFFING SERVICES Data Entry, Customer Service, Receptionist, File Clerk, Grounds Maintenance, Light Assembly & Warehouse. Temp-to-Hire & Placements also available. CALL 467-5050 NOW 5 X -?j| ■ I We buy, sell, trade used and new computer equipment. | Let's Swing!!! UNL Swing Dance Club. Thursday, April 23 at 7:30pm in tte Union. Come to team more about swing. Bring your favorite CD. Menstrual Attitudes Look at the attitudes that lead to PMS. Learn about the importance of our cycles to our physi cal and emotional well-being. Discuss ways to honor living in a tamale body Friday, April 24th Room 338, Nebraska Union 12-1:30pm Feel Free to drop in as your schedule permits. For more info call Tne Women's Center, 472-2597. NSOA Meeting Elections held Friday, April 24th, 3:15pm at Campus Rec. AN members and those interested are welcome to attend. Nursing Students Stop by Fairfield on Monday from 11-1 for info about Kaplan's NCLEX course. Pi Sigma Alpha Ernie Chambers The Omaha Senator wtt be our Guest Speaker TODAY at 12:30 in the Union. Members and Pubkc are welcome to attend. Bring a tacfr lunch. Wildlife Club Awards Banquet Saturday, April 25th at 6 p.m. in the East Campus Union. For tickets or more information, call 476-8209. Diversity Council Meeting TONIGHT in Culture Center at 7:00 pm. Everyone Is welcome. PREOTCLUB Meeting tonight at 8:00, room posted in Union. We will be voting on new officers. Please bring your vol unteer information from the Lincoln area. A4> Congratulations Heidi Fleck on being selected as a Husker Hostess! __Love your A <X> AFP.ZN Thanks for the great time at the dinner exchange. The women of r»B THE DEEP END AIT Thank you for whirling us around at your Hurd cartel Wb had a great time! - _Love Theta AH AY, xo Thanks for the dinner exchange on Monday. Wb had a great time. Love, the women of AO FIGHT NIGHT On Saturday April 25, Sigma Chi presents Fight Night, amateur boxing at its finest. The boxing starts at 7pm in the 4-H building. Tickets will be sola outside of the Union, the Sigma Chi house and at the door for $5. GREEK LIFE Leadership meeting, Thursday 4/23 9 Amigos 9:30pm. End-of-year dinner- meet at AZD, Sunday 4/26 O 5:30pm._ __ Nite on the Nile *98 Let the river be your guide to the sands of Acacia. We will embark upon the ancient pyramids of Egypt on Saturday Night. ex es Thanks for the dinner exchange on Monday. We had fun! _ - - - Love, the ladies of Kappa Delta sw Congratulations to Adam Winker and Mathew Eickman tor being selected as Daly Nebraskan columnists. Theta and Triangle Thanks for the Monday Dinner exchange. We had a great time and hope we can do it again The Men of Lambda Chi Alpha THETA Congratulations to Charisse Dauei adn Amanda Ander son ror making the Scarlet Dance Team. Love your sisters Place your FREE ad by caffing 1-688-538-8512 Found: Ftmale gold and saver fossil watch near lot 20. 484-8867 to daim. Ladies Watch Found at the beginning of April in the parking lot near Schramm Had, west comer: CaU or stop by the ON to daim. _ „... . ..... v Man's Silver Watch Found at 16th andVihe oh April 20th. Stop by Daily Nebraskan to CijHTL ■ > *• Watch found April 16th at 13th and R St. crosswalk. Please call the ON to claim. 472-2588. ■ ' 11 For A Fast Cash Fundraiser with no upfront cost Call (402) 441-0922 Nebraska republican party Is looking for several students to assist with fundraising during the 1998 Campaigns. Earn up to $9.00 per hour $50.00 Hiring Bonus No Fridays or Saturdays Work 12-20 hours per week (set your own schedule): " Sunday-Thurday, 5-9pm Located Downtown Call Bryan at 475*2122 f BY CHAD STRAWDERMAN MmicKrtM SfeWCMSffAWt WtffiHGKm&fftX. . %.m, uwm. biwwouw m W EWEHIMOMS, msfcUMTs. VfflftKB. WLH. VWlWG. Vets GO people!! VvetxenSlandin' I hefefccWe mi \ mirwlfcs already! || L *< \ %t f5 ? 4 *• * _r THE NORM wny.yes. in fact, we eN C0URA68 Cteewr IT ALLOWS our cueNTs THe FreepoM j id speup BeyoNO thoir ? I i i i i s ACROSS 30 Oakley and 54 Start of a 1 Cartoon Viking P^an's 3* Sloped letters motto i Influence 55 Musical 12 Very ornate . repetition ^Restraints relate 55 Not frontward 15 Bowl over se Sugar-coated ,7 Immediate aPmu * nSSS!*. 1« Hitting stat ' ennead «,H«adLfs 15 Supplement 43 Planet si Stasimon, e.g. 45 Roam furtively 22 Supreme 45 Tatum and DOWN 24 Showy flower i He’s over the 22 Brit, gun 47 Tammany boss hill ••Raises 42Rosebud, e.g. * Craftsman ••Genetic letters «0Cash finish * «« ta'Dum-. «1 “ThoMwore ‘s;(SC- M**™ • estrange 7 Growing in marshes ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE a Author of*The 11 11 III I ill I'i BRRBRhI ft li 11 11 Immigrants* eIdIqIm fTT^BgIpLI. . 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