The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 15, 1998, Page 14, Image 14

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    Page 14____ _Wednesday, April 15,1998
Ride the Wave
All 1996 Kona Mountain Bikes on Sale. Honker Hangar
Bike Shop, 486-0323,3855 South Street._
$2,000/month. Free world travel (Europe, Carribean,
etc.). Our service recommended by Us News/World
Reports. (919) 933-1939, ext.C107.
sorts, Dude Ranches, Rafting Companies. Nationwide
openings. Call (919) 933-1939, ext.R107.
The Jean Outlet. 3241 South 13th. 420-5151. We
buy and sell Levis.
1 year old Brother word processor. 14’ display. $200.
Call Brandi 464-7654.
Computer for Sale. Power Mac 6100/60. 24 MB Ram,
250 MB Hard drive. Includes Monitor, Keyboard, Mo
dem, and Zip Drive. $1,000. Joe 477-2887.
Keg Refrigerators
Good working condition. $75 each. 423-5047. Leave
*74 Honda CB360 motorcycle. Works good. Looks
f. good. 11K miles; $700; 421-8049
1991 Isuzu Rodeo. 4 Door, 5 Speed, A/C, CD, 86,000
miles, extremely clean. $7,500 O.B.O. 465-4148
weekends or weekdays after 6pm.
1993 Geo Tracker in great condition, low mileage, CD
player. 464-7445._
SOLID AS A ROCK: 1978 Volvo Wagon, AM/FM cas
sette, excellent mechanical condition, 125,000 miles,
$800 o.b.o. leave message at 438-7154.
- THfTi Unlrnt^
A loving alternative
We offer counseling and adoption services to help you
plan the best future for your baby. No fees or obligations.
Auto Accidents & DWI
Other criminal matters, call Sanford Pollack 476-7474.
Auto Accidents, Workers’ Compensation, DWI, Divorce,
Criminal Defense and Family Law. Call DeCamp
Legal Services, (402)477-3974,
Criminal Defense, DWI, Bankruptcy, Stone Law Firm,
Affordable Rates. 475-0055
Pregnancy Test
Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Please call for
appointment or more information, 483-2609. Check
out our website
Asian Students
Absolute best airline rates to Asian destinations! Don't
fly until you call Asia Tours 303-935-7488.
Academic Expressions
Resumes, Term Papers, Theses, Cover /Business letters
and newsletters. (402)628-2221,
Professional word processing at prices you can afford;
call June at 781 -2550 (Local Call)
Large House, Clean, Close to Campus. All Utilities
Paid. Males only. $280. 477-0227.
Looking for a cool roommate, nice 5 bedroom house,
$225/month + utilities. Please call 484-5506.
M/F roommate to share 4BR house, W/D; A/C, OSP,
$110 Summer/$220 Normal +1/4 utilities. AvI. May 1,
M/F roommate wanted. N/S for 2 bedroom, 2 bath at
7th and Superior. $30Q/month + half utilities. Available
mid May. 435-7252, ask for Beth.
M/F, Large 2 bedroom, 1 bath, $350(utilities paid),
lease, newly remodeled, N/S W/D, call 466-9467.
Male, nonsmoker. 2 Bedroom apt. 18th and Washing
ton. $210 Plus 1/2 deposit and 1/2 utilities. 435-0528.
N/S Female needed by 5/31 to share large 2 bedroom
apartment. Heated pool, iaccuzi, exercise room and
balcony. $262.50 + low utilities. Call 438-3321.
N/S Male Roommate, $200/mo. all utilities paid. Inch
washer/dryer, close to campus 780-5588 or
Neat. Non-Smoking Female Wanted to Share 2 Bed
room Apartment. $180 + deposit + 1/2 Utilities.
Available May 1. 438-8035.
Non-smoking female roommate to share clean, spa
cious apartment. $25Q/month, utilities included. Pool,
tennis courts, balcony, newer area. Call Jenny,
Open-minded M/F to share 3 bedroom house with 2
males. Between campuses. Utilities, W/D, cable in
cluded. Smoker OK. $250/month. 474-1170.
Roommate wanted, male or female, to share two bed
room apartment. $315/month, all utilities included. If
interested, please call Michael 476-5826 or 440-9720.
Summer Rommate Wanted, Fantastic house; 4 minutes
from UNL; furnished, garage, utilities paid, must
like dogs, gay friendly; $320; Jeffery 435-3205
Wanted: Female roommate to share nice four bedroom
. house. WalMngx|i$t4ncei torn campus. Non-smoker.
f*Np pets. Wasner/Dryer. Off street parking, anrpAC
•: $230 plus depositary 1/4 utilities. Call Jodi) lie or
Katie at 438-2403.
2948 Starr. 4 BD, 1 3/4 bath. W/D. C/A, garbage, D/W,
$685/month, 890-8909,
“We love students!”
3,4,5 and 6 bedrooms homes near UNL for summer
and/or fall. A-C's, washers, dryers, dishwashers. Sign
up now and relax! 423-1535.
‘Small and large houses available, May or August year
lease 489-6345, 423-5707. Rental
Real Estate.
3 & 4 Bedroom Houses Available May and August,
Near UNL 432-6644.__
4200 Baldwin, available 5/1,6 bedroom, 2 bath. Central
air, washer/dryer, off street parking, very nice.
$900.440-8046,440-2248. _
3BR, walk to UNL, washer/dryer, range, refrigerator,
central air, dishwasher, off street parking. 489-9294.
Great House Near Campus
Available in May
1438 N. 21st, (21st and Holdrege) 4 bedroom, 2 baths,
parking, garage. $800.Call 432-0644.
Nice 4 bedroom, 2 bath. Parking, washer and dryer, no
pets. $800,432.8180. __
Nice 4 or 5 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, washer/dryer,
range, refrigerator, central air, extras, 4 blocks from
stadium. $700.489-9294.
Nice houses near campus
available in August
1246 Court, 4 BR, 2 bath*; $800
2112 Vine, 4 BR, 11/2 bathe. $800.
1941 N. 26th, 5 bedroom, 2 baths. $900.
Off street perking Cei 432-0644
SHARE beautiful 4 bedroom 2 1/2 bath house in quiet
south Lincoln family neighborhood. C/A. W/D.
utilities + cable TV free. Available 5-1 . $250
****Brand New****
4 bedroom/2 Bath, washer/dryer included, garage, all
amenities, between campuses. Available now. $895.
HIP, 465-8911.
3059 T Street: Very Large 1 and 3 Bedroom. Near
Both Campuses. Parkjng;$650 and $350. 469-5168.
Available for May and August; 3-4 Bedrooms, 2 Baths,
2 Garage, Appliances, W/D, Central Air, No Pets; 3
Bedroom $795; 4 Bedroom $895-$925; 435-7807.
Between Campuses: New 3 bedroom, 2 bath, w/d,
garage, 2420 Potter, $775.438-3393 or 440-2225.
Brand new 3 bedroom, 2 bath, fireplace, family room,
A/C, 2 garages. $850+, available for spring/fall. RE
SERVE YOURS NOW1I 432-0415._
Cute 2 BR; $485 + electric + deposit; Call Joyce
★ ★ Brand New ★ ★
New duplex, 3 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 car garage, W/D,
garage door opener, $825/month. Available Now. 621
N. 28th. 465-8911. HIP.
it it Summer Leases it it
Brand New duplex, 3 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 car garage,
W/D, garage door opener, $825/month. Available Now.
621 N. 28th. 465-8911, HIP.
Summer Leases Available
****Brand New****
4 bedroom/2 Bath, washer/dryer included, garage, all
amenities, between campuses. Available now. $945.
HIP, 465-8911.__ '
“Summer Lease Specials”
* Locations throughout Lincoln
* 24-Hour Emergency Maintenance
* Professional & Personable Leasing Staff
Call us today!
***Efficiency Apartments***
Close to City Campus.
_Water, Heat, and Gas Paid 477^4490
2 Bedroom Apartment, $400. Available now. Wash
er/Drver, 1641 N 26th, Apt 1, 476-0786 or 560-4105.
2 bedroom near east campus. On bus line, A/C, closets,
no smoking, no pets. $385+ deposit. 475-6453.
2 Bedroom, C/A, Dishwasher/Disposal, Laundry, Park
ing, 722 G Street, $415. 475-1449
2 Bedroom, Central Air, Fireplace, Summer Contract,
2428 D Street $450. 476-0221,
3 or 4 Bedroom House Available Near Campus:
Washer/Dryer. Available August 1. 421-7416._
off first months rent*
with discount coupon
1 and 2 bedroom apartments, \ferious iocations
ctose to campus and downtown. Amenities may
Swimming pool
Air conditioning/heat included in rent
Laundry facilities
Off-street parking
established, quiet neighborhood
Affordable Living.
Zimmer Apartments 423-4634.
“with signed one year lease
$310 & $390 large 1 bedroom & 2 bedroom
apartments in sunny house. By UNL, garage, laundry,
storage, new paint, nice. 476-7284
640 South 20 - 475-7262
Energy Efficient, affordable one & two bedroom units
with electric entry and sound/fire resistant construction.
Our community is nestle on tree-lined streets, just
5 min to UNL Vre offer move-in specials to all professors
and students!
1014 A St. Nice two bedrooms. All appliances. $430.
One year lease. 430-7257.
1027 Washington
1 Bedroom, All appliances, laundry facilities. $310 +
gas and electric;
Eden Management Services
1202 S. 24th: Largs, Clean Two bedroom, large kitchen,
sunporch. $465 + electric, n/s, 477-2516 or
1717 J Street; 2 Bedroom; $375; heat, water, and gar
bage paid; one year lease; 463-2034
1932 R - Next To Campus
Nice, Quiet, Clean.
2 Bedroom, 1 Bath. $425. Available April 1st. Lease.
Parking. Washer/Dryer hookup. Dishwasher.
2638 “Q”
Two bedroom in new 4-plex. All appliances, include
washer/dryer. 2 stall garage.
. Eden Management.
Newly remodeled 1BR with heat paid. Very
nice. $365.
4300 Comhusfctr
2 BR Townhouse 1 1/2 bath, d/w, heat paid,
pool, $525.
2BR new construction, laundry hookups, micro
wave, d/w, next to city park, $575-6610
2627 Vine Street
Efficiency, super-clean, near campus,
appliances, $275.
Cherry Hill Realty
3501 BALDWIN Available May 15th. East Campus Area
2-bedrooms. Large, clean, nicely decorated, balcony,
fireplace, laundry, parking, 4-plex $450 483-4600
Have you had your “3-shot Hep B Series”
If so, you may qualify for a medical research study. Just
4 hours a week of your time can earn you over $380
every 4 weeks while you study. Call 474-2335 and ask ,
for Cory.
^Nabi Biomedical Center
300 S. 17th Street
__ Lincoln. NE 68508_
4100 Huntington, 2 BR, near East Campus, all appli
ances, c/a, summer lease or longer. $450/month.
3BR, very nice, 1824 S 15, C/A, D/W, gas, no pet,
$540 plus deposit 488-2982. _
3600 Huntington. East Campus/Wesleyan. Rre place,
central air, laundry, parking. No pets. 489-9916
August Move In'
2618 Q, Brand new 2 bedroom, all appliances, double
garage, $595.430-6328.
AVAILABLE IN MAY; 3600 Huntington, Large 2BR,
Fireplace, new BR carpet $43Q/mo.; 466-7251
Available May 1st
Qreat efficiency, hardwood floors, close to campus
(12th and G), reasonable rent, air, laundry and parking.
438-1872 and 475-1449.
Available Soon
2 bed, 1 bath. Carpet, air, laundry, parking, FREE CA
BLE, NO PETS. $450+. 1910 Knox. 435-7770 or
In Unique Complex
summer leases
6 - month leases
appliances, dishwashers
private patios
designer decor
on - site laundry
heat and hot water paid
(SAVE irnUTY$$$$$)
super dean
on-site manager
great outdoor pool
$365 monthly
1121 North 28th Street
Brand New 3 bedroom, 3 Bath, W/D in each unit.
$840 per month, available May. No Smokers. Call
Julian 432-7030 or Rembolt Homes 488-9222.
Claremont Park Apartments
*ldeal for Students*
Now leasing for August (some available in May.) close
to campus and downtown. Spaces are limited. First
Come, First Served. Can 474-7275 for appointments
Colonial Heights
One, two and three-bedroom apartments available.
Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421 -3070.
East campus area. 4 bedrooms, rec room. Summer
lease available. $640.421-1319.
East Campus Available Now. Large 2 bedroom, fire
place, new carpet and paint, appliances, parking.
$450,4220 Huntington, 423-0902 . -
Luxury on a Budget
2 Bedroom Deluxe Suites with new range, refrigerator,
and dishwasher, fireplace, new carpet, and decor
Great Place, Must See!
Willowhaven Apartments,
1800 Knox Street, 476-6200
Nice 2 BR, 2 bath, $535/month. Need lease taking
over till July. Call 476-4066.
One bedroom, close to campus, park-like setting. Op
tional three month lease. Available now. $315. HIP
Quiet, nonsmoking, security building near Capitol. Fur
niahad one bed, $250 plus utility. 432-6476.
Reserving now
For May and August. 2 bedroom, all electric, FREE
CABLE, NO PETS, NON SMOKING. $450. 521 N. 25th
and 1900 Knox. 477-7884.
RULE #27:
No Livestock
When you rent with Management One, there aren't a
bunch of absurd rules to worry about. Pay your rent,
take good care of your apartment, and we'll stay out of
your nair. When you DO need us all you have to do is
We are now leasing for May and August. One, two, &
three bedroom apartments and townhomes and du
_www.mgmtone.cdm _
Summer Lease Specials:
We offer a variety of apartments, duplexes and houses
throughout Lincoln at prices to suit everyone's budget.
* 24-Hour Emergency Maintenance
* Professional & Personable Leasing Staff
Call us today!
East campus 4200 Huntington. Central air, appliances,
laundry, parking, no pets. 489-9916.
SPLASH in our pooltt Now accepting applications for
our spacious apartments, featuring concrete balconies
for BBC's, in a serene neighborhood. Jones Properties