The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 10, 1998, Page 4, Image 4

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Paula Lavigne
Kasey Kerber
Brad Davis
Erin Gibbon
Shannon Heffelfinger
Chad Lorenz
Jeff Randall
“Show the camera why you like to
drink milk!"
- Milk campaign spokesman Bill Hyland
to students competing for a chance to be in a
national milk mustache advertisement
“I’ve given up sleep for coffee."
- Legislative page and University of
Nebraska-Lincoln sophomore political sci
ence major Ryan Junck, echoing many stu
dents ''fuzzy thoughts about the winding down
of the Legislature and of the spring semester
“There comes a time to do the right
- Sen. Jim Cudaback of Riverdale on
advancing a bill prohibiting the execution of
the mentally retarded
“The music had to get louder to com
pete with the noise of the city.”
- Larry Boehmer, owner of the Zoo Bar,
on blues music
“I’m disappointed because they missed
an opportunity to tell young people, ‘We’re
willing to create incentives to keep you
- Gov. Ben Nelson on the Legislature s
failure to pass "brain gain ” legislation
“The sunlit moment is not a time to
rest... If we act now, we can ensure strong
retirement benefits to the baby-boom gen
eration without placing an undue burden
on our children and grandchildren.”
- President Clinton, at a town hall meet
ing in Kansas City, Mo., on what needs to be
done about Social Security
“Tell the individual to give you his or
her car for 90 days and $700, and then hit
'them in the head with a hammer. That is
u<Whiit basically happens when you get
caught That is, if you don’t kill someone.”
- Mark Zmarzly, DN columnist, on the
realities of drinking and driving
“Of course we kept cheering, but we
knew it was over.”
- Nebraskafreshman gymnast Amy Ringo
on the Comhuskers failing to qualify for the
NCAA Championships for the first time since
“We are not done. We tore going to grind
our asses because we have something to
- Nebraska Men’s Gymnastics Coach
Francis Allen on focusing on the NCAA
Championships individually despite not qual
ifying as a team
“It felt great” ^
- I-back DeAngelo Evans, who has been
battling back from a pelvic injury, on being
tackled Wednesday for the first time since
Dec. 7,1996
“I’d love to strap it up right there and go
at it I’m sure they would, too.But obvious
ly, that’s not going to happen”
-Fullback JoelMakovicka on visiting the
White House Thursday with co-champion
' _ . -,
Editorial Policy
Unsigned editorials are the opinions of
the Spring 1998 Daily Nebraskan. They
do not necessarily reflect the views of the
University of Nebraska-Uncdn, its
employees, its student body or the
University of Nebraska Board of Regents.
A column is solely the opinion of its author.
The Board of Regents serves as publisher
of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by
the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The
UNL Publications Board, established by
theregents, supervises the predation
the regent^responsiblyforttweditorial
content of the newspaper lies solely in
the hands of its student employees.
Letter Policy
The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief
letters to the editor and guest columns,
' but doeenot guarantee their publication.
The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to
edit or reject any material submitted.
Submitted material becomes property of
Nebraskan and cannot be
l Anonymous submissions will
not be published. Those who submit -
letters must identify themselves by name,
year in school, major and/or group
affiliation, if any.
Submit material to: Daily Nebraskan, 34
Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln,
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/Seeioui-LY, ybo
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Clone this!
Once again someone writing an
editorial forgot to do their home
work. J
In Tuesday’s column by Cliff
Hicks on cloning he made several
Hicks referred to cloning as
something you can use to grow new
body parts and new organs for
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icpiotcilicui puipuscs, Ui JUSl
spontaneously create a full
adult without going through
the stages of life.
That’s not at all what it is.
When you clone someone,
you use an embryo and
destroy its originality through
duplication. Instead of the
embryo receiving 13 chromo
somes from each partner, it
receives the full 26 from
ONE individual: an exact
duplication of looks only.
Personality and other
traits are influenced by the
environment. You can’t just
“make” another human and
have it be the same age as die
original who was copied.
They would look identi
cal but be different ages
unless cloned in the embryo
stage much like identical
twins are.
You also referred to
“growing” a clone under
sedation to use for one’s own
purposes-. It would be won
derful if this were possible,
but it’s not.
Growing human tissue
and cloning are two totally
different things. The ONTJY
possible way to clone is to start
with the embryo and go through all
the normal stages of growth, which
would include consciousness.
A bizarre possibility to consider
is that a woman could give birth to
her own identical twin! What would
one think if one were walking down
the street and saw a mother and her
identical looking children walking
side by side?
Cloning is an important topic that
needs to be further researched before
even scientists fully understand it. It
took years and hundreds of tries just
to clone the first sheep, so cloning
humans successfully is a long way
No decision needed, dangit!
Just when I thought the madness
was behind us, another pointless
column appears in the Daily
I am referring to the latest
pathetic claims that were made in
the “Showdown in D.C ” article on
the opinion pages.
The article lacks sound argu
ment and is obviously
nothing more than a
biased fan screaming far
the attention of his/her
fine Cornhusker
If you are looking for
a source to justify your
shallow claims, I person
ally challenge such a dis
The University of
Michigan Wolverines
and Nebraska
Cornhuskers football
teams will NOT meet to
settle any supposed
debate over No. 1
because no debate
Two teams completed
the NCAA season unde
feated - two teams
deserve to be designated
College Football cham
pions, period.
I am ashamed to be
in such company.
Having been born and
raised in Flint,
Michigan, I am proud to
be a Wolverine. Both
schools should be more
grateful for what they
limra v a r* c* A am fU « n
case should have been closed
months ago.
Calvin Webb
English and psychology
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Next time, Cliff, fully understand
the subject you’re discussing.
Ryan Stairs
computer engineering
Robb Blum/DN
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