The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 08, 1998, Page 10, Image 10

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    Cannondale M500, Shimano STX/XT, Manitou front
suspension fork. Grip Shift, Must Sell - $600.
Trek 7000 tndy C Suspension, STX Components. Low
miles. $750 OBO. 438-9963.
$2.000/month. Free world travel (Europe, Carribean,
etc.). Our service recommended by US News/World
Reports. (919) 933-1939, exLC107.
sorts, Dude Ranches, Rafting Companies. Nationwide
openings. Call (919) 933-1939, ext.R107.
The Jean Outlet. 3241 South 13th. 420-5151. We
buy and sell Levis.
‘84 Mazda RX 7, 5 Speed; Great Condition; only
63,000 miles, $3200. Call 477-9630.
89 Ford Probe GT Turbo. Fulty loaded with sun roof.
Only 93K. $3,500. Call 466-0549.
1989 Ford F-150 4x4. New motor, best offer. (402)
654-2322, after 6pm.
1993 Geo Tracker in great condition, low mileage, CO
player. 464-7445.
We can give your infant love and security, you
can help maxe us a family. Expenses paid.
Please call Dee and Pete, toll free
a loving anemauve
We offer counseling and adoption services to help you
plan the best future tor your baby. No fees or obligations.
Statewide since 1883. Nebraska Children's
Home, 4600 Valley Rd., Suite 314,483-7873
Exec. Dad, Stay Home Mom Plus Adorable Dog Will
Give Your Child A Special Place to Grow/Play With
Love, Laughter, Security. Big Comfortable Home and
Yard. Call Diana/Scott 800-201-2086.
Our home is filled with love, laughter and happiness.
We long to share it with a new bom. We will provide a
wonderful future. Expenses paid. Please call Lucille
and Michael 1-800-468-9311.
EXCELPersonnel offers temporary, permanent, full
time, part time job opportunities. See us at the Career
Fair on April 8.441 -4070,5635 O Street
Auto Accidents & DWI
Other criminal matters, call Sanford Pollack 476-7474.
Auto Accidents, Workers’ Compensation, DWI, Divorce,
Criminal Defense and Family Law. Call DeCamp
Legal Services. (402)477-3974. _
Criminal Defense, DWI, Bankruptcy, Stone Law Firm,
Affordable Rates, 475-0055
Pregnancy Test
Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Please call for
appointment or more information, 483-2609. Check
out our website
Asian Students
Absolute best airline rates to Asian destinations! Don't
fly until you call Asia Tours 303-935-7488.
TEACH BN GUSH ABROAD For infennatioiiabout a
115 Denkmann Hall, Rock Island, IL 61201. Toll-free:
Academic Expressions
Resumes, Term Papers. Theses, Cover /Business letters
and newsletters. (402)628-2221,
Resumes Same Day Service
General to Professional. Call Brandi at Staffing
Services, Inc. 465-9060 or Fax 465-9066.
1 or 2 male roommates for house In NW Lincoln.
May-July. Year lease optional. $200 each plus utilities.
Call 436-7883 or 466-2283. _
1 or 2 roommates needed for summer in new
apartment. Pool, workout room, very nice. Call
474-4010. _
Big house, very nice, clean, all utilities paid. Close to
campus. $280/month. 477-0227.
Looking for an honest roommate to split rent and
utilities. $232 plus cable, phone and electric. Likes
sports and all kinds of music, smoking ok. Jeff
M/F needed for 4 bedroom home. Southeast area.
$185/mo. plus 1/4 utilities. 486-4063. _
Male/Female Roommate needed ASAP to share 4
Bedroom Lincoln Home. $150 plus 1/4 utilities.
N/S Male Roommate, $200/mo. all utilities paid. Inct:
washer/dryer, close to campus 780-5588 or
Roommate needed to share 2 bedroom apartment.
$235/month. 1601 E Street. No pets. 477-6649.
Roommate Needed: Share With 2 Mates. Claremont
Apartments. $240 plus 1/3 utils + deposit 438-8978
Roommate: Large 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Free Cable,
Free Phone (except LD), utilities paid. $295.477-2516,
Summer Rommate wanted. Fantastic house; 4 minutes
from UNL; furnished, garage, utilities paid, must
like dogs, gay friendly; $320; Jeffery 435-3205
Wanted: Female roommate to share nice four bedroom
house. Walking distance from campus. Non-smoker.
No pets. Washer/Dryer. Off street parking, and AC
$230 plus deposit and 1/4 utilities. Call Jodi, Liz or
Katie at 438-2403.
“We love students!”
3,4,5 and 6 bedrooms homes near UNL for summer
and/or fall. A-C’s, washers, dryers, dishwashers. Sign
up now and reiaxl 423-1535.
3 BR, 1 Bath, available now, 484-8959 or 730-6809.
4 bedroom house, washer/dryer, one half block from
cam pus, available June 1st. 474-5094.
4-5 bedrooms. 2822 R street. Washer/dryer, dishwasher.
$875, 3 month or 1 year lease available May
1st. 476-0683, ask for Jordan.
633 N. 26th, 5 large bedrooms plus loft, 2 baths, central
air, washer/dryer, off street parking, nice, $1150,
8/1. 440-8046 or 440-2248._
4200 BfHdw^pdttp^^Sedmom, 2 bath, Centra)
alr< washer/dryer, orf Street parking, very nice.
2-3-4 Bedroom Houses Available May and August,
Near UNL 432-6644.__
3BR, walk to UNL, washer/dryer, range, refrigerator,
central air, dishwasher, off street parking, 489-9294.
April/May Move-In
2508 H. Brand new. Four bedroom, two baths. Fireplace.
All appliances. $850.430-6328.
B o n u s
• $7.50/hour guaranteed
•Casual dress code
•Great bonuses
• Full-time and part-time
• Flexible hours
•Career opportunities
• • ••' —5. -
434-2626 I
Need 2 M/F, S/NS. Roommates f&r a 4BR, 2 bath
house, W/D and parking. $l75/month plus 1/4 of
utilities. 1311 South 13th. Call Aaron 438-9097 in the
Great House Near Campus
Available in May
1438 N. 21st, (21st and Hokfrege) 4 bedroom, 2 baths,
parking, garage. $800.CaH 432-5844.
Nice 4 bedroom, 2 bath. Parking, washer and dryer, no
pets. $800,432.8180.
Nice 4 or 5 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, washer/dryer,
range, refrigerator, central air, extras, 4 blocks from
stadium, $700,489-9294. '
Nice houses near campus
available in August
1246 Court, 4 BR, 2 baths; $800
2112 Vine, 4 BR, 11/2 baths. $800.
1541N. 26th, 5 bedroom, 2 bathe. $800.
Off street parking. Cel 432-0644
■ i i ■ , ■ ,’T___
V**Brand New****
4 bedroom/TBath, washer/dryer included, garage, all
amenities, between campuses. Available now. $895.
HIP, 465-8911.
1429 N 20th, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, wash
er/dryer. no smoking, no pets, $610. Available 5/1.
3059 T Street: Very Large 1 and 3 Bedroom. Near
Both Campuses. Parking, $650 and $350. 489-5168.
Between Campuses: New 3 bedroom, 2 bath, w/d,
garage, 2420 Potter, $775.438-3393 or 440-2225.
Brand new 3 bedroom, 2 bath, fireplace; family room,
A/C, 2 garages. $850+, available for spring/fall. RE
SERVE YOURS NOW!! 432-0415.
Cute 2 BR; $485 + electric + deposit; Call Joyce
New duplex, 3 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 car garage, W/D,
garage door opener, $825/month. Available Now. 621
N72®h. 465-8811, HIP.
• j 11 1_
111 Waverty, NE 111
(Behind shopping center next to City Park)
‘Beautiful decor with ceramic tile, oak trim and
neutral colors.
‘Energy efficient heat pumps, washer/dryer
‘Small town living, adjoining city park.
‘Garages are available.
Cherry Hill Realty
off first months rent*
with discount coupon
1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Various locations
dose to campus and downtown. Amenities may
Air conditioning/heat mdudsd in rent
Laundry tedNties
Off-street parking
• established, quiet neighborhood
- Affordable Living,
Zfcnriwr Apartments £3-4834.
•with signed one year lease
$310 & $390 large 1 bedroom & 2 bedroom
apartments in sunny house. By UNL. garage, laundry,
storage, new pain*, nice. 476-7284
1027 Washington
1 Bedroom, All appliances, laundry facilities. $310 +
gas and elect jc; _
Eden Management Sendees
1202 S. 24th: Large, Clean Two bedroom, large kitchen,
sunporch. $465 + electric. 477-2516 or
1717 J Street; 2 Bedroom; $375; heat, water, and gar
bage paid; one year lease; 463-2034
1932 R - Next To Campus
Nice, Quiet, Clean.
2 Bedroom,1 Bath. $425. Available April 1st. Lease.
Parking. Washer/Dryer hookup. Dishwasher.
2020 G, Studio, controlled access._J
680 S 20, Brand new carpet 2BR...
645 S 20. Mega 1 BR, Balcony..
2301 A, 1 BR. Balcony.....was
$10000 move In medal with 1 year lease
■ *. 475-7262 __
2638 “Q”
Two bedroom In new 4-plex. AH appliances, include
washer/dryer. 2 Stall garage.
Eden Management
2504 Vine Street
1121 North 28th Street
Just newly remodeled 1BR. Heat pd, laundry,
pool, $365.
. 4300 Comhuskef
Lame, Newer 2 BR, w/d hookups, pool, $540.
2BR Townhouse 11/2 bath, d/w, neat paid,
pod, $525.
700 N. 20th Street
Large 2BR near camjais^ appliances, cent, air,
2615 vine Street
1BR, appliances, heat pekt near campus, $330
2027 Vine Street
Efficiency, super-dean, near campus,
apnfiances, $275.
1BR, heat pd, laundry, cent air, appliances,
new carpet $375.
Cherry Hill Realty
3501 BALDWIN Available May 15th. East Campus Area
2-bed rooms. Large, dean, nicely decorated, balcony,
fireplace, laundry, parking. 4-plex $450 483-4600
3601 Baldwin- Close to East Campus. 2-BR, parking,
nice, $399. Avaldde May 10th. 465-8656.
Looking for a part-time job or summer employment? Look no
further. MDS Harris is seeking personable, energetic, fun
individuals to join our team. We Currently have positions available
for students of all majors, Freshman through Graduate level. These
positions include:
candidates over the telephone to match requirements for
pharmaceutical studies.
Switchboard by directing calls, relaying messages and assisting
• CLINICAL CONDUCT ASSOCIATE- Monitor activities of
Study participants, respond to participant needs, handle samples
and record data.
• I/S INTERN- Use Basic and C languages to work on year 2000
projects, system upgrades arid Systran conversions.
Come visit our booth at the Student Job &Tntemship Fair at the
Student Union on Wednesday, April 8 from 9:30am to 3:30pm to
explore opportunities for a part-time jotr Or internship with MDS
Harris! You may also call our Jobline at (402) 437-4921 or visit
our web site at
BB MDS Harris
Science Advancing Health
621 Rose Street • P.O. Box 80837 • Lincoln, NE 68501