The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 06, 1998, Page 10, Image 10
Trek 7000 Indy C Suspension, STX Components. Low miles. $750 OBO. 438-9963. CRUISE 4 LAND TOUR EMPLOYMENT- Earn up to $2,000/month. Free world travel (Europe, Carribean, etc.). Our service recommended by US News/World Reports. (919) 933-1939, extCl07. NATIONAL PARKS HIRING- Plus Forests, Beach Re sorts, Dude Ranches, Rafting Companies. Nationwide openings. CNI (919) 933-1939, ext R107. The Jean Outlet 3241 South 13th. 420-5151. We buy and aeN Levis. Free baby kittens to a good home. Just what your fabulous pad needs is a couple of purring felines with saucy dispositions. Call our Cat Hostel at 475-0136. 89 Ford Probe GT Turbo. Fully loaded with sun roof. Only 93K. $3,500. Call 466-0549. 1989 Ford F-150 4x4. New motor, best offer. (402) 654-2322, after 6pm. I Adopt I ■ We can give your infant love and security, you ■ ■ can help make us a family. Expenses paid. I ■ Please call Dee and Pete, toll free I I 1-888-866-6440. ADOPTION A * — “ - -«» - A K/VuiQ aramaove We offer counseling and adoption services to help you plan the best future for your baby. No fees or obligations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children's Home, 4600 Valley Rd., Suite 314,483-7879 Exec. Dad, Stay Home Mom Plus Adorable Dog Will Give Your Child A Special Place to Grow/Play with Love, Laughter, Security. Big Comfortable Home and Yard. Call Diane/Scott 800-201-2086. Our home is filled with love, laughter and happiness. We long to share it with a new bom. Wb will provide a wonderful future. Expenses paid. Please call Lucille and Michael 1-800-468-9311. EXCEL Personnel offers temporary, permanent, full time, part time job opportunities. See us at the Career Fair on April 8.441-4070,56350StreeL Auto Accidents & DWI Other criminal matters. cM Sanford Pollack 476-7474. Auto Accidents, Wbrkers’ Compensation, DW1, Divorce, Criminal Defense and Family Law. Call DeCamp Legal Services. (402)477-3974. Criminal Defense. DWI, Bankruptcy, Stone Law Firm, Affordable Rates. 475-0055_ Free Pregnancy Test Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Please can for appointment or more information, 483-2609. Check out our website www.birthright.org_ TEACH ENGLISH ABROAD. For information about a training course and practice teaching in South America during June and July of 1998, caH or write to AUGUS TANA COLLEGE SUMMER LANGUAGE PROGRAMS. 115 Denkmann Hall, Rock Island, IL 61201. Toll-free: 800-798-8100._ Academic Expressions Resumes, Term Papers, Theses, Cover /Business letters and newsletter's. (402)628-2221, Resumes Same Day Service General to Professional. Call Brandi at Staffing Services. Inc. 465-9060 or Fax 465-9066. • S5? ••>.*. ': xx..5x"- ■ • : t Female non-smoking roommate needed for summer. May through August. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom apartment, half rent plus deposit and 1/2 utilities. 421-6439. Female roommate needed for summer. Big apartment, W/D, $250+ 1/2 utilities. 475-2571. M/F needed for 4 bedroom home. Southeast area. $185/mo. plus 1/4 utilities. 486-4063. Roommate: Large 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Free Cable, Free Phone (except LD), utilities paid. £295.477-2516, 467-3010. Summer Rom mate Wanted, Fantastic house; 4 minutes from UNL; furnished, garage, utilities paid, must like dogs, gay friendly; $320; Jeffery 435-3205 Wpnted: Female roommate to share nice four bedroom house. Walking distance from campus. Non-smoker. No pets. Wasner/Dryer. Off street parking, and AC $230 plus deposit and 1/4 utilities. Call Jodi, Liz or Katie at 438-2403._ “We love students!” 3,4,5 and 6 bedrooms homes near UNL for summer and/or fall. A-C’s, washers, dryers, dishwashers. Sign up now and relax! 423-1535. •"Clean 3 or 4 bedroom available May/August near UNL S625-S750.432-6264, 633 N. 26th, 5 large bedrooms plus loft, 2 baths, central air, washer/dryer, off street parking, nice, $1150, 8/1. 440-8046 or 440-2248.__ 4200 Baldwin, available 5/1,6 bedroom, 2 bath, Central air, washer/dryer, off street parking, very nice. $900.440-8046,440-2248. 2-3-4 Bedroom Houses Available May and August, Near UNL 432-6644. Tired of the « now leasing for August. 1, 2, 3, & 4 bedrooms are some May subleases also. • Furnished Blinds • • Private Entrance • Pool & Sun deck • 24-hour Laundry Facility * Fitness Facility • 24-hour Maintenance * Dishwashers for Emergencies • Microwaves PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES! Looking for a part-time job or summer employment? Look no further. MDS Harris is seeking personable, energetic, fun individuals to join our team. We currently have positions available for students of all majors, Freshman through Graduate level. These positions include: • STUDY PARTICIPANT REPRESENTATIVE- Screen candidates over the telephone to match requirements for pharmaceutical studies. • TELECOMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATE- Operate our Switchboard by directing calls, relaying messages and assisting clients. • CLINICAL CONDUCT ASSOCIATE- Monitor activities of Study participants, respond to participant needs, handle samples and record data. • I/S INTERN- Use Basic and C languages to work on year 2000 projects, system upgrades and system conversions. Come visit our booth at the Student Job & Internship Fair at the Student Union on Wednesday, April 8 from 9:30am to 3:30pm to explore opportunities for a part-time job or internship with MDS Harris! You may also call our Jobline at (402) 437-4921 or visit our web site at J3 MDS Harris Science Advancing Health 621 Rose Street • P.O. Box 80837 • Lincoln, NE 68501 _AA/EOE 3BR, walk to UNL, washer/dryer, dishwasher, off street parking. 489-9294. April/May Move-In 2508 H. Brand new. Four bedroom, two baths. Fireplace. AH appliances. $850.430-6328. Available May 1 Need 2 M/F, S/NS. Roommates for a 4BR, 2 bath house, W/D and parking. $175/month plus 1/4 of utilities. 1311 South 13th. Call Aaron 438-9097 in the evenings. Choice Houses Near Campus Available in May 1438 N. 21st, 4 bedroom, 2 baths, parking. $800. 1140 N. 29th, 5 bedroom, 2 baths, parking. $800. Ceft 432-0644. Large 4 + Bedroom, 2 Bath, Central Air, Dishwasher, Parking, 905 E Street $890. 435-2552. Nice 2 plus one bedroom, 2 bath. Washer and dryer, no pets. $600,432-8180. Nice 4 bedroom, 2 bath. Parking, washer and dryer, no pets. <800,432.8180. _ Nice houses near campus available in August 1248 Court, 4 BR, 2 bath? <800 2112 Vine, 4 BR, 11/2 baths. $800. 1541 N. 26th, 5 bedroom, 2 baths. $000. Off strsst parking. Call 432-0644 ****Brand New**** 4 bedroom/2 Bath, washer/dryer included, garage, all amenities, between campuses. Available now. $895. HIP, 465-8911. 4314 Y SL New duplex, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage, A/C, ail appliances. Available in May for sublease/lease. Rent negotiable. 464-3747. Between Campuses: New 3 bedroom, 2 bath, w/d, garage, 2420 Potter. $775.436-3393 or 440-2225. Brand new 3 bedroom, 2 bath, fireplace, family room, A/C, 2 garages. $850+, available for spring/fall. RE SERVE YOURS NOWII 432-0415. Four Bedroom Duplexes Nearly new; W/D Furnished; some with garages; no pets: dose to campus;$950-995 MANAGEMENT ONfe 477-2600 New duplex, 3 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 car garage, W/D, garage door opener, $825/month. Available Now. 621 N72Kh. 465-8911. HIP. Two Bedroom, close to both campuses, spacious, newly remodeled, central air, dishwasher, parking. $400,435-6402. !!! Close To Campus!!! Leasing for May and August One, two, three, four, and five bedroom apartments and townhouses. Management One 477-2600 _www.mgmtone.com_ !!! Waveriy, NE!!! NEW 2BR APARTMENTS (Behind shopping center next to City Park) •Beautiful decor with ceramic tile, oak trim and neutral colors. •Energy efficient heat pumps, washer/dryer hookups •Small town living, adjoining city park. ‘Garages are available. $550-610 489-4857 Cherry Hill Realty 2 bedroom near east campus. On bus line, A/C, closets, no smoking, no pets. $385+ deposit. 475-6453._ $100.00 off first month’s rent* with discount coupon 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Various locations close to campus and downtown. Amenities may include— Swimming pool Air conditioning/heat included in rent Laundry facilities Off-street poking established, quiet neighborhood Affordable Living, Zimmer Apartments 423-4634. •with signed one year lease $310 & $390 large 1 bedroom & 2 bedroom apartments in sunny house. By UNL, garage, laundry. storage, new painx, nico. _ 1027 Washington 1 Bedroom, All appliances, laundry facilities. $310 + gas and electric; Cden Management Services 489-2333 1202 S. 24th: Large, Clean Two bedroom, large kitchen, sunporch. $465 + electric. 477-2516 or 467-3010. 1717 J Sheet; 2 Bedroom; $375; heat, water, and gar bago paid; one year lease; 483-2034 1932 R - Next To Campus Nice, r>«jet Claw. 2 Bedroom,1 Bath. $425. Available April 1st. Lease. Parking. Washer/Dryer hookup. Ofshwasher. 2020 G, Studio, controlled access._ 680 S 20, Brand new carpet, 2BR™ 645 S20, Mega 1 BR. Balcony.. 2301 A, 1 BR, Balcony...™. tlOQjQO move m spade! with 1 year I 476-7262 2638 “Q” Two bedroom in new 4-plex. AH appliances, include washer/dryer. 2 stall garage._ 3220 Apple Sheet Newly remodeled iBRwith heat paid. Very nice. $365. 2504 Vine Sheet Super-dean newer 2 BR with neutral decor. $475 1121 North 28lh Sheet Just newly remodeled 1BR. Heat pd, laundry, pool, $365. 4300 Combustor Large, Newer 2 BR, w/d hookups, pool, $540. 2BR Townhouse 11/2 bath, d/w, neat paid, pool. $525. TOON. 26th Sheet Large 2BR near camgus^ appliances, cent, air, 2615 Vine Sheet 1BR, appliances, heat paid, near campus, $330 2627 Vine Sheet Efficiency, super-clean, near campus, aooliances. $275. * WAVERLY COMPLEX 1 BR, heat pd, laundry, cent, air, appliances, naKjarpetjSXS. CheiryHnrRealty 3501 BALDWIN Available May 15th. East Campus Area 2-bedrooms. Large, clean, nicely decorated, balcony, fireplace, laundry, parking, 4-plex $450 483-4600 3601 Baldwin- Close to East Campus. 2-BR, parking, nice. $399. Ava table May 10th. 465-8656. AUGUST LEASE-TWO BR 3600 Huntington. East Campus/Wesleyan. Fire place, central air, laundry, parking. No pets. 489-9916 August Move In 2618 Q, Brand new 2 bedroom, all appliances, double garage, $595.430-6328. Available May 1 Close to campus: 1 bed. 1 bath, carpet, air, laundry, appliances, parking. Call 477-9382. AVAILABLE MAY 1 One bedroom condo in historic building. Security ac cess, fifteen minute walk to UNL For details, contact (402) 438-0777__ Available Soon 2 bed, 1 bath. Carpet, air, laundry, parking, FREE CA BLE, NO PETS. $450+. 1910 Knox. 435-7770 or 476- 2665. Brand New 3 bedroom, 3 Bath, W/D in each unit. $840 per month, available May. No Smokers. Call Julian 432-7030 or Rembolt Homee 488-9222. Claremont Park Apartments ‘Ideal for Students* Now leasing for August (some available in May.) close to campus and downtown. Spaces are limited. First Come, Rrst Served. Call 474-7275 for appointments CLOSE TO CITY CAMPUS Efficiency apartments, water, heat, gas paid. Call 477- 4490. Colonial Heights Apartments One, two and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and Indoor heated pool. 421 -3070. Luxury on a Budget 2 Bedroom Deluxe Suites with new range, refrigerator, and dishwasher, fireplace, new carpet, ana decor Great Place, Must See! Willowhaven Apartments, 1800 Knox Street, 476-6200 Summer sublease across from east campus. Large 2 bedroom, fireplace, W/D, parking. Rent negotiable. 465-5058. UNL Close 2740 R. Two bedrooms. Laudnry. Parking. $350. 430-6328. We provide: * Locations throughout Lincoln * 24-Hour Emergency Maintenance * Professional & Personable Leasing Staff Call us today! 402-484-8600 Looking for affordable, clean on-campus housing for the summer? Chi Phi fraternity has single or double rooms available with air conditioning. Call Jason at 436-6056. N/S Female needed to share great 2BR/ 2BA apartment. $267.50 plus 1/2 low utilities. Summer of year lease. Call Heather at 476-9261. Triangle Fraternity has 31 Co-Ed Single/Double Rooms available for all summer sessions. A/C, mail, laundry facilities in a clean, quiet environment. Call Jeff at 436-0131 for more information. 1630 H Street, 1BR, 1 bath, condo/efficiency, $19900-28500; Action Realty; call 467-1105 {{ATTENTION STUDENTS!! PART-TIME ASSEMBLY Work 4 or 6hr. shifts doing assembly work. $7.00/Hr. -i- Weekly Attendance Bonus! Add shifts Monday thru Friday. 6:45 a.m. -10:45 ajn. 6:45 a.m.- 1:15 p.m. 7:45 a.m. • 2:15 p.m. 8:45 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. 10:45 a.m.- 2:45p.m. Don't miss out on these great opportunities - they will go fasti Call or stop by today for details. MSP RESOURCES. INC. 210 Gateway North, Suite 436 Greentree d., 464-3225 EOE (Gateway Shopping Center) After Spring Break! Part-Time Jobal,Bunmer3obal, Internships! the Student Job and Internship Fair Wednesday, April 8.1998 Nebraska Unioo-Centannial Room 9:30am-3:30pm Over 40 employers seeking student staff! UNLS Student Employment and Internship Center 345 NE Union • 472-1452 www.unLedu/careers/seic/eeic.htm Your work experience headquarters! 10-40 Flexible Hours, No experience necessary. I 477-8663. Attention Journalism Majors Full time post-graduation position for ah advertising assistant to layout, design, proof, update and order labels, brochures and support material for over 40 products. Bachelor’s degree in Journalism, Advertising or Marketing. Knowledge of print industry necessary. Knowledge of Macintosh/PC network and software (PageMaker, QuarkXPress, Freehand, Photoshop) required. Detailed oriented and organized a must. We offer a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package that includes: health, life and disability insurance; dental reimbursement, profit sharing; and paid time off and holiday pay. See a complete job description in the Resource Library, UNL Career Services office, applications also available or call 1 -800-843-0912 for an application or apply in person M-F, 8AM - 4PM. SIRECK LAB0RAT0RI6SJNC* 14124 Industrial Road Omaha, NE 68144 EOE Drug screening required prior to emplovment Clinical Conduct Associates Needed MDS Harris, an international leader in the pharmaceuti cal testing industry, has entry-level opportunities available for Clinical Conduct Associates. CCA duties include handling and processing samples, monitonng study participants, and recording raw data. Some education or training in the life sciences or a medical environment is preferred. We currently have early morning and evening positions available. Number of hours vary based on staffing needs. Please apply at: ^DS Harris Lincoln,*NE 68601 AA/EOE Computer Positions Several computer programming and system support positions available. Knowledge of *C’, RPG, UNIX or Windows NT helpful. Full and part time positions available. Please send resume or letter of application to: Human Resources, Professional Business Serwces 7700 A St. Lincoln NE 68510. CONSTRUCTION JOBS Visit Stephens and Smith Construction Booth at the Student Job Fair, April 8 9:30 to 330, Nebraska Union, City Campus. Full Time and Part Time Student Jobs Available. Downtown YMCA hiring summer lifeguards, swim in structors and front desk staff. Apply at 1039 P Street 434-9230 Engineer-Substation Engineering Description: Provide required analysis, evaluation, en gineering and design for the construction and modifi cation of the District's transmission and distribution substations. This includes preparation and administra tion of engineering plans, work orders, contracts, esti mates, material and labor purchases specifications, permits and construction standards. In addition, coor dinate project activities, provide field inspection, com plete studies of materials/methodoiogies and represent the District at Substation Engineering and related activities as needed. Qualifications: To perform successfully in this position the incumbent must have a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering or CM Engineering or PE Certifi cation required. Enoneer-in-Training (Err) certification is highly oesirable.^ood oral and written communica tions skills and human relations skills are highly desira ble. Previous power engineering experience n desirable. Applicant should demonstrate a willingness to obtain Professional Engineering Registration in the State of Nebraska. If you feel that you have the necessary qualifications and desire consideration for this position, you may re quest an interview to be scheduled April 7. Contact the Placement Office for location. Additional information regarding the District may be found on their website at Resumes may be sent to for consideration. The Omaha Public rawer District is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Engineering/Physical Science student who can work 15-20 hours/week on instrument project to collect data and control devices in environmental chambers. 472-6761._ ENVIRONMENTAL/SAFETY ASSISTANT Lincoln Bectric System is looking for a second semester freshman or first semester sophomore majoring in Environmental and Safety Sciences. This position would be part-time during the school year (approximately 20 hours a week that can be worked around your class schedule) and 40 hours a week during the summer months, you would be working with an Environmental Engineer and Safety Specialist gath ering field information for the preparation of oil spill plans, inventory and management of wastes generated at LES facilities, management of Material Safety Data Sheets, identification of confined spaces, sound level checks, and ergonomics studies. If you meet these qualifications, please apply byApril 10,1998 at LINCOLNELECTRIC SYSTEM HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT 10400 STREET EEOM/F/D/V F/T Physical Therapy Tech. 40-45 hours Monday through Friday. Must be detail oriented, self starter. Apply in person at Lincoln Physical Therapy. 6940 Vandom Suite 103. Full and part time planting help needed. Sprayer expe rience. 30 minutes from campus. 786-2266. Full or part time help on large green farm near Lincoln. Non smoking. 781-2064._ Full-Time Security Positions First shift Monday through Friday. Third shift Sunday through Thursday. Pay 5.50 to 5.75 per hour. Call 479-1700. Fusilli’s Italian Pizzeria 2 Positions available for lunch counter help. 10-20 hours per week, Monday through Friday. $5.50, free meal. Apply in person, 9»0 to 2:30,121S. 13th, Lincoln Square Food Court 476-1304. Harvest Help Wanted Need grain cart operator and suck drivers. $475/week plus room and board. Guaranteed rain or shine. Will start around May 20. Call Roger Peters (402)751 -2563 Hewit Dining Center is looking for individuals interested in working lunch and supper hours. Ws have many flexible hours available for the remainder of the school year and for the Fait Semester of 98'. Stop by the Hewit Dining Center located In the West Stadium, gate 3, door 19 anytime between the hours of 8-4:30, M-F or call 472-2813 for more information. Housekeeping great hours 9am-3pm, 3-5 days. Front desk 8-4pm, 3-5 days, 4-11 weekdays & weekends. Apply in person. Stop-n-Sieep Motel, 1140Cah/ert St. Immediate opening. Second entership janitorial position. Call for appointment, 430-7426. ISCO.INC — - —-«■>, iiL *-»-* ran ■ wiv iwcnwicHWi Cleans equipment returned to Isco to be repaired. Working hours are flexible 20+ between the hours of 7:00 and 4:30, Monday through Friday. Starting pay is $6.64/hour. Niaht Time Comouter Ooerator Runs night processes and distributes all reports and printouts created by the computer. Documents use of tapes during backup operations and files the tapes. Secures the building and sets the alarms. Due to se curity, persons with previous experience or training in computer programming are not eligible for this position. Hours are approximately 2-3 hours. Monday through Friday, after 5 pm. Starting pay is $6.40 per hour. Please apply or send resume to: Isco, Jnc Human Resources Department 531 Westgate Btvd. Lincoln, NE 68528 FAX 402/458-5502 Email: AA/EOE Knolls Countiy Club Now accepting applications for following positions: "Servers ‘Lifeguards ‘Bussers ‘Pro Shop Personnel "Groundscrew For interview, call 423-2843. Landscape and tree nursery laborer. Part time during school, hill time summer. Must be responsible, de pendable. hardworking individual. Heavy lifting ability a must. 421-3584. Laundry Land at 21st and J is hiring for the 7pm - mid night shift. 3-4 nights a week. $8-6.50 an hour. Apply -:--- t