! EDITOR Paula Lavigne OPINION EDITOR Kasey Kerber EDITORIAL BOARD Brad Davis Erin Gibson Shannon Heffelfinger Chad Lorenz Jeff Randall Quotes OF THE WEEK “(Sen. Wesely) came into the Legislature with a well-developed philosophy and an admirable set of ideals. And that has not changed.” - Sen. Chris Beutler of Lincoln on Sen. Don Wesely of Lincoln, who will retire after this session “Winning is not necessarily attributed to the money, but we can’t necessarily divorce it from the money either.” - ASUN President Sara Russell on the $4^300 her party spent on its win ning campaign “What’s that stinky smell? It’s making me sick.” - Matthew, a preschooler discover ing pigs at the UNL Block and Bridle Kid’s Day at the Animal Science arena on East Campus “Hollywood sucks up the ideas of independent filmmakers and regur gitates them in a more palatable con sumer-driven form.” - Gwendolyn Foster, assistant English professor and film studies instructor, on film as an art form “I’m relieved that this is a posi tive resolution for the chemistry department and for students.” - Bill McLaughlin, visiting chem istry instructor, on his contract to teach at UNL next year “Although the governor’s alleged conduct, if true, ipay certainly be characterized as boorish and offen sive, even a most charitable reading of the record in this case fails to reveal a basis for a claim of criminal sexual assault.” - U.S. District Judge Susan Webber Wright on her decision to throw out the Paula Jones lawsuit against President Clinton “Just seeing the way they live, the way Chauncey lives ... I thought I could fit in with the style of play.” - Nebraska point guard Tyronn Lue on his decision to forgo his senior sea son and enter the NBA Draft. Lue visit ed former Colorado guard and current Toronto Raptor Chauncey Billups last weekend. “Do you think I’d tell Tyronn Lue to come out of college? Hell no, that’s ridiculous.” - NBA Director of Scouting Marty Blake on the possibility of Lue leaving “He gives us a dimension we did n’t have. It’s like Tyronn Lue leaving and then coming back.” - NU Golf Coach Larry Romjue on golfer Jamie Rogers, who returned from Australia to play for the Huskers after a two-year absence Editorial Policy Unsigned editorials are the opinions of the Spring 1998 Daily Nebraskan. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its employees, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the bpinion of its author. The Board of Regents serves as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of its student employees. Letter Policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns, but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major and/or group affiliation, if any. Submit material to: Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE. 68588-0448. E-mail: letters@unlinfo.unl.edu. _» Haney’s VIEW . , , . ' V t I Affair of the heartland j Future Farmers of America is spirit of Nebraska 1 «- ! East Campus, we know that you are the this university, and this is your shine”... ' _ - i MALCOLM KASS is a chemical engineering major and a Daily Nebraskan columnist. Ahh, the first week in April. It is a battleground between spring and winter. When talk starts of Texas leaguers and if the record of 61 in ’61 can be broken. But a far more personal event is happening this weekend. For this weekend outshines all other events in our fair Comhusker state because East Campus is holding the Nebraska State Future Farmers of America Convention, truly the greatest show on all of the earth. I was raised on a farm north of a sleepy little northeastern Nebraska town called Wisner. Ahh yes ... Wisner. Within the comfortable confines of my beloved town there was a Vocational Agriculture instructor who tran scended every social boundary ever formed. This man is Mark Schroeder. Even though his most commonly said phase was, “That damn Kvols kid!” his wit and intelligence mold ed our eager brains. While many a Kass was cultivat ed under Schroeder’s instruction before myself, nothing could have prepared me for what was about to come between the years of 1989 through 1993. He instructed my classmates in the art of land judging, parliamen tary procedure, meat judging and so on. No one else could have shown us the fine 2‘/2-inch line of tenderloin between a T-bone and porterhouse steak; and under his high school domain, phrases as “Meaty Bob Johnson” and “left one right one jealous” became entrenched within Wisner-Pilger-Beemer FFA lingo for all time. A mysterious individual was this Mr. Mark Schroeder. I know of no other high school instructor able to catch a stapler flying at high veloci ties without even looking, demon strating to his students that not only did he master agriculture, but he was a master of the art of ninja as well. Marie Schroeder opened the door to FFA for all of us. With the FFA experience I learned how to say “cappuccino” and was granted the nickname “Balls” for my numerous conquers of the tall water slide in the now defunct Peony Park, and I met my first love, oh ... dear, sweet Gwen. Also at a FFA conference, I found Gwen making out with some kid from Lexington; thus, FFA indi- . rectly taught me that women are inherently evil, dreadfully evil. However, most importantly, I judged in the National FFA Meat. •Judging contest in Kansas City, Mo., and in this same week our team went to a restaurant, unbeknownst to we innocent teenagers, called Hooters. Ignorant to the establishment, I ... well, let's just say that FFA opened many, many doors to me personally. Back at our hotel, Mr. Schroeder asked about our where abouts and we answered with the excuse that our hunger overcame us, and we went to a marvelous pancake house just down the street. Hailing ' J from small-town life, he bought it, and no punishment occurred. Ha ... the benefits of being a Wisnerite. This is why I hold East Campus in such high regard. Too many times Nebraska is represented by the slums of Omaha and Lincoln. East Campus is a safe house to people who don’t wear hemp and don’t dye i their hair. It’s solitude surrounded by madness. East Campus is the true embodiment of Nebraska. This is why the State FFA con vention is the expression of the Nebraska spirit. Where else can a fledging youngster become one of Nebraska FFA’s state farmers by working as a stock boy at Mel’s Foodtown, per form “The Flight of Mark Schroeder” on the mandolin in front of a sea of 5,000 in blue, and still know the difference between a seven-bone roast and the bottom round all in one night? FFA made all this possible. This is why I decree that FFA and East Campus are the heart and soul of Nebraska. East Campus, we know that you are the anchor for this university, and this is your time to shine. I say bum flags of Todd Munson, judge your livestock, identify meat, and show to our beloved FFAers that they are the backbone and ultimately the future of our campus. But most of all, as a favor for me, thank Mark Schroeder for his wisdom in teaching a certain fledg ling agriculturist that FFA opened a whole new world. Hail the Almighty Mark Schroeder! --- f. «.l ■'! I j I -----