Ben’s busty home ‘Big’ house planned By ToddLer Our Little Frangais Fry In an effort to create an equitable environment for Nebraska’s women, ' Omaha Sen. Spam Braun proposed an amendment to LB23 that would fund the construction of a new gover nor’s mansion, which would resemble a pair of breasts. “Everyone knows the Capitol is a glorification of the male sex,” Brown said. “What this state needs is a big ol’ set of melons to represent the girls.” Gov. Bennie Smellssome said in a news conference he would love to live inside a woman’s bosom. “Oh yeah. Make ‘em big, baby,” Smellsome said. While drooling all over a schematic drawing of the new man sion, Senators Lynch Mob of Omaha and Ray Dancin’ of Nickerson started to fight over how big the breasts should be. Running from the senators’ restroom into the chamber with a Hooters magazine in hand, Norfolk Sen. You-n-me Tyumup said he had found the answer. He said the March Melon Twins would make ideal models. “Maybe we should ask them to present their qualifications in person, he said. “That way we can all can get a firm grip on the matter at hand.” Sen. Hunka Hunka Bruning Love said he personally pre ferred a D-cup size, but ultimately it didn’t matter “As long as there are big nipples,” he said. “I like to tweak the nipples.” Omaha Sen. Katie Never Withit added an amendment to place super sized undergarments on both the Capitol and the new mansion. “My own son shouldn’t be allowed to see those dirty things,” Never W i t h i t said. Male senators were fin i s h e d debating in less than five min u t e s . B u t Lincoln Sen. Care Bare Ail Hubkens said she wasn’t yet satisfied and wanted to keep going. “These guys always fin ish so fast,” she said. “They never pay attention to our needs.” Finally after a total of 10.3 min utes of unclimactic debate, the Legslater decided to give the Building Mentenance Committee a subscrip tion to Big ‘Uns to study the issue. Slappa Pigphrat rats squealing about kick-ass bus By Pasta Lasagne Editbore Members of Slappa Pig Phratemity received news Tuesday that they could retain their charter bus under strict guidelines of the Geek Bored, which mandates a signed con tract for national corporate sponsor ship by Trampax. Geek God Atlas said the phratemi ty should be thankful that it got off this easy. “At least they didn’t have to settle for Peepsi,” he said, smiling. Atlas said the Trampax sponsorship was chosen so “these young men would be more sensitive to feminine needs.” When asked what that should mean to the university, Atlas simply shrugged. Slappa Pig President Ralph Lauren said the phratemity will start rebuild ing as soon as the charter bus arrives from Detroit. “We hear it used to be a Greyhound,” he said, frowning. “So, we don’t know if it would be OK to stock it with, uh, cats.” Lauren said the four remaining members of the phratemity and a cou ple of homeless guys would be enough to get the house on the road. “We’re just concerned with meet ing all the guidelines set forth by the Geek Bored,” he said, chuckling, “but I’m sure they can’t be more strict than the rules at detox. “Well, that’s what I’ve heard.” Some of the guidelines are: - All members must wear match ing sweatshirts on Tuesdays, Fridays and days of the full moon. - While meeting each other on the street, members must turn three times and recite the Nebraska Alma Mater and apologize to all those within earshot - While driving the charter bus, members earn 50 bonus points for deer, 30 for raccoons, 20 for squirrels and 10 for graduate assistants. - No games of “chicken” with The Big Red Bus. - If the speed of the bus drops below 55, the vehicle explodes. - The charter bus can park only in the remote lot west of the Waverly Co Op. - Members must drink Peepsi twice a day. - In honor of its corporate sponsor ship, Slappa Pig’s homecoming float must be constructed entirely of Trampax products. All feminine prod ucts are permitted (including super absorbency). BUT NO COOCA COLA! Lauren said he was upset with the float regulation at first, but later saw how it would benefit Slappa Pig. “At least our float will triple in size when it rains!” Lauren said, laughing hysterically while whisking some eggs. Atlas said the Geek Bored would monitor the charter bus throughout the semester to see if it was truckin’ or just spinning its wheels. “We’ll be watching them just like Big Brother,” Atlas said, choking on a piece of fish. “If they crash that bus, Slappa Pig will never pork here again.” Daily Harassment has idiot for dinner By Am N. Greets’em Regretful hiring guru The Daily Harassment Tuesday entertained one-time staff peon Mark Myasseissmarter for an evening introduction on how newspapers are run. “Some things go on page one, some things go on page two,” said Pasta Lasagne, big, big chief. “Some things also go on page three, some things go on page four, some things go on page five.” The newspaper may publish other stories, photographs or advertise ments on pages six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, Lasagne continued. “And sometimes,” she said, “things go on the back page.” Myasseissmarter seemed con fused by the assertion and began to chew on his left foot. Lasagne explained the back page was often the second-most read page of the publication and a page that also gets printed in color - a valuable commodity in the newspaper busi ness. Myasseissmarter, dumbfounded, then questioned the newspaper’s agenda in publishing on white paper with black type. “You racist bastards.” He then questioned the little marks surrounding direct quotes by sources.' “What are quotes?” He also asked why he, as a lilly skinned male, felt oppressed by today’s society steeped in institution al racism. “It hurts so very much.” A four-course dinner accompa nied the conversation and included ham sandwiches with American cheese and mayonnaise on white bread, Hostess Twinkies, Oreo cook ies (all filling) and vanilla ice cream. A good time was had by all. One big-ass assteroid rips apart Lincoln; school’s on, baby, and Heckler holds a news conference ASS2 from page 3 and calls to their offices were met with an answering machine message that simply said: “We haven’t had a day off since October. “Screw you. Clean this one up yourself.” Seriously, Sandy Ford is a big-ass gangsta SANDY from page 5 too. We’ve got to stop this madness.” For their part, the*team supports the coach’s innocence. Nikki Rubik’s-Cube said bandy ford is a great coach living the straight life. “If you say anything bad about him, you’ll get a permanent attitude adjust ment,” said Rubik’s-Cube, who paused his videocassette recorder at the . BURGER FIEND eve ’*e 6&te fat eten*Utty Ha-ha, you bastards! You thought you could remove us from the Nebraska Union, didn't you? Well, your plan failed, and we will come back even stronger, with new dietary abominations that will ravage your colons, your waistlines and even your very souls! Prostrate yourselves before us now, or we will destroy your pathetic campus. By the way, don't forget to try our tasty new fries!