’ 200stKtm *&M* Hare Master Team Model freestyle bike with 3piece cranks, 48spoke high pressure wheels. $250. 421-3581. Ride the Wave All 1998 Kona Mountain Bikes on Sale. Honker Hangar Bike Shop, 486-0323,3855 South Street. ALASKA EMPLOYMENT- Earn up to $3,000/month in fisheries. Airfare! Food/Lodging! Supercool park/resort jobs tool Apply now for summer. Call: (919) 933-1939 ext. A107. CRUISE & LAND TOUR EMPLOYMENT- Earn up to $2,000/month. Free world travel (Europe, Carribean, etc.). Our service recommended by US News/World Reports. (919) 933-1939, ext.Cl07. NATIONAL PARKS HIRING- Plus Forests, Beach Re sorts, Dude Ranches, Rafting Companies. Nationwide openings. Call (919) 933-1939, ext.R107. The Jean Outlet. 3241 South 13th. 420-5151. We buy and sell Levis. New Country Band Looking for bassist, violinist, and lead guitarist. Har mony, vocals a plus. Call 440-6360 for audition. Free baby kittens to a good home. Just what your fabulous pad needs is a couple of purring felines with saucy dispositions. Call our Cat Hostel at 475-0136. 300$ Sendees ADOPT To love and to be loved is the best gift in life. We want to give that ail to a newborn. Expenses paid. Legal and Confidential. Please call anytime—John and Marie, at 1-800-532-8628. Adopt: Our hearts long to give your newborn a lifetime of love and fulfillment in our happy home.Expenses paid. Please call Irene and George, 1 -(800) 278-1743. ADOPTION A loving alternative We offer counseling and adoption services to help you plan the best future tor your baby. No fees or obligations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children's Home, 4600 Valley Rd- Suite 314, 483-7879 ADOPTION-YES, ABORTION-NO: Our empty arms and loving hearts are ready to welcome your baby. white newborn. Medical/Legal expenses covered. Please call Bob and Renee at 1/800-250-8495. Exec. Dad, Stay Home Mom Plus Adorable Dog Will Give Your Child A Special Place to Grow/Play With Love, Laughter, Security. Big Comfortable Home and Yard. Call Diane/Scott 800-201-2086. Loving couple seeks to adpot baby and provide lifetime of happiness. Confidential. Donna and Mark 1-800-424-1119. Our home is filled with love, laughter and happiness. We long to share it with a new bom. We will provide a wonderful future. Expenses paid. Please call Lucille and Michael 1 -800-468-9311. Income taxes. Quality services at affordable rates, eve ning and weekend appointments available, student discounts. Call Tammy for appointment at Ethical Management Services, 560-1464. Auto Accidents & DWI Other criminal matters, call Sanford Pollack 476-7474. Auto Accidents, Workers' Compensation, DWI, Divorce, Criminal Defense and Family Law. Call DeCamp Legal Services, (402)477-3974. Criminal Defense, DWI, Bankruptcy, Stone Law Firm, Affordable Rates, 475-0055 New Country Band Looking for bassist, violinist, and lead guitarist. Har mony, vocals a plus. Call 440-6360 for audition. Free Pregnancy Test Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Please call for appointment or more information, 483-2609. Check out our website www.birthriaht.ora Academic Expressions Resumes. Term Papers. Theses, Cover/Business letters and newsletters. (402)628-2221. lrondadQNavix.net._____ Resume Pro Personalized resumes to make you stand out in a crowd! 421-6630. Ask about the student speciall www.golddlsc.com/resumepro Resumes Same Day Service General to Professional. CaH Brandi at Staffing Services, Inc. 465-9060 or Fax 465-9066. Female non-smoker to share nice three bedroonr house. Close to campus, washer/dryer. No pets $250/month plus 1/3 utilities. Call Stephanie 438-0864. Wanted: Female roommate to share nice four bedroorr house. Walking distance from campus. Non-smoker No pets. Washer/Dryer. Off street parking, and AC $230 plus deposit and 1/4 utilities. Call Jodi, Liz oi Katie at 438-2403._ Completely furnished home to share, private bedroom intercultural household, cable tv, grand piano, centra heat /a/c, laundry facilities, large yard, fireplace, 1 block from number 3 bus ample parking, $175/mo Utilities included. Fredricka 474-7729. “We love students!” 3,4,5 and 6 bedrooms homes near UNL for summe and/or fall. A-C’s, washers, dryers, dishwashers. Sigr up now and relax! 423-1535. 633 N. 26th, 5 large bedrooms plus loft, 2 baths, centra air, washer/dryer, off street parking, nice, $1150 8/1. 440-8046 or 440-2248. 1143 Charleston, 3 Bedroom, washer dryer, air condi tioner, available March 15, $600 plus deposit 890-8909 4200 Baldwin, available 5/1,6 bedroom, 2 bath, Centra air, washer/dryer, off street parking, very nice $900. 440-8046,440-2248. 2-3-4 Bedroom Houses Available May and August Near UNL 432-6644. 3BR, walk UNL, 1100 Y Street, washer/dryer, dish washer, off street parking, $620.489-9294. April/May Move-In 2508 H. Brand new. Four bedroom, two baths. Fireplace All appliances. $850.430-6328. Campus Close/Available April 3200 'S’ Four bedroom. Two baths. Central air. Parking $650.430-6328. Choice Houses Near Campus AuoilaklA in Man 1438 N. 21st, 4 bedroom, 2 baths, parking. $800. 1140 N. 29th, 4 bedroom, 2 baths, parking. $850. Call 432-0644. Nice houses near campus available in August 1246 Court, 4 BR, 2 baths! $800 2112 Vine, 4 BR, 11/2 baths. $850. 1541 Whittier, 5 bedroom, 2 baths. $900. 1541 N. 26th, 5 bedroom, 2 baths. $900. _Off street parking. Cali 432-0644_ ****Brand New**** 4 bedroom/2 Bath, washer/dryer included, garage, al amenities, between campuses. Available now. $895 HIP, 465-8911. Between Campuses: New 3 bedroom, 2 bath, w/d garage, 2420 Potter. $775. 438-3393 or 440-2225. Brand new 3 bedroom, 2 bath, fireplace, family room A/C, 2 garages. $850+, available for spring/fall. RE SERVE YOURS NOWI! 432-0415. Four Bedroom Duplexes Nearly new: W/D Furnished: some with oaraoes; no 477-2600 www.mgmtone.com New duplex, 3 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 car garage, W/D garage door opener, $825/month. Available Now. 62' N. 2ffih. 465-8911, HIP. !!! Close To Campus!!! Leasing for May and August. One, two, three, four, am five bedroom apartments and townhouses. Management One 477-2600 www.mgmtone.com !!! Waverty NE!!! NOW LEASING BRAND NEW 1 & 2 BR APARTMENTS. • Beautiful decor with ceramic tile, oak trim and neutrj colors • All electric heat pump, washer/dryer hookups • Small town living, adjoining city park • Garages are available 1 BR $450-$475 2 BR $550-$610 Cherry Hill Realty 489-4857 1,2, and efficiency bedrooms available now. Close ti campus, off-street parking, character! 475-9860 440-2221 2 bedroom near east campus. On bus line, A/C, closets no smoking, no pets. $385+ deposit. 475-6453. 1932 R - Next To Campus Nice, Quiet, Clean. 2 Bedroom,1 Bath. $425. Available April 1st. Lease Parking. Washer/Dryer hookup. Dishwashei 2020 G, Studio, controlled access.$309 680 S 20, Brand new carpet, 2BR.$439 645 S 20, Mega 1 BR, Balcony..$349 2301 A. 1 BR, Balcony..$339 $100.00 move In special with 1 year lease 475-7262 OC/H DAI rVA/lkl A.m1I.U. Al... 4 C1L. ^__A_ 2-bedrooms. Large, clean, nicely decorated, balconv fireplace, laundry, parking, 4-plex $450 483-4600 Apartments on UNL Campus Large studio unit available. No smoking, no pets, con trolled access, laundry, UNL shuttle stop, $375/montt Brickyard Apartments. 17th and Holdreooe. 477-6578. AUGUST LEASE-TWO BR 3600 Huntington. East Campus/Wesleyan. Fire place central air, laundry, parking. No pets. 489-9916 Available Soon 2 bed, 1 bath. Carpet, air, laundry, parking, FREE CA BLE, NO PETS. $450+. 1910 Knox. 435-7770 o 476-2665. Brand New 3 bedroom, 3 Bath, W/D in each unit $840 per month, available May. No Smokers. Ca Julian 432-7030 or Rembott Homes 488-9222. CLAREMONT PARK APARTMENTS 9th & Claremont, 474-7275 Now leasing for May and August. Hours: M-F 9:00am-6:00pm Saturdays 11:00am-3:00pm CLOSE TO CITY CAMPUS Efficiency apartments, water, heat, gas paid. Call 477-4490. Colonial Heights Apartments One, two and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070. For Rent: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Claremont. Ideal location. | Call 475-2798. Available May 1st. Larger remodeled one bedroom. Two blocks from Devaney. 1643 N. 14th. Range, refrigerator, Washer, dryer. Central air. Off-street parking. 489-9294. Luxury on a Budget 2 Bedroom Deluxe Suites with new range, refrigerator, and dishwasher, fireplace, new carpet, and decor package. Great Place, Must See! Willowhaven Apartments, 1800 Knox Street, 476-6200 Need people to sublet our apartment over the summer. 3 bedroom/2 bath. Nice. Call 466-6910. Need Privacy? One bedroom; unfurnished; 66th and Holdrege; Grads welcome, no smoking/pets; Second floor; Available; $285 plus utilities. (800)397-4850. One BR sublease available for summer May to August. $330/month, plus utilities. Free cable. 435-4487 or (605) 342-0088 (spring break). Two bedroom apartment, 810 H St. Newly redecorated, laundry off-street parking, deposit/lease. UNL Close 2740 R. Two bedrooms. Laudnry. Parking. $350. 430-6328. Victorian Charm I Freshly Decorated, 2 bedroom, oak cabinets, $360/month 489-1938 or 730-5050. CENTURY MANAGEMENT* We provide: * Locations throughout Lincoln * 24-Hour Emergency Maintenance * Professional & Personable Leasing Staff Call us today! 402-484-8600 "ATTENTION STUDENTS!! PART-TIME ASSEMBLY Work 4 or 6hr. shifts doing assembly work. $7.00/Hr. + Weekly Attendance Bonus! Add shifts Monday thru Friday. 6:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. 6:45 a.m.- 1:15 p.m. 7:45 a.m. - 2:15 p.m. 8:45 a.m.- 3:15 p.m. 10:45 a.m.- 2:45 p.m. Don’t miss out on these great opportunities - they will go fast! Call or stop by today for details. MSP RESOURCES, INC. 210 Gateway North, Suite 436 Greentree Ct., 464-3225 EOE (Gateway Shopping Center) Apartment Community is looking for an outgoing, de tailed, professional individual to fill the position of leasing consultant. Part time hours. Must work weekends Apply in person at 7100 Holmes Park Road. APPLY NOW!! Student OpeningsMust be Filled by April 8th. $12.15 10-40 Flexible Hours, No experience necessary. 477-8663. Attention Journalism Majors Full time post-graduation position for an advertising assistant to layout, design, proof, update and ordel labels, brochures and support material for over 4C products. Bachelor’s degree in Journalim, Advertising or Marketing. Knowledge of print industry necessary Knowledge of Macintosh/PC network and software (PageMaker, QuarkXPress, Freehand, Photoshop) required. Detailed oriented and organized a must. We offer a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package that includes: health, life and disability insurance; dental reimbursement, profit sharing; anc paid time off and holiday pay. See a complete job description in the Resource Library, UNL Career Services office, applications alsc available or call 1-800-843-0912 for an application o apply in person M-F, 8AM - 4PM. STRECK lABORATORIESJNC.* 14124 Industrial Road Omaha, NE 68144 EOE Drug screening required prior to employment Bruegger's Bagel Bakery Now Accepting Application! for Part-Time Day Help. Apply at 70th and A Location. Cashier Needed Part-Time. Fridays and Saturday, Apply 1745 O Street, Family Thrift Center. Class B Drivers Needed Agricultural distributor looking for drivers for local, sea sonal deliveries. Must have a hazardous material en dorsement. Pay is $8.5Q/Hr plus incentive. Hours pe week: 50+. Call 470-3566 (Airpark) for more informa - tion. __ , . , - . V ' • COCA-COLA EOE M/F/D/V Representatives from the Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Mid-America will be at the Nebraska Union on UNL's campus on Wednesday, April 8,1998. We are looking for quality people to join our Lincoln team as seasonal Sales Associates and our Omaha team as seasonal Sales Associates and Warehouse Loaders. Typically, our season begins in early May and continues though August ' Interested, qualified applicants can inquire and apply at the Nebraska Union at 14th and R between 9:30 am and 3:00 pm. You may also inquire at our Lincoln and Omaha offices. We hope to see you there! DOCK COORDINATOR Omaha World Herald in Lincoln is looking for a respon sible individual to oversee the distribution of newspa pers to our delivery personnel from our loadingdock. 30 Hours per week, early morning hours. Call Tom ® 476-6100 or fill out an application at 825 M Street #103. Enthusiastic, self motivated person needed immediately for receptionist position. Send resume to: Belmont Veterinary Center, 2200 Cornhusker Highway,, Lincoln, NE. 68521 FOOD SERVICE SPECIALIST Coordinates, trains and supervises inmates in food preparation and serving of meals. Examines inventories and stores food products. Maintains records and reports on food purchases and consumption. RE QUIREMENTS: Must be able to work weekends, holi days, be able to lift 40 pounds, possess education or " ‘ experience in food preparation/sanitation. Duties in clude prolonged standing, walking and climbing stairs. Work schedule: Wednesday & Thursday: 5:30a.m. to 1:30p.m., and Saturday 10:30a.m. to 6:30p.m. Bilingual (English/Spanish) and/or supervisory experience helpful. Salary $9.91/hour. Selected candidate must successfully complete a NE Corrections Training Pro gram. Submit a NE State Application form to the De partment of Correctional Services, PO Box 94661, Lin coln NE 68509-4661. E.O.E./A.A Full or part time help on large green farm near Lincoln. Non smoking. 781-2064. Grisanti's Restaurant now hiring energetic motivated fun servers. Please apply in person 6820 O Street. Hewit Dining Center is looking for individuals interested in working lunch and supper hours. We have many flexible hours available for the remainder of the school year and for the Fall Semester of 98'. Stop by the Hewit Dining Center located in the West Stadium, gate 3, door 19 anytime between the hours of 8-4:30, M-F or call 472-2813 for more information. Hiring for all front desk positions, full and part-time; Apply at Comfort Suites; 27th & Superior. Hiring part time servers and cooks. Flexible hours, apply at Farabee’s, 58th & Old Cheney. Like to have fun working in a great environment? Cycle works is now taking applications for sales and me chanical help, full and part time. Cycle Works, 27th and Vine 475-2453. THE DEEP END ' ' BY CHAD STRAWDERMAN I ' 1 ' CooU he VV\e Y ufato y' knou! L . W^!aVs \>cco 7 charges \n cWnaie Hy^vie a &ccOi e^ec\ on ■I ACROSS i Obligation 5 European range ’ S Take it easy 13 Repute ■ 14 Milano’s La is Islamic chief IS Nervous 17 Pittance freely given is Trifle 20 Knight and Turner 21 American trial , lawyer ■ 22 Abraham’s wife 24 Look for 25 Bouncer at a bank? 28 Actress Arthur 31 Eastern Church group 32 Clumsy craft 33 Varnishes j 34 Earthy sediments i 35 Mo. city 35 Ruckuses 37 Only 38 Rialto sign 39 Sensationalism 40 Naval off. 41 Small change 43 Female collegian 44 Indo-European 45 Onset 48 Anthropoids 49 Assenting sign - ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE r '4 4rrrrJrTg,nrTTW,c LL I i ' .' . . &&&&*&& ' • . f ' v • - • • I* \2 Bucks (4 Can is Scarlett’s home 16 Gaunt 17 Chanteuse Horne M Directional preposition is Observes to Secondhand DOWN 1 Forest denizens 2 Taro root 3 Counterfeiters' output 4 Attempt 9 Sour s Chaps 7 Middle East org. 8 Equal of two fins o Make payment 10 Oscar winner Jannings 11 Locale 12 Playing card 14 Takes an oath is Submerged 20 Waste allowances 23 Let up 24 Wife of Zeus 28 Ballet 28 Merger 27 Devastation 28 Undesirables 29 Place for 6IOves so Syrian head of state 33 Vegetable sponge 35 Dry 30 Theatrical awards 38 Moolah 39 Unorthodox belief 41 Male bird 42 Java cottons 43 Chocolate tree 4S Italian wine district 4«U.S. special investigator 47 Small pie 40 Top-notch 50 Department of NW France si Kind of ringer 53 Arctic explorer 54 Winter hazard •1 i