EDITOR Paula Lavigne OPINION EDITOR Kasey Kerber EDITORIAL BOARD Brad Davis Erin Gibson Shannon Heffelfinger Chad Lorenz Jeff Randall Quotes OF THE WEEK “I have never seen this amount of support for a teacher. Students say good things about the man, and many don’t want to see him go.” - Ben Wallace, on students rallying to keep adjunct chemistry instructor Bill McLaughlin “We should never forget what became possible with students working together on this campus.” - Paul Kelter, UNL chemistry pro fessor, on students rallying to keep adjunct chemistry instructor Bill McLaughlin “And I want you to know that even though I’m saying goodbye, I will never forget you, because even death can’t end a life like yours.” - Shannon Heffelfinger, a UNL sophomore and Daily Nebraskan senior sports reporter, to her friend and roommate, Laura Cockson, who died Saturday in a car accident caused by an alleged drunken driver “I’ve pretty much massacred any semblance of a personal life I had.” - Sara Russell, ASUNpresident elect, on the result of leading a stren uous student government campaign “We need this money. There is no way around it.” - Tad McDowell, parking services manager, on increasing the cost of student parking permits by $12 next year “I’ve been traveling around this year looking for a country that needs a president.” - Bob Dole, speaking Tuesday to a Success 2000 conference in Omaha “This settlement is significant for Nebraska not only because of the money but because it requires the tobacco company to take steps to curb tobacco use among Nebraskans.” - Gov. Ben Nelson, on the state’s settlement with the Liggett and Brooke Tobacco Group “I wanted to win. There’s no pride for me. We were up by 10. We just gave it away.” - Tyronn Lue, NU point guard who scored 18 points in a losing effort to Arkansas in the first round of the NCAA Tournament “If he decides to stay, we’ll have one of the best teams in Husker his tory.” - Andy Markow ski, NU forward, on the possibility of Lue forgoing his senior year for the NBA draft Editorial Policy Unsigned editorials are the opinions of the Spring 1998 Daily Nebraskan. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its employees, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author. The Board of Regents serves as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of its student employees. letter Policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns, but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major and/or group affiliation, if anv. Submit material to: Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE. 68588-0448. E-mail: letters@unlinfo.unl.edu. Haney’s VIEW Guest VIEW For my sisters Now is a time to remember,; a time to act 66 Most of us think this is a story that we will only read about. That is what I thought only one short week ago. It can happen to any one of us.” I would like to start out by saying thank you on behalf of my family to all of you who have prayed for us, brought us food at the hospital, helped out back in Friend, visited my sisters in the hospital and given us a shoulder to lean on in this time of great tragedy. The support we have received from the university and the entire communities of Friend and Lincoln has been unbelievable. I would espe cially like to thank Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs James Griesen for all he has done for my family and me. It’s amazing how much people are willing to help a family in need. We have received countless flowers aiiu carus lur uum nrm anu aaran and for the funeral. The cards are continuing to come in by the hun dreds. We have received sympathy from so many people we didn’t even know; it’s absolutely unbelievable. Both Laura and Sarah’s sorority, Gamma Phi Beta, and my fraternity, Alpha Gamma Sigma, have been incredible. Gamma Phi started wear ing ribbons in memory of Laura and to increase the awareness of drinking and driving. AGS has been especially helpful to me. There has not been one mem ber who has not offered to do some thing for me. Their support is what has kept me going. Both houses had an unbelievable showing at the funer al on Wednesday. Members of Gamma Phi and some of Laura’s other friends even made a poster board covered with memories of Laura. Sarah and Erin continue to improve every day. We are very thankful of this, but I can’t keep from thinking that this could have been avoided. Most of us think this is a story that we will only read about. That is what I thought only one short week ago. It can happen to any one of us. Every year thousands of people die in alcohol-related accidents. But still, on any given Thursday, Friday and Saturday night you could probably count hundreds of people leaving the bars here in Lincoln too drunk to drive. If just one of them should hap pen to fall asleep at the wheel, hap pen to overlook a red light, or just get too confident with their driving, you too could lose a father, a mother, a sister, a brother, a friend or all of the above. What if that driver shoriil&happen to be you? Just think how you would feel for the rest of your life knowing you ended someone else’s life way too soon. You would be miserable for the rest of your life just because you were too embarrassed to call some one sober or you just didn’t want to bother anyone. Right now, two of my little sisters are lying in intensive care rooms cry ing constantly because they are in so much pain. Sarah doesn’t even know that her big sister, her idol, died near ly a week ago. Erin is beside herself because she loved Laura so much. Neither girl could even go to the funeral to say goodbye to a person who did so much for them. Our lives have been changed for ever, all because of one man who thought he could drive after drinking and run from the police who were simply doing what they were trained to do. There is no one to blame in this situation except for one man. I have confidence in our judicial system, so I know he will get what he deserves. There is nothing that can be done about the past. All we can do is try to change the future. From now on, I want each and every one of you read ing this to think hard next time before you drive after a night of drinking. I want you to ask yourself if you are prepared to end someone’s life that is dear to so many people. I want you to ask yourself if calling a sober driver is worth the 35 or so cents to the family of the person or persons you may injure or kill. If I could, I would go back and give this guy a million dollars just to have Laura back with us. As a tribute to Laura, I ask each one of you to offer to be a designated driver on a weekend night sometime this semester. If this would save even just one life or prevent one accident, it is well worth your time. I can guar antee you one thing: All those groups against drinking and driving just gained five very strong supporters. Once again, thank you all who have helped my family in our time of need. We couldn’t have gotten this far without each and every one of you. Steve Cockson senior business administration I- *---*. .. j I