1 _h Summer Reading Courses > All-SRC instructor meeting.5-6:30 p.m. March 11 : Individual instructor meetings...April 6-10 Registration.March 11 to May 8 Full payment due.May 8 Late registration (full payment due at registration).. May 11-29 Final date to change to or from P/NP...July 10 Final date to drop (no grade recorded).Aug. 31 Fall meetings..... Aug. 31 to Sept. 4 Instructors file grades with DCS.Oct. 9 Grade reports to students.November Tuition: $88.75 per credit hour. (No University Program and Facilities Fees assessed.) University of Nebraska Lincoln Division of Continuing Studies Part-Time Student Services and Degree Options . ' • - -v . •;£_ '• ' ■ For information, call: r 472-1392 . - : ’ ijte- : V : Choose among 32 undergraduate courses from 13 departments. ■ Choose courses that interest you. ■ Attend the March 11 all-SRC program meeting OR an individual instructor meeting in April to discuss courses with SRC faculty. > * ■ Pay reservation fee of $25 per course (nonrefundable). ■ Be billed for the balance of tuition. Full payment due by MayS.^ - ■ Read and complete course requirements. Summer Reading Course grades are posted in November. 1. All-SRC instructor meeting (March 11): Pay $25-per-course reservation fee (nonrefundable). You will be billed for the balance. Full payment is due by May 8. 2. Individual instructor meetings (April 6-10): The instructor will forward your registration and $25-per-course reservation fee to DCS. Full payment is due May 8. 3. Walk in: Division of Continuing Studies (DCS) Nebraska Center for Continuing Education, Room 271 33rd and Hoidrege Streets 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday 4. Mail: Mail to the address on the registration form. 5. F$x: Fax your registration form t<^72^19jjl. . *v.3L£.' •. i-. ' I k ■ ■? 4 - 352x 831 Introduction to Plains Ethnology 3 cr Instructor: Martha McCoilough 472-2441 Meeting: Tuesday, April 7 5-6 p.m. BH 305 * 366x 831 People and Cultures of East Asia 3 cr Instructor: Joseph Stimpfl 472-2411 Meeting: Tuesday, April 7 5-6 p.m. _= Bff 126 416Ax 831 Topics in Cultural Anthropology: 3 cr Ethnic Conflict and Identity Instructor: Joseph Stimpfl 472-2411 Meeting: Thursday, April 9 5-6 p.m. BH 126 416Bx 832 Topics in Cultural Anthropology: 3 cr Ecopsychology and Indigenous Science' Instructor: Mark Schroll 402-228-1216 Meeting: Wednesday, April 8 5-6 p.m. HaH 122 416Dx 833 Topics in Cultural Anthropology: 3 cr Native American Women .. Instructor: Kristina Lee v " - 472-3817 Meeting: Wednesday, April 8 *, ' &6 p.m. 108 BH 496x 831 Special Readings in Anthropology: 3 cr Reclaiming Our Indigenous Mind Instructor: Mark Schroll 402-228-1216 Meeting: Thursday, April 9 5-6 p.m. ^ HaH 122 Art and Art History (AHIS) DRAW lOlx 831 Beginning Drawing 3 cr Instructor: Karen Dienstbier 472-7200 Meeting: Tuesday, April 7 5-6 p.m. NCW 11 Biological Sciences (Bios) 230x 831 Ecology of the Great Plains 3 cr Instructor: Kathleen Keeler 472-2717 Meeting: Thursday, April 9 5-6 p.m. HaH 124 Classics (CLAS) 180x 831 Classical Mythdogy 3 cr Instructor: Thomas Rinkevich 472-2460 Meeting: Monday, April 6 5-6 p.m. And 241 LAIN 303x 831 Elementary Latin Composition 2 cr Instructor: Thomas Rinkevich 472-2460 Meeting: Wednesday, April 8 5-6 p.m. And 241 Educational Psychology (EDPS) 490Ax 831 Workshop Seminar: Understanding Grief and the Grief Recovery Process 3 cr Instructor: Ina Sivits Luhring 472-1076 Meeting: Monday, April 6 5-6 p.m. Selleck Conference Room 490Bx 832 Workshop Seminar: Understanding 3 cr Change, Resilience and Hope: Concepts for Managing Life in Our World Instructor: Ina Sivits Luhring 472-1076 Meeting: Thursday, April 9 5-6 p.m. Selleck Conference Room UNL is a nondiscriminatory institution. 3 cr 472-3244 OldH 205 3 cr 486-1681 OldH 305 3 cr 486-1681 OldH 305 e: 3 cr 474-2825 HaH 123 3 cr 472-1175 OldH 205 3 cr 472-1175 OldH 205 3 cr 489-5014 OldH 304 •— ' .AS\.T *IS£ 'i - : r: & % English (ENGL) 205x 831 Twentieth-Century Fiction - 3 cr Instructor: Sharon Hakel-Tayior .. V' 472-1827 Meeting: Tuesday, April 7 5-6 p.m. ~ vv ; And 39 Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) 364x 831 Problems in Middle and Late Years 3 cr - Instructor: Jean Chicoine 472-4528 Meeting: Thursday, April 10 5-6 p.m. HE 25 Geology (GEOL) 101x 831 Physical Geology - 3 cr Instructor: James Durbin 472-2663 Meeting: Wednesday, April 8 5-6 p.m. BH 302 J.05x 831 Life of the Past |. 3 cr Instructor: James Durbin 472-2663 Meeting: Tuesday, April 7 5-6 p.m. BH 302 History (HIST) lOOx 831 Western Civilization to 1715 3 cr instructor: Vanessa Gorman 472-3243 Meeting: Monday, April 6 5-6 p.m. OldH 638 lOlx 831 Western Civilization Since 1715 3 cr - Instructor: Ed Wood 477*-5707 Meeting: Wednesday, April 8 5-6 p.m. ’ /• 304 OldH 181x 831 Introduction to East Asian Civilization 3 cr Instructor: Paris Coble ' . 472-3244 Meeting: Monday, April 6 5-6 p.m. OldH 205 Budding key And...*'.Andrews Hall BH........Bessey Hall Burn.. Burnett Hall HaH ...„.,...Hamilton Hall ..i P^diology (psyc) 298x 831 Special Topics in Psychology: 3 cr Parapsychology — A Skeptical Perspective Instructor: Donald Jensen 472-3144 Meeting: Monday, April 6 5-6 p.m. Bum 205 Sociology (soci) 101x 831 ' Introduction to Sociology 3 cr Instructor: Jufee Harms Cannon 4726053 Meeting: Friday; April 10 56 p.m. OldH 707 201x 831 Social Problems 3 cr Instructor Julie Harms Cannon 4726053 Meeting: Thursday, April 9 56 p.m. OldH 707 209x 831 Soddkigy of Crime 3 cr Instructor Jennifer Wingren 472-3631 Meeting: Wednesday, April 8 56 p.m. HaH 124 2\ix 831 Nationality and Race Relations 3 cr Instructor: Jack Sfegman 4726008 Masting: Tuesday, April 7 56 p.m. OldH 707 242x 831 Urban Sociology 3 cr Instructor Jack Siegman 4726008 Meeting: Tuesday, April 7 56 p.m. OldH 707 HE ....Home Economics (East Campus) NCW.NeBe Cochran Woods Building OldH.Oldfather Hall Sdleck Conference Room.SeUeck Quadrangle