The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 04, 1998, Page 3, Image 3

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    m ' - * ■
‘Union to appeal for
increase in budget
II ByIevaAugstums
i Assignment Reporter
I *
s Tonight the Union Board will
sbegin undoing everything the
I -Committee for Fees Allocation has
Mone to stunt increases in the union’s
[ The University of Nebraska
ILincoln Union Board voted Tuesday
^to begin appealing CFA’s decision of
^reducing die Nebraska Unions’ bud
liget increase request by $ 109,000.
| Nebraska Union Director Daryl
^Swanson said he will appeal to the
^Association of Students of the
gUniversity of Nebraska today,
^requesting to keep revenue from an
I ATM lease in the union’s fund rather
^than the university’s general fund and
to have tobacco sales removed from
Ithe unions.
| Swanson said he doesn’t expect
8 ASUN to grant his appeal.
. “I know the students want tobac
*co in the unions,” Swansori said. “But
| removing tobacco from our unions is
.something that I have supported from
ithe beginning - I must continue my
s Student Involvement Director
f Marilyn Bugenhagen will also appeal
| to ASUN today on behalf of Student
Bugenhagen said her main con
cern was the “mysterious, unspeci
fied budget cut of $ 19,960 CFA
decided to remove.”
“We have a brand new facility
that had a lot of potential,”
Bugenhagen said. “We completely
understand that student fees are a
concern, but students need to under
stand the resources that they can have
or won’t have in the resource center.”
Jess Sweley, a junior biosystems
engineering major, said Union Board
supports Bugenhagen and Swanson
in their efforts, and told board mem
bers that ultimately the decisions
were no longer in their hands.
“Regardless of what students or
we say, the university will remove
tobacco from our unions and increase
our fees,” Sweley said. “The adminis
tration would not have it any other
way than their way.”
Union Board President Saad
Alavi said the administrators have the
right to take tobacco sales out of the
unions, but they don’t have the right
to “dump the extra fees on students.”
Nebraska Union will appeal to
ASUN today at 6:30 p.m. in the
union’s Georgian Suite.
- Students wishing to speak during
open forum must register with ASUN
before the meeting.
UNL student arrested
Where there is smoke, there
is fire, and if that smoke smells
funny, it’s probably the mari
juana that University Police
found in Selleck Residence
Hall Monday afternoon.
Reports of a marijuana
smell on the 8200 section of
Selleck led officers to the resi
dence hall, University Police
Sgt. Mylo Bushing said.
With the help of the resi
dence hall director, officers
tracked the smell to Jared
Kolarik’s room.
When confronted by the
police, Kolarik, 19, a freshman
from Bellevue, turned over his
pipe and a plastic bag of mari
Then Kolarik consented to
a search of his half of the room,
but officers did not find any
thing else.
Kolarik was arrested for
possession of marijuana and
drug paraphernalia.
Compiled by Senior
Reporter Josh Funk.
IBazaar to offer international flavor
| By Chad Ellsworth
*i Staff Reporter
i | Students can,taste die food, wear
.the clothes and tour die culttires of 11
nations today.
i The International Student
^Organization is bringing the
^International Bazaar to the main
| entrance of the Nebraska Union today
rjto heighten the awareness of cultural
* diversity on campus.
j Students from those nations will
^present music, food, clothing and the
‘ 'traditional crafts of their countries in
• order to celebrate the presence of
*more than 70 nations and 2,000 inter
‘ national students at the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln, said ISO member
Elena Bocherova.
The 11 countries represented
include Pakistan, Thailand, Malaysia,
Korea, Turkey, Iran, Indonesia, Japan,
India, Bangladesh and the
Commonwealth of Independent
States. The CIS, which includes the
republics of the former Soviet Union,
as well as Iran, are new additions to
the annual bazaar this year.
The bazaar began a few years ago
as a way for international students to
get together and share experiences,
said Amruta Kshatriya, vice presi
dent for programs and activities.
The bazaar will begin at 11 a.m.
with a few words from Vice
Chancellor for Student Affairs James
Griesenfe_The booths and activities
will remain open until 2 p.m.
Each association will make and
prepare the foods itself, using home
made recipes that one won’t find in
any restaurant, Kshatriya said.
Students should make a special effort
to sample the foods of Bangladesh,
which have won the award for the
most outstanding cuisine for the past
two years.
“We hope it will help create
awareness of the different cultures on
campus and help encourage cultural
exchange,” Bocherova said.
I Academic Senate discusses traffic projects
; SENATE from page 1
However, Amy Rager, ASUN f rst
* vice president, disagreed.
| “A lot of students do gfet injured
“because of traffic commuting through
? campus,” Rager said. “You just don’t
I see it in the newspapers or hear about it
,on the news.”
i Rager said the university has
|already gotten the city to reduce the
speed limit on 16th and 17* streets,
r “This project benefits the campus
* and city greatly,” she said. “People will
j notice a difference.”
I Peter Bleed, former Academic
| Senate president, said the Antelope
Valley development project is a good
solution to unwanted traffic control on
= However, Jensen then questioned
the impact the project would have on
traffic in existing adjacent neighbor
Moeser said the project has gone
through a lot of planning and said the
university and city have remained sen
sitive to existing neighborhoods’ needs.
“The Antelope Valley project bet
ters traffic control and safety for both
the university and city,” Moeser said.
■ “It is a good solutionto the possible
problems we may face in our fUture.”
In other Academic Senate busi
ness, the Senate voted unanimously to
support a revised tuition remission pol
icy for faculty and staff.
Agnes Adams, Employee Benefits
Committee chairwoman, said the poli
cy states that the existing 15 credit
hours per year allotted to employees
also can be used by dependents under
24 years old. The credits are transfer
able among four NU campuses and
may be used for both undergraduate
and graduate study, she said.
Ford said the policy will be for
warded to other NU campuses asking
for support.
I *
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(402) 472-2588 or e-mail
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CBA forum focuses on
internships, diversity
By Amanda Schindler
Staff Reporter
Parties took a back seat
Tuesday evening as seven ASUN
Senatorial candidates from the
College of Business
Administration participated in the
first annual CBA Senatorial
The CBA Student Advisory
Board sponsored the forum as a
nonpartisan effort to allow candi
dates to present their views and
“determine the best of the candi
dates,” said forum co-chairman
Jason Hooper.
Candidates talked about per
sonal involvement on campus that
would benefit a senatorial posi
tion, as well as their views on
enhancing job placement and
internships within the college.
“Students need to be prepared
for real-world experiences within
the business world,” junior finance
and marketing major Sam Ushio
said, stressing with other candi
dates that students need to be more
aware of internship opportunities.
Possible solutions included an
Internet listserv connecting all
CBA students* creating a central
ized list of available jobs and
iflcreasing relations with CBA
“Our best advertisement are
the CBA graduates,” sophomore
business education major Andy
Shuerman £aid. “They create a
name for us, and if we best prepare
them we will reap the benefits.”
The forum also raised ques
tions about finding a new dean of
CBA. The college has been with
out a permanent dean since
■: "a* juuui . j— i
December 1995. John Goebel is
serving as dean until a new dean is
appointed.Candidates were opti
mistic about the change in admin
istration and thought social mixers
and open houses were possible
ways to foster good relations
between the new dean and CBA
“(The new dean) will have high
standards to live up to,” junior
marketing major Sommer Sjulin
said. “Whoever does take the role
will bring new ideas and a positive
attitude, as Dean Goebel has done
-fOl-US;”'..'. > i; ' . \
Diversity took center 'Statge at
the end.of the forntn, and candi
dates expressed "different views on
the types of diversity needing
attention in CBA.
It isn t really race-related,
though people focus on race,”
Ushio said. “It’s between on-cam
pus and off-campus students,
greek and residence hall students.”
Junior finance major Kay
Kwang said student activity con
tributes to diversity.
“It’s diversity of student
activism,” she said. “There are
those who are extremely active and
make an effort to know what’s
going on, then there are those who
don’t know or don’t have the desire
to know. We have to come to a
happy medium.”
Candidates suggested interac
tion as a possible remedy to the
problem, through events such as a
CBA Day and diversity/sensitivity
All the candidates agreed that
some sort of change is necessary.
“It will be a process,”
Shuerman said. “We just need to
begin it.”
_Ajviw. Vice
■^ •,*■ £‘ V'vo
V Here’s a reminder
) for SOS, MAP, ant
/ McNair students..