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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1998)
You’re not another body here. JaBrisco prides itself on our employees, which have built an environment that provides excoWont food and service. Our team has openings for promising players in Service, Host and Kitchen. Player Benefits include: . -Flexible Scheduling -Competitive Pay -Meal Discounts -Paid Vacation -401 K Plan . -And Team Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 2:00-4:00pm Child care Needed for 61/2 and 31/2 year old. On call and some weekends needed. Please send letters of in terest to 2317 North 63rd, Lincoln, 68507. Mother's helper for summer; Omaha; 2 kids, ages 8&9, pool membership; must have own car FT/Ftex; Refer ences; 402/551-3877 Need child care in my home for 3 month old and and 2 year old boys. Thursdays from 1-5pm. Experience and references required. Michelle, 484-7205. 500 Summer Jobs/ 50 Camps/ You Choose!!! NY, BA, New England. Instructors Needed: Tennis, Basketball, Roller Hockey, Soccer, LaCrosse, Volleyball, Gymnastics, English Riding, Lifeguard, WSI, Water Ski, Sailing, Wind surfing. Aerobics, Archery, Mountain Bik ing, Rock climbing. Ropes, Dance, Piano, Accompanist, Theater, Ceramics, Jewelry, Woodworking, Pho tography, Radio, Nature, RN*. Chefs. Arlene Streisand: 1-800-443-6428. 1998 SUMMER CAMP JOBS IN NORTHERN MINNESOTA Camp Buckskin has positions available to work with youth who have academic and social skill difficulties (ADHD, ADD, LD). Salary, room & board + travel stipend. Possibly earn school credits. Camp is located on a lake near By ft BWCAW. Contact: Tim Edmonds (612)930-3544, email; Camp Winnebago Caledonia. Minnesota We are a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to serving the recreational needs of adults and children with developmental disabilities. We hold 9 on week summer sessions. Orientation begins on June 1st. All staff must reside at camp. Potential Counselors, Nurses, TMA's, Lifeguards, should contact Director: NancyAnn Nowak at (507)724-2351. (EOE) COME TO NEW HAMPSHIRE FOR THE SUMMER! (6/21-8/20) OUTSTANDING BROTHER/SISTER SPORTS CAMPS ON LARGEST NEW ENGLAND LAKE SEEK SKILLED COUNSELORS FOR LAND, WATER SPORTS, ARTS. ROOM, BOARD & TRANSPORTATION PAID. INTER VIEWS AVAILABLE. COME SEE US AT CAMP DAY 3/4! ROBINDEL (GIRLS): 888-860-1186 WINAUKEE (BOYS): 800-791-2018 Apply Now to be a Health Aide! 100+ positions open for the 1998-99 H"UkA*.,: *cademlc year! * Live on campus; * Provide minor first aid care in residence halls, Greek houses & co-ops; * Take the Peer Health 230 class both fell & spring semesters; * Act as a Health Center liaison; * Are a health referral and resource person for their living unit; * Receive a small stipend for the services they provide; Applications are available at the Community Health Education Dept, Rm. 12, University Health Center. Application deadline is April 18,1998. For more information call 472-7449. UNL b an affirmative acthw/equal opportunity institution. Counselors/Instructors/ Coaches CAMP STARLIGHT in the mountain lake area of NE RA has positions now for enthusiastic Sophmores, Juniors, Seniors and Graduates in all Land & Water Sports, Lacrosse, Gymnastics, Tennis, Challenge Ropes Course, Ceramics, Woodworking. Join our staff of 100 friendly, outstanding, college people from the U.S. and abroad for a memorable experience. Modem fadMiee in a country setting. Good salary and travel allowance. Field work and internships encour aged. 6/20-8/19. Cal 800-223-5737 now. Counselors: Top Boys Sports Camp in Maine! Get in on an exciting, fun summed Must have good skills, the ability to instruct, coach or assist. Openings in: All Land Sports. AH water Sports. PLUS: Camp ing/Hiking. Ropes/Climbing Wall; SCUBA, Archery. Ri flery. Martial Arts, RN's, Secretaries. Top Salaries, Awesome Facilities, Room/Board/Laundry, Travel. CALL the (800) NUMBER NOW, (800) 473-6104, or E-MAIL or write: Steve Rubin CAMP COBBOSSEE (kah'buh-see) 10 Silvermine Drive, South Salem, NY 10590. Great Summer Camp Jobs Massachusetts Top Satary, RM/BQ/Laundry, Travel A8o—nee. Activities: Archery, Crafts, baseball, Basketball, Dance, Drama, Drums, Figure Skating, Football, Golf, Guitar, Gymnastics, Ice Hockey, Hourseback Riding, Karate, Lacrosse, Lifeguard, Nature, Photography, Pianp, Pot tery, Rocketry, Rollerblading, Ropes, Sailing, Soccer, Tennis, Track, Video, Waterski, Windsurfing, Weights, Yearbook. For mote info: Men Call (800)494-6238 and Women Call (800)382-3752. Stop by for a casual visit with our reps. Anytime between 10ajn. and 3p.m. on Wedneeday, Apia 1st, See Daily Events Board in the Nebraska Union for interview locations. GREAT SUMMER COUNSELOR POSITIONS • Have fun • Make a difference • Summer in New England Residential Summer Camps Seek Staff in ALL individual and team Baseball, Basketball, Tennis, Soccer, In-Line Hockey, Goff, Swimming, Sailing, and RN’s and Coaches. Located in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts, Just two and a half hours away from NYC, Boston. Competitive Salaries + Room and Board. Internships are available. Call Camp Greytock for Boys (800)842-5214 or Camp America for Girts (800) 779-2070 Grad. Students Welcome. Life Changing Experiences Could be in store for you! Work at Camp Easter Seal in Milford, Nebraska with people with disabilities. Hiring for aH positions. Salary, room aid board provided. Cad (402) 761-2875 for more information. SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS NEEDED FOR PREMIERE CAMPS IN MASSACHUSETTS Positions for talented, energetic, and fun loving students as counselors in all team sports including Roller Hockey, all individual sports such as Tennis & Golf, Waterfront and Pool activities, and specialty activities including art, dance, theatre, gymnastics, newspaper & radio. TOP SALARIES, room, board, and travel. June 20th-August 19th. Enjoy a great summer that promises to be unforgettable. MAH-KEE-NAC(Boys): 1-800-753-9118, DANBEE(Girls): 1-800-392-3752. SUMMER CAMP COUNSELOR JOBS: Are you looking for a challenge, fun, hard work and the best summer of your life? Camp Easter Sear in Virginia has openings for camp counselors and program directors. Work with children and adults with disabilities in a beautiful outdoor setting. All majors welcome to apply. Great experience for everyone especially O.T., P.T., Nursing, Speech or Recreation Majors. College credit may be available. Work with dedicated, caring staff from across the country and around the world. Room, board and salary provided. 1-800-365-1656; Camp Easter Seal; P.O. Box 5496, Roanoke, VA 24012. Summer job openings for Softball umpires. Slow pitch and fast pitch leagues. Call Lincoln Parks and Recrea tion Athletics at 441 -7892 for dates and times of clinics. SUMMER OPPORTUNI TIES Are you looking for a summer of adventure? Apply now for six weeks of challenge and ad* venture. We will even pay you. NO OBLIGA TION. For more information, call ARMY ROTC, 472-4288. TIC and Western Summit will be on campus interviewing for spring graduates and summer interns on March 10 ana 11. The companies are heavy industrial general contractors with projects throughout the US. Contact the career services department to schedule an interview. An information meeting is planned for March 9. What are you doing for summer vacation??? Rancho del Chaparral, a summer camp for girls high in the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico, is looking for staff members for the 1998 summer camp season, May 30 August 3,1998. Positions available include Program Staff (Arts, Horse Riding, Adventure, and Environmen tal), Counselors and Administrative Staff. If you love the Out-of-Doors and have a strong desire to make a difference while having fun, then this camp is for yout Please call or write: Girl Scouts of Chaparral Council, Inc., 500 Tijaras NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102. Phone (5051243-9581■ Work With Kids Lincoln Park and Recreation summer playground leader positions ($5.40/hr) June 8-July 31. M-F 9.15a.m. to 12.15p.m. Conduct outdoor activities for grade school children. Apply now at Park and Recreation office 2740. A st. 441 -7952. EOE/AA. “•Spring Break *96 Get Going!! Cancun, Jamaica, Bahamas, and Florida. Group Discounts & Free Drink Parties! Sell 5 & go free! Book Now!!! Visa/MC/Disc/Amex 1-800-234-7007. “•Spring Break Trip *98 Get Going!!! PanamaCity beachfront hotels from $129! 7 nights beachfront. Daily free drink parties, and Free cover at best bars! Visa/MC/Disc/Amex 1-800-234-7007. South Padre Island. Best Oceanfront Hotels/ Condos. Lowest Prices Guaranteed) 1-888-750-4SUN. After Spring Break! Part-Time Jobs, oumntervobt, Internships -■ --a ■ —«- « ■ - ■ » » W—I— me diuoem joo ana siiei iismp raw Wednesday, April 8,1998 9:30 am - 3:30 pm • NE Union, City Campus brought to you by SEIC UNL’s Student Employment and Internship Center 345 NE Union • 472-1452 www.unLedu/c ereers/seic/selc Jitm ATTENTION ENGINEERING STUDENTS Can you um a two or throo yaar scholarship plus $150 a month? If so, cal ARMY ROTC for mors info. 472-4250. Attention: TC Students on Fall 1997 Dean's List RSVP to Phyllis at 2-0889 or for the Teachers College Dean’s List Recognition Ceremony by this Friday. March 6. CALL FOR PAPERS!!! The 1998 Graduate Research Symposium will be held on April 22,1998. The symposium is a forum offering graduate students an opportunity to present their work. Graduate students interested in oral or poster presentations should submit materials by March 20. For packet of submission materials, contact the Office of Graduate Studies at 472-8891 ■ Nt Did you know that Student Government Elections are NEXT week? Do you know the issues? Come join us at a debate: Wednesday, at 8:00, Abel North Lounge, to find out where you stand. DISC GO ROUND WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CDs Used CD’s, $5.99-$7.99 New CDs$12.99 Movies,T-shirts, posters,hacky sacks, music books and CD towers. DISC GO ROUND 50th and O, 486-0047 Eating Disorders Education Group For students, family, or friends concerned about medi cal, nutritional, exercise and psychological aspects of eating disorders. Tuesday March 10-April 14, 3:30-4:45. Register at University Health Center Busi ness Office. Students $25Nonstudents $50 Free Cash Grants! College. Scholarships. Business. Medical Bills. Never Repay. Toll Free 1-800-218-9000 Ext.G-1843. Free facials. 484-8465 FREE Pre Paid Phone Cards: Only 19 cents per minute to re charge; Call Toll Free: 1-888-373-4171 Hey Volunteers! Applications for the 1998 Volunteer Spirit Award are Available at Student Involvement, 200 NE Union or 300 East Union. UNL students, student groups, staff, faculty and alumni, please apply. Deadline March 20 ... Pi Sigma Alpha Invites everyone to hear Zachary Karabell, former pro fessor at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, speak on the U.S., Iran and the Middle East: 9 March, 1998 at 4:00 pm in the Student Union (room to be posted). A question/answer period will be included; refreshments served. me Shades of Leadership award was designed to rec ognize any student, faculty, or staff member of the Urwgrajty ofNebrMl^^Linctrtn who has made a lnvohwn^^^^Jhra^^Mrs?the Vice Chancellor far Student Affairs, and the Culture Center. nomination forms are due by 5:00pm March 6th _.d the application forms are due by 4:30pm March 13th. Return both forms to the Culture Center or Stu t Involvement Offices. UNMC MEDICINE Representative will be at Arts and Sciences Advising, 107 OldH. Wednesday, March 4th, 1-4 p.m. Call 472-4190 for appointment Youth Baseball Employment Opportunities The Babe Ruth Baseball League needs umpires and coaches for the summer. Leave a message at one of the following numbers: 489-4252, 435-7088, 483-6214. Specify if interested in afternoon umpiring or morning and afternoon coaching. AAFCS Meeting Wednesday, March 4-7:30 pm Home Ec Room 121. Speaker Barb Gaither. All HRFS Majors Welcome. Agronomy Club Regular meeting and initiation of new members, 7 pm, TONIGHT. 327 Wem. _ Alpha Kappa Psi We are a co-ed professional business fraternity. We are looking for anyone interested in personal, profes sional and academic development to come to an infor mational meeting Wednesday at 5:30 in the Union. Alpha Zeta Meeting on March 4th at 5:30 in the ECU. Important Meeting. Initiates Welcome. Aa Industry speaker. Are you interested in NU’s student government? Are there changes you would like the University to make? If sc, attend our VISION meeting this Sunday at 3:00 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. VISION Working together to create a stronger campus com munity;_ # Come to our final full party meeting, This Sunday at 3:00 in the City Union. _ Friends of the Deaf Community (FDC) 7pm, March 5 at 3rd Floor lobby Barkley Center. Vote on Sweatshirts. Horticulture Club Meeting Wednesday, March 4,5:30pm in Keim 327. Officer Election Nomination Forms will be available. Free food! IMA Tour of Jacob North Publishing, Wednesday March 4th. MeeLat 6:30 pm. South Side of Union, to Carpool Over. Casual Attire. Join us at our work party this Thursday at 8:00, at ATO (1433 R Street). PEO If you have been initiated into your locaL PEO chapter, please join our college group, Sunday the 8th at 5pm. Call Connie at 464-4340 for more information. Phi Beta Lambda General Meeting Thursday, March 5 at 6:30 pm in the Union. Please wear business attire. Pre-Optometry Club Meeting Wednesday at 8.00 in the Union. We will hold elections and have pizza. STUDENT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION Jim Rea, Uni Serv Director for NSEA will be speaking at the next meeting on Thursday, March 5 at 5.30p.m. in Mable Lee 262. The topic will be “Resume and In terview^ siuaem r-ounaanon Meeting Thursday, March 5 at the Union. Room will be posted. Hope to see you there! Students for CAMPHEARTLAND Helping children impacted by HiV/AIDS. Meeting Wednesday, Mar. 4; 8:15 pm; Union; Room to be posted. Students For Christensen Supporters of Jon Christensen for Governor are invited to attend. We will discuss volunteer, and internship op portunities. Please attend our first meeting on Wednesday, March 4, at 9:00PM in the City Union or call 402-441-4695. UNL Rodeo Club Meeting tonight at 7:30; Execs, meet at 7:00. UNL YOUNG DEMOCRATS Meeting Wednesday, March 4 at 7p.m. in the City Union. Our guest speaker win be Ken Haar, Executive Director of the Nebraska Democratic Party. New members wet come. ACACIA Thanks for the dinner exchange on Monday. We had a great time and we an looking forward to Saturday! ■_ Love, the Ladies of KappaDetta AXQ Thank you for the great dinner exchange. We hope we can do it again. The Men of Lambda Chi Alpha P.S. Tina also thanks you. AO Thank you Linda Schwartzkopf for having dinner with us Monday night. We enjoyed yourcompany. _Love, the women of Alpha Phi ATS A very belated thank you for last week’s dinner ex change. We'd love to see you again soon! -Love, the women of AOPi r :. ® ATE Congratulations to Tom ‘Elvis* Mueller and his date Doug Knobbe on being crowned Prom King and King. Tom, how many quarters did you get from Doug? Love, the Ladies ofTri-Deita ATE we had a great time bowling Monday Night. You guys were perfect gentlemen! Love, the Women of Alpha Phi Aon Way to go Mandy Brandt on an 8th place finish at Big 12 Championships. Also, Congratulations to Christy Hamilton for acceptance into nursing school and Kartie Johnson into Teacher's College! ATO Congratulations to Kyle Bruss on his Summer Intem ship.’ AM Congratulations to Susannah Strand for being accepted to Vetranarian School at the University of Missouri at Columbia! AM Good Luck to Nikki Haynes for her upcoming Spring dance concert. Break a leg! Delta Love, Your Sisters AT Congratulations to Sara Mullhair on your acceptance to Dental Hygiene School at UNMC. Way to go! Love. Your Sisters ATA Thanks for the Hot Hawaiian night, You guys look good in grass skirts. Love, Theta Ladies AY Congratulations to the members of the waterpolo teem for winning the Tri-Delt Championship! The Brothers of DU <i>Ae Congratulations to our Water Polo Team who recently brought home Third Place in Tri Delt's Water Polo Tournament Wav to ao ouvs! f$b Congratulations to Angie Scherzberg on being accepted into Nursing School. We knew you could do rt. Love. Your Sisters , KA© Congratulations Becky Gould on being accepted into law school! Congratulations Shelby McKinley on being accepted into nursing school! We are proud of you girls! Love, Your Sisters KKT Congratulations to our newly elected assistants: Social, Jada Bliven; Rush, Mari Marker; Public Relations, Kaite Greenhill and Shelby Priede; New Member, Kaite Lueck and Lacey Sukstors; Junior Panhellenic, Jenny Robson; Big Day Committee, Kaite Dixon and First Day Rush Chair, Jill Crumrine. Love your sisters KKT Congratulations to Mandi Dill, Sarah Danberg and Missy Keith on being accepted into the Teachers Col lege. Love, your sisters KKT Congratulations to Chrissy Maruz for being selected as an intern for Disney this summer. Way to go! Love your sisters nKO A belated thank you for the dinner exchange. We’ll get together soon. The Women of Delta Gamma 0E Thanks for the date dash on Monday. We’ll knock down pins with you guys anytime! Love, the Ladies of Alpha Delta Pi IAB IXKA Alpha Tau Omega would like to welcome Sigma Lambda Beta and Pi Kappa Alpha to the UNL Greek System. Congratulations and Good Luckl UNL Student Government Wed., March 4 - 6:30 p.m. City Union Information And Agenda Available 115 Nebraska Union 2 Gold Bracelets Lost in or around Abel Feb. 25. If Found, please call 436-0097. Reward offered. FOUND: Necklace in Engineering Computer Lab. Call 436-8408 to identify. _ Silver bracelet found at 501 building. Claim at Daily Nebraskan. Raise $500 in one week Fundraising opportunities available. Great for clubs! No financial obligations. For more info. Call 888-51-APLUS ext. 51. MONO Have you had mono nucleosis within the last month? If so, your plasma could make a valuable contribution to research & earn you $50.00 at the same time.