Let’s GET IT I Chris Bendet/DN 1 MORTIS GIVES RAVEN I a pounding from above M in a crowd-pleasing A match Friday night. I The match between I the two wrestlers I began with Mortis hit I ting Raven over the I head with a chair dur I ing the latter’s intro I duction. Professional wrestling’s slams please local fans By Jason Hardy and Sarah Baker Senior Reporters Wrestling is fake. But don't tell that to the 6.400 hard-core fans who flocked to Pershing Municipal Auditorium Friday as World Championship Wrestling took Lincoln to the edge and back. Well, maybe they didn't quite make it back. The halls of Pershing were packed with countless Sting look-a-likes, kids with WCW' shaved into their bowl cuts, people promoting "NW'O 4 Life" and lots of tank tops. The packed arena was blaring the Boss, and people scampered around in anticipation for the big brawl. For many, this was their first live experience of professional wrestling. Matthew Malone, senior psychology major, said he had been looking forward to seeing live wrestling since he was a child. i usea to watcn it as a kia. ana as you grow up you realize that ‘hey, this is fake,' but it's still fun." Malone said. “I've been counting the days every single day ” He said he was looking forward to seeing DDP's infamous move, the "Diamond Cutter.” Malone's excitement was obvious, because he was dressed like Sting, the spooky-looking WCW world champ. While waiting in line for some nachos, WCW first-timer Jennifer Anderson said she was pumped up. “I am a fan of WCW and WWF wrestling,” Anderson said. “Usually I only get the pay-per view fights, but I'm excited to see the action tonight.” The lights faded, and the crowd went berserk as the announcer entered the ring, and one could smell the anticipation. Or at least one could smell some heav y body odor; either way it was effective. The first matchup was of relatively small importance, out mat aian t stop me crowa rrom launching jeers and sneers at Ernest Miller and Brad Armstrong. Armstrong received most of the complaints as chants of "Armstrong sucks" quickly changed to "Armstrong’s gay" Still, the action continued. By the time cruiserweight champ Chris Jericho entered the squared circle to pounce on Eddie Guerrero, the crowd began to flex its beer muscles. Jericho, making the fatal mistake of bad mouthing the Huskers, was bombarded with wall after wall of nachos. beer. pop. beer. ice. beer, popcorn and beer. Guerrero appeased the crowd by promising a "genuine Nebraska ass kickin'." Of course then he lost. As the night came to an end, the legendary “bjature Boy” Ric flair paraded into the nng. Having won the worldychampionship title 13 times in 20 years. Flair was the coup de gras for many longtime fans. Lincoln resident Laui Meizer said tne main reason he came to WCW was to see Flair in the ring. “I wanted to see some of the stars who were ^ popular when i ^ais younger,” Meizer said. “I’ve Si followed" Rid F fair's1 career since he was § nobody.” Meizer said he has been a fan of profession al wrestling since he was 10 years old. He had ringside seats for the event. “Ric Flair has been in the business for a long , time, and 1 really lucked out to be able to see this.” he said. Before the main event. Flair upped the ante by promising Lincoln a “Tom Osborne ass kickin'” for opponent Curt Hennig. And he delivered. By 10 p.m., the event had come and gone, and the boisterous crowd overflowed into the night. Downtown Lincoln was alive with hoots and hollers signifying the indelible mark made by the wrestlers of the WCW. r M ‘Dark City’ captures classic sci-fi W By Cuff Hicks f Film Critic Wow. It’s been a long time since there has been film as visually gripping as “Dark City,” and even longer since there’s been one with a plot this good along with some good acting thrown into the bunch. Plus it’s got Richard O’Brien in it. Part “Blade Runner,” part “Metropolis,” part “Hellraiser,” and part David Lynch, “Dark City” is a tour de force of stunning imagery, well thought-out story elements and a fas cinating look at humankind. At its heart, “Dark City” is gMfr a science-fiction story in the vein of the old masters - most Hfe like Ray Bradbury’s type of stuff. Don't let the commer cials fool you, this is pure, ngL classic sci-fi. However, it’s got a strong dosage of film noir shot in its arm. There's a good flood of mystery intermingled with the sci-fi heart. The film’s starting point is fairly simple. John Murdoch (Rufus Sewell) wakes up in a bathtub with a bit of blood on his forehead. He has no memory. In the hotel room is a dead hooker. He runs. Later he encounters his wife (Jennifer Connelly) who doesn’t think he’s guilty The Facts Title: “Dark City” Stars: Rufus Sewell, Kiefer Sutherland, Jennifer Connelly, William Hurt, Richard O’Brien Director: Alex Proyas Rating: R (violence, language) Grade: A Five Words: THIS is good science-fiction chattering noises and do I really strange things. f Trust me, you’ll see. All of “Dark City’’ has a very distinct look to it and for due reason. This only enhances the noir/sci-fi look to the whole thing and makes for fascinating watching. The special effects are some of the best seen in cinema in a while. of the crime. From here on, it’s tough not to give away too much of the film. But there are some other char acters who play integral parts. Kiefer Sutherland puts in an almost over-the top performance as Dr. Shreber, a psychologist whose whole role is questionable. William Hurt offers a strong but quiet performance as Inspector Bumstead, who seeks to understand Murdoch and how this case drove the officer before him insane. And then there are the Strangers. At midnight, the city stops and the Strangers come out en masse. The Strangers are, well, strange. Bald, male and with chalk-white skin, they don’t look normal. They fly about, make They aren’t over the top, nor are they subtle - they are exactly what the script calls for. Besides all of this, Sewell puts in a great per formance as John Murdoch. As great as the film would be with its visuals, special effects, stylized sets and well-crafted plot, Sewell is the one who pulls it together with director Alex Proyas. His acting is dead-on, his portrayal unquestionable. Despite all of this, “Dark City” is not for everyone. Science-fiction fans and mysterv fans will love “Dark City,” while the rest of you may find yourselves a little lost. But this is still one worth seeing anyway, if not to get the mes sage that Proyas is sending, then simply to see the way he sends it. Matt Haney/DN