COMETONEWHAMPElMgrORTHESUMMCTO (6/216/20) OUTSTANDING BROTHER/SISTER SPORTS CAMPS ON LARGEST NEW ENGLAND LAKE SEEK SKILLED COUNSELORS FOR LAND, WATER SPORTS, ARTS. ROOM, BOARD & TRANSPORTATION PAID. INTER VIEWS AVAILABLE. COME SEE US AT CAMP DAY 3/41 ROBINOEL (GIRLS): 888-860-1186 WINAUKEE (BO>S): 800-791 -2018 Life Changing Experiences Could be in store for youl Work at Camp Easter Seal in Milford, Nebraska with people with disabilities. Hiring for ail positions. Salary, room and board provided. Cal (402) 761-2875 for more information. Lincoln Parks and Recreation Summer pool positions for Head Guards, Lifeguards and Cashiers. Pay ranges of $5.30-7.3Q/hour. Call Lin coin Parks and Recreation at 441-7892. Make $640 a week College credit available; see if you qualify; 477-7636 SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES GO TO CAMP THIS SUMMER) Nebraska's most beautiful resident camp, YMCA Camp Khaki, lo cated on the Platte River, is seeking applicants for the following positions: Counselors, dan glers. Lifeguards, Waterfront Directors, Crafts Instructors, Nature Director, Ropes Course guides. Call 402-434-9225 or write Camp Khaki, 8000 Comhusker Hwy, Lincoln, NE 68507 for an application. SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS NEEDED FOR PREMERE CAMPS IN MASSACHUSETTS Positions for talented, energetic, and fun loving students as counselors in all team sports including Roller Hockey, all individual sports such as Tennis & Golf, Waterfront and Pool activities, and specialty activities including art, dance, theatre, gymnastics, newspaper & radio. TOP SALARIES, room, board, and travel. June 20th-August 19th. Enjoy a great summer that promises to be unforgettable. MAH-KEE-NAC(Boys): 1-800-753-9118, OAlIPCPGirts): 1-800-392-3752. Summer job? Horse Internship? Spend this summer on a horse in the Colorado Rockies. R/B, salary, tips. Top rated ranch. Work with the largest saddle horse string in the world. In operation for three generations. Reply to Sombrero Ranch, 3300 Airport Rd., Boulder, CO 80301 -5400, or *" On campus interviews March 2. E-mail us or call 303-442-0258 to schedule. What are you doing for summer vacation??? Rancho del Chaparral, a summer camp for girts high in the Jemez Mountains of Mew Mexico, is looking for staff members for the 1998 summer camp season, May 30 August 3,1998. Positions available include Program Stan (Arts, Horae Riding, Adventure, and Environmen tal), Counselors and Administrative Staff. If you love the Out-of-Doora and have a strong desire to make a difference while having fun, then this camp is for you! Please cal or write: GM Scouts of Chaparral Council, foCM^SOCnryeras^NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102. I^JoRMNROCKYMOuirn TAIN NATIONAL PARK! Grand Lake Lodge Wants you! Hurry! Cal (303)759-5848 Work With Kids Lincoln Park and Recreation summer playground leader positions ($5.40/hr) June 8-July 31. M-F 9.15a.m. to 12.15p.m. Conduct outdoor activities for grade school children. Applynow at Park and Recreation office 2740, A st 441-7952. EOE/AA._ LUCRATIVE OPPORTUNITY! Ground-floor computer/ internet company. $2-$5K per month possible. 1 -888-729-1609. Parties! Sell 5 & go free! Book' Now!!! Visa/MC/Disc/Amex 1-600-234-7007. httpy/ •"Spring Break Trip ‘96 Get Going!!! PanamaCtty beachfront hotels from $129! 7 nights beachfront. Daly free drink parties, and Free cover at best bars! Visa/MC/Disc/Amex 1-800-234-7007. www.endlesssummer.com_ LAST CALL FOR MAZATLAN *96 7-NIGHT HOTEL, R/T Air, And Transferal Sign up NOW and Receive 15 FRS MEALS and Free Drinks! More trips available due to massive response Horn stu dwitsri Hurry before these are gone too! CALL today! 800-395-4896; www coiaga r _j ATTENTION BUSINESS STUDENTS I 2 &3 YEAR SCHOLARSHIPS ARE NOW I CFU. | 4 ATTENTION LEADERSIIl SMaispbsa saasgaagg formation, bi^d tifSOSTStBSSSSi gqKS53HBSS Union or 300 Nebraska East Union. Applications are 5=0000,Friday. February27 UoSateMiarOffice of StuOyt Involvement. If you/tave any aueetions contact Dt Krte Bask at 472-8152. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Top Five Reasons to work at Camp Fodtef YMQA: . . t, . - - ;■ -V W: ■ -V % m ■ '■ ; |P Get an application today: 1(800) 456-9622 . Camp Foster YMCA of the Okobojis I Campus Recreation Advisory Council Student representative application forms are available at 55 campus recreation center or 32 activities building. Deadline is Tuesday, Feb. 17th at 7pm. Forms must be returned to either campus recreation office. Congratulations to Jared Walahoski on being accepted into Vst School at Kansas State University. From UNL Block & Bridie HEALTH AIDES Our T-shirts are red, Our manuals are blue. You do so much for the University, We would really like to thank you Love in First Aid, Aaron, Allen, Angie, and Becky INTRAMURAL FLOOR HOCKEY The last day to enter Men's, Women’s and Co-Rec Floor Hockey is Tuesday, February 17. Don’t delay. Enter your team now at the Office of Campus Recrea tion. Call 472-3467 for more information. INTRAMURAL RACQUETBALL DOUBLES Tuesday, February 17 is the last day to enter Men's, Womens, Co-Rec and Faculty/Staff Racquetbafl Dou bles. Enter now at the Office of Campus Recreation. For more information, call 472-3467._ UNL Dance Club New club forming on UNL campus. Come join us and learn all kinds of dances from tango to two step to swing. Every Tuesday and Thursday 9-10p.m. Begins February 17th and 19th. Mable Lee Hall 304:435-3344. UNMC CYTOTECHNOLOGY Representative will be at Arts and Sciences Advis ing, 107 OldH. Tuesday, Feb. 17th, 12-4 p.m. Cali 472-4190 for apppoint ment WIN PRIZES!! NATIONAL CONDOM WEEK QUESTION: What are the two most commonly diagnosed STDs (1 bacterial and 1 viral) among college students? Yesterday's Answer Use a water-based lubricant with a latex condom. Come to the Community Health Education Department (lower level of the University Health Center). AH students with the correct answer will be eligible to win prizes! For Sexuality Education: CaH 472-7447 BECOME AWARE ATTEND THE UNCOLN NOW GENERAL MEETING. FBL 18th, 830PM. AT THE YWCA. Biology Club Meeting Tuesday, February rT at 6:00 pm in 118 Man ter. Eve ryone Welcome! * CAMPUS RED CROSS We wHl have a general meeting on Wednesday, February 18 at 5:00 pjn. in the basement of the Health Center. We will be working on the Blood Driye. New Members are Welcome. Confidential Gay Men’s Discussion Group Wednesdays 6pm to 7:30 pm For more information call Dr. Diaz-Perdomo at Coun seling and Psychological Services, 472-7450 (e-mail or Rev. Phil Owen at 476-0355 (emai: GOLDEN KEY Iinrdinn fn. AH Hnmh n m Mooting TOT All MOmDerS Sunday Febnjary 22,7:00pm at P.O. Peers Important Information for upcoming events! Habitat for Humanity Work meeting February 17th at 6p.m. in the Union. Everyone is welcome! __ ISA Independent Student Association. Meeting 4:30-5:30pm-Wednesday, Febnjary 18th, 1998. Room rosxeq on union poaro. NU Mcdj The next meeting is Tuesday, Feb. 17th at 7:30pm in Union. A doctor from the Army wM be speaking about scholarship opportunities and past medical experi ences. Free food is provided and everyone is welcome J._lid_i_____ ■ World fence International Folk dan cere looking for new members. Enjoy moving to world music Wednesdays 9-10pm or Fndays 8-10pm in Mabel Lee Hall, room 304. Any questions cal uiAnne, 475-8674. Young Democrats Meeting Tuesday Fetn 7th at 7pm in the Union. ATS Congratulations to Todd Franzen, Josh Hingst, and Heath MeNo on being selected to be members of Stu dent Alumni Association. Way to go guys. Your Brothers. Bermuda delight, cocktails and exquisite lights. Xfl Congratulations to Carrie Pierce and Curt Ruwe on their pinning. The Women of Chi Omega OM A shout out to the women’s flickerball champions of the universe — Phi Mull! Vail Rock! Love your sisters Greek - Men’s Bible Study Tonight, 9:00 pjn., City Union. Room Posted Under Delta Tau Delta or Navigators. KA Congrats to Jenn Deughtery and the Nebraska Women's Bowling team on the league title. Also, way to go on your Average of 205 and making the all-conference team! Vbu Rock! Love, Vbur Sisters NEWS FLASH ...and now for the weather. This coming out of Lincoln, seems to be a storm brewing near 40th and Hoktredge. Those in the storm’s path are told to watch out for high winds and be prepared for a wild afternoon. The hurricane season is upon us and it's time to prepare for the storm. PHI BETA LAMBDA Casual Meeting Tonight at 7:30pm in the Union. Social at BW-3’s after the meeting. 02 Congratulations to Aaron Phingsten on his recent en gagement to Lindy Jacobsen. _The Men of Theta Xi Z&E Congratulations to Andrew Faltin, Jim Caihow, Jason Masnek and Dave Saylors on making the Student Alumni Association. -tbur Brothers TRIANGLE A belated Congratulations to our new rush chairmen, Dan Demuth and Chris Thurman. __Vbur Brothers j Position Open Homecoming Royalty Coordinator This person will be the coordinator of the committee that will oversee aH event for Homecoming Royalty 1998. Application are available at the ASUN office, 115 : Nebraska Union. Peadtae Is 4:00 p jn. Friday, Feb. 27. Student Impact Team Meeting Tuesday - Feb. 17 7:00 p.m. - City Union Room to be posted Need Spring Break Ideas? Check out the Feb 24 ISSUE OF the Daily Nebraskan . .. i - Unbelievable Low Prices Diamonds, Engagement Rings, Gold Chains and Brtcdets. Shop the Rest IX Conae to the Best «■»«• 31110 Si 474-4044 "We Have the Tools to Build Careers. Plan to attend our information session on Wednesday, Feb. 18th, at and leam more about __i_i_ THE DEEP END_ \ BY CHAD STRAWDERMAN SM* foOS CNN I 61 W£m CWENP. | * 1 j v *• ; THENORM i dont Re*u.y think IN A UNGAR MANNee. ] - IT'S UKe I’ve GOT All THese \D©AS B0UNCIN6 AROUND IN MV N0AP. 5=c:.' I vl ■ NK»*«l.oom ACROSS 1 W.W. II ration 8 Ferrara family 8 Calyx part 14 Gaelic is Exhibit is Wed it Tweed’s nemesis 18 Surrender formally 18 Vapor 88 Victor Herbert musical: 1913 88 Prayer 84 Some tires as Bitter vetch 88 Not beyond fc;:;repair tk . ^ 8i Jargon as Anger st Close 37 Victor Herbert musical: 1910 41 Of a period 42 Tie fabric 43 Pastoral Kenyan 44 Roman emperor: A.D. 193-211 4t Faucet 44 Sideboard display 44Towns‘ little sisters S4 Victor Herbert musical: 1914 se Cremona artisan 40 Rebel 31 “-UJ5 Of robins 32 Street entertainment 33 Tropical fruit for jetty 34 Rou6s’ glances 33 Little devil |jp Consequences’ partner 33 Affirmative 43 Suggest 43 Eye part 4t Christmas - decoration . 47 Declare sans «• oenoia, in Vincennes soGuam’scapita! •1 Leg of mutton •t Actor Flynn pSgite#S#