The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 13, 1998, Image 1

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    irons opinii FRIDAY
Play ball! Blowing smoke
The Nebraska baseball team opens its season this Malcolm Kass, that wily wonder of student government, lights up sev
weekend in the Metrodome in Minneapolis eral concerns he has about UNDs master plan to ban cigarette sales on
against Minnesota. PAGE 7 campus, and push up student fees as a result. PAGE 5
:- ■ - ' : — - *1
Administrators have named the
countries most affected by the
financial crisis: Indonesia, Korea,
Malaysia, the Philippines and
Students in the affected coun
ties, Snell said, would be required
fo “make a case” describing their
personal financial difficulties,
which would determine the amount
of aid they would receive.
Although he is sure the aid pack
ages will be need-based, Snell said
the administration is still working
out the details of how students’
needs will be evaluated.
If qualified, Asian students
could be eligible for up to $1,000 in
loans and up to $1,200 in grants.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Chancellor James Moeser said
money received from UNL’s more
than $24 million beverage contract
with Pepsi-Cola Co. would be used
to finance all the grants and half the
The other half of the loan fund
ing will come from the NU
Foundation’s short-term student
loan fund, he said.
Soon Goo Hong, president of the
Korean Students Association, said
the assistance could greatly help
undergraduate students.
“The Korean students want to
study in America to learn English
and the American culture,” Hong
Please see FUNDS on 6
Police warn of rape scare
- //_
Senior Reporter
Lincoln Police are looking for
two suspects in connection with two
rapes that occurred last week.
Police released composite sketch
es of die suspects Thursday.
One suspect is wanted for a rape
that occurred outside Guitars and
Cadillacs, 5400 O St. on Feb. 5.
The suspect confronted a woman
in the alley behind the club with a
knife and took her to the side of a
duplex on 56th Street, where he sexu
ally assaulted her, Lincoln Police Sgt.
Ann Heermann said.
He is described as a white man,
approximately 6 feet tall, 180 pounds
and in his 30s with curly brown hair.
He was wearing a dark jacket and
sweater, black jeans and boots.
The other rape took place in an
apartment near 12th and Arapaho
streets in south Lincoln.
The man knocked on the victim’s
door, saying he had car trouble. When
the victim opened the door, the sus
pect forced her inside at knife-point
where he sexually assaulted her,
Heermann said.
The suspect is described as a thin
white man in his mid- to late-20s with
dark blond hair. He was wearing a
black jacket and light blue jeans.
Although the crimes happened in
different areas of the city, the
Please see RAPE on 2
“ escort service.”
Sgt. Mylo Bushing
University Police
to the financial crisis with
emergency funding.
By Brad Davis
Senior Reporter
Asian students who are suffering
from a rapid currency devaluation
will have access to $150,000 in
emergency assistance funds, UNL
administrators announced Thursday.
Theron Snell, director of foreign
student programs in International
Affairs, said each qualified student
in the affected countries could
receive up to $2,200 - some in
loans, some in grants.
Daniel Leudert/DN
KENT SINRAM of Uneolo and Loo Kirk of Omaha stand ontsido the
State Capitol Thursday afternoon guarding the statue of Abraham
Lincoln. Lincoln, Vh^^wsidoiit iif the United States, would haw
Student driven
. 'o '-’■'ss.i : ' .-r. _ ■ •
by his heritage
By Amanda Schindler
Staff Reporter
For most UNL students, going
home to visit their families and old
friends can be a welcome change
. from the daily routine.
But they know exactly where
home is and who they will find
Vernon Miller does not.
filler, an American Indian,
once did know, before he and his
family moved off the Omaha Indian
Reservation in Macy when he was 9
years old.
Now, the sophomore business
and secondary education major is
not sure.
ion’t fit in anywhere,” he
said, “not back home, because I
moved away, and not here (at
The outgoing president of the
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Inter-Tribal Exchange calmly
explained the differences he
encountered after leaving his home
and family behind for a better life in
Lincoln. 4
And his involvement in campus
activities definitely doesn’t suggest
a lack of belonging.
“I want to give back to die uni
versity by getting involved in orga
nizations on campus that I feel
make a differencehe said, citing a
list of campus club memberships
including the Student Foundation,
Phi Beta Lambda Honorary Society,
Student Education Association and
the Association of Students of the
University of Nebraska.
Despite the improvements in his
life, Miller said he still feels some
thing is missing.
Please see MILLER on 2
VERHON M1£R, president of the University of Hebraska-Lincoln Inter-Tribal Eichante, said King'lfto
tte fheahe ■evirvetloe tat litre retenlei hem. etell. Bet 11 yean after aievlng flea the raeenatlee,haaa
work, three Jobs and hie involvement in severe! campus organizations has helped him adjust to life at ONL.
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