The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 11, 1998, Page 16, Image 16
Menstrual Attitudes From PMS to Wholeness A discussion of the attitudes that lead to PMS and menstrual alienation. Look at the importance of our cycles to our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being and discuss ways to honor and appreciate living in a female body. Facilitated by Nancy Goff. Friday, February 13th 12:30-2:00pm 340 Nebraska Union for more information, call the Women's Center 472-2597 Mortar Board Week 1998 Feb 8-14 Celebrating another fine year of scholarship, leadership and service at UNL Member activities throughout the week, with annual “People Who Inspire" Banquet Wednesday. Nebraska Union Board Position Open This board assumes the role of advocate for the various segments of the University community to the Director of the Nebraska Unions and the Vice. Chan, for Student Affairs. Deadline Friday, February 13, 4p.m. Applications available at 115 Nebr. Union. Poetry Contest in search of people willing to express themselves at the Nikki Giovanni performance during the Big 12 Con ference on Black Student Government. Contest held 2-13-98, at 6:00 pm, Culture Center, Lower Level. Original Work Only. Contact Alisa at 472-5397, ext. 2. STRIKE IT BIG FOR A KID! See Big Brothers Big Sisters’ ad in today's paper! STUDY ABROAD at SENSHU UNIVERSITY TOKYO, JAPAN You can’t afford to miss the opportunities offered by UNL's CBA Exchange Program in Japan this fall. You will live in the world's largest city; create an impressive international resume; make lifelong friends from Japan, Ireland, England, Australia, and around the United States; and have the opportunity to travel to Mt. Fuji, Hiroshima, Kyoto and even Korea, Hong Kong, and Hawaii! Find out more about the exciting semester that awaits you in Japan at one of the following informational sessions in CBA 138: Monday, February 9 at 2:30-3:30 p.m. ' Tuesday, February 10 at 9:00-11:00 a.m. Wednesday, February 11 at 2:30-3:30 p.m. Thursday, February 12 at 9:00-11:00 a.m. Or contact D’vee Buss, Frank Greene or Joe Frey at: 472-6805; Take Your Valentine on a Romantic Evening Flight above Lincoln. Just $39 Per Couple, Personalized Service. Better than a Limo Ride! Call Now, 560-9192 or email; The Mid-America Disc Jockey Contest February 19th, 1998. Temptations Dance Club. Send Video Now to Qualify. All styles welcome. House, Hip-Hop, Techno, etc.. Dial 479-2650, leave message. Understanding People: A Key to Effective Leadership Dr. Eric T. Rippert and A. Birk Adams will be speaking at the Culture Center about "Understandbtg People: A Key to Effective Leadership^ on Thursday Feb. 12 from 2-4p.m. Everyone Is welcome. Free refreshments. UNL Horticulture Club Spring Bulb & Flower Sale Thursday, February 12; 8-5; East Campus Union; Brighten up your Valentine's day! Want to buy: Tommy’s, Lucky’s and Wide Legs. The Jean Outlet 3241 South 13th. 420-5151 What Events do You want to see on Campus? University Program Council Open Forums Tuesday, Feb. 10 at 7:00 pm in City Union Wednesday, Feb. 11 at 7:00 pm in East Union Stop by UPC office at 117 Nebraska Union for mom info or caH 472-8146.__ Alpha Kappa Psi Come and meet us!! We are a brand-new professional co-ed business fraternity. We we having FREE PIZZA Wednesday night at 5:30 in the Union. Alpha Zeta Meeting Wednesday,! 1th, 5:30 pm; E.C.U.; Initiates Encouraged to attend. ,1 , - Campus Atheists & Agnostics Professor Jeff Spinnw- Haler presents The Rules of Religiori and Democratic Chioces’ Wednesday, Feb. Tf, fgmatthe Culture Center, 333 N. 14th St. Everyone * CAMPUS RED CROSS We will have a general meeting on Wednesday, February 11 at 5:00 p.m. in the basement of the Health Center. We will be working on the Blood Drive. New Members are Welcome.. CASNR CASNR Advisory board will hold a meeting tonight at 6pm in the East Campus Union. If unable to attend, please call Abby at 465-8339. CBASBA Meeting - Wednesday. Feb. 11 at 5:30 in CBA 25. See yathenl_ College Republicans will meet at 8 p.m. in the city campus Union on Wednesday February. 11. Featuring guest speaker Dave Heineman. New members welcome. COMMIT Full Party Meeting: Sunday, at 3 pm. East Campus Union. Room will be posted. Everyone is welcome, hope to see you therel Confidential Gay Men’s Discussion Group Wednesdays 6pm to 7:30 pm For more information call Dr. Diaz-Perdomo at Coun seling and Psychological Services, 472-7450 (e-mail or Rev. Phil Owen at 476-0355 (email: rlNANUC ULUb There will be a Social Meeting 0 BW3 0 6:30 Wed Feb 11th. Everyone is welcome. ★ Advertising Club 'A Come check out some AWESOME ads this Wednesday night at 6p.m. in the City Union (room will be postedj.We’ll be watching a video of the National Addy Award winners, and you'll also get the low-down on this semester’s project. All major Welcome! Be Innovative Be a Leader BE INVOLVED Marketing Club Meeting Wednesday, Feb. 11th at 7pm, CBA rm 25. Speaker Andy Brstz from Northwestern Mutual Life. He will be speaking about his company and internship op portunities. FREE PIZZA AND POP! AMA luncheon, Thursday, Feb. 12th. Meet at 11:45 am outside CBA 138. University Club-business attire. REMINDER, bring $10 for dues and resume. Model United Nations Interested in the world? Like to team? Come join the fun, new members always welcome. Thursdays, 4:30 NE Union (room posted) PsiChi Come join us Wednesday the 11th at 7:30 p.m. in the Union. This is a general meeting! Seniors order pins and cords for graduation._ „ SAA Meeting This Thursday, February 12,5 pm at the Wick. New Member retreat to follow. PLEASE BRING YOUR NAME TAGS. Hope to see you there T.OA.B. Meeting Wednesday at HenzUck, Room 204 at 5:30. There will be a Pre-Law Club Meeting, Wednesday, February 11 at 6:30 pm in the Union. All new members welcome. UNL WRdRfo Club Meeting tonight at 7pm in the east campus Union. Prof. Bob Dfffendal wifi be speaking on the Geology of iwawn noDfw. World Dance International Folkdancers looking for new members. Enjoy moving to world music Wednesdays 9-1 Opm or Fndays 8-10pm in Mabel Lee Hall, room 304. Any questions cal LuAnne, 475-8674. AO Congratulations to Allison Ernst and Angie Klein for making SAA. Way to go! Love. Your Sisters ATQ Thanks for the great time at laser tag. We'lhavetodo it again sometime soon. Love, the Women of Gamma Phi AAA Congratulations to the following scholars! 4.0% Gwen Chingren, Stacy Domnanish, Brooke Giassman, Mandy Groff, Brittany Lamp, Bizabeth Sievers. 3.5% or Better Katie Bursness, Julie Cooke, Danielle Curtiss, Bridget Gallager, Jennifer Hacker, Amanda Hillyer, Brenna Lemke, Jill Lorenzen, Shannon Mauser, Tina Parde, Kristin Pattarina, Allison Schiffem, Katie Sievers, Jamie Simunaci, Julie Stewart, Susannah Strand, Kathryne Tvndik, Jennifer Webster, Maly Wiccham. ■I ■'-j AM Thank you for the wonderful cfinner exchange Monday. As you can see, we spare no expense for the tine dining for you ladies. The Men of Theta Xi AT Congratulations to Melissa Tennison for receiving a co-op with Pella Coorporation for fall and being ac cepted into Hotzkirchen Program through KU. Love, Your Sisters AT Congratulations to Kelli Seeman for being accepted into FAA. Love, Your Sisters AT Congratulations to Nora Shepard on your engagement to James Ohrt. Love, Your Sisters AT Congratulations to Christy Swanson and Clint Wurtele on your engagement. Love, The Women of Delta Gamma AT Shari Welcome Back! We’ve missed you. Thanks Mark for your great cooking and Kevin, for your hard work. Love, The Women of Delta Gamma AT Thank you for the great dinner exchange. We hope that we can do it again! The Men of Lambda Chi Alpha AT Welcome Carty Brandes, our newest member. Love, Your New Sisters ATA Thanks for the FAC. We’ll do the husste with you any time! Love, the Women of Delta Gamma AY Congratulations to Greg Beals on Being Accepted to Dentistry School. The Men of DU GREEK LIFE -A LOOK AT RELATIONSHIPS & DATING WITH INTEGRITY- WEDNESDAY, FEB. 11TH, 9:30PM, ATO HOUSE. KA© Congratulations to Emily Pyeatt for being selected for Student Alumni Association. Good luck, we know you will do an excellent job. KA Thanks for the great time on Friday night. We can’t wait until Midnight Madness. The men of Acacia I •' •flipr-w \ ja&S’ •^■1