The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 10, 1998, Page 10, Image 10

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    20ft Mr MU
ALASKA EMPLOYMENT- Earn up to $3,000/month in
fisheries, parks, resorts. Airfare! Food/Lodgingl Our
service recommended by US News/WorldReports.
(919) 933-1939 ext. A107.
$2,000/month. Free world travel (Europe, Carribean,
etc.). Our service recommended by US News/World
Reports. (919) 933-1939, ext.C107.
Cruise Ship & Land Tour Jobs
Excellent earning and benefits potential in seasonal/year
round positions. World Travel (Hawaii, Alaska,
Mexico, Caribbean, etc.). Don’t pay outrageous
agency fees. Ask us howl 517-324-3094 Ext.C57782
sorts, Dude Ranches, Rafting Companies. Nationwide
openings. Call (919) 933-1939, ext.R107.
New 200MMX Cyrix 32 mg, 3.5 gig. Mouse, speakers,
keyboard. In Omaha. Call 697-9535. Leave message.
Full and queen size mattress sets, new, never used,
still in plastic, under warranty. $169 and $199.
477-1225 or 785-2023.
30ft SWIMS
ADOPTION - A VISION OF LOVE. Please help us fulfill
our dreams of a family. We can give love, laughter, se
curity and a life of opportunities to a
child-compassion, friendship ana financial assistance
to you. Call AHison and Michael at 1-800-974-2280.
A loving alternative
We offer counseling and adoption services to help you
plan the best future tor your baby. No fees or obligations.
Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children's
Home, 4600 Valley Rd., Suite 314,483-7879
Income taxes. Quality services at affordable rates, eve
ning and weekend appointments available, student
discounts. Call Tammy for appointment at Ethical
Management Services, 560-1464.
Auto Accidents & DWI
Other criminal matters, call Sanford Pollack 476-7474.
Criminal Defense. DWI, Bankruptcy, Stone Law Firm,
AffordBb^t^,A75^S , ,,
Pregnancy Test
Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Please call for
appointment or more information, 483-2609. Check
out our website
Academic Expressions
Resumes, Term Papers, Theses, Cover /Business letters
and newsletters. (402)628-2221,
400s MMdag Jj||k
2 male roomates to share 5 bedroom house. $200
+1/5 utilities and deposit. Kory, 477-6306.
Need female roommate. Walk to East Campus. $200 +
1/2 utilities, no deposit. Ellen, 465-4295 or 472-1873.
Needed!!! Female Roommate to share nice 3 bedroom
house. Close to campus. Non-smoker, no pets. $250
plus deposit and 1/3 utilities. Call Steph or Alissa at
One female n/s roommate to share new 3 bedroom
apt. $215/month. Call 484-5874
Roommate wanted to share a house with three guys
male or female, non smoker, 33rd and A. $225/month
plus 1/4 utilities. 475-2298.
Two male roommates for three bedroom house. Close
to campus, 1 1/2 bath, fireplace, Central/Air, Wood
Floors, $217/month + deposit + 1/3 utilities. Available
now. 484-8007.
Wanted: Female roommate to share nice four bedroom
house. Close to campus. Non-smoker. No pets. $230
plus deposit and 1/4 utilities. Call Jodi, Liz or Katie at
2 bedroom plus basement. Nice, clean, $500, 2284 W,
$600 738 Y St. Call 432-6644.
3 Bedroom, Close to Campus. New carpet, all appli
ances, washer/dryer, central air, $700, 2410 Holdredge.
Call 474-2419.
4 bedroom newly remodeled, $675, 2314 Holdrege.
Call 432-6644,
5 bedroom 2 bathroom, washer/dryer, dishwasher,
central air, walk to UNL, 1204 Charleston. $800.
******Between Campuses******
4 bedroom/2 Bath, washer/dryer included, garage,
all amenities, brand new. Available now. $895. HIP,
Large, four bedroom, two bath, two car garage.
$1000. 4315 Orchard. Call for showing,
New duplex, 3 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 car garage, W/D,
garage door opener, $825/month. Available Now. 621
N. 28th. 465-8911, ask for Troy._
!!! Close To Campus!!!
One, two, and three bedroom apartments available.
Price ranging from $250 to $650.
Management One
IINice: Vintage Studio, Very Clean. 2312 “FT St.
628-648 S. 12th $275-285. TRI-WIN Properties:
HSpacious: 2 Bedroom, off-street parking. 1026 “A" St.
$310. TRI-WIN Properties: 438-0946
1922 K and 1230 D Newer 2 B, laundry, and dishwasher.
$410-$425 Pd. water and garbage. 483-6280.
2301 A Street
1 Bedroom Units. $329 up, Laundry, Busline
1 bedroom apartment, updated. Laundry facility,
south, $375 plus deposit.
1 bedroom, updated. Main floor of house, south, $475
plus deposit. Call 423-8122 or 423-4653.
Apartments on UNL Campus
Studio unit available. No smoking, no pets, controlled
access, laundry, UNL shuttle stop, $325/month. Brick
yard Apartments, 17th and Holdredge. 477-6578.
Attractive 1 bedroom near East Campus, 35th and Apple,
$300+utilities, W/D hookups, Storage, 465-0067,
leave message
Cherry Hill Realty
2504 Vine Street
Sharp 1 BR Close to campus. $365.
Newer L BR with a neutral decor. Must see to appreci
ate. $475.
1121 North 28th Street
Just Newly Remodeled 1 BR Must see to appreciate.
4300 Cornhusker
Newer 2 BR all electric with a neutral decor. $500.
Quaint 2 BR Townhouse with 1-1/2 bath and heat
paid. $475.
1BR Efficiency all electric. Very nice. $350.
Waverly NE
New 2 BR with 2 bath. All electric. Very Spacious.
Colonial Heights
One, two and three-bedroom apartments available.
Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421 -3070.
Large 2 Bedroom Apartment. Close to City Campus.
430 N. 25th St. $375 per month + utilities. Off-street
parking. Deposit. Available February 1. 488-2088.
Luxury on a Budget
2 Bedroom Deluxe Suites with new range, refrigerator,
and dishwasher, fireplace, new carpet, ana decor
Great Place, Must See!
Willowhaven Apartments,
1800 Knox Street, 476-6200
One bedroom 66th and Holdredge. Grads welcome,
no smoking/pets. Second floor, available 1/20/98.
$285 plus utilities. (402) 331-8500.
Quiet, nonsmoking, security building near Capitol. Fur
nished one bed, $235 plus utility. 432-6476.
Two Bedroom Apt., 810 *H’ Street, newly redecorated,
laundry, off-street parking, deposit/lease. 477-2076
We provide:
* Locations throughout Lincoln
* 24-Hour Emergency Maintenance
' Professional & Personable Leasing Staff
Call us today!
500s Mr
I 1
Work 4 or 6hr. shifts doing assembly work. $7.00/Hr.
+ Weekly Attendance Bonusl Add shifts Monday thru
6:45 a.m. -10:45 a.m.
6:45 a.m.- 1:15 p.m.
7:45 a.m. - 2:15 p.m.
8:45 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
10:45 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Don't miss out on these great opportunities - they will
go fasti Call or stop by today for details.
210 Gateway North, Suite 436
Greentree Ct„ 464-3225 EOE
(Gateway Shopping Center)
CAMP STAFF- Outstanding, accredited Slim Down
Camp on modern college campuses in Massachusetts
and Pennsylvania seeks students and professionals in
terested in fitness and funl Specialties: athletics,
dance, aerobics, tennis, swim, nutrition, R.D., R.N. 7
weeks. Internship credit available. Three years college
minimum. You can help change a life this summerl
Camp Camelot, 800-421-4321; e-rqail:
Chemistry Position
MDS Harris Laboratories has an opening for a
Part-Time Reduction Technician. Will be responsible
for LCMSMS base line draws, regressing sample data
and implementing into reporting format. Requires
knowledge of organic chemistry. Chromatography ex
perience helpful. This position requires availability be
tween the hours of 12p.m. and 6am. Monday- Thursday.
Please apply at:
621 Rose Street
Lincoln, NE 68502
Clerks needed afternoons and nights. Apply in person,
Mike’s O Street Drive In. 22nd and O.
Combine operators and truck drivers for family har
vesting business. Travel from Texas through South Da
kota. CDL required, room and board provided. Robin
785-353-2468 or Ross 785-562-3797.
Need a few hours work each week? Want to earn
some spending money? We need someone to help in
the lunch room from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm, Mon
day-Friday. No experience needed. No cooking. Apply
in person to Nebraska Farm Bureau, 5225 South
16th Street, Lincoln.
Consider a Career with the
Omaha Fire Department
We offer excellent pay. good benefit plus a
full-silling career. Testing for our next training
class will be on April 4 and 5. Sign up begins
February 23 and closes March 20. For further in
formation, please can (402)444-3847.
Firethorn Golf Club
Part-time employment opportunity for golf shop service
personnel, starters, and locker-room attendants;
Golf related experience helpful; March-November; apply
in person only; 9301 Firethorn Lane (1/2 Mile East
of 84th & Van Dorn), Lincoln.
Front Desk Assistant
The College of Business Administration is currently
seeking a student to work 15-20 hours per week as a
front desk assistant in the Advising Office. If you are...
Extremely detail-onented
Friendly and courteous
Good team player
Positive attitude
A great problem-solver
...and love a fast-paced, positive work environment,
please consider applying for this position. You must
nave great computer skills (preferably Microsoft Word,
Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access). Responsibilities
will include answering phones, greeting people,
photocopying, assigning paperwork, assisting with
survey tracking, and other miscellaneous duties. Pref
erence will be given to applicants able to give a
one-year commitment (including summer). Questions?
Please call Kim or Christy at 472-2310. Applications
are available in CBA 138 and due no later man Friday,
February 13.
Full and Part time oositions in our Assembly Dept..;
8:30-5:30: Rixstine Trophy: 2350 “O* St.
Full or part time entry level delivery position: some
heavy lifting required; apply in person at Lincoln
Winnelson; 700 Pioneers Blvd.
Full-Time Summer
On Cash-Grain Operation close to Lincoln. 789-5135
and 432-6105.
Want good food, money, and easy work? Have I got a
job for youl Call Helen, Pi Beta Phi Sorority, 436-6189.
Hi-Mart Golf Course is currently taking applications for
summer help in the Maintenance, Pro Shop,
Food/Beverage Departments. 9001 Pioneers Blvd, or
Kitchen Positions open at Lazio’s. We offer Jobs with
pride and have a reputation as one of the most suc
cessful restaurants in town. At Lazio’s you will receive:
- competitive pay
- vacation benefits
- Employee meal discounts
- great company parties and a
brewery close by!
Apply in person Mon., Tues., or Tnurs., 2:00 - 4:00 pm
at either
710 “P” Street
Laundry Land at 56th and Holdredge is hiring for the
7:30 am to 2 pm shift, 3-4 days per week. $6-6.50 per
hour, apply within. _
Lawn irrigation supervisor needed for instillation and
service of underground sprinkler systems. Training
available. Cally Terry at Lawnscape, 432-0856.
EAl Marketing Services is now
hiring for Full & Part-time Day/Evening
Teleservices Positions.
*$200 Hiring Bonus!
'Earn $8.00/hr guaranteed!
‘Earn up to $12/hr w/bonuses!
’Flexible Schedules!
‘Casual Dress!
Mahoney State Park
Located 25 miles outside of Lincoln, is seeking
part-time help in the following areas: SECURITY
Dynamic work place seeks hardworking individ
uals to work at one of Nebraska's great state
parks. Enjoyable work environment; will train.
Questions? Please call Park Office at
402-944-2523. Equal Opportunity Employer.
Now Offers:
Mature, responsible adult wanted for part-time con
venience store work. Must be available evenings and
weekends, schedule can be arranged around class
schedule. Above average pay. Apply at 3305 O Street
or 4800 O Street.
Need Extra Cash?
Local company is seeking enthusiastic, hardworking
individual to set appointments. No experience neces
sary just a good attitude. Various shirts are available.
If,interested please caH Danny at 464-7088.
Needed beginning March 12th, before school
childcare in my home, 3 children. 464-8174 ask for
Now hiring PM shift all positions. Village Inn, 5001 Van
Dorn. Apply within, flexible scheduling.
Part-Time and Full-Time Service Station Attendant.
Must be 19, Apply at Mike’S 66, 8201 North 56th.
Part-time friendly, energetic servers for all shifts. Apply
at the N Zone, 728 Q Street.
Part-Time Preventative
Maintenance Data Entry
Lincoln Plating Company, one of Lincoln’s premier or
ganizations, is seeking a person to work approximately
20 to 25 hours per week performing various data entry
duties of preventative maintenance information.
The qualified candidates must be computer literate in
Windows 95 operating systems. Exposure to
Microsoft Access is a plus, but not required. Must be
detail oriented and have experience working with
spreadsheets and developing charts/graphs.
This is an excellent opportunity for someone interested
in production operations or engineering. We offer a
competitive starting wage and a tuition reimbursement
program which pays $1.00 for every hour worked.
Qu? ified candidates should apply in person between
the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at:
Lincoln Plating Company
600 West EStreet
Lincoln, Nebraska 68522
Phone (402)475-3671
If you enjoy helping people and have a great attitude,
we need your talent; PT/FT; 467-4102.
Production Specialist Wanted
Join the creative and talented production team at Lin
coln CableVision. Write, shoot and edit television
commercials and promotional spots as a full-time pro
duction specialist. Position offers the opportunity to
train on state of the art equipment, a creative working
environment, an excellent benefits package and free
cable if you live in the service area. Qualified candidates
will have a BA in Advertising Journalism, excellent writ
ten and verbal communication skills and a professional
attitude. Writing samples and demo tape required. Avid
experience a plus.
Send resumes and required material to:
Lincoln CableVision
Human Resources
5400 S 16th St.
Lincoln, NE 68512
No phone calls accepted.
CableVision is an Equal Opportunity
Emolover M/F/D/V
Programmers needed. SQL, HTML, and C++ helpfull.
World class opportunity. 441-3295.
Big Problem. Big Paycheck. Call 464-6601.
Residential Cleaning; flexible with school schedule;
Monday - Friday; start $5.25; 432-5573
Special Events -
Must have your own 35mm SLR camera, flash, de
pendable transportation and willingness to travel. Pho
tograph and help people, have fun at Friday and Satur
day night events, if you like parties, action, people and
photography then put your camera to work, earn your
self some money and have fun doing it. Call: The Picture
Man 467-2577 M-F 1-6 for more information.
Spring Break $$
Local ciwgany has
immediate part time openings
Flex Schedule for Students; No Experience Nec
essary; Earn $100-$400/week; Positions must
be filled by 2/18; Call M-F; 10-3 pm; 477-8695.
TCBY Treats
Now Hiring Full and Part-Time Positions. Inquire at
6450 O Street or call 464-0646.
The Nebraska Club, Lincoln's finest pnvate dining dub
is now hiring FT/PT day waitstaff and FT/PT evening
lounge staff. The ideal candidate will possess a strong
desire to work and a commitment to their job. In return,
you will receive above average wage, uniforms,
meals, paid vacation and a great working environment.
Please apply in person 233 S. 13th Street, 20th Floor
of the First Bank Building. No phone calls please.
a Gamma am*
National Bank of Commerce is currently accepting Ap
plications for
Telecommunications Monitor-FCT
TeHer-Eastpark, Parkway, Bank South
Loan Administration Clerk-Residential Income
Statement Cierk-FCT
For more details call the First Commerce Job Hotline
at 434-4700.
Equal Opportunity Employer
1 *.-..... —*"'i
XoXe our $oiZ- a.rv<i you
oool<i tokld-e Vo*« a prt$#l
You could win a FREE T-shirt or sweatshirt, a 60-minute prepaid long
distance card, or one of the other great prizes to be given away each
week when you take the NewsQtliz, the fun online current events
game from the Daily Nebraskan and iavix*" Internet Access
i Service from Aliant Communications
Just log on to the Net, call up the Dally Nebraskan home
page at www.«»!.8ilti^lai!yfCeb, and look for the
NewsGuiz Icon at the bottom of the front page.
The sooner you play the sooner you could win.
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