The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 09, 1998, Page 6, Image 6

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    Chocolate lovers binge on delicacies
Gluttony triumphs over guilt for festival participants 1
By Brian Carlson
Senior Reporter
Moderation in the pursuit of indul
gence at Sunday night’s Chocolate
Lover’s Fantasy was, without a doubt,
no virtue.
If Barry Goldwater had attended the
chocolate festival in the Ramada Plaza
Hotel’s Grand Ballroom, he certainly
would have been irked by any lily-liv
ered health-conscious types who didn’t
fill their plates at least two or three times
with chocolate truffle cookies, choco
late creme, chocolate-covered strawber
ries, even chocolate-dipped Cheetos -
and then wash it all down with a cup of
moto mocha made of chocolate, cinna
mon and a shot of espresso.
“People are saying ‘There’s too
much chocolate! There’s too much
chocolate!”’ exclaimed Pam Prater,
chairwoman of the planning committee
for the event, which benefited the
Historic Haymarket and Special
Olympics Nebraska.
But judging by the reactions of the
to attend, gjuttony prevailed over guilt -
= “No, I don’t feel guilty at all,” said
Mike Fitzgerald of Lincoln, laughing.
“This is long overdue* ■
The event showcased an impressive
array of creative uses of chocolate, as
sponsoring organizations strived to
offer the most memorable cocoa
cuisines. %
Richard Conradt and Rich
Rodenburg, co-owners and “co
partiers” of the Walton Trail Company,
showed off their chocolate-dipped
Cheetos - the result of “divine inspira
tion,” Conradt said.
Conradt’s culinary creation found a
fan in 10-year-old Jaclyn Michelsen of
Lincoln, who stressed the need to be
opai to such gourmet innovations.
“It looks weird at first,” she said.
“And a lot of people, the reason they
don’t taste it, is they think it looks gross.
“But when you try it, it tastes feally
good.” ' : \
Carli Brown, a University of
Nebraska-Lincoln sophomore psychol
ogy major, and Cindy Warnes, a UNL
sophomore veterinary science major,
said they had never experienced any
thing quite like the Chocolate Lover’s
Fantasy. , >
“It’s just really weird to see people
saying, ‘Here, have some chocolate, eat
as much as you want,”’ Brown said,
clutching ha stomach. “You don’t hear
that very much.”
Warnes, a chocolate mousse lover,
I don’t feel guilty at all. This is long overdue.”
Mike Fitzgerald
Lincoln resident
said “I got real full, real fast.”
Other notable attractions were
Floyd the Penguin, which was made of
63 pounds of solid white chocolate and
a layer of dark chocolate; Chocolate
Stout Ice Cream with stout beer; and
chocolate-covered strawberries and
Kelly Tillotson, 10, of Omaha, who
said she liked the chocolate-and-peanut
butter “camel droppings,” was neverthe
less unsure she would have any room left
for Valentine’s candy this week.
That may be just fine with her moth
. - • ' ££ % . . 3'
er, Marla Tillotson.
“This is just great,” she said. “I’m
sick of chocolate, though. I didn’t think
I’d ever say that.”
Ah, the perils of excess. Conradt
grinned and shook his head as he pon
dered the repercussions of too much
chocolate and espresso.
“A lot of people won’t be sleeping
much tonight,” he said.
But amid Sunday night’s seemingly
endless array of goodies, it seemed that
a pound of moderation was worth much
less than an ounce of chocolate truffles.
1 ' Congratulations to the Initiates of y
Dave Adams B.J. Katzburg Garrett Pohlman
Matt Adams J.PLadd Matt Rasmussen
Ryan Anderson Brian Magnusson Chad Reade
Todd Cruise Jake Messersmith Lance Steinhausen
Tim Domeier ; Kelsey Moran Spencer Stock
I Matt Greenquist Bob Novotney Brett Stohs
V Will Jordan Paul Pankonin Mike Zalewski
^ ^ ^ - . J
Dick Boe Sam Auld
Brian Pope Mark Gifford
Chris Engles Brian Manning
I Josh Howell-Burke David Campbell
Ben Novotny T.J. Butler
Matt Glathar Russell Baumert
Tyler Adamson Ryan Haith
Andrew Beckenhauer Andy Havelka
Matt Ernst Mitchell Perry NeilWattier
' Alpha: I
Brady Bergmeyer
Lee Panko 3 Y S
Mike Branded
Ben Panning
Travis Chrisman
Joel Clements |H
Andy Pearson
Shaur\ Custard
' Monte Else
Marshall Poehler
Adam Ferguson
Matthew Rutt
Doug Glashoff ■£ M
Tim Sasek
Josh Hingst
Eric Schilling
Clint Hoffman
Erich Tieman
Lex Larsen
Frank Vech
Heath Mello
^ ^ ^rry Weber ^ ^ ^
f- si
Congratulations to
tMpminitiates of
rUDelta Theta
Tom Butler
Ryan Nelson
Aaron O’Brien_
Dan Olson^Sx jj
Currv Wittrd^X/
Congratulation^ to tfre sJ?ett> Sftember* of KKT!!
Lori Armiger Lindsay Huggenberger
Kaci Cloyd Mari Marker
Jill Crumrine Kyla Mathis
Katie Dixon Sara McLean
Jamie Fuente Laura McCoy
NatelieGleason Ashley Sahling AbbySnavely
Carla Guenzel Betsey Saunders Maggie Spencer * ^
Julie Hebenstreit Sara Sch chtmg Marnee S o cpart sbe|y pj^
Sara Heim Knsty Skmner R^ecca Stratbucker / |
Heater Hoban SaraSimonsen Lacey Sukstort Amanda Romiue
^ ^ Jamie Walls ^ ^ ^ f§ |
Chris Arnold
Scott Spohn
Chris Wangsness
Keenan McRoberts
Joel Williams
Josh VanBoening
Jeremy Colwell
Josh Goeschel
Andy Bassett
Mark Patefeild
Rober Bowen
to the
Alpha Tau
Ben Wegener
Brian Thompson
Vernon Goff
Nate Parsons
Mike Egermier
Reed Anderson
Neil Gohl
Aaron Fickensher
Adam Weides
Mark Russell
Simon VanBoening
Congratulations to the New Members of
Gamma Phi Beta!
Kari Andresen Melissa Cooney Aimee Magnuson J
Krystina Backenstone Jill Dolnicek Sara Mattes
Stephanie Ballinger Rachel Emerton Kindra Olson
Amanda Balluff Katie Farrar Brooke Peterson |
Kallie Blauhorn Gina Guerrero Mikala Rentschler J
Micaela Brandt Amber Henderson Crystal Rice
Kelly Brinkman Sarah Iverson Michelle Sasek
Jaime Chamberlain Janisha Jurjens Emily Scherzberg B
Carrie Chandler Wendy Koch Natalya Shannon B 1
Sara Cockson Andrea Leishman Cassi Shiffermlller B
Kerrle Snowden Kylee White
to the
Beta Theta Pi
New Initiates
^ ' .v; -y| m I
John Christenson
Eric Knight
Aaron Scheibe
Chris Cederburg
Blaine Christiansen
Neal Hughes
Justin Nichols
Jason Vasquez
Matt Fiorita
Dan Slaughter
Ryan Comes
Tony Bock
Jason Hooper
Steve HHgenfeld
Ryan Ragsdale
Ben Peterman