The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 05, 1998, Page 14, Image 14

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    ALASKA EMPLOYMENT- Earn up to $3,000/month in
fisheries, parks, resorts. Airfare! Food/Lodging! Our
service recommended by US News/Worid Reports.
(919) 933-1939 ext A107~ _
$2,000/month. Free world travel (Europe, Carribean,
etc.). Our service recommended by US News/World
Reports. (919) 933-1939, extC107.
Cruise Ship & Land Tour Jobs
Excellent earning and benefits potential in seesortal/year
round positions. World Travel (Hawaii, Alaska,
Mexico, Caribbean, etc.). Don’t pay outrageous
agency fees. Ask us how! 517-324-3094 Ext.C57782
sorts, Dude Ranches, Rafting Companies. Nationwide
openings. Call (919) 933-1939, extR107._
For sale: Macintosh 636 CD system w/ printer and
software, $850, cal Kim at 477-2564.
Laptop Computer
Macintosh Powertxxjk plus extras excellent condition.
Phone 436-8783. Pager 473-1294.__
Full and queen size mattress sets, new, never used,
still in plastic, under warranty. $169 and $199
477-1225 or 785-2083.__
‘88 Toyota Tercel, $1000oJm. 476-4619.
‘96 Geo Metro, 4 door, auto, air, 18k, $5450
‘95 Mitsubishi Mirage 2 door, 5 speed, loaded, 52k,
‘91 Lexus, 4 door, auto, loaded. 71k, $8500
‘85 Honda Acoord, 4 door, LX, auto. 85k, $2850.
Baer’s Auto Sales
1647 South 3rd
1985 Chevy Chevette. Runs good, $500.
3oos umm |
ADOPTION - A VISION OF LOVE. Please help us fulfill
our dreams of a family. We can give love, laughter, se
curity and a life of opportunities to a
child-compassion, friendship and financial assistance
to you. Call Allison and Michael at 1-800-974-2280.
a loving MMiwivi
We offer counseling and adoption services to help you
plan the best future for your baby. No fees or obligations.
Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children's
Home, 4600 VaHey Rd„ Suite 314,483-7879_
Income taxes. Quality services at affordable rates, eve
ning and weekend appointments available, student
UI9WUUIU9. wan laiimiy iui cimuui
Management Services, 550-1464.
Auto Accidents & DWI
Other criminal matters, can Sanford Pollack 476-7474.
Criminal Defense, DWI, Bankruptcy, Stone Law Firm,
Affordable Rates, 475-0055
Pregnancy Test
Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Please call for
appointment or more information, 483-2609. Check
out our website
Academic Expressions
Resumes, Term Papers, Theses, Cover /Business letters
and newsletters. (402)628-2221,
1 Male/Female roommate needed to share house!
$150/month + utilities. Avertable Now. Call 476-3256.
Brand n|^<Mse^arape,washer/dryer, hon-srhoker,
Male or female roommate wanted to share three bed
room apartment. C<M86-0673.
Male, nonsmoker. 2 Bedroom apt. 18th and Washing
ton. <210 Plus 1/2.deposit and 1/2 utilities. 435-0528.
Need female roommate. Walk to East Campus. $200 +
1/2 utilities, no deposit Ben, 465-4295 or 472-1873.
Needed!!! Female Roommate to share nice 3 bedroom
house. Close to campus. Non-smoker, no pets. $250
plus ^deposit and 1/3 utilities. Call Steph or Aiissa at
_ -• _ . J.
One female n/s roommate to share new 3 bedroom
apt.$21Vmonfh. Cal 484-9674
Responsible, non-smoking male-female roommate
needed. Two blocks north of campus. Free cable, all
bills paid except phone. $275 per month. 476-0822.
Room for rent, nice house, $225 + 1/3 utilities, call for
interview. 475-3740.__
2 bedroom plus basement Nice, dean, $500,2284 W,
$600738 Y St Can 432-6644.
4 bedroom newly remodeled, $675,2314 Holdrege.
Call 432-6644.
5 bedroom 2 bathroom, washer/dryer, dishwasher,
central air. walk to UNL, 1204 Charleston. $800.
2726 P St. Large 3bedroom , 1 1/2 Bath, all appli
ances+W/D. Carpeted, parking, C/A. $675+deposit.
421-7416. ___.
******Between Campuses******
4 bedroom/2 Beth, wnhir/dnitf inducted, oartM,
all amenities, brand new. Available now. $896. HIP,
Large, four bedroom, two bath, two car garage.
$1000. 4315 Orchard. Call for showing,
New duplex, 3 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 car garage, W/D,
garage door opener, $825/month. Available Now. 621
N~28th. 465-8911, ask for Troy._
!!! Close To Campus!!!
One, two, and three bedroom apartments available.
Price ranging from $250 to $650.
Management One
2 and 3 bedroom. 3150 R Street. Victorian charm, oak
floors, tub/shower. $360-$475/month.
2 Bedroom Apartment, Fireplace, One Bath, Low
Utilities. Rent $495 per month. Near East Campus.
Call LizdrMichelle 466-7855.
2 bedroom apartment, 510 S 24th, Remodeled, low
utilities. Close to achools. $410.423-1240,
2 bedroom near east campus. On bus line, A/C, closets,
n/s, no pets. $385+deposit. 475-6453.
1027 Washington
1 or 2 Bedroom with all appliances. Laundry facilities.
Eden Management 489-2333.
1922 K and 1230 D Newer 2 B, laundry, and dishwasher.
$410-$425 Pd. water aid garbage. 483-6280.
2301 A Street
^Bedroom Units. $329 up, Laundry, Busline
Apartments on UNL Campus
Studio unit available. No smoking, no pets, controlled
access, laundry, UNL shuttle stop. $325/month. Brick
yard Apartments, 17th and Holdredge. 477-6578.
Attractive 1 bedroom new East Campus, 35th and Apple,
$300+utiiities, W/D hookups. Storage, 465-0067,
leave message
Cheny Hill Realty
2504 Vine Street
Sharp 1 BR Close to campus. $365.
Newer 2 BR with a neutral decor. Must see to appred
1121 North 28th Street
Just Newly Remo do led 1 BR Must see to appreciate.
4300 Cornhusker
Newer 2 BR all electric with a neutral decor. $500.
Oil Hint 9 RP TnufnhniiftA with 1.1/9 Hath anri hoot
paid. $475.
1BR Efficiency all electric. Very nice. $350.
New 2 BR with 2 bath. All electric. Very Spacious.
Close to city campus, 2 Bedroom apartment, w/d, and
dishwasher. 22nd and R St. $385, no deposit. Call
Colonial Heights
One, two and three-bed room apartments available.
Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421 -3070.
Efficiency apartments close to
city campus. Water, heat, gas
paid. Call 477-4490.
Large 2 Bedroom Apartment. Close to City Campus.
430 N. 25th SL $375 per month + utilities. Off-street
parking. Deposit. Available February 1. 488-2088.
-T. . . ----
Luxury on a Budget
2 Bedroom Deluxe suites with new range, refrigerator,
and dishwasher, fireplace, new carpet, and decor
packa9Great Place, Must See!
Willowhaven Apartments,
1800 Knox Street, 476-6200
One bedroom 66th and Holdredge. Grids welcome,
no smoking/pets. Second floor, available 1/20/98.
$285 plus utilities. (402) 331 -8500.
Two Bedroom Apt., 810 *H* Street, pewty redecorated,
laundry, off-street parking, deposit/lease. 477-2076
We provide:
* Locations throughout Lincoln
* 24-Hour Emergency Maintenance
* Professional & Personable Leasing Staff
Call us today!
ind PriMfd Mijon**1
Clinical Conduct Associates
Harris Laboratories has opportunities available for per
sons to monitor activities of Study Participants and
collect and document data. Great experience for sci
ence. nursing and ore-med majors. We are currently
looking for individuals who can work early morning
hours. Number of hours will vary based on staffing
needs. Apply for this excellent opportunity at:
Human Resources, JAM-CCA
621 Rose St
Lincoln, HE 68602
Animal Lovers
Attention students, teachers and homemakers. Anyone
who loves animalsl If you have a warm heart for fuzzy
faces, the Capital Humane Society needs you for our
phone-a-thon campaign. A.m. and p.m. hours
available Monday, February 9 through Saturday, Feb
ruary 20. Excellent communication skills, dependability
and enthusiasm required. If you want to make a differ
ence and earn money too, call Rachel at 477-7722 or
stop by the Capital Humane Society at 2320 Park Blvd
for an application.
CAMP STAFF- Outstanding, accredited Slim Down
Camp on modem college campuses in Massachusetts
and Pennsylvania seeks students and professionals in
terested in fitness and funl Specialties: athletics,
dance, aerobics, tennis, swim, nutrition, R.D., R.N. 7
weeks. Internship credit available. Three years college
minimum. You can help change a life tnis summerl
Camp Camelot, 800-421-4321; e-mail:
i •
Can you work DAY-TIME SHIFTS???
Drive Thru, Line Cooke, GriN, Fryers, Prep Cooks,
Wait Staff, Hosts, Banquet Servers
Rock n’Roll Runza is hiring for its full service
restaumant drive thru area, and Top of the Rock
banquet facilities. Work in a FUN atmosphere
with GREAT benefits.
APPLY TODAY in person at Rock n’ Roll Runza
14th &P Streets
Ask for Teri Jo
Combine operators and truck drivers for family har
vesting business. Travel from Texas through South Da
kota. CDL required, room and'board provided. Robin
7flE_OEO.Oiiefi Mr Dmm 7QC ECO 0707
Need a few hours work each week? Want to earn
some spending money? We need someone to help in
the lunch room from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm, Mon
day-Friday. No experience needed. No cooking. Apply
in person to Nebraska Farm Bureau, 5225 South
16th Street, Lincoln.
EARN $750-$1500/WEEK
Raise all the money your student group needs by
sponsoring a VISA Fundraiser on your campus. No
investment & very little time needed. There’s no obli
gation, so why no call for information today. Call
1-800-323-8454x95.~ .
Engineering Aide/Drafting
Mapping Technician
Lincoln Bectric System* looking fora second semester
freshman or a first semester sophomore majoring in
Electrical Engineering with knowledge of computer
aided design applications and a valid Nebraska driver's
license. AN excellent opportunity for a part time
job (approximately 20 hours per week that can be
worked around your class schedule) and an excellent
opportunity to gain some experience in the electric
utility field. This person wiH assist in updating system
control digital maps and databases, and verify and up
date construction specifications. If you meet these
qualifications please apply no later than February 6,
Front Desk Assistant
The College of Business Administration is currently
seeking a student to work 15-20 hours per week as a
front desk assistant in the Advising Office. If you are...
Extremely detail-onented
Friendly and courteous
Good team player
Positive attitude
A great probtem-sofver
...and love a fast-paced, positive work environment,
please consider applying for this position. Ybu must
have great computer skiffs (preferably Microsoft Word,
Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access). Responsibilities
will include answering phones, greeting people,
photocopying, assigning paperwork, assisting with
survey tracking, and olper miscellaneous duties. Pref
erence will be given to applicants able to give a
one-year commitment (including summer). Questions?
Please call Kim or Christy at 472-2310. Applications
are available in CBA 138 and due no later man Friday,
February 13.
Join a growing ENR top 500 consulting engineer
ing/planning firm located in downtown Lincoln NE.
Responsible for developing up-front plans for com
mercial, industrial, residential, and recreational devel
opments. Graphics capabilities helpful. Paid holidays,
flexible hours, professional career-oriented environment,
advancement potential. Please send resume and
cover letter to Otsson Associates, 1111 Lincoln Mall,
Lincoln, NE 68508, EOE.
Kitchen Positions open at Lazio’s. We offer Jobs with
pride and have a reputation as one of the most suc
cessful restaurants in town. At Lazio's you will receive:
- competitive pay
- vacation benefits
~ Employee meal discounts
- great company parties and a
brewery dose byt
Apply in person Mon., Tues., or Thurs., 2:00 - 4:00 pm
at either
710 *P" Street
Laundry Land at 56th and Holdredge is hiring for the
7:30 am to 2 pm shift, 3-4 days per week. $6-6.50 per
hour, apply within. • ;.
Lawn irrigation supervisor needed for instillation and
service of underground sprinkler systems. Training
available. CaMy Terry at Lawnscape, 432-0656.
EAI Marketing Services is now
hiring for Full & Part-time Oey/Evening
Teleservices Positions.
rnuiiy UUIIU9I
‘Earn $8.00/hr guaranteed!
‘Earn up to $12/hr w/bonusest
‘Flexible Schedules!
‘Casual Dress!
‘No experience necessary!
$1600 tuition assistance
Mature, responsible adult wanted for part-time con
venience store work. Must be available evenings and
weekends, schedule can be arranged around class
schedule. Above average pay. Apply at 3305 O Street
or 48000 Street.
taco, Inc., needs an assistant to help In the repair de
partment by setting up and running equipment after
tepaked to enure quality, to raws equipment to be
repaired, and prepare equipment for shipment r»wf* to
customer. Wortdrv) hours are flexible 20hCHjrs between
the hours of 7.00 and4.30, Monday through Friday.
Starling pay is $6.64/hr. Please apply at, or send resume
to: -
Human Resources Department
531 Weetaale Btvd.
E-mal: DeamaaMecObOom -
Part-Time Preventative
Maintenance Data
Lincoln Plating Company, one of Linco or
ganizations, Is seeking a person to work approximately
20 to 25 hours per week performing various data entry
duties ofpreventative maintenance information.
The qualified candidates must be computer literate in
Windows 95 operating systems. Exposure to
Microsoft Access is a phis, but not required. Must be
detail oriented and have experience working with
spreadsheets and developing charts/graphs.
This is an excelont opportunity for someone interested
in production operations or engineering. We offer a
competitive starting wage and a tuition reimbursement
program which pays $1.00 for every hour worked.
Qualified candidates should apply in person between
the hours of 7:00 ajn. and 5:00 p.m. at
Lincoln Plating Company
600 West rStreet
Lincoln. Nebraska 68522
Phone (402)475-3671
MDS Hams, an international leader in the pharmaceuti
cal testing industry, seeks skilled phlebotomists to
draw blood samples from study participants within
time constraints fone minute intervals) and to process |
samples. We require 1 year previous phlebotomy ex
perience. We currently have part-time positions
available. Number of hours mav varv based on staffina it
needs. Early morning availability required. Excellent
wages for skied PNeootomMs. Please apply at
681 Roee Street
Lincoln, NE 68602
Big Problem. Bki Paycheck. CaM 464-6601.
Residential Cleaning; flexible with school schedule;
Monday - Friday; start S5iS; 432-5573
Small in-home licensed daycare, $85/week.
7am-5JOpm, Monday-Friday. Ctoee to University. CaM
Bonnie at 477-1660.
Spring Break $$
immedat^part time^openings
Flex Schedule for Students; No Experience Nec
essary; Earn $100-$400/week; Positions must
be MSd by 2/11; Cal M-F; 10-3 pm; 477-8695.
Students- WE these hours work with your class sched
ule? Monday-Friday, 230 to 630 wid Saturdays
8-4p.m. We nave a store clerk position available at our
North 14th and Superior Street or North 48th and
tsarawm Location, ir interested, please apply weones
day-Friday, 2-5 p.m. at:
Williams Cleaners
2541 N. 48th
Positiooa for talented, energetio. and fun toWngstudeats
as counselors in all team sports including Roller
Hockey, all individual sports such as Tennis & Golf.
Waterfront and Pool activities, and specialty activities
including ad, dance, theatre, gymnastics, newspaper &
radio. TOP SALARIES, room, board, and travel. Jqne
20th-August 19th. Enjoy a great summer that promises
to De unrorgettaoie. iWAri-ivce-riAC(ooys):
1-800-753-9116. PAHBBEfGiris): 1-600-392-3752.
TCBY Treats
Now Hiring Full and Part-Time Positions. Inquire at
6450 O Street or call 464-0646.
1*0 |\# Temporary
ivrl 1J Services
No Sales! No QuotasI
Give us a ring and we’ll put you in contact with great
opportunities. If you're out-going and enjoy talking to
people, you will gain valuable experience, great pay,
bonuses, and the flexibility you need. Convenient
downtown location, free parkingl Part-time evening
and day openingB available now. Never a fee.
The Nebraska Club, Lincoln's finest private (fining dub
is now hiring FT/PT day waitstaff and FT/PT evening
lounge staff. The ideal candidate will possess a strong
desire 46 work and a commitment to their job. In return,
you will receive above average wage, uniforms,
meals, paid vacation and a gnat working environment
Please apply m eerson 233 S. 13th Street, 20th Floor
of the FtrstBank Bidding No phone calls please.
NBC - j
national Bank of Commerce is currently accepting Ap
plications for
Loan Administration Gtssk-Ascidontiel Income
For more'dStalWcalt the First Commerce Job Hotline
at 4344700. -
! **." www. banknbcxom
..Equal Opportunity Employer
*.v.’i> •
Have you had mono
nucleosis within the last
month? If so, your
plasma could make a
i valuable contribution to
research & earn you
$50.00 at the same time.
For details please call
I ~ H