The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 30, 1998, Page 9, Image 9

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prepare for
REVEREND from page 8
The band’s live performances are
an experience in themselves —
something you have to see for your
self to believe.
According to the Reverend’s
record label, Interscope, the band is
currently touring in support of its
new album, titled “Spaceheater.” The
album is due out in stores March 24,
and is said to include 16 new songs.
The Reverend Horton Heat is all
about showbiz, and he said that some
of the artists he has been seeing
recently are doing the squirreliest
and stupidest things.
“It doesn’t matter what guitar you
play, it’s how you play it. It’s what
comes out of your heart,” he once
said. “Being able to haul ass all over
the fretboard doesn’t mean anything
if the music’s no good.”
Stay Safe
this Winter.
. - V. . - .
Concert pianist gets down to business
PIANIST from page 8
will range from Ludwig van
Beethoven’s “Fifth Symphony” to
pieces composed by Aaron
“Audiences have shorter
attention spans these days,” Kolb
said, “so I try to keep recitals
interesting and talk a lot to my.
Kolb, who performs between'
50 and 60 recitals a year, spoke
and performed to students in the
School of Music Thursday after
noon. He was brought to the uni
versity by Paul Barnes, an assis
tant professor of piano at UNL.
Barnes met Kolb in Ontario last
Kolb has appeared with the
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
and Hamburg Philharmonic,
among other notable ensembles.
His performance at Carnegie Hall
was hailed by The New York
Times as “a piano recital program
with a difference.”
On Saturday, Kolb will lead a
“Music and Money” workshop
from 9 a.m. to noon at Southeast
Community College. The seminar
will focus on how musicians can
be successful and find a way to
make money with their talents.
The Home Concert
Association is sponsoring the
event. Founder and artistic advis
er Ken Hauptman said this event
is a must-see for all students pur
suing a career in music.
“Justin has a wealth of experi
ence because he’s been there,”
Hauptman said. “He goes through
the entire process of building a
music career, step by step.”
Hauptman said Kolb will
cover everything at the seminar
I basically show kids what they can do
with a music degree
on Monday mornings.”
Justin Kolb
concert pianist
from budgeting to publicity, as
well as other topics that every up
and-coming musician needs to
know to make it in “the business.”
“The world is different from
when I was a kid. All you had to
do back then was practice hard
and audition to an agent,” Kolb
said. “Now, you’ve got to be a
businessman or entrepreneur,
too. I basically show kids what
they can do on Monday mornings
with a music degree.”
Kolb is frequently engaged by
schools on all levels to present
his lectures, but he says his
favorite audiences are college
students. He is also the former
CEO of his own cellular phone
company, and has extensive expe
rience in the business world.
For more information, or to
register for Kolb’s session, con
tact Southeast Community
College at (402) 437-2700.
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+1/5 utilities and deposit. Kory, 477-6306.
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Female roommate needed for nice 4 bedroom house.
5 minutes from campus. $210/month + 1/4 utilies.
Available now. 476-3245.
Male/Female roommate wanted. $219 + 1/2 utilities.
Cad Jefl at438-05It. _
Responsible, non-smoking male-female roommate
needed. Two blocks north of campus. Free cable, ad
bids paid except phone. $275 per month. 476-0822.
Roommate, non amoker, shore house w/ 2 female stu
dents. W/D, C/A. $190/mo + 1/3 utilities. Available
Now. 420 North Coiner. 465-5085.
Two male roommates for three bedroom house. Close
to campus, 1 1/2 bath, fireplace, Central/Air, Wood
Floors, $217/monfti + deposit +1/3 uHKties. Available
now. 464-8007.
Extra large private room. Own phone Hoe. Rent inclodes
cable, foundry and utilities. 27th and South
street area. Non-smoking female. $280/plus deposit
Room for rent, nice house, $225 + 1/3 utUties, cat for
interview. 475-3740.
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2 bedroom plus basement. Nfoe, clean, $500,2284 W,
$600 738 Y StCal 432-6644. (
4 bedroom newly remodeled, $675,2314 Holdrege.
Call 432-6844.___
5 bedroom 2 bathroom, washer/dryer, dishwasher,
central air, walk to UNL, 1204 Charleston. $800.
iiMtipAT|||AA|| flninift
DotWWII valllUtlSwa •
4 bedroom« Bath, washer/dryernckided, garage,
il amtnittes, Avtwbto now* IWff. HIP
2252 Sheldon, 2 bedroom, dose to campus, bathroom
recently remodeled. $350 470-2717.
Brand new 3 bedroom, 2 bath, w/d, garage, 2420 Potter,
$700.438-3393 or 440-2225.
Large, four bedroom, two bath, two car garage.
$1000. 4315 Orchard. Call for showing,
1-402-598-8823. .. _
gS^U^J)e^M25Ar^rth'. ^iiCTluTi
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1BR Mum with all the extras. $3504365.
Newer 2 BR, very spacious with all the amenities.
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New 2 BR, 1 bath with a neutral decor and spacious
floor plan. $575.
New 2 BR, 2 beth with washer/dryer hookups. Very
spacious with a neutral decor. $610.
44th & Comhusker Hwy
Newer 2 BR, with ad electric utilities. $520.
8harp 2 BR Townhouse with 11/2 baths and heat
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Garages also avaflabletM
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2 and 3 bedroom. 3150 R Sheet Victorian charm, oak
floors, tub/shower. $3604475/month.
2 Bedroom Apartment, Fireplace, One Bath, Low
Utilities. Rent $495 per month. Near East Campus.
Cal Liz or Michelle 466-7865. v'
2 bedroom apartment, 510 S 24th, Remodeled, low
utBUes-Ooee to schools. $410.423-1240.
2 bedroom apartment. East Campus, Fireplace,
available now.466-0387 leave meeaage.
2 bedroom near east campus. On bus Kne, A/C, dosets,
n/s, no pUN. $385+deposit. 4754453.
2 Bedroom, Newer. 240 South 26th, Double
Sliding Door, Balcony, Built in Microwave,
AM rvi *. flnrl.ln f,
utT-oireei rarKma.
1 Bedroom, Newer: 240 South 26th, BuHt in Mi
crowave, Off Street Pafkino,
2 Bedroom, Modem 508 South 25th, Off Sheet ' *-*
Harking, rncea low.
Leave message 483-2357.
1 or 2 BedrooiPwith afap^ano»^!a!mdry facilities.
Eden Management, 489-2333.
1922 K and 1230 D Newer 2 B, laundry, and dtahwasher.
$4104425 Pd. water and garbage. 4&4280. ;-j|
1. Bedroom Units. $329 up, Laundry, Busline