The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 29, 1998, Page 9, Image 9

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    Matt Miller/DN
DARRYL WHITE, an UNL assistant professor of trumpet, loves both jazz and classical music. White only has been at UNL since last
semester, but he already has assumed a heavy teaching load as well as working on recordings and performances.
UNL professor pulls
double musical duty
By Barb Churchill
Assignment Reporter
Darryl White is a busy man^. ,0„;juJ
With his jazz gigs, his classical appearances, his recording
sessions (he appears on tenor saxophonist Keith Oxman’s new
album, “Out on a Whim”) and his relatively heavy teaching load,
White is one of the busiest men on campus.
As if that weren’t enough, he also has a recital planned for
March 10. This recital will be part classical and part jazz, and will
feature the first Nebraska appearance of the Pretext Quartet.
This is only the second semester that White has been assistant
professor of trumpet at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
White replaced professor Dennis Schneider, who retired after
teaching trumpet at UNL for more than 25 years. He said students
seemed comfortable adjusting to working with him.
“No one said, ‘That’s not the way Denny (Schneider) taught
it,”’ White said.
“Denny had a love for good tone, as I do. Denny and I had dis
cussed our tonal concept, what’s a good sound, etc. And that’s a
very important issue for students.”
White’s face lights up at the mention of the soon-to-be
released compact disc “Out on a Whim.” White’s inclusion on this
album was both unexpected and fortuitous.
Oxman, one of Denver’s best-known and highest-regarded
tenor saxophonists, specifically requested White to play on his
album. Oxman remembered hearing White at a mutual jazz gig
from years earlier. White’s performance on “Out on a Whim”
marks the first appearance of a trumpet on an Oxman
album.“Keith (Oxman) and I sensed a connection the first time
we played together in our styles and influences,” White said.
“Jazz is a language. It’s just like speaking... you can get with
Please see WHITE on 10
Ska bands set to launch Lincoln attack
By Patrick Miner
Music Critic
Few bands are able to put a “Now On
Tour” sticker on the cover of their com
pact discs. However, for Goldfinger, it’s a
safe assumption to make.
Goldfinger, a four-member
ska/pop/punk band from Los Angeles,
will bring its seemingly never-ending
tour to Knickerbockers Bar* and Grill, 901
O St., Saturday. Ska/reggae/funk band
The Skeletones will open the show, with
doors opening at 6 p.m. Tickets are $10.
Goldfinger is touring in support of its
latest release, “Hang-Ups,” which came
out last September. The album has less
punk than the band’s 1996 self-titled
debut, although tracks such as “Disorder”
and “S.M.P.” are every bit as excitable, as
are the self-titled tracks, “Only A Day,”
and “The City With Two Faces.”
“Hang-Ups” is also a noticeable giant
leap forward in Goldfinger’s musician
ship. Instruments such as a mandolin and
flute are used on the album, and the
uncommon instruments for a ska/punk
band fit well into songs such as “This
Lonely Place” and “Too Late.”
The pairing of Goldfinger and The
Skeletones is natural, as the two bands
know each other well. The acts have
toured together several times, and The
Skeletones’ saxophonist Kip traveled
with Goldfinger on its fall tour, perform
ing on ska tracks from the band’s two
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Despite heat,
Quackoff will
forge onward'
By Jason Hardy
Assignment Reporter
With the Super Bowl wrapped up and
the Orange Bowl a distant memory,
Nebraskans are turning to a new display of
Nebraska is turning toward Avoca.
On Saturday the Avoca volunteer fire
department is holding the 18th annual
Avoca Quackoff. A festival ripe with tradi
tion, the Quackoff has become a staple of
winter fun to Nebraskans and out-of-staters
The daylong event includes eating, beer
drinking and, of course, duck racing, an
event that draws competitors from places as
far away as Oregon, Colorado and
The format for the race is simple.
Racers can either bring their own duck or
rent one there.
Each duck races heat by heat, with the
winner going on, until the nnal heat, when
a champion is crowned. That champion
then waddles away with $100 in prize
For Quackoffs of the past, the town ten
nis courts, on which the races are held, have
been hosed down for an icy raceway of dan
ger and excitement.
The projected temperature for this
year’s festival, however, is in the lower to
mid 50s.. _ ,
c - Nevertheless, David Seay, public rela
tions officer for the Avoca fire department,
said race fanatics can expect the same
excitement as in years past.
“We’re gonna race ’em no matter what,”
Seay said.
He said that as long as contestants don’t
touch their duck, they can motivate them
any way they want.
What results is a frantic blur of butts
and feathers.
“You can’t touch the ducks so frequent
ly tney go every direction except the one »
you want it to,” Seay said.
He said it is this kind of display that
keeps people coming back.
“It’s been continually growing every
year,” Seay said.
He said last year’s 117 racing ducks was
a record-setting event.
Seay hopes that record doesn’t stand
“We’re hoping to break the previous
record this year,” Seay said
Registration for the races begins at 10
a.m. in the Town Hall. The races start at 1
Avoca is located about 25 miles east of
Lincoln on Highway 34; just take O street
east until you get to the Avoca “Home of the
Quackoff” sign. Then take a right
No ducks were harmed during the writ
ing of this article.
Matt Haney/DN