TO $600 TUITION ASSISTANCE ANNUALLY NBC Hatton*! SHk of Craxnerec litirasrCaMaabo* National Bank of Commerce is currently accepting Ap plications for Telecommunications MonHoe-FCT IMor-Bank South, Superior For more details call the First Commerce Job Hotline at 434-4700. Equal Opportunity Employer We are currently hiring for flexible part time and full time second and third shift positions. Starting wage $7/hr guaranteed, comprehensive benefits package, and casual work environment. If you are detail oriented, dependable, and have the desire to be a part of a growing team, come spend your nights at Interac tive Teleservice Corporation. Applications taken at 1033 O Street, Ste. 304, between 8am-9pm, M-F. 402-434-2626. EOS Wendys 14th & “Q” Now hiring. Quality minded people for lunch and eve ning shifts. Flexible hours, vacation, and meal dis counts. Apply in person. 1_I $7 per hour. Nanny needed. Must have own transpor tation. Care for two boys and some kitchen work. M-F, 5 to 8 p.m., Sunday 10:30-3:30 p.m. Call 489-0373, 489-0453. Part time early childhood teacher. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons. 488-1293. Responsible work study students needed, variety of projects and work with the public. Computer experience preferred, key boarding essential. Minimum 10 hours/week, $5.25/hr. Academic Conferences and Professional Program, East Campus. Call Cheryl 472-2844. 1998 SUMMER CAMP JOBS IN NORTHERN MINNESOTA Camp Buckskin has positions available to work with youth who have academic and social skill difficulties (ADHD, ADD, LD). Salary plus room and board. A unique program with possibility of earning school credit. Camp is located near Ely and the BWCAW. Contact Tim Edmonds (612) 930-3544, email: buck Summer job? Horse Internship? Spend this summer on a horse in the Colorado Rockies. R/B, salary, tips. Top rated ranch. Work with the largest saddle horse string in the world. In operation for three generations. Reply to Sombrero Ranch, 3300 Airport Rd., Boulder, CO 80301-5400, or “* On campus interviews March 2. E-mail us or call 303-442-0258 to schedule. SUMMER MANAGEMENT POSITIONS AVERAGE EARNINGS $10,792 Responsible, motivated UNL students needed in Lin coln, Omaha, and surrounding areas to run your own business with Cotege Pro Painters. No money or expe rience necessary for the best resume buiding internship available! Call 1-888-277-7962 today for more info. Positions flBng fast! BE IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR SELF, NOT BY YOURSELF! Summer pool positions for Head Guards, Lifeguards and Cashfors. Pay ranges of $5.30-7.30/hour. Call Lin coln Paries and Recreation at 441-7892. Greet income opportunity for Japanese students. Call 435-5405 for more information. Net Leased kireilinut Property Council Bluffs, IA Locations $1,100,000 11.19% Avg. Cap. Rate, 15 yr. Lease To! Free 1-888-655-1031 ***3prtng Break *98 Get Going I! Cancun, Jamaica, Bahamas, and Florida. Group Discounts & Free Drink Parties! Sell 5 & go free! Book Now!!! Visa/MC/Disc/Amex 1-800-234-7007. I vttp://www.endtasssumn •"Spring Break lrip *98 Get Going!!! PanamaCity boochfront hotels from $129! 7 nights beachfront, Daily free drink parties, and Free cover at best bars! Visa/MC/Disc/Amex 1-800-234-7007. TMs Spring Break Trip Is For Reek Csnpus Recreation Outdoor Adventures "Active Weigh” Classes Forming Now Call 472-7478 for more information. Classes start February 2nd. Sponsored by the University Health Center: 1997-’98 UNIVERSITY LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE* “Styles of Leadership—Head in a New Direction’ Saturday, February 7th, 1998 Wick Alumni Center 9:3QAM-2:35PM Let us help you become a leader on campus or take your current leadership abilities to a whole new level! Cost is $5/person (lunch included). Register now at Student Involvement in 200 Nebraska Union or 300 East Union! (Open to all UNL Students). ‘Represents a merger between the University Leader ship Conferences Accepting Our Bodies Accepting Our Selves Feeling unhappy with the way you look? Register to attend a workshop to improve how you think and feel about you1 body. Thursdays 3:00 - 4:30 Feb. 5 - Mar. 19. To register call Sue at CAPS 472-7450. Editor In Chief The 1998-99 editor in chief formulates editorial policy, determines guidelines for the daily operation of the newsroom, hires the senior editorial staff, helps determine the content of the editorial page and prepares the editorial salary budget. Applicants must have one year of newspaper experience, preferably at the Daily Nebraskan, and submit dips when applying. The position begins August 1,1998 and lasts until May 7,1999. The position pays $1025/ maintain a minimum 2.0 month (except December and GPA. May) and reports to the UNL Applications are available at Publications Board. The editor the Daily Nebraskan office, must be enrolled at least six basement of the Nebraska credit hours during each of the Union, and must be returned two 1998-99 semesters and ^ by 3 pan., Jan. 28,1998. "I y i Daily i Nebraskan UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by aU Attend the Study Abroad Extravaganza! Tuesday, January 27th at 7?D0pm in the Centennial Room of Nebraska Union. Summer and Semester Pro qrams! Photo contest! Win a $250 scholarship! Attention CLC and CLC Alumni Do you miss CLC? Would you enjoy giving back what you gained? The CLC Advisory Board Application is out. Pick one up at the Student Involvement Office. The applications are due February 9th. ??'s call Stacey at 472-0052. ATTENTION COLLEGIATE CHRISTIAN-CATHOLICS (Single Adults, 18-35) The SEARCH retreat is for you! This retreat is Catholic centered, but open to any denomination. If you are ready for a ‘winter blues” break, please call 1-800-652-2229 and ask for a registration form. Next retreat is February 20th-22nd, so act fast! BAD CREDIT Fast and legal credit repair is now available, 100% guaranteed. For info send large SASE + $1 postage and handling to Credit Service at 5288 Pewa Court, KeUswille. CA 95451 _ Bodybuilders and Fitness Models! Open CaK Lincoln, Nebraska THE LYONS GROUP New York’s Premier Sports & Fitness Agency will be in UNCOLN scouting January 30- February 1. For more information please contact Mike Lyons at 212-239-3539. January 31st, 1988 1-5pmatYla Yia’sCtub 1427 14270 Street The LYONS CLUB Is tho only agoncy nationwide iimiuiy in DoayDunoor3nnn&98 tnoaots tot print, commercials, AnexILK Ws seek great looking, we*buttatMetee, Mon- 5Vto VSmtd Women- 57 to 6V Casting For Companies Such As_ uop unenmns tommy nttttgmr roto upon •JCrow Taebo* "MameitonafMMs Hi, ..I, ■■ m, -1,, in.iM .1 moris rmmnn nwrvs rmwss neen s uoumw Mogmdnoa AND *QukMng Light Soap! COMMUTERS Are you tired of riding alone? Find someone to share the ride. Stop in the Commuter and Student Services Center, Room 116 Nebraska Union for more info. FCA Will be meeting in the City Union on February 1, 7:00-8:30. Everyone Welcome. Graduate Student Women’s Support Group A supportive and confidential environment. Join us as we share our experiences and discuss various issues related to women. We meet every Thursday from 12:30- 1:30 in the Culture Center’s Conference Room. Call Tricia at the Women’s Center, 472-9428 for more information. Individual Counseling Free counseling services available. For more informa tion, or to schedule an appointment, call the Women’s Center at 472-2597. INTRAMURAL WATER VOLLEYBALL The last day to enter Men’s, Women's and Co-Rec Water Volleyball is Tuesday, January 27th. Don't delay. Enter now at the Office of Campus Recreation. Call 472-3467 for more information. ! Join K $ Club Informational meeting this Wednesday Jan. 28th from •6 to 7 p.m. at Cornerstone 640 N. 16th. National Or iganization — local chapter established in 1920. Club .for university women of Christian faith. Call 488-3738 'or 420-6320 for more information. I ILow Membership Dues. 1 MEN’S INTRAMURAL *! SWIM MEET > 'The Men's Swim Meet will take place on Tuesday, Jan luary 27 at Mabel Lee Hall Pool. No advance entry is i required. Call 472-3467 for more information. I Multi-Cultural Affairs and the Big 12 Conference on I Black Student Government is sponsoring MC auditions for the Gospel Extravaganza. 1/27/98, 5pm, Nebraska •Union. The winner will receive $100. Paper Money .FREE Paper Money coupon books. Student Info. Center *116 Nebraska Union. Scarlet and Cream .Pianist needed immediately for the Scarlet and Cream 'Singers. Call Julie Enersen at 472-2490, ! SNA Meeting January 29,7 p.m. in Benton Basement. i Stop dreaming, start flying : § Private pilot ground school starts Jan. 27m. Evening .classes. Pass your FAA exam. Includes introductory -'flight lesson. 420-6499. Student Government Election Interested in running the spring student government election? Filing deadline for all positions is Wed. Feb. 11 - 4:00 p.m. 115 Nebr. Unio The Chancellor’s senior honorary, the Innocents Society, is now accepting applications from freshmen for the Innocents and James S. Pittenger scholarships. These scholarships are awarded to freshmen who dis play superb academics, leadership and service. Appli cations are available at the Culture Center, 106 Admin istration, and East and City Campus Student Involve ment Offices. They are due February 27 at 106 Admin istration Building. _ TUTORS The Commuter and Student Services Center has a list of tutors for student use. Anyone wishing to be on the list either to tutor or in need of a tutor, fill out an appli cation at the ASUN Commuter and Student Services Center, 116 Nebr. Union.. UNMC DENTISTRY Representative wiH be at Arts & Sciences Advising, 107 OldH. Monday, January 26,1-5p.m. Call 472-4190 for appointment. Advertising Club Check us out at our next meeting January 28 at 6 p.m. in the City Union (room wiH be posted). Will have FREE PIZZA & POPCORN, and you’ll have the chance to show off your creativity by signing up for free-lance projects and participating in a creative workshop. Hope to see you there!! * CAMPUS RED CROSS We wiH have a general meeting on Wednesday, January 28th at 5:00 p.m. in the basement of the Health Center. We wiH be working on the Blood Drive. New Members are Welcome. Check It Out! DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP Meeting Wednesday, Jan. 28 at University Health Center Conference Room D, 4to 5 p.m. For student* with QlsiwtM, spouaaa and frianda ataScontal Call472-7477 for mora information. :■ HACKY SACK CLUB OUR FIRST MEETING WILL BE ON THURSDAY AT 7:30 IN THE COMBATIVE ARTS ROOM. ALL ARE WELCOMED. THERON 465-8363. Looking to get involved this se mester? Delta Sigma Pi Co-ed business fraternity is sponsoring two meet the chapter nights* for business majors interested in be coming members on January 26 and February 2 at 7 p.m. in the City Union. ‘Business attire. For more infor mation, call Mike at 475-0459. Manrrs Minorities in agricultural, natural resources, and related sciences meeting January 27 at 5.30 in the East Union. Room will be posted. Question contact Juan Gonzales. 472-7912. Tri Beta First meeting of this semester will be Monday, January 26th at 9:00 in Manter Hall. Everyone must attend. UNL Boxing Organizational meeting Tuesday, '\/T7 at 6 p.m. at the Downtown YMCA on 10th & P Streets. AX® Thanks to the ladies of Alpha Chi Omega for melting the ice with us at the icebox. We'll have to do it again sometime. The men of Alpha Gamma Rho AY Congratulations to brothers Chris Curtis on being named Greek Week chair and to Colin Gibson on his acceptance into Dentistry School, _ ‘ ■y- The men of DU Thanks for thd _ . j frosh Thursday. We sure had a i guys! Lets get together again sometime - Love, the Theta Girls <£>M Congratulations to June Dickey on your Pearling to B.J.WoehlerpC*). Love, Your Sisters Greek - Men’s Bible Study Navigators Tuesday, 9:00 pm. City Union. Room Posted Under Delta Tau Delta. Listen to 'Three Men and a German’ Monday nights at 11.00 on 90.3 KRNU. E-mail us at threemenandgOhodnaH.com_' JX Thanks for serenading us. Congrat on your initiation! Love your Pi Phi Sweetheart m>E Congratulations to our aM house GPA of 3.252. »E Congratulations to our 19 4.0’s; Jim Cahow, Matthew Eickman, Matt Epp, Andrew Faltin, BiH Fellows, John Grebe, Ben Harry, Chris Himes, Brent Hotmquist, Ryan Jones, Jason Mashek, BUI Michie, Dave Oehsner, Matt Petta, Stave Preston, Joe Rupp, Steve Saylors, Scott Stanko, and Jeff Whitney. _ 2»E Congratulations to Devin Rickstt on being accepted to Medical School. Your Brothers Triangle Thanks for such a fun time at vie dinner exchange and sledding last weak - it was a blast) Are you done with our composite yet??? ^___- The ladies of Phi Mu Represent Your College! Senate position open to ropreeont the College of Fine ots Performing Arts. Application avaiisbie at ASUN Of fice. 115 Nebraska Union. Deadline February 6. Student Government Appointment Board Student-Ait Large positions open for 96-99. Be part of the board that appoints students to 31 campus wide committees. Application available in the ASUN office, 115 Nebraska Union. Dead ina is 4p.m. Friday. February 6. STUDENT GOVERNMENT SPRING ELECTION Fifing forms are now available at 115 Nebr. Union for the Student Government Election _March 11_ FOUND: Light brown leather Mundf puree at bus stop opposite the Culture Carrier. Found Jtraary 17. Contact the Dafiy Nebraskan at 472-2S88 for Information. -« wsicnrouna outside of Mabel Lee 1-21-98. Please call or stop by the Daily Nebraskan to daim. • ■ahamas 24 HOURS OF free PRINKS! 7 ni«ht« from <299! ■ Includn KT air. howl. 3d hours of fra* drinks and waakly party sckadul* of spring brisk avantst Organizs 15 frainds and IAIN A FIB TW) I ■ i * ;>> DISC GO ROUND WE RAY CASH FOR YOUR CDs Used CD's, $5.99-$7.99 New CDs$12.99 Movies,T-shirts, posters,hacky sacks, music books and CD towers. DISC GO ROUND 50th and 0.486-0047 Eating Disorders Education Group For students, friends or family concerned about medi cal, nutritional, exercise and psychological aspects of eating disorders. Tuesdays, Feb. 3-Mar. 3, 3:30-4:45. Register at University Health Center Business Office. Students $25_Nonstudents $50