Pre°; a worn k morn w poomore i !_1300Q Uy«h 4777400_ V ’«> Vy- -rk' 4f»" „ ilijsi ^ S.Sf/ • -’W &L 5 FFEE HOURS OF TIME EVERY MONTH WITH ANY OF THESE NAVDCUNL PLANS. That’s right! If you’re a UNL student, faculty or staff member, you will receive 5 FREE hours of Internet access every month when you sign up for one of these economical Navix plans: Low Usage Plan: Get 15 hours of online time for JUST $6.50 A MONTH. (With your 5 FREE hours, it’s like 20 hours for the price of 15.) Medium Usage Plan: Get 40 hours of online time for JUST $10*80 A MONTH{With yours FREE: ® 1 hours, It's like 45 hours for the price of 40.) High Usage Plan: Get 250 hours of online time for JUST $19.50 A MONTH. (With your 5 FREE hours, It’s like 255 hours for the price of 250.) Additional minutes for each plan are just $.02 and installation is FREE! What’s more, if you keep your usage under 5 hours, your service for that month is also FREE.