The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 21, 1998, Page 12, Image 12
Recreation Leaders Parks and RecreationJias openings for leaders with af terschool recreation for elementary children. Hours: 3:15-5:45 p.m., Monday-Friday ($5.30/hour). Apply now at playground office, 1225 F Street, second floor. 441-7952. roE/AA -- SCREENING CONDUCT SPECIALIST MOS Harris, an International leader In the pharmaceuti cal testing industry, is seeking a medical assistant. Performs and oversees procedures necessary to screen study participants during pre-study events to ensure each participant meets the requirements of the upcoming study. Phlebotomy experience required. Education in a health-related field preferred. Must be available to work early morning hours. Number of hours will vary based on staffing needs. Wb offer a competitive hourly rate. If interested, please apply at HARRIS Human Rusouvcus - J-SCS 621 Roes Street Lincoln, NE 68502 AA/EOE Security needed Monday 3pm-11pm & Wed 2pm-10pm, can study while working. Call 476-6600 ext 350. Store Management Trainees There's more to success than standing on your own two feet. Specialty athletic retailer seeks sales oriented people for positions in Minneapolis and Omaha areas. Salaries well above individual average with first year managers earning average- $30,000. Send cover letter and resume to: Lady Footlocker Westroads MaH Omaha. NE 68114 TOE Telemarketer/ Office Assistant wanted. Experience preferred, flexible hours, and internship available, ne gotiable starting wage. 465-5888 ask for Greg or Scott TO $600 TUITION ASSISTANCE ANNUALLY NBC Mstteaal Bank of Csuom A •ffinSi COMMSBCF. !x*k National Bank of Commerce is currently accepting Ap plications for Telecommunications Monitor-FCT Teller-Bank South, (2) Main Bank, Superior For more details call the First Commerce Job Hotline at 434-4700. Equal Opportunity Employer WANTED: Student to teach German classes at ele mentarv school. Call Joan Dietrich at 483-6025. WEEKEND CUSTODIAN MDS Harris has an opening for a weekend custodian. Hours are Sam - 4:30pm, Saturday and Sunday Duties include floor care and restroom cleaning. Competitive wages. Please apply at: HARRIS ! 621 Rose Sheet Lincoln, NE 68502 AA/EOE Wendys 14th & “Q” Now hiring. Quality minded people for lunch and eve ning shifts. Flexible hours, vacation, and meal dis counts. Apply in person. 1998 SUMMER CAMP JOBS IN NORTHERN MINNESOTA Camp Buckskin has positions available to work with youth who have academic and social skill difficulties (ADHD, ADD, LD). Salary plus room and board. A unique program with possibility of earning school credit. Camp is located near Ely and the BWCAW. Contact Jim Edmonds (612) 930-3544, email: buck Cheley Colorado Camp* in the Rocky Mountains near Estes Park, Colorado, is hiring caring and enthu siastic individuals as Unit Directors, Cooks, Kitchen Assistants, Drivers, Office Personnel, RNs, Wranglers, and Counselors with skills in horseback riding, mountain biking, climbing wail, challenge-course, camping , sports, crafts, song-leading, archery, or riflery. Room/board, salary, travel allowance. Must be at least a Sophomore and able to work June 8-August 11,1998. On-campus interview. For information, please contact Cheley Colorado Camps, 1-800-226-7386; e-mail,; or visit our Web Site, COLORADO SUMMER JOBS: RAFTING! RAPPEL LING! In the Rockies near Vail, ANDERSON CAMPS seeks caring, enthusiastic, dedicated patient individuals who enjoy Working with children in an outdoor setting. Counselors, Cooks, Wranglers, Maintenance and Nurses. Interviews on January 26th. Stop by Career Planning and Placement Office to get an application and sign up for an interview. Questions? Call us at (970) 524-7766. Summer job? Horse Internship? Spend this summer on a horse in the Colorado Rockies. R/B, salary, tips. Top rated ranch. Work with the largest saddle horse stnng in the world. In operation for three generations. Reply to Sombrero Ranch, 3300 Airport Rd., Boulder, CO 80301-5400, or “" On campus interviews March 2. E-mail us or call 303-442-0258 to schedule. Editor In Chief The 1998-99 editor in chief formulates editorial policy, determines guidelines for the daily operation of the newsroom, hires the senior editorial staff, helps determine the content of the editorial page and prepares the editorial salary budget. Applicants must have one year of newspaper experience, preferably at the Daily Nebraskan, and submit clips when applying. The position begins August 1, 1998 and lasts until May 7,1999. The position pays $1025/ month (except December and May) and reports to the UNL Publications Board. The editor must be enrolled at least six credit hours during each of the two 1998-99 semesters and maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA. Applications are available at tiie Daily Nebraskan office, basement of the Nebraska Union, and must be returned by 3 p.m., Jan. 28,1998 SUMMER MANAGEMENT POSITIONS AVERAGE EARNINGS $10,792 Responsible, motivated UNL students needed in Lin coln, Omaha, and surrounding area&to am your own business with College Pro Painters. No money or expe rience necessary for the best resume building internship available! Call 1-888-277-7962 today for more info. Positions filling fast! BE IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR SELF, NOT BY YOURSELF! Internship Opportunity For Spring *98 Paid business internship with Fortune 500 company nationally recognized as one of the top ten opportuni ties. Interviewing now for positions open in January ‘98. Call 483-7871 and ask for Kelli or Sarah to schedule an appointment. UNL’s Student Employment & Internship Center 345 NE Union - 472-1452 _Your Internship Headquarters!_ Great income opportunity for Japanese students. Call 435-5405 for more information. •"Spring Break *96 Get Going!! Cancun, Jamaica, Bahamas, and Florida. Group Discounts & Free Drink Parties! Sell 5 & go free) Book Now!!! Visa/MC/Disc/Amex 1-800-234-7007. httpy/ "•Spring Break Trip ‘98 Get Going!!! PanamaCity beachfront hotels from $129! 7 nights beachfront Daily free drink parties, and Free cover at best bars! Visa/MC/Disc/Amex 1-800-234-7007. Spring Break Mazatlan: Don't miss out on the HOTTEST destination in Mexico. Airfare, 7 nights hotel, transfers, FREE drinks, 15 FREE meals, parties. For FREEbrochurel-800-395-4896. ( Puzzled About Life? Do you deserve something new, different, exciting? Take a chance, challenge yourself. 466-3025, MARINES._' , . “Active Weigh” Classes Forming Now Call 472-7478 for more information. Classes start February 2nd. Sponsored by the University Health Center._J_-• 1998 SUE TIDBALL AWARD Nominations sought for UNL students, faculty or staff who go beyond role or expectations to make the campus more humane, creative, just and liveable. Call 476-0355 for Information Flyers and Nominations Forms NOMINATIONS CLOSE FEBRUARY 16 Accepting Our Bodies Accepting Our Selves Feeling unhappy with the way you look? Register to attend a workshop to improve how you think end feel about your body. Thursdays 3:00 - 4:30 Feb. 5 - Mar. 19. To register call Sue at CAPS 472-7450. Attention CLC and CLC Alumni Do you miss CLC? Would you enjoy giving back what you gained? The CLC Advisory Board Application is out. Pick one up at the Student Involvement Office. The applications are due February 9th. ??'s call Stacey at 472-0052. BAD CREDIT Fast and legal credit repair is now available, 100% guaranteed. For info send large SASE + $1 postage and handling to Credit Service at 5288 Pewa Court, KetewMe. CA 95451 _ Bored??? Are you reading the DN during dess- AGAIN??? Don’t spend another semester getting nothing but the DN news out of your classes!! Get an international education by studying at Senshu University in Tokyo, Japan where you’* take Japanese language, bussiess and culture classes. You'll also have the opportunity to see ancient shrines in Kyoto, the Peace Park in hwcehkna, the Great Buddah, and Tokyo’s fabulous shopping and niahttfe districts. Come find out more at the following informational sessions! Tuesday, January 20 at fcOOam Wednesday, January 21 at 1:30pm AH sessions are in C8A 138 Breaking The Glass Ceiling Interactive forum with women who have achieved suc cess in traditional and nontraditional careers predomi nately held by men. weanesdoy, January osui, iwo 6:15-8pm Forum 8-9 pm Networking Cottonwood Room - UNL East Campus Union Info: UNL Women’s Center 472-23%. COMMUTERS Are you tired of riding alone? Find someone to share the ride. Stop in the Commuter and Student Services Center. Room 116 Nebraska Union for more information. DISC GO ROUND WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CDs Used CD’s. $5.99-57.99 New CDe$12.99 M ovies,T-shirts, posters,hac icy sacks, music books and CD towers. DISC GO ROUND 50th and 0,486-0047 Earn $$ for Research Participation 19-25 year old couples wilt be paid $16 for completing confidential surveys about romantic and sexual behav ior. Contact Professor RaffaaHI. 472-0737. Eating Disorders Education Group For students, friends or family concerned about medi cal, nutritional, exercise and psychological aspects of eating disorders. Tuesdays, Feb. 3-Mar. 3,3:30-4:45. Register at University Health Center Business Office. Students $25 Nonstudents $50 Eating Disorders Support Group Do you think you may have an eating disorder? Are you struggling with food issues? The Eating Disorders Support Group offers support and guidance for people coping with eating disorders. Meets Thursdays, 6pm - 7pm in rpom 338, Nebraska Union. Call Tricia at the Women's Center. 472-9428 for more info. * Faculty Lecture Series ■Japanese Architecture ft the Concept of Nothing ness” will be presented by Rumiko Handa professor of architecture on Thursday, January 22nd from 4:00-5:00 at the UNL Culture Center. This is a free event which everyone « welcome. Refreshments will be served. Get Involved with SAA1 The student Alumni Association is currently accepting applications for membership. SAA is a student organi zation that promotes involvement between students, alumni and faculty for the betterment of the university. Applications are due Monday, January 26 at 5 p.m. at the Wick Alumni Center, 1520 R St. They are available at the Wick Alumni Center, the Student Involvement Offices in the Nebraska Union and the East Campus Union, the Culture Center and the ASUN Office. To learn more, plan to attend one of the following in formation sessions: Wednesday, January 21,4 pm at the Culture Center or 7 p.m. at the Abel Ballroom; or Thursday, January 22,7 pm at the Wiok Alumni Center. Call Kelly (476-7093), Michelle (476-6087) or Shelley (472-4222) with questions. Check out our website at Graduate Student Women's Support Group A supportive and confidential environment. Join us as we share our experiences and discuss various issues related to women. We meet every Thursday from 12:30-1:30 in the Culture Center’s Conference Room. Call Tricia at the Women’s Center, 472-9428 for more information. Individual Counseling Free counseling services available. For more informa tion, or to schedule an appointment, ca> the Women's Center at 472-2597. Lesbian, Bisexual and Questioning C _>n Groups A safe place to meet, talk and laugh. First meeting, Thursday, Jan 22, Rm 338 NE Union. 12:30 -1:30 pm. More information, call the Women’s Center 472-2597. -r Block Thursday, Jan. i interested m rum This is our first spring semester Questions? Call Lindsey 474-17 Collegiate 4 Meeting Wednesday, January 21 v. Campus Union. Questions? Call Heidi 474 ___ _ _ -it-_ HACKY SACK CLUB OUR FIRST MEETING WILL BE ON THURSDAY AT 7:30 IN THE COMBATIVE ARTS ROOM. ALL ARE WELCOMED. THERON 465-8363. Horticulture Club Happy New Year everyone! We are having the first meeting • 5:00pm on Wednesday, January 21st at East Union. (The room will be posted). FREE PIZZA will be provided. _ Intercollegiate Horse Show Meeting tonight. East Campus Union Hollow, 8:15 pm. Last change for membership. 465-8950 ISA Independent Student Association Meeti~i4^O-5:30pm-Wednesday, January 21st, 1998 Room Posted on Union Board Looking to get involved this se mester? Delta Sigma Pi Co-ed business fraternity is sponsoring two meet the chapter nights* for business majors interested in be coming members on January 26 and February 2 at 7 p.m. in the City Union. 'Business attire. For more Wor mation. call Mike at 475-0459. Phi Beta Lambda Meeting Thursday; January 22 at 6:30 p.m. in the Union. Please wear bualneea attire. New members welcome. Public Relations Club The next meeting is WM. Jan. 21 at 6:30 pm. in Avery Student Foundation Meeting Thursday at 5:30 at the Foundation, 1111 Lin cotn Mali 4th Boor. Hope to see you there. UNITE Elections mooting tonight. 5:30 pm in GBA 337. UNL Boxing Organizational meeting Tuesday, 1/Z7 at 6 p.m. at the Downtown YMCA on 10th 8 P Sheets. UNL Czech Komensky Cub UNL Czech Langrauge chib, the Komensky Club, will have a January pot-luck party and dance Thursday evening, January 22,7 p.m. at the Culture Center, 14tn 8 R. Everyone is welcomed to attend. Some Central European folk dances, Hungarian Czardas and Ukranian or Russian dances win be introduced. Bring your relatives, friends and good wil and see you at the party._ UNL Rifle Club The UNL Rifle Club ie looking for new members! Meeting Thursday at 6:30 in Military and Naval building, room 2. For information call Matt at 436-0819. UNL Rowing Club Have fun, travef the midwest, andget in shape. Meetings every Wednesday, 7pm at the Boathouse (white buildingnorthof Nebraska Hall). Call 474-4359 for UNL Wildlife Club Conservation Education meeting, Wednesday, Jan. 21, 7pm in ECU. Everyone* welcome. Women’s Soccer Club For km, competition, 8 traveling, come to the mandatory meeting for new 8 Old players 0 8:30pm on Thursday, Jan.22, in 2nd Hr TV Lounge of Rec Center. . Questions??? Ca> Meoan 0 436-9369. World Dance International Foikdancers looking for new members. Enjoy moving to world music Wednesdays 9-lOpm or Fridays 8-10pm in Mabel Lee Hall, room 304. Any questions call LuAnne, 475-8674. 1998 NEBRASKA GREEK CLASSIC “MEETING THE CHALLENGE’ ALL-NEBRASKA GREEK CONFERENCE, - JAN 30-FEB 1, AURORA - LEADERSHIP CENTER SPONSORED BY GREEK UFE/GAMPUS CRUSADE. Register by 1/26. Info, Joe. 436-6123/ibOuniinfo2 AO Congratulations to aH of the new appoointed officers: Director of External Relations-Risa Rose, Recording Secretary-Shannon Robson, Director of Publicity and Adv.-Michetis Stare, Corresponding Secretary-Halle Trupp, Manager of Phtentropy-Unmey Rrter, Manager of Chapter Events-Cari Perimeter, Director of Alumnae Relations-TWiny Cartton, Chaplain-Becky Sawyer, In tramural Chairs-CaeK Evans & Nicole Grossenburg, Historian-Katherine Brade, Manager of Finance-Angie DiGiacinto, Guard-Ranae Biester, Marshal-Melissa Stevens. Partiamentartan-Stacia Zitek, House Host ess-Quinn Laging, Director of Music-Anna Ebert & Katie VanDusen, Director of Formal Rush-Heidi Kubicek, Outstate Rush Chairs-Teri Crosbie & Ericka Hascall, Lincoln Rush Chair-Jamie Honeycutt, Omaha Rush Chair-Beth Bowan, Rush Secretary-Amy Morris. _Love, vour AF Sisters ATE Congratulations to Todd Franzsn for his selection as a Great Week Chair. Congratulations to Any Schulerman for his selection into the LeederShape Nebraska and Nebraska At Oxford Program. Alpha rota Mooting Wednesday, Jan 21 at 5:30 in East Campus Union. Im portant 1st meeting of the new semester. EAE Thanks for coming over to sing to us. You won us overt Love, PI Phi 2AE Thanks for coming over to sing on Sunday, you guys are awesome! _Love, the women of Alpha Phi UNL Student Government Wed., Jan.21 - 630 p.m. City Union inrormation Ana Aaenaa Avaiiaote 115 Nebraska Union