The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 20, 1998, Page 4, Image 4
EDITOR Paula Lavigne OPINION EDITOR Joshua Gillin EDITORIAL BOARD Brad Davis Erin Gibson Shannon Heffelfinger Chad Lorenz Jeff Randall Our VIEW New rules miss mark Sen. Chambers still can delay bills Senators in the Nebraska Legislature are nervously checking their wrist watches as precious minutes tick away in the shortened 60-day session. Friday, they thought they found a way to conserve time over the entire session by getting one man to shut up. But it probably won’t be that easy. It seems to be no secret in the Legislature that the rules changes passed 29-6 last week were designed to keep Sen. Ernie Chambers from using filibuster and stall tactics to fight bills he didn’t support. instead, senators can go through a different process to debate a bill, (but two-thirds of the Legislature has to agree to use that process). A trio of sen ators then will meet - the speaker of the Legislature, the senator who introduced the bill and the chairman of the com mittee where the bill originated. Other concerned senators may join. That small group has to agree on how to strucfure debate, which involves deciding on the number of amend ments, putting the amendments in order on the agenda and determining debate time limits. After debate has been struc tured, the three (or more) will present tljeplari. to,the. rest of the Legislature.. This is where it gets really compli cated. Other senators may then argue about the group’s proposed debate plan. That means they will be debating about how to debate the bill. Remember, the goal was to save time. If this process is enacted only a few times, it might work. But that’s not like ly This week, Chambers plans to pull all his bills off the agenda. If he doesn’t have to worry about his own bills, he would have more time to devote to debating other bills. Or debating how to debate them. “I’m going to clear the battlefield,” he said. The man the Legislature was trying to shut up now has the device to make his voice louder. It seems like a lot of trouble to go through to try to get one man to behave, even if the measure does work. It seems the democratic system has a different way to silence those who truly interfere with legislative process. It’s called the election. And constituents in Chambers’ dis trict seem to be pretty satisfied with what he’s doing, considering they put him in office for the 28th year. Let the man speak. He speaks for his people. Edlterial Policy Unsigned editorials are the opinions of the Spring 1998 Daily Nebraskan. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its employees, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author. The Board of Regents serves as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Ecfitorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regertfs, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the[regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of its student employees. Letter Policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns, but does not guarantee tneir publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned. Anonymous submissions wiH not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major and/or group affiliation, if any. Submit material to: Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St Uncoin, NE. 68588-0448. E-mail: Haney’s VIEW DN LETTERS When in Rome... Lori Robison’s column on her gen eral dislike of the Nebraska football program (No Big Red, Jan. 19) was very enlightening. I am a Husker fan, and I would have to agree that some Husker fans are quite obsessed, but learn to deal with it. Would you rather go to a school that has mediocre ath letic programs and that nobody cares about? I went to school in Iowa for a year and I had to listen to Iowa 1 Hawkeye fans spout off about a foot ball program that seems to fall short every year. I did not like to listen to it, but I lived with it. Nebraska football has been a source of pride for our state since the Bob Devaney era, and I do not see it changing any time soon. Allow your self a little extra time to find your parking space downtown, and you’ll make it through these crazy football seasons. l he Nebraska football team does bring in a lot of money for the school, and you should be glad it does. The whole university benefits from the revenue the football program brings in. I think the university is concerned with giving the students a quality edu cation, not pumping out ftiture NFL players or trying to make as much money off student tickets as it possibly can. Not all schools have free student tickets for athletics. I have a friend who goes to Iowa State, and he actual ly pays money to see the pathetic Cyclones play football. And why would you be upset that your daughter is becoming a Husker football fan? You said you are a Baltimore Orioles fan. Would you' have wanted your parents to tell you that you couldn’t be? Your family will probably not fall apart if your daugh ter is a Nebraska football fan. Bottom line, Nebraskans love the Huskers, and that probably will not change, so put some headphones on during football Saturdays and try to block it all out. Stephen J. Havelka senior political science I ... get over it... Ms. Robison, I have two words in response to your column in Monday’s Daily Nebraskan: Then move. By the way, kudos to your daugh ter for taking pride and an interest in a hard-working, successful athletic organization. Just because we get excited about having a good football team does not mean we all turn into blithering idiots when the season begins. I think your daughter is safe. Holly Ude freshman elementary education ... but while you’re here... I would like to thank Lori Robison for acknowledging the presence of people who aren’t into Husker-mania in her Jan. 19 article. I’ve lived in other towns across Nebraska, and Lincoln seems to be the most football-oriented place of all. I’m not against Husker-mania, I just don’t care. Spending hours crammed into Memorial Stadium or in front of the tele vision watching football doesn’t appeal to me. The problem I have is when peo ple look at me as if I’m from another planet because I’m not interested. One day I was at work and this man asked me what I thought about a recent Husker game. I said, “Oh, I don’t pay any atten tion to football.” He looked at me as if I had thrown up on him, then he walked out with a look of disbelief. I think people should stop with the idea of: Nebraskan=die hard football fan, or that it’s abnormal if you don’t care about Tom Osborne or the latest news on the players. There’s nothing wrong at all with dedicated, active football fans but there’s nothing wrong either with peo ple who don’t get into it Damon Wilson sophomore fine arts ... do as the Romans do. I enjoyed (Shawn Meysenburg’s) editorial (Language lessons, Jan. 19). 1 agree wholeheartedly that a well rounded education should include mastery of at least some foreign lan guage. The quandary, however, is, “What language should I learn?” In high school, I took three years of German, but quite fraaklyiravsn’t used it since. I might rememberafew lines. We, as Americans, often look to other cultures and bemoan, “Their children all study two languages, why can’t ours?” But for nonspeakers of English the answer is easy: They learn English in school because it is the international language of business. It’s much more a necessity for them to learn English than it is for us to learn some other language. I lived for a time m Thailand, long enough to learn enough of the lan guage to be able to carry on a reason able conversation. I didn’t need it for business because ail of the people from all of the different countries I did business with spoke English. Why did I learn their language? When in Rome.... Actually, it was kind of fun, but difficult because of the tonal qual ity of the language, not unlike Chinese. The other thing was that the Thai people really enjoyed seeing a foreigner make the effort to learn their language, however poorly spoken, and would make an extra effort to fry to communicate with you. Bargaining in their language in the street markets also had the effect of reducing prices. So the bottom line is, do you learn a language in high school that you may never use in your life, or do you learn a language later in life when there may be an actual usefulness to it? I say yes to both. Tim Bruggeman UNL alumnus