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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1998)
Perkins Restaurant is now accepting applications for line cooks, evening and late nignt servers, and bussers. A variety of hours is available, so talk to us today. Apply at 48m and O location. Perkins Restaurant is now accepting applications for the Assistant Dining Room Manager position. Please apply at 48m and-O1, location, _ PHLEBOTOMISTS MDS Harris, an international leader in the pharmaceuti cal testing industry, seeks skilled phlebotomists to draw blood samples from study participants within time constraints (one minute intervals) and to process samples. We require 1 year previous phlebotomy expe rience. We currently have part-time positions available. Number of hours may vary based on staffing needs. Excellent wages for stalled Phlebotomists. Please apply □□HARRIS 621 Rose Street Lincoln, NE 68602 AA/EOE _ Phone volunteers needed Days and weekends. Excellent experience for human services/psychology majors. Lincoln Personal Crisis Service, will hold a one day volunteer training session, Saturday January 24, 9 a.m.-4:30pm at Community Mental Health Center near 17m and South. Register by calling 475-5171 or 489-3275 and leave your name and number. Pleasant and professional receptionist needed for me following hours: Tuesday and Thursday 1:30-8:30 and every other weekend. Saturday 9-5, Sunday 10-4. Please send resume or stop in to apply the Ambassador Lincoln 4405 Normal Btvd. Lincoln, NE 68506. Attention Mark Andrews. EOE Rainforest Big Problem. Bg Paycheck. Can 464-6601. Recreation Leaders Parks and Recreation has openings for leaders with af terschool recreation for elementary children. Hours: 3:15-5:45 p.m., Monday-Friday ($5.30/hour). Apply now at playground office. 1225 F Street, second floor. 441-7952, roi/AA SCREENING CONDUCT SPECIALIST MDS Harris, an international leader in the pharmaceuti cal testing industry, is seeking a medical assistant. Performs and oversees procedures necessary to screen study participants during pre-study events to. ensure each participant meets the requirements of the upcoming study. Phlebotomy experience required. Education in a health-related field preferred. Must be available to work early morning hours. Number of hours will vary based on staffing needs. We offer a competitive hourly rate. If interested, please apply at HARRIS Human Resources - J-SCS 821 Roes Street Lincoln, NE 88602 AA/EOE Security needed Monday 3pm-1tpm & Wed 2pm-10pm, can study while working. Call 476-6600 ext 350. _ TASTE OF INDIA Now hiring waitery and kitchen positions. Apply in person or caH 475-1642. 1320 “O'Street. Telemarketer/ Office Assistant wanted. Experience preferred, flexible hours, and internship available, ne gotiable starting wage. 465-5888 ask for Greg or Scott I The Downtown YMCA is hiring a raquetball in- I structor. Good pay for the right person. Apply I at 1039 P Street or call 434-9230. | The IANR Distributed Environments for Active Learning (DEAL) Lab , is seeking student World Wide WBb appli cation developers—specifically in the area of audio and video distribution via Real Media applications. The DEAL Lab develops web-based learning environments. Successful applicants will have programming experi ence in one of the following: C++, Perl, JavaScript and/or Java. HTML coding knowledge is required, as weN as experience with digital audio/video editing. De velopers must be able to work productively in a team setting. Competitive wages, lb apply or for more infor mation contact Mark Hendricks at 472-4280 or at TO $500 TUITION ASSISTANCE ANNUALLY „ NBC A4F*srCa*aa)mk National Bank of Commerce is currently accepting Ap plications for Telecommunications Monitor-FCT IMer-Bank South, (2) Main Bank, Ssperior For more details can the First Commerce Job Hotline at 434-4700. Equal Opportunity Employer WANTED: Student tcHhach German classes at ele mentary school. Cafl Joan Dtokich at 483-6025. WEEKEND CUSTODIAN MDS Harris has an opening for a weekend custodian. Hours are 8am - 4:30pm. Saturday and Sunday. Duties include floor care and restroom cleaning. Competitive wages. Please apply at HARRIS 6*1 Rose Sheet Lincoln, NE 68802 --44«SS nmg shtfts. Flexible hours, vacation, and meal dis counts. Apply in person._ ki home child care for one-year old gkl. 15 to 25 flexible hours, <5 to <7 per hour. Cafl 423-5345._' 1996 SUMMER CAMP JOBS IN cam with CAMP OZARK, Christian Sports and Adventure *umi7ler- H remotely interested, come to our Nebraska informational video presentation Monday, January It, 6at» pan. Nebraska Union (See daily Ming for room assignment). Located in Mount Ida, AR (870) 667-4131. Visit our website at . corn i f Cheley Colorado Camps in the Rocky Mountains near Estes Park, Colorado, is-hiring caring and enthu siastic individuals as Unit Directors, Cooks, Kitchen Assistants, Drivers, Office Personnel, RNs, Wranglers, and Counselors with skills in horseback riding, mountain biking, climbing wall, challenge-course, camping , sports, crafts, song-leading, archery, or riflery. Room/board, salary, travel allowance. Must be at least a Sophomore and able to work June 8-August 11,1998. On-campus interview. For information, please contact Cheley Colorado Camps, 1 -800-226-7386; e-mail,; or visit our Web Site, COLORADO SUMMER JOBS: RAFTINGI RAPPEL LING! In the Rockies near Vail, ANDERSON CAMPS seeks caring, enthusiastic, dedicated patient individuals who enjoy working with children in an outdoor tatting, Counselors, Cooks, Wranglers. Maintenance anc Nurses, tnterviewson January 2Qttu Stop by Cereei Planning and Placement Office to getwiapplicatior and sign up for an interview. Questions? call us al (970) 524-7766. 'V-; > ^ ■ ' Jota 30 Nebraska etudents running their own business in this 130 yeyoid meriting intemshtp. 477-7636. I Rewarding, exciting summer lor sophomore and I older college students counselling in the Colo-1 rado Rockies. Backpacking, Western riding, I water activities, natural science and many out- I door programs. Write: Sanborn Western I Camps. RO. Boa 167, Florissant, CO 80816. SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES GO TO CAMP THIS SUMMER! Nebraska’s most beautiful resident camp, YMCA Camp Kitaki, lo cated on the Platte River, is seeking applicants for the following positions: Counselors, Wran glers, Lifeguards, Waterfront Directors, Crafts Instructors, Nature Director, Ropes Course guides. Can 402-434-9225 or write Camp Kitaki, 6000 Comhusker they, Lincoln, NE 68507 for an Summer job? Horse Internship? Spend this summer on a horse in the Colorado Rockies. R/B, salary, tips. Top rated ranch. Work with the largest saddle horse stnng in the world, in operation for three generations Reply to Sombrero Ranch, 3300 Airport Rd.. Boulder, CO 80301-5400, or'’ On campus interviews. March.2. E-mail us or call 303-442-0258 to schedule. SUMMER MANAGEMENT POSITIONS AVERAGE EARNINGS $10,792 Responsible, motivated UNL students needed in Lin coln, Omaha, and surrounding areas to run your own business with College Pro Painters. No money or expe rience neceeeary for the best resume building internship available! Call 1-888-277-7962 today for more info. PnnitinfiM fiMirvi fantl BE IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR SELF, NOT BY YOURSELF! UNUs Student Employments Internship Center 345 NE Union- 472-1452 Your Internship Headquarters! Spring Break Mazatlan: Don’t miss out on the HOTTEST destination in Mexico. Airfare, 7 nights hotel, transfers. FREE drinks, 15 FREE meals, parties. For FREEbrochurel-800-395-4696. ( Puzzled About Life? Do you deserve something new, different, exciting? Take a chance, chaWenge yourself. 466-3025, MARINES._ “Active Weigh” Classes Forming Now Call 472-7478 for more information. Classes start February 2nd. Sponsored by the University Health Center. 13 and 2 YEAR ARMY SCHOLARSHIPS NOW I AVAILABLE FOR ALL DOPUNES. I IF YOU HAVE A 2.5 Gf* OR ABOVE, YOU MAY I BE ELIGIBLE FOR FULL TUITION AT UNL, PLUS I $150.00 A MONTH SPENDING MONEY. CALL I 472-4269. I Accepting Our Bodies Accepting Our Selves Feeling unhappy with the way you look? Register to attend a workshop to improve how you think and feel about your body. Thursdays 3:00 - 4:30 Feb. 5 - Mar. 19. To register call Sue at CAPS 472-7450. Attention CLC and CLC Alumni Do you miss CLC? Would you enjoy giving back what you gained? The CLC Advisory Board Application is out. Pick one up at the Student Involvement Office. The ajjglications are due February 9th. ??% call Stacey BAD CREDIT Fast and legal credit repair is now available, 100% guaranteed. For info send large SASE + $1 postage andN^B^toQadit Service at 5288 Pewa Court, II GET PAID FOR 5 • 15 Feb. 1 Openings •3:30-7:30 pm M-F •Variety of Jobs • $100 Bonus after 6 mos. • Great Part-Time Job Apply in Person: PARAMOUNT LINEN 837 S. Z7th St. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE . SUPERVISOR NEEDED: h For above positions. Must be organized, reliable, and conscientious. Apply in ,person.^ i r i Get Involved with SAA1 The student Alumni Association is currently accepting applications for membership. SAA is a student organi zation that promotes involvement between students, alumni and faculty for the betterment of the university. Applications are due Monday, January 26 at S p.m. at the Wick Alumni Center, 1520 R St. They am available at the Wick Alumni Center, the Student Involvement Offices in the Nebraska Union and the East Campus Union, the Culture Center and the ASUN Office. To learn more, plan to attend one of the following in formation sessions: Wednesday, January 21,4 p.m. at the Culture Center or 7 p.m. at the Abel Balboom; or Thursday, January 22,7 p.m. at the Wick Alumni Center. Call Kelly (476-7093), Michelle (476-6087) or Shelley (472-4222) with questions. Check out our website at _ Graduate Student Women’s Support Group A supportive and confidential environment. Join us as we share our experiences and discuss various issues related to women. We meet every Thursday from 12:30-130 in the Culture Center’s Conference Room. Call Trida at the Women's Center, 472-9428 for more information. Individual Counseling Free counseling services available. For more informa tion, or to schedule an appointment call the Women's Center at 472-2597. INTRAMURAL INDOOR SOCCER The last day to enter Co-Rec Indoor Soccer is Tuesday, January 20. Don’t delay. Enter now at the Office of Campus Recreation. Call 472-3467 for more infor mation INTRAMURAL VOLLEYBALL Tuesday, January 20 is the last day to enter Co-Rec Volleyball. Enter your team now at the Office of Campus INTRAMURAL WALLYBALL TOURNAMENT The last day to enter the Menfe, Women's and Co-Rec Wallyball Tournament is Tuesday, January 20. Enter now at the Office of Campus Recreation. Call 472-3467 for more information. Nebraska Water Polo Chib is looking for new members. Meetings: Sundays and Mondays 7-8:30, Mable Lee HaTl.~ For more information, call Tim Daniel 436-8500. _ POSITION AVAILABLE University Program Council Secretary Position. Applications available m Student Involvement. HunryU Apps due Jan. 26th, 4:30pm. __Questions? Cal 472-8146. Stop dreaming, start flying Private pilot ground schoorstarts Jan. 27fh. Evening dasses. Pass your FAA exam. Includes introductory flight lesson. 420-6499. _ UNL Fencing Club Have you seen the Princess Bride and thought fencing wouid be cool? Informational meeting 7pm January 20 at 313 Mable Lae Hall. For more information, call Ned at 436-9866._ ACROSS i Converses informally • On the-vive (alert) • Hoosegows 14 Great destruction isG.I.’shome away from home 1« Happen 17 Cara of Tame” ia Believer 1* Oscar winner Jeremy 20 Baseball preseason workout 2*‘You There,” TV oldie MKoppefof ‘Nightline” as Gloss, in Gloucester as Frog's cousin S1 Speedometer abbr. S4 Boredom as Sea east of the Caspian as Fly alone S7 Baseball book by Roger Kahn 40 Fully grown filly 41 Prepares to fire 4a Cougars 4a Airport abbr. 44 Open-handed blow 40 Property 40 Exam for a high schooler 4T Tennis division 40 Baseball’s World Series, familiarly ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE ^ ::'j . ... . I b i aTi i i^I rtrrfSTFfct. ikiIb 1 ii it t a I .‘tfWHSI, I I.FJPP’H I" I I'll I y;' -ic' '••' UNL Women's Rugby New players wanted for Spring semester, practices are Tuesday and Thursday evenings. For more infor mation c9l Jen at 438-5259. Wilderness Presents the Back to School Jam: Tuesday Januaiy 20th at Temptations. $2.00 before 11. $4.00 after 11. 21+.__ Actuarial Science Club Meeting Tuesday January 20th, 7pm at CbA, Room 342. Elections for next years officers will be held. Food provided.____ AEAC r AgEcon/Agri business Club Meeting Tuesday, January 20 at 5:30pm in the East Campus Union. Pizza, pop, & movie following the meeting. For more information call 465-8339._ Allies Meeting tonight at 9:30pm in the Union. Room posted. Beta Alpha Psi Orientation meeting for all new and current members. Tuesday Jan. 20th in CBA Room 105. 6:30 new mem bers and officers. 7pm current members. Circle K Mtg. Tues 7:30 Union Old and perspective members!! Collegiate 4-H Meeting Wednesday. January 21 at at 5:30 in East Campus Union. Questions? Call Heidi 474-2910. Confidential Gay Men’s Discussion Group Wednesdays temto 7:90 pm For more information call DrOiaz-Perdomo at Coun seling and Psychological Services, 472-7450 (e-mail or Rev. Phil Owen at 476-0355 (email: Habitat for Humanity General meetem on 1-20.6pm in the Union. Horticulture Club Happy New Year everyone! WO are having the first meeting • 5:00pm on Wednesday, January 21st at East Union. (The room will be posted). FREE PIZZA will be provided.__ ISA Independent Student Association Meeting 4:30-5:30pm-Wednesday. January 21st, 1998 Room Posted on Union Board NU MEDS The next meeting is Tuesday, January 20th, 7:30 pm. Meet in Colonial Room A in the Union. Dr. Gendelman is speaking on neurodegenerative disorder. Everyone is welcome. Soil and Water Resources Club Meeting tonight in LW Chase Hall, Room 148, East Campus at 7pm. Everybody welcome. Speaker will be Larry Angle. He will be talking about the plant in Meade. Please come if interested. Student Education Association Meeting on Tuesday, January 20 at 5:30 pm. in Mabel Lee 262. Maggie Stevers, elementary education coor dinator for UNU will be speaking about how to develop professional portfolios. __ Undergraduate Women in Business Meeting Tuesday at 5:30, City Union (Room Posted). New members welcomed!!! Business attire. Ques tioned can Melissa 436-9023. j§ isa-ilP rro jU2S n1 £dboV, .mocnbeS S £ Actions meetinfltomorrow, 5^ ^ j University Ambassadors Meeting tonight, 6:00 Office of Admissions. Hope to see you there. _ UNL FFA Alumni Meeting January 20th at 8pm, at East Campus Union. noltoSifmeniS pfOVKjQO. UNL Pre-Vet Club The UNL Pre-Veterinary Club will hold the monthly meeting-tonight at 7:00pm in the East Campus Union, room will be posted. __ UNL Rifle Club The UNL Rifle Club is looking for new members! Meeting Thursday at 6:30 in Military and Naval building, room 2. For information call Matt at 436-0819. UNL Rowing Club Have fun, travel the midwest, andget in shape. Meetings every Wednesday, 7pm at the Boathouse (white building north of Nebraska Hall). Call 474-4359 for mew information. _ Women's Soccer Club For fun, competition, & traveling, come to the mandatory meeting for new & old (flayers • 8:30pm on Thursday, Jan.22, in 2nd fir TV Lounge of Roc Center. Questions??? Call Meoan « 436-9389. World Dane© International Foikdancers looking for new members. Enjoy moving to world music Wednesdays 9-10pm or Fridays 8-10pm in Mabel Lee Hall, room 304. Any questions ca»Lu4nne. 475-8674._ AXQ To the two lovely ladies who were in thepitch tourna ment... we want a re match! We will play pitch with you M flW fromAfljfen_ Ag Men Congratulations to Mike Consbruck on being selected >r- -■-■*- - YOUr Df0tn6fS ATS-KA0 Congratulations to Kevin Sagehom and Laurie Jacobs on their recent pinning and engagement. We wish you both our bestl The Men of ATS AAA Thank you to the ladies of Tri Celt for coming over for the Graffiti Party last Friday. Come over anytime! _The Men of ATS OM Congratulations to Ann Veigel on your engagement to Joe Brownell. Congratulations to Jennifer Burton on your engagement to John Zymola (Lamda Chi Alpha). Love, Your Phi Mu Sisters Greek - Men’s Bible Study Navigators Tuesday, 9:00 p.m.. City Union. Room Posted Under Delta Tau Delta. AXA Ambushing Arrowhead Football am for Lung Association Oklahoma St. vs Nebraska __Keep your eves peeled 0E Congratulations to the brothers who received 4.0‘s last semester. Jason Langenfield, Dan Lenihan, Chris Keetle, Jeff Brackenhoff. Charlie Braymen, Gary Hembd, Don Seacrest, and P-Man. 20 E Congratulations to John Grebe on being an NSE Advi >,*, fij». r. /•.-K..,-4-tnWne2 (to .arabsm knimho mriJO 20E Congratulations to our new initiates: Brad Willis, Curren Vetter, Scott Stanko, Luke VanCamp. Grant James. Josh Theien, Scott Lacey, Mark Wane, Jeremy Beck, Chris Himes, Adam Eakes. Mark Bloomfield, Jason Minderman, Jim Cahout Adam Klinker, Brent Holmquist, Eric Kuhl, Trent Broers, Andy Faltin, Paul Addison, Dane Saylors, Steve McGreer, Kurt Ramachers, Jerod Johnson, Frank Uchman, Jason Mashek, Dave Ochner. 2N Congratulations to our new S and P Jordan Mawson and Pat Vukov. Ybur brothers jgi^^QjEiiQk TiSve you had mono nucleosis within the last month? If so, your plasma could make a valuable contribution to research & earn you $50.00 at the same time. For details please call •'"•KJuO '</*( _www meissey Wheel shafts Menagerie •i Castles for Fischer •a Jet’s rival S3 Finish 34 Taste, for one DOWN 1 Greek X’s a Angel’s instrument 3 Affirm confidently ♦Singer Tennille 8 Outline of a plot • Rather 7 Former largest nation, for short • Small quantity ; • United - You” aeDoffo at Step heavily 30 Clumsy fellows 31 “Throw «TraH' 32 Skirt fold 33 Carousel figure 38 European neighbor 38 Pornographic stuff 38 Site of a 1945 conference a* One flight above 44 Most secure 4« Electric fish | 45 Oeadiy-sin count 4T Young haddock 44 Judd Hirsch 48 Hawaiian dance •8 Do nothing W M*G-M mascot 81 Blackthorn ; S3 Anon 84 Printers' needs «| Job for - ; ^ Columbo ' 'gjfa 84 Cosmo, for one .