Stay Safe this Winter. Drive Carefully. GET PAID FOR • 15 Feb. 1 Openings •3:30-7:30 pm M-F •Variety of Jobs, •$100 Bonus after 6 mos. • Great Part-Time Job Apply in Person: PARAMOUNT LINEN 837 S. 27th St. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE SUPERVISOR NEEDED: For above positions. Must be organized, reliable, and conscientious. Apply in person. •j | : ■ . wnr BJi 11X | |T*v il IS■ i i ■ PI/*T| | j I ■ Alternative Tan! ! Tan for 1 ! l ! 1 with 1-98 ! I 1 I 1 '■ 1 I ■ | 1 I 48fu a n I ;>: I ■ 466*1201 I ■ if 1 I $ : fc# 1_I Miss Nebraska Pageant Dress and Swimsuit for sale. CaH for details and price. JiH 488-4060. The Jean Outlet. 3241 South 13th. 420-5151. We buy and sen Levis. MUST SELL 1986 Honda Prelude. 5 speed, 30 mpg, runs great. Repainted 2 years ago. tons of new stuff. Asking $1950, very negotiable. 436-7788, ask for Jeremey. 1987 Chevy Spectrum asking $600, runs okay. 435-1605 after 3pm. ' 300s SMtfMt • ADOPTION A loving alternative We offer counseling and adoption services to help you plan the best futurefor your baby. No fees or obligations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children’s Home, 4600 Valley Rd„ Suite 314,483-7879 We would love to welcome your newborn into our happy and loving home. Medical expenses paid. Please call, 1 (800) 829-2040 access code 98. Eaty and Erony. WWW.SPOflTSUPPLEMENTS.COM Save up to 50% off GNC. We carry EAS, iWinlab, all major brands. Catalog on-line. _ Auto Accidents & DWI Other criminal matters, call Sanford Pollack 476-7474. Criminal Defense. DWI, Bankruptcy, Stone Law Firm, Affordable Rates, 475-0065 _ Free Birthright is accJ^Srtif hefornghSId^Piease call for appointment or more information. 483-2609. Check out our website Academic Expressions Resumes, Term Papers, Theses, Cover/Business letters rnd newsletters. (402)628-2221. H fl I 1 M/F roommate needed to share house. $150/month + utilities. Available NOW. Can 476-3256. 1 Roommate to share 5 Bedroom ranch style home starting ASAP. $179 plus 1/5 utilities. Please call 477-4862. 2 roommates needed to share 5 bedroom house. $200 plus 1/5 utilities & deposit Kory 477-6306. Female roommate wanted to share large house with one other person. Quiet family neighborhood, 40th & D. All luxuries + fenced back yard. $325 plus half utilities. 466-4506._ Female roommate wanted'to Whooss; 46thsr>d D area. 486-4506. Leave message. ’ One roommate wanted for large four bedroom house. Nice neighborhood, 10 minutes from campus, blocks from Union College. Contact John at 483-1214 and leave a message. Responsible, non-smoking roommate needed to share 2 Bedroom House. Central Air, Washer/Dryer, Walking distance to East Campus. $275 + half utilities + deposit. 465-8950. Room with 2 other girts in three bedrooms at Regency apartments. $232/month. Call 1-402-269-2193. Roommate needed for 3BR Home. $228 plus 1/3 utilities. 467-5661. Roommate Wanted: Male or Female who is responsible and dependable. Non Smoking, 3-Bedroom Apartment, Barely 6 Months Old. Move in ASAP. Call 435-5136. Extra lame private room. Own phone line. Dead bolt Heat and air control and sink. Rent includes cable, laundry and utilities. 27th and South street area. Rent until July. Non-smoking female. $295/one person. $39Q/two people, plus deposit 432-5573,435-0330. COZY 4 BEDROOM HOUSE, NEAR CAMPUS, WASH ER/DRYER, SHORT TERM LEASE AVAILABLE, CALL 421-7416. ******Between Campuses****** 4 bedroom/2 Bath, washer/dryer included, garage, aH amenities, brand new. Available now. $886. HIP, 486-8811._ 4138 So. 46th St. Union CoNega area. Beautiful, large 2 bed, all appliances., laundry., no pets, n/s. $525 Available Feb. 1st. 421-7611. Brand new 3 bedroom, 2 bath, w/d, garage, 2420 Potter, $700,438-3393 or 440-2225. _’ Large, four bedroom,, two bath, two car garage. $1200. 4315 Orchard. Call for showing, 1-402-553-5622. _ New duplex, 3BDR, 3 bath, 2 car garage, W/D. garage door opener, $825/month. Available Now. 621 Ni2§tti. 464-5858or 580-7339, ask for Troy. !!! Close To Campus!!! One and two bedroom apartments available. Price ranging from $255 to $520. Management One 477-2600 _ IfcWalkTo Campus!!!! 1 BR Deluxe with all the extras. $35D-$365. Newer 2 BR, very spacious with all the amenities. Waveriy, NE New 2 BR, 1 bath with a neutral decor and spacious floor plan. $575. New 2 BR, 2 bath with washer/dryer hookups. Very spacious with a neutral decor. $610. 2 BR Townhouse, 1-1/2 bath, heat paid, neutral decor with lots of living space. $530. 44th & Comhusker Hwy Newer 1 BR, with all electric, very nice. $425. Newer 2 BR, with aH electric utilities. $520. Garages also availablelll! Cherry Hill Realty 489-4857 ItINice: Vintage Studios- 2312 R ft 628-648 S. 12th, $275-300. TRt-WIN Properties: 438-0846. I!East Campus, 2 bedroom, $446. TRI-WIN Proper ties. 438-0646. ItOn SCC Campus, 2 bedroom $446. TRI-WIN Prap orMao. 436-0646._ ItSpacious: 2 bedroom, off-street parking 1026 A St $4ig TRI-WIN Properties; 436-0846. 2 and 3 bedroom. 3150 R St. Mctorian woodwork, carpet and hardwood floors, tub/shower. 489-1938/730-5050. 2 BD 3524 HUNTINGTON East^ampus, firepUice^ balcony, new carpet parking. 2 Bedroom, Newer: 240 South 26th, Double Sliding Door, Balcony, Built in Microwave, Off-Street Parking. 1 Bedroom. Newer: 240 South 26th, Built in Mi crowave, Off Street Parking. 2 Bedroom, Modern 508 South 25th, Off Street Parking, Priced Low. Leave message 483-2357. ' 3 B/R duplex, between east and city campus. $550/month. CaU Julian 432-7030 or Rembolt Homes 488-9222 540 S 24th, Sunny efficiency in historic building wood ftoors, heat paid no pats $22S/innonth. 475-9663 1922 *K* and 1230 *D* Newer 2 B, laundry, and dish washer. $410-$425 Pd. water and garbage. 483-6280. 2301 A Street ; 1 Bedroom Units. $329 up, Laundry, Busline 475-7262.___ Apartments on UNL Campus Studio and two bedroom units available. No smoking, no pets, controlled access, laundry, UNL shuttle stop, $325-475/month. Brickyard Apartments, 17th and Hol dredge. 477-6578. _ Campus Close Luxury Living Folsom Ridge Apartments 705 Folsom Lane • 436-3422 Lakeview Park Apartments 510 Surfside Drive 436-3464 •One, Two, & Three Bedrooms •Lof& with Two Baths •Six Month Leases Available Managed by Commercial SSI Investment Properties Equal Housing Opportunity Central location to all campuses. Two bedroon baths. Security access. Appliances furnished. $530Anonth. CaH 464-5781 Close to campus Reasonable and convenient, 1 or 2 bedroom., air. laundry, parking, no pets, FREE CABLE, 1910 Knox, $350+, $450+. 476-2665. Colonial Heights Apartments One, two and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070. Don Apartments, 227 South 17th, Small, Furnished 1-Bedroom, $24Srtnonth. Leave message. 474-6565. Heat and water paid, close to campus. 1338 N. 21st. 1 B/S285,2 B /$395. 463-0539. Huge, unique 1 Bedroom, near downtown. Sdh room, french doors, dishwasher, laundry and storage. No pets/smoking. Heat paid. $450 44&-6254/435-6611. Large 1 Bedroom 1940 Dudley, doseto campus, heat paid. $295. Century Management 484-8606_ Luxury on a Budget 2 Bedroom Deluxe Suites with new range, refrigerator, and dishwasher, fireplace, new carpet, ana decor package. Great Place, Must See! Willohaven Apartments, 1800 Knox Street, 476-6200 Metropolitan Apartments 502S12 Efficiencies and dne bedroom, $260-5325. Secured Building. Ctose to campus, Calt 477-3648. New 3 bed 3 bath apartments ready in January, $80Q/month, 4 Bed/3 Bath $90Q/month, downtown ar ea. Call Julian 432-7030 or Rembott Homes 488-9222 One Bedroom Apartment. Free Heat, Smaller, very Clean, Very Quiet, New Carpet and Appliances, Near South-Close to Campus. $320. Daytime 438-3163, evenings 435-1179. _ One bedroom, 1829 Euclid. $375 + deposit. 423-8122. Quiet, nonsmoking. Nice 1 Bedroom near Capitol. $250/mo. 432-6476. Spacious, 2 BR, 2436 South 10th. $4t5. Tri-win Properties 438-0946. _ ■ ■» » m m m m m m m m m a m m m m Jfecaranr We provide: 'Locations throughout Lincoln * 24-Hour Emergency Maintenance * Professional & Personable Leasing Staff Call us today! . 402-484-8600 500s M$ 'Saturdays Only Hours 8 to 5—*$5JOIhr. * Auto Wash Person Call for Interview Appointment, 437-2347. Mel Fmke DuTeau Cnevrolet-Subaru 17th and P 2ND SEMESTER WORK $10.10 No telemarketing. Start part-time now and continue full-time over breaks/summer. Call today) 477-8663. Attention students!! Just a hop... skip... and a jump from campus. Our growing fundraising office needs your enthusiasm. Wb offer flexible scheduling, relaxed work environment, casual dress, paid training. $7.00 guaranteed plus bonuses. Call Monday-Ffiday 10-4pm, 477-1013. FT/PT Perm/Temp. Having fun re quired. Bruegger’s Bagel Bakery now hiring at both locations, 70th and “A* and 12th and *Q*. We are looking for morning and daytime hours. Apply at either locations. Circle Me No need to keep looking. I need two key people to help nm^rny office. No experience necessary. Call “““"“"“"““““"““"“"-I