The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 14, 1998, Image 1

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    Boys of summer? Large and in charge January 14,1998
Minus the presence of its new head coach, the House of Large Sizes, an Iowa band with an
Nebraska baseball team opened practice Tuesday enthusiastic Lincoln following, will perform at “TORRID” TWENTIES
inside Cook Pavilion. PAGE 7 Duffy’s Tavern Sunday night. PAGE 9 Morning flurries, high 25. Cloudy tonight, low 15.
Banner for Osborne
available for signing
By Joy Ludwig
Staff Reporter
The 20-foot red-and-white
banner spread across two tables
in the Wick Alumni Center says
it all - words that express grati
tude, best wishes and apprecia
tion for Nebraska Football
Coach Tom Osborne.
“Thanks, Coach! On our
sidelines for 36 years, In our
hearts forever.”
Every day this week, from 8
a.m. to 5 p.m., faculty, staff, stu
dents and the Lincoln communi
ty will have one last chance to
sign their names and write mes
sages on the banner.
Andrea Cranford, Nebraska
Alumni Association director,
said she hoped people would
come during the next few days,
despite the cold weather. A few
people already had come
Monday and Tuesday.
“We re just hoping to get not
just people from the community
but staff and students as well to
come in here,” she said.
The idea of a banner came
from some members of the asso
ciation who wanted to do some
Scott McClurg/DN
TOP: UNL JUNIOR Kris Rempe, a junior exercise science major, signs a
banner at the Wick Alumni Center Tuesday.
ABOVE: NEBRASKANS show their support for Coach TomOsborne.
thing special alter Osborne
announced his retirement.
“We just thought it would be
a neat deal to thank him for all
he's done,” she said.
Members of the Alumni
Association towed the banner
along with them to the Orange
Bowl in Miami. The night
before the game, more than 900
Husker fans gathered at the
Please see BANNER on 6
for service
■ The city of Lincoln awards the
Antelope Valley Study chairman
as the volunteer of the month.
By Lindsay Young
Assignment Reporter
UNL Sociology Professor Keith Parker
found his inspiration to volunteer in an unlikely
It was a few days before he was to receive his
doctorate from Mississippi State University. He
was getting his hair cut in a barber shop and was
planning to skip the graduation ceremony. He
said he “had worked so hard, and the thrill was
An elderly black man in the shop told him, “If
you’re not willing to do it for you, do it for me.”
Parker attended the ceremony, and the old man’s
advice still influences Parker's actions today.
His dedication to service was recognized by
the city of Lincoln as he was awarded volunteer
of the month recently.
“Those of us who are fortunate enough to
take advantage of opportunities need to give
back,” said Parker, also director of the University
of Nebraska-Lincoln’s African American and
African Studies program and the special assistant
to the dean of graduate studies.
Parker said he realized he has received oppor
tunities the man in the barber shop did not have
the chance to take advantage of.
The January Volunteer of the Month award
was sponsored by the Retired and Senior
Volunteer Program with the county commission
ers and the city and county governments. Parker
was nominated by Mayor Mike Johanns.
Parker is one of three chairmen for the
Antelope Valley Study Project. It involves the
study of flood plains, neighborhood revitaliza
tion and economic development of the Antelope
Valley area of Lincoln.
“The hope is to keep the downtown area the
center of the (economic ) activity,” Parker said.
Please see AWARD on 6
Academic Senate decides against fall break
Assignment Reporter
The University of Nebraska
Lincoln Academic Senate Tuesday
voted down a proposal that could have
provided a fall break for students.
Leo Sartori, a physics and astrono
my professor and member of the NU
calendar committee, brought forward
the past resolution and asked the senate
for a final vote.
“Students have indicated that they
were in favor of a fall break, and many
faculty feel it is sloppy to go to school
for one week and then have a break,”
Sartori said.
The motion would have eliminated
the Tuesday vacation day after Labor
Day and inserted a two-day mid-semes
ter break after the eighth week of the fall
semester. It was defeated 31-15.
Academic Senate President James
Ford spoke against the idea.
“I am opposed to reducing the num
ber of school days and I can see no ben
efits coming from the reduction of one
school day from the academic calen
dar,” Ford said.
Sartori said he was not disappointed
on the senate’s decision but said it would
have been mce to have a little break.
Sartori did not feel as strong about
the fall semester break as he did about
the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, but
he still supported the resolution.
Sartori also brought to the floor a
resolution to move up the week of
spring break. Spring break now falls
after the 10th week of the spring semes
With a vote of 35-11 in favor, the
senate supported moving up spring
break a week, allowing it to fall after the
ninth week of the spring semester.
Saton will report the senate's votes
to the calendar committee later this
The committee will make a recom
mendation - based on faculty senate
and student government votes - to NU
President Dennis Smith, who will make
a decision on the academic calendar.
In other senate business. Chancellor
James Moeser told the faculty he want
ed more academic rigor at the under
graduate level.
Moeser asked members of the sen
ate to talk to colleagues in their respec
tive departments about reviewing and
studying their undergraduate teaching
“Some things we might want to ask
ourselves is if our teaching materials are
rigorous enough and ifUNL is living up
to its highly regarded teaching reputa
tion,” Moeser said.
Identifying the increasing cultural
change at UNL, Moeser said he was
concerned with helping raise the gradu
ation rate and decreasing the dropout
rate of students between their freshman
and sophomore years.
E. Wesley Peterson, chairman of the
teaching council, commended the chan
cellor’s remarks and said the teaching
council is supportive of his future efforts
regarding academics.
I can see no benefit coming from the
reduction of one school day from the
academic calendar ’
James Ford
Academic Senate president
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