The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 12, 1998, Page 9, Image 9

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    Frost ends
rocky career
as a winner
MIX N 11 A s k e d b e t\ me the j
(>iange \ low i w heihcr a v. m o\ cr j
iennessee would cement his Seva
• > s irh Nebraska fans. Nebraska
quarterback Scott frost saui
"I think m\ iegac\ v. ill be
.tronger if we win this game, but I
don't think it w ill be defined bv
whether oi not we win."
How wHl fens remember
- frost?
It's not a simple question
He s been the subject of too
much controversy in Ins two sea
Mins w ith the Cornhuskers to be
praised tor years to come like for
mer Nf quarterback 1 ommie
i ia/ier
And lie's been a little he •■•ut
O'oken ahnost arrogjm to ce
tvmemhcrvd as likable
Se' erai e\ enis d-. i me ! o -a
i! is aumiued mi a.iK, ; ■; lea-. -
. * i g \ 1.1' t . i s k a m : o j > i.. 11 .'pi a
scholarship iron; s:.,nl- r?
His wenv. no Aemo : with
; A i i s rene e i’f.lilips Nate
X!i I u v sitmmoi,
1 mm . 111 c i \e‘>r.i..ea end.Co ; • -
- an e re" l: Mr - ca - ■,n i a r.; i.
h rav-wu inn> tliiu \id. ■ a.r.J, mice
■'ll:et i_> at . • > i/i '-.a n •< :n,
1 i:■ e S' .. • 11 . i iiie !vhw
2 moved ai i p\m dm me the y cm.' ti
i f ifuja came 'sop! i •>
I-mm iebmindum i; nr. u a!I
i. 'ead the ilu>kev tea 2"-!4 w
■ ■ m\ at then-N... 5 W.iMnngi n. and
later, a perfect 1 3-0 season.
in ig0M host oeeame the first
IliKkei and just the 1011, plavei m
NC AA Division ! history to rush
tor LOGO yards and pass for 1.000
yards. His 2.332 yards of total
otlense were one yard short of the
school record.
But more than his statistical
success or anything that happened
before it. his plea to v oters after the
No. 2 Buskers' 42-17 victory over
the Volunteers is the one thing that
may have cemented his legacy vv nh
N'J fans.
”My plea is to the coaches.”
I rost said "If your job depended
on playing either Michigan or
Nebraska, who would you rather
"How can anyone say with a
clear conscience Nebraska, and
that great man Tom (Thorne, does
n t deserve a national champi
onship. at least a share?”
It was a revealing moment
trom the maligned quarterback a
leader now who's best asset upon
entering the NFL draft may be his
mental toughness.
So now that it's all over, is that
w hat he will be remembered for?
With I rost. it was never a sim
ple question.
Hef'f'elfinger is a sophomore
news-editorial major and a Daily
Nebraskan senior reporter.
Fast start helps NU stomp Buffs
3 I.ue's 30 points lead the
way as ail five NU starters
score in double figures.
y ^
By Sam McKewon
Sen tor Repor'er
\ .. tones a-xn’t aiv.e. s prettv. and
die Nebraska. ivkoV basketball team's
Vv in o'.er < okaado Sundae was liardlv
a work of art
But the Lornluwkcis u^ed a d!-(>
spnrt in the opening 7:J5 of the eon
test to detent the Buhaioe.-. .s 7- /d hi *
game that saw f. ah teams combine for
M) to’ii - .md -Id turmnem m from of
S.Su" at the Bob Devane> Sports
1 enter.
"It was an ::gl\ game." Nl: Coach
Damn Nee said. 1 think we've got a
lot of miles to go with this team."
vi ; nt. rdvwi k a.,, . .,„a
seven straight games on the road,
looked comfortable in its return home,
shooting 58 percent from the field in
the first half compared to CD's 26 per
cent The HusJcers also outrebounded
C oiorado 26-15 \n the first 20 minutes
and 74-36 for the game.
Nebraska. (11-5 overall and 2-1 in
the ITg 12 Conference ' took a 38-20
lead its largest <4 the half on a
fyronn 1 tie lav up with 4:01 remain
ing and filing ->n for a 42-2" halftime
load, i’he junior point guard led all
- >re: w ’!• 3(1 point
Nebraska s ij":ek mart helped
hold the Bo if a Iocs at bay die ic.-l of
-3 > never cot .Jiiser than i•: points m
the s-eoiui had.
’'■civ maily 11 'd.v. ‘ m tie.
'•to '•••• eii o cglit n:mutes we didn't
i\e m\ turnovers." Nee said,
in ihi ; naI 32 minuies of the
game h -weve:. both ’earns became di-wr. b> mist.ikes and fouls,
i he i cokers comimued ! 3 turno1. er>
m the first hal? and 24 m die game,
tv mg a season hath ( l. committed IS
Another mapor theme of the game
ere the fouls. Two iluskers. center
''-enson Hamilton and forward Carrv
1 dorence touied out ol the game as
NC and c U combined for 60 free
throw attempts
After the game. Net expressed his
Please see HOOPS on 10
Rya\ Sodfku\/I)\
NU FORWARD Larry Florence drives under the swatting hand of Colorado center Charlie Melvin. Florence, who
scored 12 points, was one of five Huskers to score in double digits.
KU handles NU’s D
NU at critcal point after loss to Jayhawks
w ith a 80-58 victory over Kansas State |
on Jan. 4. but lost to Colorado 84-76 in
Boulder Wednesday.
“Anytime a team plays against us
and makes 10 turnoxers. thev have I
done a pretty good job." Sanderford
KU. which had been averaging
20 s turnoxers per game entering
Saturdax s contest, bettered its prex i
OL1S low of 18 turnovers. Kansas Coach
Marian Washington said she felt the
Jax hawks played their best game of the
In the first half. Kansas forced 12
NU turnovers and jumped out to a 15
pomt lead. By halftime KU led 39-28.
“1 just thought we played with a lot
more intensity,” Washington said..
"Our defense gave us some opportuni
ties, and I'm just really pleased with
our team's performance.”
Please see KU on 10 j
I ..—
By Mike Kluck
Special Projects Reporter
LAWRENCE Kail. Nebraska
Women's Basketball Coach Paul
Sunderlord needed to look at just one
statistic to realize how well Kansas
placed against the Cornhuskers:
The Jayhawks, who were coming
oft two Big 12 Conference road losses,
committed just 1ft turnov ers against
the No. 16 Buskers Saturday at Allen
Lieldhouse helping Kansas to a 83-74
The loss dropped Nebraska to 12-5
overall and 1-2 in the Big 12. Kansas
improved its record to 4-3 and 1-2.
The Buskers opened league play
Green announces plans
to enter NFL draft early j
By Sam McKewon
Senior Reporter
After three years and two
national titles, Nebraska junior I
back Ah man Green decided to
forego his last season of college
football eligibility and try his for
tunes in the NFL draft in April.
Green, whose 3,880 yards rank
second on Nil’s all-time rushing
charts behind Mike Ro/ier's 4,780
yards, announced his decision
Wednesday. He is the fourth NU
running back to leave early for the
NFI , following Derek Brown
(1093), Calvin Jones (1994). and
Lawrence Phillips (1996).
" I have to make my own deci
sions in life and my own career in
life,” Green said. “It basically
came down to il l have the physical
ability to make it in the NI L and if j
1 can prepare myself mentally for
it. I think 1 will do a very good job |
up there."
Green said he had signed with
sports agent Leigh Steinberg to '
handle contract negotiations
Steinberg currently handles the
contracts of NFL quarterbacks i
Troy Aikman and Steve Young.
Concerning his draft status.
Green said he was told by NFL |
representatives that he had been
projected as a late first-round or
early second-round selection.
NFL draft analyst Mel Kiper.
Jr. projected Green as a second
round pick.
“He’s a straight-line type
Please see GREEN on 11