The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 12, 1997, Page 12, Image 12
3 bedroom apartment close to campus, central air and heat, owner pays water heater gas. $480, 420-6215 or 470-2717. 540 S 24th, sunny 1 BR, historic bldg, oak firs, N/P, ht pd, $36Q/month. 475-9663 1027 Washington 2 Bedroom with all appliances. Laundry facilities. $365, plus utilities. Eden Management, 489-2333. 1503 So. 22nd Street. Cute and cozy 1 bedroom. Nice area. No pets $300.1 (888)331 -8933. 1801 Garfield, 2 BR, washer/dryer, no pets. $475/ month. 421-7705. 2040 F. Clean, 1 BR, new paint, wtr. & garb. pd. N/P. $305.476-1363 or 450-4826. 2740 R. Nicer 3 bedroom, 2 baths, $475 (1 month free) parking, laundry. 430-6328. 3516 Huntington, East Campus 2-Bedroom, Fireplace, Nice $415. 489-5912 24th and "T*. 2BR apartment, $420. 489-7518 or 432-4968. Available NOW!! East Campus, large 2 bedroom, fire place, deck, cat okay, 4210 Huntington. $460. 423-0902. Bored with large complexes? Newer 1 BR Eff. in historic 1890’s building. 6203 Havelock. Very quiet, parking, convenient. No smokers, no pets - $310 + deposit -i- excellent references, 466-8966,423-5921. BRAND NEW! 2628 Q. Deluxe, 2 bedroom, double gar age, $575.430-6328. Cheap Rent Looking for roommate fro two BR apartment walking distance form campus, 155/month plus utilities. Lease ends May 15th with option to renew. Large rooms, newer carpet, nice. 438-9830. Claremont Apartments has subleases available De cember 15th to January 1st. 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms. Call 474-7275 for information. Close to campus One BR, $285 plus deposit two BR *405 plus deposit. 25% off rents through January. Heat and water paid. Very clean. 1338 N. 21 St. 483-0539. Close to campus Reasonable and convenient, 1 or 2 bedroom., air, laundry, parking, no pets, FREE CABLE, 1910 Knox, $350+, $450+. 476-2665. Close to campus, add $30 per pet, 1 BR- $350, 2BR gwuu, o on Close to east cdmpus, F/P, 2BR, available on Jan.1 465-8967 College View, 1-2br. apartments. Redecorated. No smoke/pets. Utilities paid. Washer/dryer. $340, $360, $410, $515. 420-5022. Colonial Heights Apartments One, two and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070. Efficiency Apartment 1329 F, $250/ month, no pets. 421 -7705. Luxury on a Budget 2 Bedroom Deluxe Suites with new range, refrigerator, and dishwasher, fireplace, new carpet, and decor package. Great Place, Must See! Willohaven Apartments, 1800 Knox Street, 476-6200 Metropolitan Apartments 502 S12 Efficiencies and one bedroom, $260-$325. Secured Building. Close to campus, Call 477-3648. Need Privacy and Quiet? Security Building, Nice 1 Bedroom. Close to Capitol. $275/month. Tenant pays electricity and gas. 432-6476. NEXT TO CAMPUS 1932 “R” St. 2 Bedroom,1 Bath. $425 Available early January. Lease. Parking. Washer/Dryer hookup. Dishwasher. 475-3111. One BR apartment $300/month plus 1/4 utilities. Ask fro Holly 475-0932. mam We provide: * Locations throughout Lincoln * 24-Hour Emergency Maintenance * Professional & Personable Leasing Staff Call us today! 402-484-8600 Zimmer Apartments 423-4634 CLEAN, AFFORDABLE 1&2BR I I ‘Attention College Students* noKwj nwp nooooci KoKl KOSIuOfflS Great Resume Piece Need some extra cash? The Edgerton Explorit Centei in Aurora needs individuals to facilitate science pro grams during the holiday break. These are paid posi tions, but required to work Dec. 26-Jan. 4/Jan. 1 off Interested???? Call Josephine Martins at the EEC ir Aurora 402 694-4032. Can today — $5.50/hr, plus mileage, free meals. ‘Science Camp Assistant* The Edgerton Explorit Center in Aurora is seeking en ergetic, responsible and mature adults for the positior of part-time Camp-in assistants beginning Jan 98-May 98. Responsibilities include coordinating science ac tivities for Camp in programs. Must be college age and have background in scienca/education. Experience working with children essential. Contact Josephine, Ed Director 402-694-4032. Salary includes mileage to and from Aurora. $6.00 to start, bus person. 2,3, 5 nights a wk, 5-11pm need willing to work, no phone calls. Tam O’Shantei 105 S. 25th. 13th & E Streets now hiring for ALL SHIFTS $6.00 an hour guaranteed if you can work DAY-TIME shifts. A corporate representative will be at the 13th A E location on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16th from 2£0pm-7:00pm to interview walk-in applicants Everyone wfV be interviewed! Counselors needed for second semester before and/oi after school program for elementary age children (helc in LPS elementary schools). Great experience foi education/ human development students. Apply at NE YMCA 2601 N- 70th. Downtown YMCA Hiring exercise specialist, must have fitness back ground/education. Apply at 1039 “P” St. 434-9230. Downtown YMCA is hiring lifeguards for Christmas Break and next semester. Apply @ 1039 P Street 434-9230 East Union Now hiring cashiers for second semester. Hours: 'Week days 10:30am-12:45pm. '11:30am- 1:15pm 'Saturday 7:15am-1:15pm. *4:15pm-6:15pm. 'Sunday 7:45am-1:15pm. Apply room 314 East Union; M-F 8-4 pm. Free food second semester, hashers/servers needed. Mondays 4:30-7, other times negotiable around class schedule. 436-6196 Full Time Phlebotomist/ Medical Receptionist Must enjoy working in fast pace environment. Includes Saturday and evening. Benefits included. Apply in per son. NABI Biomedical 300 South 17th Street. GET PAID FOR GOING TO CLASS! Jon's Notes, located in the University Bookstore, is looking for qualified note takers for all majors for sprinc semester. Come in and pick up an application! a Student INVOLVEMENT 1 University of Nebraska - Lj nc oln GRAPHIC ARTIST - creative, energetic, and enthusi astic person to assist part-time in design publicity anc marketing projects using free hand and desktop pub lishing. Knowledge of Adobe Pagemake, Freehanc and Photoshop on MAC system is preferred. Apply at 200 NE Union. Great Second Semester Job! Before and after school child care staff needed for ete mentary school sites. 475-0805. HOLIDAY HELP $10.10 PT/FT 2-6 week work. Extra cash for holiday season No telemarketing. 477-8663 r.. . Instructors Kaplan Educational Center-Uncoln, the leader in test preparation has part time positions to teach review courses for the MCAT, DAT, LSAT, and GRE entrance exams, WII consider practicing professionals, current college students in advanced programs. Classes are scheduled evenings and some weekends. Detailed les son books, excellent hourly pay and training provided. Send resume and copy of tests scores to: Kaplan Edu cational Centers, 1020 S. 74th Plaza, Omaha, NE 68114. Application deadline: December 19th. LIKE TO TALK? GET PAID FOR TALKING! EAI Marketing Services is now hiring for Full & Part-time Day/Evening Positions. ‘$125 Hiring Bonus! ‘Earn $8.00/hr guaranteed! ‘Earn up to $12/hr w/bonuses! ‘Flexible Schedules! ‘Casual Dress! CALL TODAY! 434-5492 Line Cooks Grill Fryers Prep Cooks All Shifts Rock n' Roll Runza, 14th & P, is looking for kitchen help for its full service restaurant and drive thru area. NO roller skating required! Work in a FUN kitchen at mosphere with great benefits. Apply in person TODAY at Rock n’ Roll Runza. Ask for Teri Jo. Lone Star Steakhouse and Saloon Experienced broilers, Full Time and Part Time $7-10 an hour. Benefits. Apply at 70th and O Street. MATRIXX MARKETING ^ OFFERS: $900 STUDENT INCENTIVE $250 HIRING BONUS $7.00/HR PART-TIME PAID TRAINING FLEXIBLE HOURS SMOKE FREE ENVIRONMENT CASUAL, CLEAN & FRIENDLY CALL OUR JOB HOTLINE 466-8293 1 Money Making Opportunity Deliver the Omaha World Herald in Lincoln and earn $$$ every 2 weeks. Good extra income. Early morning hours. Routes available throughout Lincoln. Call 476-6100. Part Time Desk Clerks * 6pm-7am, 1-2 nights/week. *1-2 weekday afternoons and weekend days Must have math and people skills, night people will have time to study. Apply in person at Town House Motel, 1744 M Street. NOW HIRING for ALL SHIFTS Night Time Day Time Weekends $6.00/hour guaranteed if you can work DAY TIME shifts We are more than flexible. We can create a schedule to fit your busy life! Benefits include: 'Excellent wages '1/2 Priced Meals 'Paid Vacation 'Flexible Scheduling 'Fun and Clean Environment 'Scholarship Program 'Buddy Bonus Program *25% Medical Paid 'Advancement Opportunities 'And Much More! Apply TODAY in person at the following locations: Gateway Mall 11th & Comhusker Hwy 13th & E Streets 1240 West “O” Street Part Time Receptionist Rapidly expanding downtown firm seeks an evening receptionist to handle multi-line phone, track attend ance, and assist in other administrative duties during the evening shift. Individual must be personable, or ganized, and have great attention to detail. Fast paced environment, competitive wage & convenient location. Ideal for a college student. Call ITC at 434-2626 for an appointment or send app/resume to 1033 "O’ Street, Suite 304 (Gold's Galleria), Lincoln, NE 68508. Recreation Leaders Parks and recreation has openings for leaders with be fore and/or after school recreation for elementary chil dren beginning January 5,1998. Before school hours 7-9 a.m., Monday-Friday. ($5.50/hour) After school hours 2:30-5:45pm, Monday-Friday ($5.30/hourt. Apply now at playground office. 1225 “F” Street. Second floor. 441-7952 EOE/AA. Service Assistant Due to recent restructuring, the Omaha World Herald, Lincoln Circulation Office has part-time service assistant positions available 2:30am-7:30am and 6:30am to approx, noon. Schedules vary, $6.25 + mileage and vacation. Must be 18 or over, have reliable transporta tion with liability insurance. Duties include: assisting with distribution of newspapers to subscribers. Apply at 825 M Street, Suite 103 or call 476-6100. [ I STUDENT CUSTODIANS Nebraska Union now hiring part time custodians for second semester. Evening and Weekend hours available. $5.50 per hour. Apply to Bill Behmer, Nebraska Union Main Office, Room 220. STUDENT EMPLOYEE-ACCOUNTING CONTRACTS ASSISTANT University Housing Dept, hiring immediately. Academic Year 12-20 hours, summer full time. Computer Experi ence Necessary. Contact Housing Contracts, 1010 Seaton Hall for an application. Salary $5.65 per hour. Swim instructors and lifeguards Beginning in January, no experience necessary, must work well with kids and be responsible. Apply at NE YMCA 2601 N. 70th or call 434-9252 for more informa tion. TO $600 TUITION ASSISTANCE ANNUALLY NBC nihrOwaiM National Bank of Commerce is currently accepting Ap plications for Teller-Williamsburg Statement Clerk-FCT Research Clerk-Account Services Teller-Main Bank Teller- Parkway For more details call the First Commerce Job Hotline at 434-4700. Equal Opportunity Employer Work With Children 'Do you think it’s fun to work with children? 'Do you quickly build friendly, supportive relationships with children and parents? 'Do you like to plan activities? 'Are you available afternoons 3:00-6:00? If so, the Gallup Child Development Center has part time positions available with infants, preschoolers, and school age children. Substitutes needed also. Call our Interviewing Center today! 486-6700 Monday-Frida^ 9:00-5:00 Babysitter needed for mildly handicapped child. M-F, 7-8:30am. $10/day. Jan 12-June 3.423-9137 Child Care Provider Needed: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 7:30-4:30, for 1 year old boy beginning January 12th. Nonsmokers only please. Call Jodi at 465-7484 or 438-4205. taucauon & Museum aiuaies siuaems; i-un ana re sume-building work-study opportunities available at the Museum of Nebraska History for the spring semes ter. Work with school groups and families at th new hands-on exhibit called the History Adventure Center. Call 471-4757. SUMMER MANAGEMENT POSITIONS AVERAGE EARNINGS $10,792 Responsible, motivated UNL students needed in Lin coln, Omaha, and surrounding areas to run your own business with College Pro Painters. No money or expe rience necessary for the best resume building internship available! Call 1 -888-277-7962 today for more info. Positions filling fast! BE IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR SELF, NOT BY YOURSELF! Aaahhh! Spring Break ‘98 Guaranteed Best prices to Cancun, Jamaica, Bahamas & Florida. Group discounts & Daily Free drink parties! sell trips, earn cash, & go free! 1-800-234-7007. l B □ MORTAR BOARD AND MORTAR BOARD NOTABLES Mortar Board is a National Senior Honor Society that recognizes college seniors for distinguished ability and achievement in exceptional scholarship, leadership, and service. All JUNIORS with a 3.3 GPA, or higher, are eligible to seek membership in the Black Masque Chapter here at UNL Mortar Board also recognizes outstanding freshmen, sophomores, and seniors that demonstrate our high standards. These exceptional students are identified as Mortar Board Notables. Information sheets are available December 8th, at the Office for Student Involvement (200 City Union & 300 East Union), the Culture Center (333 N 14th), the Honors Lounge (118 Neihardt), the ASUN Office, and Vice Chancellor Griesen's Office (106 Administration). Completed information sheets are due Friday, January 16th, at 5:00pm in the Office for Student Judicial Affairs (106 Administration). Ag Ed Club Ag Ed Club officer applications due Dec. 19, Ag Lee Dept.__ ATTENTION CRIMINAL JUSTICE MAJORS: LOOKING FOR A JOB IN LAW ENFORCEMENT? CONSIDER ARMY ROTC. START YOUR CAREER AS A POLICE LIEUTENANT RATHER THAN A PATROL OF FICER. CALL ARMY ROTC, 472-4269. BAD CREDIT Fast and legal credit repair is now available, 100% guaranteed. For info send large SASE + $1 postage and handling to Credit Service at 5288 Pewa Court, Kelteyville, CA 95451__ S Student INVOLVEMENT JL University of Nebraski-Uncoki Be a part of a dynamic student staff. Student Involve ment has two immediate openings at the Culture Center as Program Assistant. 15-20 nrs/wk. Apply at 200 NE Union.__ Coach Osborne Coach, thanks for the many years of success. We wish you the best. Love, the women of Pi Beta Phi Looking for cheap used books for next semester? I have a BIOLOGY 101 (used by ALL Bio 101 classes) and a WESTERN CIVILIZATION upto 1715. Much cheaper than getting them from bookstore!! Call Rachael 436-8311. No calls after December 17th. LOVE LIBRARY USERS Due to a recarpeting project, the current periodicals room will be unavailable for browsing from Monday, December 15,1997, through Monday, January 5, 1998. Individual issues may be requested for retrieval at the circulation desk of Love Library. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Models Wanted Models for fashion, fitness, print and runway. For in quiries, contact 476-4555. Please call between 2 and 5pm. _ NEED CHRISTMAS CASH? We’re looking for good, used band horns. Dig that old horn out of your closet and bring it to STAR MUSIC, 5612 South 48th, 423-6633. Tickets, accidents for auto insurance, reasonable rates. Call Rob Bryant 488-8997 UNL Horticulture Club Poinsettia Sale Thursday, Dec. 11:8am-5pm. Friday, Dec.12: 8am -3pm at East Campus Union. Where Are You? Looking for all Alumni of the Chancellor’s Leadership Class. CLC of 1997-1998 is planning a social event and we want to have all of the alumni included. Please bring your campus and permanent address, phone number, and email to Stacey in Student Involvement, 200 Nebraska Union._ Applications are now available for membership into the Chancellor's senior honorary, the Innocents Society. Juniors are selected based on outstanding leadership, service and academics. Pick up applications at the Culture Center, Offices for Student Involvement on City and East Campuses or 106 Administration. Due on January 21 by 4 p.m._ AIT Mistletoe Maneuvers Christmas Party Friday, December 12, &00pm come party under the mistletoe! (vans leaving AGR every 15 minutes starting at 8:30) ATTENTION Greek Week Committee Chair Applications are available in the Greek Affairs Office in the Union. They are due on Friday, December 19 at 4:00pm. These po sitions are a great way to become an intrical part of Greek Week ‘98! KA0 Thanks for the Dinner Exchange on Monday night. We enjoyed starting a new trend!! The Women of Alpha Phi KA Thanks for the “bare naked” caroling. We’ll unwrap your presents anytime. Love, Pi Phi IA Congratulations to our graduating senior, Erin Radant. You will be missed. Love, Your sisters Student Government Positions Open Curriculum Committee Libraries Committee Publications Board Deadline for above positions Fri. - Dec. 19 Applications available at 115 Nebraska Union I ._ i Leaving for Orange Bowl December 24-25. Need one passenger-1 have references. 477-4708. FOUND: A small agenda organizer with addresses/ phone numbers and photos. Possible belonging to a female Russian dance student. Found comer 12tn and “O" Street. Call Deb at 421-6024 after 5pm only. Texas Insturment Calculator found in Chase Hall. Identify at front desk on second floor. ***PRE-HEALTH STUDENTS*** Have you had your “3-shot Hep B Series” If so, you may qualify for a medical research study. Just 4 hours a week of your time can earn you over $380 every 4 weeks while you study. Call 474-2335 and ask for Cory. TM Nabi Biomedical Center 300 S. 17th Street __ Lincoln. NE 68508_