Need quiet non-smoking female for elegant Victorian safe apartment $23Q/month plus utilities. 476-4308 Non smoking female roommate needed for spring se mester to share 3 bedroom, 2 bath apartment. $213/month plus utilities. Security building. 5 minutes from campus, northwest Lincoln. 474-3382. Leave message. Roommate wanted. Female, nonsmoker. $190/month + utilities. Safe and nice. Available Dec. 22. Call 438-5737.__ Share a house with two male students. Lame room, all utilities included. 438-6809 or 608-783-6046. Wanted M/F roommate to share spacious modern 4 BR house. 2300 west Sumner Street. $198.75/month plus utilities. 438-1491.__ 25th and Washington. Furnished Livmgroom and Bed room. Refrigerator. Non-smoking/non-drinking gentle man. $150 Utilities paid. 477-5032. Room for rent, M/F $185.00 + utilities and deposit. 420- 2643. Call after 5:30._. 3 plus 1 Bedroom. Walk to UNU Washer/Dryer Included. Lawn work done. $600. 489-9294. 538 S 24th- lg 4BR. C/A. N/P $720/month. 475-9663 1125 Charleston, 4 blocks from Campus. 3 bedroom, 2 stall garage. Reduced- $630/month. Dec. free. 890-5985. _ 1425 N 23rd, great house, 5 bdrm, 2 bath, parking, bsmt. $795.432-0644. 1531 N. 22nd Great house, great location. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath. Basement spacious, and near campus. $700. 432-0644. 2+1 bedroom, central air, new bath/carpet/paint. Small yard. $650/month plus deposit. 2770 California Court. 435-7115. COZY 4 BEDROOM HOUSE, NEAR CAMPUS, WASH ER/DRYER, SHORT TERM LEASE AVAILABLE, CALL 421- 7416. Large three or four BR, brick English cottage. Washer dryer hookups, pet $30. $750.423-4560._ $700.1135 N. 32. 4 bedroom 2 bath. W/D, between campuses. 423-1402. 1201 South 8th, Duplex. Large 3 Bedroom plus base ment. $625. 489-5192. _ 1836 L, very large 1 BDR, parking, walk to campus. $340 +gas. 489-5168. 4000 Randolph, sunny 2BR w/ character. W/D hook-ups, garage, garden space, $440/month. 475-9663 _ Brand new 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 garages, fireplace, family room, $850+, available Jan. 1,432-0415. Brand new 3 bedroom, 2 bath, w/d, garage, 2420Potter, $700,438-3393_ New duplex, 3 BDR, 3 bath, 2 car garage, W/D, garage door opener, $850/month. Available Dec. 15.621 N. 28th. 464-5859 ask for Troy. !!! Close To Campus!!! One and two bedroom apartments available. Price ranging from $255 to $520. Management One 477-2600 !!! Walk to Campus!!! 1 BR Deluxe with all the extras. Heat paid. $350-$365. Cozy Efficiency, $275. Newer 2BR, very spacious will all the amenities. 44th & Cornhusker Hwy Sharp 1 BR-Heat Paid. $365. “ * Nice 2 BR, 11/2 bath townhouse with heat paid. $500. Newer 2 BR with all electric utilities. $520. Garages also available!!!! Waverly, NE New 2BR, 2 bath with wasner/dryer hookups. Very spacious with neutral decor. $610. New 2BR. 1 bath with neutral decor and spacious floor plan. $575. 2920 P Street Sharp 2BR townhouse with all the extras. Close to City Campusl $480. Cherry Hill Realty 489-4857 Campus Close Luxury Living Folsom Ridge Apartments 705 Folsom Lane 436-3422 Lakeview Park Apartments 510 Surfside Drive 436-3464 •One, Two, & Three Bedrooms •Lofts with Two Baths •Six Month Leases Available Managed by Commercial Investment Properties Equal Housing Opportunity !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $10000 Mow-In Special Studio, 3/4 bath, controlled access......$309 2000 G, spacious 2 BR, controlled access..$429 680 South 20,2 BR, Balcony, new carpet.$439 680 South 20,2 BR. Balcony..$399 645 South 20,2 BR, Balcony, controlled access.$419 2301A Street, 1 BR, Balcony..$319 JONES^ APARTMENTS All units on bus line, laundry fadlities.475-726 2 + 1-Bedroom Basement. W/D Hookups, $450 + de posit and Utilities. 2760 California Court. 435-7115 2 BDR apt, low utilities, 510 S 24th, available Jan. 1, $410.423-1240. 2 BDR, NICE! Lame closets, N/S, N/P, A/C. $375/month + dep. 475-6453_ 2 bedroom, $400/ 3 bedroom ,$475 plus deposit, with one extra room, large living area, large kitchen & dining room, central air, off street parking, laundrylacility, dose to East Campus, 4717 Baldwin, Call Shawn at 560-5473. 2 Bedroom: Fireplace, Off Street Parking, Near East Campus. 3540 Huntington. $400. 465-4710 or 489-9916. 540 S 24th, sunny 1 BR, historic bldg, oak firs, N/P, ht pd, $360/month. 475-9663 1027 Washington 2 Bedroom with all appliances. Laundry facilities. $365, plus utilities. Eden Management, 489-2333. 1503 So. 22nd Street. Cute and cozy 1 bedroom. Nice area. No pets $300.1(888)331-8933. 2040 F. Clean, 1 BR, new paint, wtr. & garb. pd. N/P. $305.476-1363 or 450-4826! 2740 R. Nicer 3 bedroom, 2 baths, $475 (1 month free) parking, laundry. 430-6328. _ 3516 Huntington, East Campus 2-Bedroom, Fireplace, Nice $415. 489-5912 24th and *T\ 2BR apartment, $420. 489-7518 or 432-4968.' Apartments on UNL Campus Two bedrooms available. No smoking, no pets, con trolled access, laundry, UNL shuttle stop, $475/month. Brickyard Apartments, 17th and Holdredge. 477-6578. Available NOW)! East Campus, large 2 bedroom, fire place, deck, cat okay, 4210 Huntington. $460. 423-0902. Bored with large complexes? Newer 1 BR Eff. in historic 1890’s building. 6203 Havelock. Very quiet, parking, convenient. No smokers, no pets - $310 + deposit -i- excellent references. 466-6966,423-5921. BRAND NEW! 2628 Q. Deluxe, 2 bedroom, double gar age, $575.430-6328. Cheap Rent Looking for roommate fro two BR apartment walking distance form campus, 155/month plus utilities. Lease ends May 15th with option to renew. Large rooms, newer carpet, nice. 438-9830. Claremont Apartments has subleases available De cember 15th to January 1st. 1,2, and 3 bedrooms. Call 474-7275 for information. p ► 1 ► ► ◄ ► * 3 mgrat«niaai.i< C“S »»■*««* »»«■■« ■■■■■■»■ ► 'PER PERSON DEPEiONG ON OESTINATION/IREAK OATES/LENGTH OF STAY ^ *>8oo-sunchase: ^ mrmiwoiUAnoiiiuiiWBiaM ^ We’re still looking for a few great communicators. This job is NOT telemarketing! * Work on campaign finance reform and women's issues. Help protect the environment. * Earn $8/hr. guaranteed. Work as few as 12 hours/week. Earn full-time benefits at 20 hours/ week. * We’re close to the campus at 941 ‘O* Suite 625. call 476-1010, M.-4:00 P.M. Clean and Sharp 1 and 2 bedroom apartments available now. Furnished and unfurnished. Central air, parking and laundry avail able. 1522 and 1534 ‘E*. $320-$395 Please call 499-6662 Close to campus One BR, $265 plus deposit, two BR *405 plus deposit. 25% off rents through January. Heat and water paid. Very dean. 1338 N. 21 St. 483-0539. Close to campus Reasonable, and convenient. 1 or 2 bedroom., air, laundry, parking, no pets, FREE CABLE, 1910 Knox, $350+, $450+. 476-2665. Close to campus, add $30 per pet, 1BR- $350, 2BR $580, 3 BR-$620.423-4560 Colonial Heights Apartments One, two and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421 -3070. Luxuiyon a Budget 2 Bedroom Deluxe Suites with new range, refrigerator, and dishwasher, fireplace, new carpet, and decor package. Great Place, Must See! Willohaven Apartments, 1800 Knox Street, 476-6200 Metropoliltan Apartments 502 S12 Efficiencies and one bedroom, $260-$325. Secured Building. Close to campus. Call 477-3648. NEXT TO CAMPUS 1932 ‘R’ St. 2 Bedroom,1 Bath. $425 Available early January. Lease. Parking. Washer/Dryer hookup. Dishwasher. 475-3111. Victorian Charm 2 and 3 bedroom. Hardwood floors, oak cabinetry, ceiling fans, appliances. $360-$475/month. 489-1*38/730-5050. We provide: * Locations throughout Lincoln * 24-Hour Emergency Maintenance * Professional & Personable Leasing Staff Call us today! 402-484-8600 Zimmer Apartments 423*4634 CLEAN, AFFORDABLE 1&2BR s00l * ' . y . < ' ‘Attention College Students* Holiday Help Needed Kata Kosittons Great Resume Piece Need some extra cash? The Edgerton Explorit Center in Aurora needs individuals to facilitate science pro grams during the holiday break. These are paid posi tions, but required to work Dec. 26-Jan. 4/Jan. 1 off. Interested???? Call Josephine Martins at the EEC in Aurora 402 694-4032. Call today — $5.50/hr. plus mileage, free meals. ‘Science Camp Assistant* The Edgerton Explorit Center in Aurora is seeking en ergetic, responsible and mature adults for the position of part-time Camp-in assistants beginning Jan 98-May 98. Responsibilities include coordinating science ac tivities for Camp in programs. Must be college age and have background in science/education. Experience working with children essential. Contact Josephine, Ed. Director 402-694-4032. Salary includes mileage to and from Aurora. 13th & E Streets now hiring for ALL SHIFTS $6.00 an hour guaranteed if you can work DAY-TIME shifts. A corporate representative will be at the 13th ft E location on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16th from 2:00pm-7:00pm to interview walk-in applicants Everyone will be interviewed! Aircraft Detailing Part time, days, $7/hour, call Gary Smith, 479-1688 for appointment.___ Cat Sitter Needed Cat sit in your own home over Christmas Break, De cember 19th-January 9th. My three year oM, inside cat only needs a little loving attention, ray negotiable. Please cafi Tara at 476-4884. CHRISTMAS BREAK is not that far away. We have many openings starting December 15th. $8/hr. We can work around your finals schedule. Daytime hours only. EARN CASH $$$ FOR SECOND SEMESTER Inside, clean, warm warehouse. Bending, lifting moderate loads. Standing on concrete floors, males or females welcome. NEBRASKA BOOK CO. INC 4700 SOUTH 19th EOE Concessions stand workers, money handling, customer service experience, varied hours. Mary at 402-554-1936. Downtown YMCA Hiring exercise specialist, must have fitness back ground/education. Apply at 1039 “P" St 434-9230. Earn $40 For 1 days work each month. Transportation required. 483-0323._ East Union Now hiring cashiers for second semester. Hours: 'Week days 10:30am-12:45pm. *11:30am- 1:15pm. •Saturday 7:15am-1:15pm. *4:15pm-6:15pm. ‘Sunday 7:45am-1:15pm. Apply room 314 East Union; M-F, 8-4pm._ Energetic fashion conscience, lady or man, for part time reception and coordinator position. Apply at Pink Flamingo, Will take applications Wednesday and Thursday. 4003 0 Street FOOD SERVICE SPECIALIST Coordinates, trains and supervises inmates in food preparation and serving of meals. Examines inventories and stores food products. Maintains records and reports on food purchases and consumption. RE QUIREMENTS: Must be able to work weekends, holi days, be able to lift 40 pounds, possess education or experience in food preparation/sanitation. Duties in clude prolonged standing, walking and climbing stairs. Work schedule: Wednesday & Thursday: 5:30a.m. to 9:30a.m., Friday 2:30p.m. to 6:30p.m., and Saturday 10:30a.m. to 6:30p.m. Bilingual (English/Spanish) and/or supervisory experience helpful. Selected can didate must successfully complete a NE Corrections Training Program. Salary is $9.91 per hour. Part-time 20 hours, per week. Submit a NE State Application form to the Department of Correctional Services, PO Box 94661, Lincoln NE 68509-4661. E.O.E7A.A Free food second semester, hashers/servers needed. Mondays 4:30-7, other times negotiable around class schedule. 436-6196 THE DEEP END BY CHAD STRAWDERMAN ACROSS 29 Roentgen 54 Esteem 1 Start of a bon images 55 Movie pioneer mo{ 30 Dutch genre 56 Fall setting * uni ™ painter 57 Enoch or Eve • Cap.tolH.llgp. 32 Bon mot: Part 3 58 St.-Lo neighbor 10 Trudge 35Traditional 59Author 14 Ink for une knowledge Roche Plume n 36 Part of M-G-M 60 Interprets 15 Ideas 37 Choreographer 16 Napoleon won Tommv here: 1796 38 Palindromic D0WN 17 Blessed, in animal j«_Can”: S. Bonn 39 More wan Davis Jr. 18 --pear 40 Waldorf, e.g. 2 individuals (avocado) 41 Lack 3 Abdul-Jabbar’s 20 Bon mot: Part 2 42 Metrical foot alma mater 22 Certain horse 43 Plant pest 4 Branch of math 23 Daly’s TV 45 injury s Fugitives’ partner 47 End of the bon journeys 24 Come into sight mot 6 Lariat 28 Mortgage 53 Provisional 7 Fat king of Moab 8 Riches ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE * More penurious • • 10 Typewriter roller 11 Plant inducing forgetfulness 12 Smells 13 Extreme 31 Nautical chain 43 Rocket stage 48 Shoe 19 Early Greek 32 Onion or 44 The “d” in l.s.d. designation physician hyacinth 45 Wretched hut 49 Cab rider Va rhLccic chaft 33 Tw°-toed sloth 46 °mni or the so Robert or Alan 24 Chassis shaft 34 Shawn and Forum 25 Ship’s bow Mack 47 Suffix with 51 Regretted 28 Remove outer 39 Ordered emblem 52 Folding money __ 37 Soft headwear drop MPak|stanjcoin 28 Lascivious look 40 *-,rn *or tea 30 Preserve, in a 41 Blanch way 42 Annoy