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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1997)
‘-I . 11 Big 12 Tickets j V/MCMMEX/Dtsc ■ t Encore Tickets 4 800-460-4500 Orange Bowl Pix/PKGS ; Call 1-888-777-4176 Buy/Sell C&S Marketing - i ,,,,,,Vj new tires and battery and heater. $2500 OBO. f 482-5573 or 435-0030. • MUST SELL ' 1988 Honda Prelude. 5 speed, 30 mpg, runs great. ' Repainted 2 years ago. Tons of new stuff. Asking - $1950, very negotiable. 436-7788, ask for Jeramey. ■, f. ‘ ~ ‘ f ■ 1 t 1 _2 ;J y.4 ADOPTS We promise your baby love, smiles and a i bright future. Expenses paid. Vera and Bob t 1-800-933-1975. Adopt: With heart ful of love we hope to adopt, newborn j or twins. Will provide our warmth, our joy, our 4 best, expenses paid. Please cstl Mary and Dan , 1-800-337-6607. I ADOPTION Akwtng aMemsttv Wb offer counaeing and adoption services to help you plan the best future for your baby. No fees or obtoations. 1 Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children's < Home, 4600 VWtoyRd, Suite 314,483-7878 - I f Auto Accidents & DWl \ Ottw criminal irietteim, caM Sanfort PoMack 476-7474. m < Free Pregnancy Test 1 Birthright it a confioential help&ig hand. ptruwe call for appointment or more information, 463-2609. Check ( ) Academic Expressions Resumes, Term Papers, Theses, Cover /Business letters and newsletters. (402)628-2221 voice, (402)628-2222 Fax. i < i i ---- , I 1 male roommate needed ASAP for lame 3 bedroom duplex. Southwest Lincoln. 10 minutes from campus. Quiet, safe. $200 plus 1/3 utWties. Ca«421-7894. , 1 or 2 roommates needed for 3 bedroom house. j Cheap rent near 28th and J~ Call 474-3836._ 1 1630 S. Folsom. Brand new. 2 BR apartment with W/D in unit. $247.50 and 1/2 utility and 1/2 deposit, i 435-8037._ ( 2308 West Washington; Responsible, non-smoking female to share newer 4 Bedroom home. $175/ month Uus 1/4 utilities.-47^-0562.--- - - — 1-2 roommates needed, 5 BR ranch house, 4 car gar age. excellent condition, $247+ cheap utilities. 10 min utes from city campus. Senior or graduate student preferred. Calf 477-7947 to information. Female non-smoker to share 3 bedroom apartment and 1/3 utilities. $175/monlh. Please cr* 476-1159. Female roommate wanted to share nice house in Meadow Lane area. N/S, N/P $250 plus 1/3 utilities. Call 467-1553._ M/F Roommate to share large house near campus. W/D, dishwasher, AC. $165/month + 1/4 utilities. 476-0395. _ - M/F roommate wanted to share new duplex W/D, gar age, private bath. 1/3 utilities. Move in any time, no rent until January. Rent $265 negotiable. 474-5366. j Male roommate needed for four br. house, $200 plus utilities. W/D. Call 477-7498. Need female roommate for second semester. Close to Campus. $255 +1/2 utilities. 477-3156 Need M/F roommate to fill spacious 4BR house. Jan. 1. Wood floor, huge closet, free laundry. $275/mo. Walk to East Campus. CaH Eric 464-6126 Unbelievable Low Prices Diamonds, Engagement Rings, Gold Chains and Bracelets. ^ELDJBR Shop the Rest ^ |l£Y Come to the Best ^ — — 311IO St 474-6044 -ii Hr ■ - - ' ..- ~ toed quiet non-smoking female for elegant Victorian afe apartment. <23Q/month plus utilities. 476-4308 oommate wanted. Female, nonsmoker. $190/month utilities. Safe and nice. Available Dec. 22. Call 38-5737.__ 5th and Washington. Furnished Uvingroom and Bed xxn. Refrigerator. Non-smoldng/non-drinkihg gentle tan. $150 Otilitiee paid- 477-5032. refer non-smoking female. Utilities, laundry, and cable REEI Near south area, on bus route, tonth-to-month-lease. 432-5573 or 43S-0030. loom for rent, M/F $185.00 + utilities and deposit. 20- 2643. CaH after 5:30. _ and 5 Bedroom, 2 Bath. WafiTSTwi tduded. Dishwasher. Lawn Work Done. Price Re ucedl $600. 489-9294. 125 Charleston, 4 blocks from Campus. 3 bedroom, 2 tall garage. $645/month. 890-5985. 201 New Hampshire, 3 bedroom, finished basement, to pets/smoking $625, plus utilities. 423-6251. 425 N 23rd, great house, 5 bdrm, 2 bath, parking, stnL $795,432-0644. 531 N. 22nd Great house, great location. 3 Bedroom. Bath. Basement, spacious, and near campus. $700. 32-0644. +1 bedroom, central air. new bath/carpet/paint Small aid. $65Q/month plus deposit. 2770 California Court. 35-7115. ___ OZY 4 BEDROOM HOUSE. NEAR CAMPUS, WASH R/DRYER, SHORT TERM LEASE AVAILABLE. CALL 21- 7418._ 700.1135 N. 32.4 bedroom 2 bath. W/D. between ampu8e8.423-1402. 836 L. very large 1 BDR, parking, walk to campus. 340 +■ gas. 489-5168. __ irand new 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 garages, fireplace, tmily room, $850-*-, available Jan. 1,432-0415. Irand new 3 bedroom, 2 bath, w/d, garage, 2420 Potter, 700.438-3393 lew duplex. 3 BOR. 3 bath, 2 car garage. W/D. oor opener. $850/month. Available Dec. 15. 8th. 464-5858 ask for Troy. !!! Close To Campus!!! hie and two bedroom apartments available. Price artging from $255 to $620. Management One 477-2600 !!! Walk to Campus!!! 1 BR Deluxe with all the extras. Heat paid. 350-$365. Jozy Efficiency. $275. lower 2BR, very spacious will all the amenities. 475. 44th & Cornhusker Hwy Sham 1 BR-Heat Paid. $365. HcoTbR. 11/2 bath townhouse with heat paid. $500. lower 2 BR with aH electric utilities. $520. Iarages also availabielitl Waverly, NE lew 2BR, 2 bath with wasner/dryer hookups. Very padous with neutral decor. $610. lew 2BR. 1 bath with neutral decor and spacious floor Ian. $575. 2920 P Street (harp 2BR townhouse with all the extras. Close to Sty Campus! $460. Cherry Hill Realty 489-4857 !!!!!!!!lR!!ll!I!!!H!im!lX!ll!!l!l!!!!!!!E!! $100.00 Move-In Special Studio, 3/4 bath,- controlled access.$309 1000 G, spacious 2 BR, controlled access.$429 >80 South 20,2 BR, Balcony, new carpet.$439 I80 South 20,2 BR, Balcony..$399 >45 South 20.2 BR, Balcony, controlled access.$419 >301 A Street, 1 BR, Balcony..$319 JONES^ APARTMENTS AW units on bus line, laundry tacilities.475-726 ! + 1-Bedroom Basement. W/D Hookups, $450 + de wsit and Utilities. 2760 California Court 435-7115 ! BDR, NICE) Large closets, N/S, N/P, A/C. 1375/month + dep. 475-6453 12 bedroom, $400/ 3 bedroom ,$475 plus deposit, with one extra room, large living area, large kitchen & dining room, central air, off street parking, laundry raciWty, close to East Campus, 4717 Baldwin, Call Shawn at 580-5473. ! Bedroom: Fireplace, Off Street Parking, Near East Campus. 3540 Huntington. $400. 465-4710 or 189-9916.__. Campus Close Luxury Living Folsom Ridge Apartments 705 Folsom Lane " 436-3422 Lakeview Park Apartments 510 Surfside Drive 436-3464 •One, Two, & Three Bedrooms •Lofts with Two Baths •Six Month Leases Available rfCS Managed by Commercial Investment Properties Equal Housing Opportunity I Donate Plasma at NABI: I I I ■•Are you a new plasma donor? 1027 Washington 2 Bedroom with alt appliances. Laundry facilities. $365, plus utitlea. Ben Management, 489-2333. 1503 So. 22nd Street Cute and cozy 1 bedroom. Nice area. No pets $300.1(888)331-8833. 2040 F. Clean, 1 BR, new paint, wtr. & garb. pd. N/P. $305.476-1363 or 450-4826. 2740 R. Nicer 3 bedroom, 2 baths, $475 (1 month free) parking, laundry. 430-6328. 24th and *T*. 2BR apartment. $420.489-7518 or 432-4968. Apartments on UNL Campus Two bedrooms available. No smoking, no pets, con trolled access, laundry, UNL shuttle stop, $475/month. Brickyard Apartments, 17th and Holdredge. 477-6578. Available December 11I East Campus, large 2 bedroom, fireplace, deck, 4210 Huntington. $460.423-0902. Bored with large complexes? Newer 1 BREff. in historic 1890’s building. 6203 Havelock. Very quiet, parking, convenient. No smokers, no pets • $310 + deposit + excellent references 466-8966,423-5921. BRAND NEW! 2628 Q. Deluxe. 2 bedroom, double gar age. $575.430-6328. Cheap Rent Looking for roommate fro two BR apartment walking distance form campus, 155/month plus utilities. Lease ends May 15th with option to renew. Large rooms, newer carpet, nice. 438-9830. Claremont Apartments has subleases available De cember 15th to January 1st. 1,2, and 3 bedrooms. Ca> 474-7275 for information.__ Clean and Sharp 1 and 2 bedroom apartments available now. Furnished and unfurnished. Central air, parkingand laundry avail able. 1522 and 1534 *Ei\ $320-$395 Please call 499-6662 Close to campus Reasonable and convenient, 1 or 2 bedroom., air, laundry, parking, no pets, FREE CABLE, 1910 Knox, $350+, $450+. 476-2665. I Close to Ctty Campus!!! 4 bedroom apartment. I low rent and utilities, available Dec. 22, very ■ nicel Call 477-7418 for more info. Colonial Heights Apartments One, two and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and Indoor heated pool. 421-3070. . Luxury on a Budget 2 Bedroom Deluxe Suites with new range, refrigerator, and dishwasher, fireplace, new carpet, ana decor package. Great Place, Must See! Willohaven Apartments, 1800 Knox Street, 476-6200 Metropolitan Apartments 502S12 Efficiencies and one bedroom, $260-$325. Secured Building. Close to campus, CaN 477-3648. HI CENTURY I^UlMI&IgMTea We provide: ‘ Locations throughout Lincoln * 24-How Emergency Maintenance * Professional ^Personable Leasing Staff Call us today! 402-484-8600 * 1 ' ' I We’re still looking for a few great communicators. This job is NOT telemarketing! * Work on campaign finance reform and women's issues. Help protect the environment. * Earn $8/hr. guaranteed. Work as few as 12 hours/week. Earn full-time, benefits at 20 hours/ week. * We’re close to the downtown campus at 941 ‘O* Street, Suite 625. ^ I For an interview, call 476-1010, Mon-Fri. 9:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M. ' 7 .. " 1 .. - THE DEEP END W5 MO KEOVt EOS, mrayfME. r Wj ^5^, Pdo ^ymew sW^l wiMS'ftiAtafc. and Uondcf V\Ot*J lilt fitt’p k \\ %vS --- f W Ka\ = <\b\ he-ha! " f va'. ha! -! I ' ■ THE NORM ^ BY^VflCHAEL JANTZE me you even Been > ■now BcnrweeN what you Neeo and what . you WANT? J r J ! I I j? ACROSS 1 Cry of triumph 4 Tavern 7 Romaine lettuce 10 Tic-toe 13 Actor Vallone 14 Surface for a Sabre 15 Facing: Abbr. leF.D.R.’s predecessor 17 Loser to Franklin: 1936 18 He seizes what he sees 20 Panay native 21 Bossy ^ound • 22 Up-to-date, for Bruce? ' 24 Noted Indian novelist 26 “-it pleasant Riley 27 Does sums 29-generis 31 Large family 35 Feathery scarves 36 Anita, set free? 39 Goya’s duchess 40 City west of Venice 41 Illicitly gained goods 42 Hecklers, to Rich? 44 Mentally sound 45 Writer-St. Johns 46 Q-U connection 47 God of love 46 Oily resin ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE ■ ■ i i.^r—T1 I" y—| ■ — i: jclRMM^WAJs^mftJs Tki IA1 I 1LI o BB D1 b 1H 1 I 1 ill M M V V I c IT IA I oti/IrlHiletDTpl A I D I c I n s * ■- ■ . v-*- v 51 Kooky 52 Ruth, the sorceress? 57 Catch a satyr 60 Have the flu 61 One who carps 62 Historic period 63 Novelist Levin 64 Biblical judge 65 Ring master 66 -vous plait 67 Moon module 6^ No. 12 of 12 60 Prefix for function 70 Bishopric DOWN 1 Saroyan hero 2 Headlight? 3 Model!, to Henry? 4 Nickname for a famous «ietti|iiJ Iiff 5 Height Comb, form , 6 Register 7 Hooded snake 6 Uncloses 9 Runs the dash 10 “Darn Dream" 11 Playbill heading 12 Stylish 19 Like a puzzle by Gene or Billy? 23 Accented 29 One on the attack I I 27 Addis-, Ethiopia 28 Distributed 28 Condo V.I.P. 30 Single 32 Subjectivity, foi Artemus? 33 Form of bingo 34 Rims 37 Yours and mine 38 Malt kiln 43 Like a hawk or eagle 49 Rousseau bool 50 N.B.A. team si Fragrant rootstock 52 Kind offile 53 Ireland, to a Gael ; 54 Man of few words 55 Attired 56 Slippery 58 Clinton’s canal 59 Story . -I*-.'