The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 09, 1997, Page 10, Image 10
-—-!———!---—--• ■- : r , .• - ■ - ..'■■■ .. ■ • . • • * To be an organ and tissue donor, even it you’ve (^yarjyi P *Tj ^ signed something, you must tell your family now ■MJnKMTl so they can cany out your decision later. For a share your life. Share your decision! free brochure on how to talk to your family, call ih 1-800-355-SHARE. canal Coalition on Donation PROS from page 9 worried about getting the 12th-ranked Huskers back to the NCAA Tournament in March than she was about signing a professional contract. “I do think about furthering my career,” she said, “but right now I’m not really trying to get caught up in it. “Maybe toward the end of the season I might concentrate on look ing toward the future more.” Gibson said the Husker coaching staff believes DeForge will have a lot to think about as the season winds down. “We think Anna DeForge has a legit chance of going to the ABL or ggS>T» J iimaU i Sat Sum 1M4\ m SHOOTING from page 9 we scored,” Nee said. “When they went zone, we scored.” Two players who particularly struggled during the shooting slump were junior Tyronn Lue and sopho more Cookie Belcher. The two guards from Mexico, Mo., shot a combined 29 percent in the three games before the Ameritas Classic. . In the Ameritas, however, both Lue and Belcher put on a performance good enough to place them on the all tournament team. Against UNC Wilmington, Lue scored 27 points, shooting 12-for-13 from the field. Belcher played his best game of the Happy Hour Prices SI00 Monday-Friday Pool Special f0:30*m-@l’06C _ _ _ _ . , A . Pltcher-$3.75 ! • Glass-$.85 / t tmrt.30fim • Bottle-$i.45 • Thursday • Well Drink~$1.35 ^11 I Get back up to 60% of the list price on books being used again on campus!* k (\,5 v- -\ \ A \ t / $ li ^ 11 > \ t H v . .. . ; A'.A-.K? ’;j. S- ^ • f\- *&$- -A - A City Union Buyback Hours: Dec. 8-118:30am-5:30pm, Dec. 12 8am-5pm, Dec. 13 llam-3pm, Dec. 15-18 8:30am-5:30pm, Dec. 19 8am-5pm East Campus Union Buyback Hours: Dec. 11-12 & 15-19 9am-4:30pm Come on down! ♦Based on University Bookstore's University of Nebraska-Lincoln need and availability. Nebraska Union & East Union Phone: 472-7300 Hours: M-F 8:00am-5:00pm I For Sale: Couch and matching chair, great for I house or apartment.excellent condition, brown ■ in color, OBO. 477-7418 Cable descrambler kit $14.95. \Aew alf premium and pay per view channels. 1-800-752-1389. the WNBA,” she said. “Our biggest problem is going to be deciding which league she wants to play in, which is a nice problem to have.” Both of the year-old women’s professional leagues have allowed female athletes in all sports to dream a little more about one day becoming a pro athlete. “It’s more realistic now than it ever has been,’’ Gibson said of women wanting to move on to the pro ranks. “I think little girls are really going to want to grow up and play basketball because it’s here profes sionally.” It’s important, Gibson added, that people realize both leagues, especial ly the WNBA with its television con tract and the help of the NBA, are not just a passing fancy. “It’s really going to get strong, 1 and I don’t think it will die out,” Gibson said. “I think it’s here to stay, for the first time in a long time.” DeFoige said she was encouraged by the success of the two leagues and wouldn’t have any trouble deciding whether or not to go pro when the time comes. “Now there is a better future out there for a lot of athletes,” she saidl “If I am fortunate enough to have a chance tp go to the next level) tften yeah, I’m going to take it” - season so fax; scoring 20 points against the Seahawks. The next night, Lue and Belcher each scored 13 points as seven players.. scored in double figures against Grambling. Lue said that when other players score, it helps take some stress off of his game * last couple of games I was trying to force things,” Lue said. *Tf the guys can step up and get things done it takes some pressure off of me. Then we have a little fun.” The Huskers are hoping to keep having fun and keep the hot shooting touch. NU plays in-state rival Creighton on Wednesday, with Minnesota and Virginia on the hori zon. { . ':7 “As long as we keep moving with out the ball and setting screens,” Lue said, “we can geta lot of good shots.” ' ■ ■ ■ ■ Western Illinois " 51% 86 * 1 NewOrteens & > jMflU % 8t ■ ■> -M Colorado State 36% 64 Texas San Antonio -,40% ;68 i State 52% 85 Aabon Steckelberg/DN You've been working on that paper for the past 2 weeks. You sit down to use the computer and insert your floppy disk. ■ And the computer kindly informs you that it emit retd yow disk. If you are having problems with your disk, bring the disk to one of these locations: • Selleck Computer Lab (basement of Selleck Quadrangle) • Sandoz Computer Lab (Sandoz First Floor) •Help Desk (501 Building, Room 105) information Services will try to resurrect your information, It seems like disks all decide to die during Dead Week. It may seem like a time of mourning, but you don't have to go through the pain of losing a floppy disk. Save important information on multiple disks so you have a backup. A box of floppy disks costs only a few dollars at UNL’s Computer Shop. Isn’t your term papei; not to mention your grade, worth that much? Tht dsstk of s disk is pailful, bit it is slss sssidiMi. This message brought to you by Information , 9 Services. - Great Holiday Giftsl Lowest Prices Guaranteed on all Pioneer, Sony, and JVC Electronics. Car Stereo, Home Stereo. Call Darren 438-1184. Stereo system for sale: KUPSCH Chorus 11% speakers. POLK’S audio speakers. AOCOM GFA 555II Power Amp. Sony CDP C50 CD player. Yamaha AVC 50 sur round sound amp. Great deal, must sell!! $2000. 484-8365 After 5pm.