The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 09, 1997, Image 1

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Who’s receiving? Mountain music December 9,1997
Nebraska senior Anna DeForge is one of many Members of the band Kusi Taki help spread the
women players who now can look toward careers culture of indigenous Andean peoples to fellow DASHING THROUGH Th|SnOW
in the professional leagues. PAGE 9 Nebraskans through traditional song. RAGE 7 Snow likely, high 26. Cloudy tonight, low 20.
I ----■ __ ---
1 The glovy of winter
California, said that he isn’t used to driving in the snow, and he knows that the weather will get worse in January and February; but he
! said Monday’s weather “wasn’t bad at all.”
US. will fund huge physics tool
■ UNL will participate
in constructing a particle
accelerator worth billions.
By Erin Gibson
Senior Reporter
Congress and two U.S. agen
i cies signed a $531-million
promise Monday to help build
and operate the largest piece of
scientific equipment in the world
by 2005.
, And a team of University of
Nebraska-Lincoln faculty mem
bers and students will take part.
Under Monday’s agreement,
the United States will invest in a
new particle accelerator called
the Large Hedron Collider now
under construction near Geneva,
The $6 billion accelerator will
be seven times more powerful
than the strongest accelerator
now in use and will measure 16
miles in circumference. It will
create collisions between streams
of protons at higher energies than
achieved before.
The collider is the “next step
in the energy frontier,” said
Nebraska team leader Greg Snow,
a UNL associate professor of
high-energy physics. “This is a
happy day for us.” •
The Nebraska team will
receive about $500,000 to create
a device that measures the lumi
nosity - the exact number - of
proton collisions occurring
inside the accelerator, where col
lisions occur at nearly the speed
of light, Snow said.
The measurement of about 1
billion collisions per second will
form the basis for evaluating all
other data scientists hope to col
lect from the collisions, including
the existence of the Higgs boson
particle. > •
The particle is the last miss
ing piece in the standardmodel of
particle physics and is response
ble for the fact that particles have
mass, Snow said. In other words,
the elusive particle could help
scientists understand the basis of
material existence, he said.
Snow and another Nebraska
team member, physics assistant
professor Dan Claes, helped dis
cover the next-to-last missing
Please see PHYSICS on 6
Bus holiday light tours available
By Amy Keller
J Staff Reporter
If trips to look at the holiday
: ving in circles for hours, getting
nauseous and fighting with fami
ly members, the Big Red Bus and
StarTran have a cure.
TheIJig Red Bus, together
with Rock ‘N Roll Runza, is hav
ing 90-minute holiday light tours
| featuring holiday music and
| videos inside the bus and cider,
• coffee and cookies at Rock ‘N
Roll Runza before and after the
i led Triplett, ccuwpper of the
Big Red Bus, said the tours are a
chance for Lincolnites to enjoy
the holiday festivities in a unique
“People love to look at the
lights and prefer having someone
else doing the driving,” Triplett
The tours cost $7 per person
and ticket buyers also get a free
People love to look at the lights...”
i - rraecanet^aaai'jtig, GOrOWner ~N. ,
j available! Call 1-88.8-2 7 7j7- *oday for mpreyinfc. ,_
Nebraska football poster. They
will be held on Dec. 14-17 and
21-23. The bus will leave from
Rock ‘N Roll Runza, 14th and P
streets, at 6:15 and 8:30 each
The bus will make the rounds
of Lincoln to look at residents’
lawn displays and travel to
Mahoney Park, 70th and Fremont
streets, to see the Lincoln Lights
This is the second year the
Big Red Bus has had a lights tour
and last year’s tour was sold out,
Triplett said. To buy tickets for
Please see BUS on 6
Read the Daily Nebraskan on the World Wide Web at http: / / /DailyNeb
Title shot
should up
road trips
Staff Reporter
With the Husker football team playing for a
national title again tins season, the athletic tick
et office is preparing for more sales.
A total of 15,000 tickets have been allotted
to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for the
1998 Orange Bowl game at Pro Player Stadium
in Miami on Jan. 2.
John Anderson, athletic ticket office manag
er, said 15,000 tickets were plentiful, and he was
confident a majority of the tickets would
sell.“The university is required to purchase
15,000 tickets for the Orange Bowl because of a
contract we have,” Anderson said. “It is up to us
to resell the tickets and get the money back we
spent” . .. . ... .;
UNL’s attdetjc fictet office spent $1.3 mH
^ lion OfiOfahgefitow! tickets this year.As of_
hears whenjaey call the office is a little mis
leading,” Anderson said. “We are not sold out of
tickets completely, there are still student tickets
available at $80 a piece.”
Anderson said 500 tickets are available to
UNL students. Student tickets will be distrib
uted through a lottery, he said.
Students could get a ticket lottery number
starting Monday from the athletic ticket office,
117 South Stadium. A total of 56 lotteries
entries was sold Monday, with 444 tickets left.
“At th<» rslti* tirlfpt are cmi-ntr chutenk
have a pretty good chance obtaining an Orange
Bowl ticket,” Anderson said.
Each UNL student may buy only one ticket,
and students have until Friday to enter the lot
tery, Anderson said. Students must pay the for
their tickets when they receive their lottery
On Friday afternoon a range of numbers will
be chosen, and Monday, students who have a
number within the range will know whether
they will be able to exchange their lottery num
ber for an Orange Bowl ticket.
During the season, Husker boosters had an
option of reserving as many bowl tickets as they
wished. UblL administrators and faculty mem
bers were also allowed to buy tickets, Anderson
Season ticket holders were not given the
option to reserve tickets, but do have the oppor
tunity to buy tickets if any ordered tickets are
“It is an expensive ticket, $80, and it is a
long way down to Miami,” Anderson said. “But
we hope to see a lot of students this year cheer
ing on the football team to what might be anoth
er national championship.”
- Andereoafc—yaiafcafcTlrnt jiahaf mleciagt
year wer# low coriT^&Fetf With*^asfyears. He
attributes the low ticket sales to die Huskers not
playing for a national championship. He hopes
this year’s attendance is better.
Last year, UNL was given the same number
of tickets, but fewer than 8,000 Nebraska fans
attended the game.Nick Spath, a sophomore
music education and UNL marching band
Please see TICKETS on 6