The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 05, 1997, Image 1

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; Finale Free Willey
Lisa Reitsma gears up for her final volleyball Longtime humor columnist, Southern gentleman <
match as the Huskers compete in the NCAA and fatboy Steve Willey bids fond farewell after
Tournament on Saturday. PAGE 7 three years as a DN columnist. PAGE 5
i f
jj i ... •
By David Wilson
Senior Reporter
Nebraska Baseball Coach John
Sanders was relieved of his head coach
iing duties
Thursday, a source
jj; close to the
\ Cornhusker play
l ers told the Daily
f Nebraskan.
The source said
| NU Athletic
| Director Bill Byrne
| called a 4 p.m.
! meeting with the
> players to tell _ .
I that Sanders was no
longer the head coach.
Sanders, who had been the Husker
| head coach for 20 years, was relieved of
v his duties at 2 p.m.
A new coach is expected to be hired
by mid-January.
NU players, who were reached at
I home on Thursday nj^ht, said they were
^ mstructed not to sp6ak widi fee nidia.
X Byrne did not return messages left at
has home Thursday night, while Sanders
was also unavailable for comment.
The situation had been “sticky” for a
while, a player and the source said, and
some players were even contemplating
taking redshiit seasons or transferring to
different schools because of the coach.
Sanders had compiled a 767-453-1
record as Nebraska’s head coach, but
came under fire when NU Assistant
Coach Mike Anderson resigned earlier
this week, a player said.
Most of die players were loyal to
Anderson and upset when they learned
he had resigned, the player said.
Anderson, who had been on the
Nebraska staff for four seasons, said
Thursday he did not want to comment
onthe situation.
Since coming to Nebraska,
Anderson’s duties had included coach
ing the outfielders, infielders and base
runners on game days. Anderson was
also involved with recruiting.
Sanders came to Lincoln in 1978
and led the Huskers to the NCAA
Regional Tournament in 1979 and 1980.
ButNebraskahas not qualified for a
regional tournament since 1985, and the
Huskeys have fmigfc&jf at .fkX) or below
in the past two seasons.
- I
Ruwe returns from forum
By Brad Davis
Assignment Reporter
ASUN President Curt Ruwe
said attending President Bill
Clinton’s forum on youth and
racism in Akron, Ohio, made
him realize people fight similar
battles against racism, no mat
ter where they come from.
“Lincoln’s situation is
unique in the fact that we are
dealing largely with both urban
and rural attitudes, but we fight
attitudes and hate the same way
that every other part of the
nation does,” Ruwe said.
He said much of the discus
sion at the forum, which includ
ed 70 panel members from
Akron and 1,500 audience
members, was similar to topics
that have been discussed at the
University of Nebraska
He said racial.diversity was
something the Association of
Students of the University of
Nebraska had been striving for
all year.
Reports of ASUN’s efforts to
fight racism will be sent to the
White House to fulfill ASUN’s
pledge to Clinton’s One
America program.
At Wednesday’s ASUN meet
ing, senators passed a bill pro
claiming that ASUN’s participa
tion with the national program
intended to unify the United
Ruwe said he wanted ASUN
to be one of the first organiza
tions to return reports to the
One America program, detailing
activities ASUN organized to
fight racism and increase diver
He said bringing diversity
speaker Marlon Smith to cam
pus in October, along with
sponsoring a forum to discuss
Coretta Scott King’s speech in
November, were examples, of
events ASUN orgariized'fto
increase diversity.
“From here on out, what we
will do, and what we were urged
to do (by Clinton), is to keep
discussion rolling and spread
the message of stopping
racism,” Ruwe said.
Although he said ASUN
would support the One America
program, Ruwe said he did not
get to meet the sponsor of the
program, Clinton.
“We made a coast-to-coast
coalition - the president of (the I
University of) Maryland, the
University of Oregon and
myself. We were pretty ambi
tious and tried to convince the
secret service guys we were on
the panel (of 70 people on the
stage),” Ruwe said.
But Ruwe said the secret ser
vice men did not believe the
three campus presidents, and
although the three waited
around to meet Clinton, they did
not get the chance to tp>(
him. ' . ' ' ; ; '*"
Student wins national election
Staff Reporter
When senior architecture major
Jay Palu goes through commence
ment exercises in May, it won’t be
the end, but the beginning of his
Palu, the president of the
? University of Nebraska-Lincbln’s
chapter of the American Institute of
X Architectural Students, was elected
national president of ALAS on Nov.
28, in Denver.
“I don’t know if I would call it
success, but it is definitely an
opportunity to continue my educa
tion,” Palu said.
AIAS is a national nonprofit,
student-run organization that func
| tions as an intercollegiate network
representing architecture students
? on both the undergraduate and grad
uate level, Palu said. The ALAS rep
resents more than 7,500 student
members in more than 150 chapters
1 nationwide.
Palu said the goals of AIAS
include creating an appreciation of
architecture, organizing architec
ture students and combining their
efforts to advance the art and sci
ence of architecture and promote
excellence in architectural educa
tion, training and practice.
As UNL’s AIAS chapter presi
dent, Palu served as president-elect
from March through May and has
spent this school year increasing
ALAS’s involvement on campus and
in the community.
Many programs developed this
year by Palu, such as a student men
tor program and tours of architec
Sandy Summers/DN
JAY PALU, a senior architecture major, was recently elected national president of the American Institute of
Architectural Students. Palu will move to Washington, D.C., in July to complete his one-year term as nation
al niwlikmi
tural sights, will continue.
Kevin Clark, an architect for
Sinclair Hille and Associates, has
known Palu for the past two years
and said Palu is a self-motivated,
energetic student.
“Palu, who is such a well-round
ed student both academically and
socially, has been given an opportu
nity of a lifetime,” Clark said Palu
will be the third student in Nebraska
to be elected national president, he
Palu’s brother, Amie, a sopho
more broadcasting major, said his
brother has always led by example.
“Jay has never led something he
did by force,” he said. “He just
serves as a role model to other stu
A strong believer in education,
Palu said he attributes his success to
Please see LEADER on 6
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I .. . - T\- ■ - • ■■ ' V.- ? : : - ■'
offers drums,
native dance j
By Lindsay Young
Staff Reporter
The University of Nebraska
Inter-Tribal Exchange hopes its
powwow this weekend will satisfy
the university community’s curiosi
ty about American Indian culture.
The eighth annual Native ,
American Pow-Wow, sponsored by
UNITE and the University Program
Council, will give students the
opportunity to learn about the cul- *
ture of the small population of
American Indians students - about *;
80 - on this campus, Vernon Miller,
UNITE president, said.
jamic vjraysuu, uri, event
director, said the powwow would be
an experience most University of
Nebraska-Lincoln students could
not get anywhere else.
And the event’s organizers
“It is an opportunity to experi
ence the Native American culture
that is on this campus,” said Miller,
a third-year business administration
and secondary education major.
The crowd will be able to expe
rience the culture first-hand.
Yolanda Few Tails-Castellanos,
powwow coordinator and UNITE
vice president, said the event will
not only showcase competitive
Please see POWWOW on 6