The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 04, 1997, Page 16, Image 16
Looking for a part time job? Mary Manor School ol Childhood is now accepting applications at 340 Nortt 48th, Monday through Friday. 4! Morning teachers needed to work with our school age program 6:30-9:30, must be available Monda) through Friday beginning next semester. Apply in persor by December 19. Krayon Campus Inc. 6001 Norma National Research Corporation is accepting applica tions for its professional interviewing staff. ABSOLUTELY NO SELUNGH Day and evening/weekend positions available. If you are interested in joining a growing organization and an industry leader in providing the most actionable, up-to-date market information to health care organiza tions, ptease call us today! NRC offerings include: * NEW competitive hourly wage •Stock optjon^irogram •Paid training •Convenient downtown location ■Flexible scheduling •Casual/smoke free work environment For more information or to schedule an interview, please call our Data Collection job line at 475-4520. National rbiabch EOE ADA Part Time Desk Clerks * 6pm-7am, 1-2 nights/week. * 1-2 weekday afternoons and weekend days Must have math and people skills, night people will have time to study. Apf>ly in person at Town House Motel, 1744 M Street usco urug 66th and O 48th and O 48th and Van Dom juu i ana rngriway <. Now hiring part-time clerka/cashiers for various shifts. Flexible work schedule and employee discounts. Apply within. EOE Part Time Child Care Assistant for Spring Semester Need enthusiastic and nuturing person to work witf children. 7:30-9:30 AM Monday-Friday, Flexible Days. Call Trinity Infant Child Care Center 475-9731. Part-time Bath Aid 4-9 p.m., Monday-Friday. Contact Valerie Hass, director of Nursing, Gramercy Hill. 483-1010/ Part-time customer service/ticket agent Greyhound Busline, 940 P, apply in person, Computer helpful. Flexible hours. Part-time receptionist from the hours of 10-1. Win work around school schedule. Apply at K&M Land Survey, 540 West Industrial Lake Drive. Reader needed: flexible hours, call Diane early morning or evening at 486-1452. Recreation Leaders Parks and recreation has openings for leaders with bo fore and after school recreation for elementary childrer beginning January 5,1998. Before school hours 7-S a.m., Monday-Friday. ($5.5Q/hour) After school hour: 2:30-5:45pm, Monday-Friday (55.30/hour). Apply now at playground office. 1225 *F* Street. Second floor 441-7952 EOE/AA. Rent Exchange Exchange 18 hours per week as front desk managei for private living quarters. Available Dec. 1. The Rogers House Bed & Breakfast Inn, 476-6961. Science Camp Assistant The Edgerton Explorit Center in Aurora is seeking en ergetic, responsible and mature adults for the position of part-time Camp-in assistants beginning Jan 98-May 98. Responsibilities include coordinating science ac tivities for Camp in programs. Must be college age and have background in science/education. Experience working with children essential. Contact Josephine, Ed. Director 402-694-4032. Salary includes mileage to and from Aurora. SPRING BREAK 38’ Free food and drinks! Cancun, Bahamas, Ja maica and Florida from: $399. Organize a smell group & travel FREE! Highest commissions & lowest prices! CaH Surf & Sun Tours to become a campus representative (800) 574-7577. Teller Math proficiency required, honest and integrity a must. Part time position apply in person, 1144 Comhusker Hwy. Temporary/Full time computer operator position available to start in January and lasts until March. Duties wiR include monitoring mainframe and communication equipment, tape backups, daily batch processing, and customer service. Minimum requirements include 1 year mainframe experience. A fuR background investigation will be conducted on eligible applicants. Please send resumes to: Scientific Games International, Attention Nancy Kimmen, 4700 Bair Ave., Lincoln, NE 68504. Or FAX-resumes to 438-6567. Scientific Games is an equal opportunity employer. TO $500 TUITION , ASSISTANCE ANNUALLY A#ftHTf7riMkfR>te National Bank of Commerce is currently accepting Ap plications for ^tar^ntansbu^ Research Ctaffc*Accoun( Sarvftcas Talar-Main Bank For more details call the First Commerce Job Hotline at 434-4700. Equal Opportunity Employer UNL Family Housing is seeking a student office assistant to work 20 hours per week during the academic year and full time during the summer. This person needs to be friendty, courteous and have PC experience «■ with MS Office Professional. Bookkeeping experience helpful. Apply in person to 1120/1121 Seaton Haifby Wadneeday, December 10th. VILLAGER MOTOR INN Need full-time and part-time dishwashers, PM line cooks, banquet/bei staff set up and serve. Responsible, hard working individuals need only to apply. 5200 O Street WANTED: Bel ringers for seasonal, outdoor positions. Job starts Friday, November 28th and ends Christmas Eve. Apply in person at 2625 Potter Street during office hours. 8:00-4:30, Monday-Friday. Hiring is done upon appication. Serious applicants only. Work With Children *Do you think it's fun to work with chidren? ‘Do you quickly build friendly, supportive relationships with children and parents? ‘Do you like to ptei activities? *Are you available afternoons 3.-00-6:00? If so, the OaMup Child Development Center has part time positions available with infants, preschoolers, and school age children. Substitutes needed also. Cal our Interviewing Center today! 486-6700 Monday-Friday 9:00-5:00 YMCA is looking for youth supervisors, officials, and volunteer coacnes. Please apply at the downtown YMCAJi the Youth Sports office, 1039 P St M-F, 8-5. YWCA Coordinator Recruit and train women and persons of color for com munity safety careers. 20 hoursAveek position. Bache lor^ dejpee or experience in fire fighting or law enforce ment required. Job description available. Cover letter, resume and YWCA application accepted until position is filed at the YWCA, 1432 “N* Street AA/EOE Part-time nanny needed for 3-year-old twins starting in January Monday, Wednesday or Tuesday, Thursday, 7:15 a.m.-4pjn. or 7:15 ajn.-1 p.m. Call 421-8278. SUMMER MANAGEMENT DSITIONS AYtKAUt EARNINGS $10,792 Responsible, motivated UNL students needed in Lin coln, Omaha, and surrounding areas to run your own business with College Pro Painters. No money or expe rience necessary for the best resume building internship available! Call 1 -888-277-7962 today for more info. Positions fftHoa fasti BE INluSINESS FOR YOUR SELF, NOT BY YOURSELF! I " ' l Aaahhh! Spring Break ‘98 Guaranteed Best prices to Cancun, Jamaica, Bahamas & Florida. Group discounts & Daily Free drink parties! sell trips, earn cash, & go free! 1-800-234-7007. SPRING BREAK *98 Mazatlan with College Tours Airfare, 7 nights hotel, transfers, parties For brochure or earning FREE trip 1 -800-395-4896 ( ATTENTION CRIMINAL JUSTICE MAJORS: LOOKING FOR A JOB IN LAW ENFORCEMENT? CONSIDER ARMY ROTC. START YOUR CAREER AS A POLICE LIEUTENANTRATHER THAN A PATROL OF FICEH- CALL ARMY ROTC, 472-4269. DEAD WEEK Absolutely NO finals may be given during Dead Week. Finals can ONLY be moved to another time DURING FINALS WEEK with the unanimous consent of the class. Quizzes are acceptable. Stop by the ASUN office, 115 Nebraska Union, with questions or com plaints or call 472-2581. _ lsiovs uu nuunu WE FAY CASH FOR YOUR CDs Used CD's, $5.99-$7.99 New CDs$12.99 Movies,T-shirts, posters,hacky sacks, music books and CD towers. DISC GO ROUND 50th and 0,486-0047 Don’t miss the ‘shaves of fashion’ fashion show. To night, Dec. 4 at the East Campus Union Ballroom. Show starts at 8 pm, with a dance until 1 am. $4 for fashion show, $4 for dance. Clothing provided by Lemer New York, Best Styles Formal Wear, The Structure, The Buckle, Journtes Shoe Store, The Ozone, Ruby Begonia's, Gadzooks, Vanity, and Stein Mart. Hairstyles by College of Hair Design, and the Oasis Barber Shop and Beauty Salon. Questions call Eddie Brown at 476-2991. Earn $$ for 19-25 year eld couples will be paid!jl6 for completing confidential surveys about romantic and sexual behav ior. Contect Professor Raffaetii, 472-0737. Great coupon booklets for local courses. Only $15. CaH for detoMpOQ 488-5205. INTRAMURAL BOWLING Men’s, Women’s, and Co-Rec Bowling will take place on Friday, December 5, Saturday, December 6, and Sunday, December 7 at the East Campus Union Bowling Lanes. No advance entry is required. Call 472-3467 for more information. NEED CHRISTMAS CASH? We’re looking for good, used band horns. Dig that old horn out of your closet and bring it to STAR MUSIC, 5612 South 48th, 423^6633. Society of Human Resource Management Meeting Thursday, 5:30 pm, in the Union. New members weicomel Bring a friend. STUDENT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION nnrtiorm for motimtnrw unci tranmami will be held on Thursday Dec. 4th at 5:30pm at Henzlik. Applications for these officer positions can be picked up at Henzlik 61C and must be turned in to Henzlik 61C by December 2nd. All S.EA members are encour aged to come and votaH!__ UNL Komensky Czech Club The Komensky Club (students of Czech language and Czech ancestry) and public will have a Christmas party Thursday, December 4th 7-9pm at the UNL Student Gulture Center, 14th & “R*. LtiAnn Anderson, recently returned from Czech Republic, will present a'4ec ture/workshop on Czech folk dances which wifi-toS'fol lowed by social dancing, Christmas party and refresh ments. Bring comfortable shoes, as you will be invited to by a few steps. Do you like to Polka? Come! If you don’t know how we’U teach you! Applications are now available for membership into the Chancellor’s senior honorary, the Innocents Society. Juniors are selected based on outstanding leadership, service and academics; Pick up applications at the Culture Center, Offices for Student Involvement on City and East Campuses or 106 Administration. Due on January 21 by 4 p.m. Block and Bridle Meeting Thursday, December 4th, East Campus Union. 7:00 pm Initates, 7:30 pm Everyone. Golden Key Officer elections and general meeting Sunday, Decem ber 7 at 8:00pm. AH new and old members encouraged to attend. Run for office or support the best candidates. Old “Taco Inn* building: 13th and “R" Streets. Habitat for Humanity Last meeting of the semester, December 4,8pm in the City Union. Free Food. Marketing Club Officer elections will be held, come find out if you are in good standing. A Marketing/Sales company will be coming from Kansas City to speak. CBA117 7:00pm. See you there! Over 25? and an Undergraduate! Organizational meeting tor Non-traditional Student Group: Meeting- Monday Dec. 8,1997- 5:15-6:15pm, City Union. Student Foundation New Member Meeting: Thursday, December 4 at 5:00 and all Members at 6:00. 1245 R Street. There wiH be a gift exchange so bring a gift and we will go caroling with SAA and Scarlet & Cream after the meeting. Hope to see you there! AXQ Thanks for the great time roller skating. We’ll hang out with you ladies anytime. -The Men of Be n A A iW We had a good time at the dinner exchange on Monday! Let's do it again soon! -The women of K A 6 Ag Men A belated thank you for fne dinner exchange! The Women of KAQ ATS Congratulations to Ryan Buschkamp for being selected as a 1998 Overall Rush Reviewer. WAy to go, Buschkamp! Congratulations to Heath Mello for his election as the University Ambassadors Social Chair. Keep it up! Your Brothers ATTENTION IFC Public Relations Chairman and IFC Overall Rush Chairman Applications are available in the Greek Affairs office in the Union. They are due on Friday, December 5 at 5:00pm. These positions are a great way to get involved with the Interfratemity Council. AAA It was fun taking you ladies to eat-The Men of Ben Greek Life CHRISTMAS PARTY. Downtown Valentino’s, Thursday, December 4th, 6:00 p.m. Bring $6.75 and white elephant gift___ K2 Congratulations to Paul West on receiving the Kappa Sigma Scholarship/Leadership Award. -The Men of Kappa Sigma EAE Congratulations to the following new officers: President: Tim Rosenberg, Vice President: Jeremy Broz, Secretary: Brad Reynolds, House Managers: Lee II lingsworth and Brent Martin, Social Chairs: Brian Cox and Chris White, Risk Manager. Jake Thiesen, IFC Del egate: Joeh Conway, J.P. Scnieber Intrasocial Chair - 1 — Student Government Positions Open Sexual Orientation Subcommittee Senate- Law College Senate- Dental College Senate- Div. of Continuing Studies Deadline for all positions Tuesday- Dec. 9 Applications available at 115 Nebraska Union Gold rimmed prescription glasses: Found by Admin. Building, week of November 24th. Contact DN. ■ ■ m, p s l i