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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1997)
COMMUNICATIONS OPERATOR $6.4871* -i- $.25/1* shift differential! Work 30 hrs/week: Mon-Thurs, 5p-11 p & Friday, 3p-11p. Earn up to 15 days Paid Time Off annually! Free physician's services! AND MOREm ■' OR Work every other weekend only. Sat & Sun, 3p-11 p. Great way to earn extra CASH! Duties include relaying incoming calls & clerical duties. Must keyboard 45wpm. Tabitha Health Care Services, Employment Office, 4720 Randolph, Lincoln, NE 68510. (402)486-8523. EOE. . Computer Operator Data Processing Part time position available to work Friday, Saturday and holidays. 11:00p.m. - 7 a.m. to operate health cen ter computers. Previous experience preferred but not required. Department of Human Resources SAINT ELIZABETH COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER 566 South 7tMh St Lincoln NE 68610Jfax)402-486-7117 ® Saint Elizabeth Cunmrity Hath Cate HOLIDAY HELP $10.10 PT/FT 2-6 week work. Extra cash for holiday season. No telemarketing. 477-8663 HOUSEKEEPER Work every other weekend. Sat & Sun, 630a-3p clean ing residents’ rooms & other areas. Experience pre ferred. Must be able to Wt 50 lbs. Tabitha Health Care Services Employment Office, 4720 Randolph, Lincoln, NE 68510. (402)486-8523. EOE. Interviews for fitness staff, aerobic instructors and per sonal trainers on luxury cruising liners wM be conducted on December 6th in Omaha. For details, call Steiner Trans Ocean. (303) 739-2754. Change the world and see It too. GET PAID FOR TALKING! EAI Marketing Services is now hiring for Fu# & Part-time Day/Evening Positions. *$125 Hiring Bonus! •Earn $&OQ/hr guaranteed! ‘Earn up to $12/hr w/bonuses! 'Flexible Schedules! ’ ‘Casual Dress! CALL TODAY! 434-5482 Line Cooks Grill Fryers Prep Cooks All Shifts Rock n' Roll Runza, 14th & P, is looking for kitchen help for its full service restaurant and drive thru area. NO roller skating required! Work in a FUN kitchen at mosphere with great benefits. Apply in person TODAY at Rock n' Roll Runza. Ask for Teri Jo. - 7V Little Kingdom Children's Center needs a part time as sistant teacher, M-F 2:30pm- 6pm. 5100 Old Cheney Road. Looking for a part time job? Mary Manor School of Childhood is now accepting applications at 340 North 48th, Monday through Hiday. Morning teachers needed to work wWi our school age program 5:30 9:30, must be available Monday through Friday beginning next semester. Apply In person byDecember 19. Krayon Campus Inc. 6001 Normal -- ■ . 1 ■ ' — National nnaantrh Corporation is accepting appNca tions tot is protdsstonaj iniervtewngstaTT. ABSOLUTELY NO SELLING!! Dayandevenin^weekarK^poaitionBavaaable. If you are nterestad in joining a growing organization and an industry leader in providing the most actionable, up-to-date market information to health care organiza tions, please cal us today) NRC offerings include: * NEW competitive horaty wage t-i « » -• pan training Xm¥oniont •Flexible scheduling •Casual/smoke free work environment For more information or to schedule an interview, please cal our Data Colection job tine at 475-4520. m national Research Cmptmtm Part Time Desk Clerks • 6pm-7am, 1-2 nights/week. * 1-2 weekday afternoons and weekend days Must have math and people skills, night people will havo time Apply in person at Town House Motel, 1744 M Street. No nights, no weekends Would you liketo be part of a strong inside sales team? Our salespeople tel us, ‘Best part time job you could have while in school* We need enthusiastic indi viduals. Must be able to work a minimum of 18 hours weekly. Scheduled between 8 and 5, M-F. Call Julie at 475-4002, extension 3341. EOF. Osco Drug OMiandO 48th and O 48th and VWi Dom cao,-■ JUKI and ragnwij c Now hiring part-time clerks/cashiers for various shifts. Flexible work schedule and employee discounts. Apply within. EOF__ Part-time Bath Aid 4-9 p.m., Monday-Friday. Contact Valerie Hass, dsector of Nursing.- Qrameroy Hill. 483-1010/ Part-time customer service/ticket agent Greyhound Busline, 940 P, apply in person. Computer helpful. Flexible hours. Part-time receptionist from the hours of 10-1. WM work around school schedule. Apply at K&M Land Survey, 540 West Industrial Lake Drive. An immediate opening in our ware house) department for a highly motivated, enthusi astic parson. Must be dependable and a fast learner. WORK HOURS: M-F 3:00PM-&00PM STARTING $7,00/HR. Tor Considorntion, pioono ippty in pom on, 8AM-4:30PM until dosing date at PEPSI-COLA —“Windhoek Dr. fcvQ___ Vim . ■ ,ST.?R7ryTT PERFECT FOR EDUCATION >DEVELOPMENT MAJORS: Part time job openings in grade school aged child care. Monday througn Friday, Belmont Community Center. 3335 North 12th, 477-8854. Reader needed: flexible hours, call Diane early morning or evening at 486-1452. Rent Exchange Exchange 18 hours per week as front deskynanager Temporary/Full time computer operator position available to start in January and lasts until March. Duties wtt include monitoring mainframe and communication equipment, tape backups, daily batch processing, and customer service. Minimum requirements include 1 year mainframe experience. A lull background investigation wM be conducted on eligible applicants. Please send resumes to: Scientific Games International, Attention Nancy Kimmen, 4700 Bair Ave., Lincoln, NE 68504. Or FAX resumes to 438-6567. Scientific Games is an equal opportunity employer. iv^uw lumvn ASSISTANCE ANNUALLY NBC itftiirrii—ctii* National Bank of Commerce is currentty accepting Ap For more details cad the First Commerce Job Hotline at 434-4700. Equal Opportunity Employer MONO Have you had mono nucleosis within the last month? If so, your plasma could make a valuable contribution to research & earn you $50.00 at the same time. For details please call Cory at 474-2335 laagiar _MBSBrthrrciStrwt-^. I , . V • L . ,, J _ ‘r-kV-, ‘ ‘ ' - V;.. •' 1 . n UNL Family Housing is seeking a student office assistant to work 20 hours per week during the academic u year and full time during the summer. This person h needs to be friendly, courteous and have PC experience 5 with MS Office Professional. Bookkeeping experience - helpful. Apply in^pei^on to 1120/1121 Seaton VILLAGER MOTOR INN E Need full-time and part-time dishwashers, PM line vi cooks, banquet/betl staff set up and serve. Responsible, A hard working individuals need only to apply. 5200 u O Street_ 6 WANTED: Bell ringers for seasonal, outdoor positions. - Job starts Friday, November 28th and ends Christmas Eve. Apply in person at 2625 Potter Street during office „ hours. 8:00-4:30, Monday-Friday. Hiring is done ® upon application. Serious applicants only. Work With Children I *Do you think it's fun to work with children? ft ‘Do you quickly build friendly, supportive relationships " with children and parents? ‘Do you like to plan activities? . ‘Are you available afternoons 3:00-6:00? ” If so, the GaBup Child Development Center has part ° time positions available with infants, preschoolers, and school age children. Substitutes needed also. Call our Interviewir^Center today! ^ Monday-Friday 9:00-5:00 YMCA is looking for youth supervisors, officials, and volunteer coaches. Please apply at the downtown YMCA In the Youth Sports office. 1039 P St M-F, 8-5. YWCA Coordinator Recruit and train women and persons of color for com- K munity safety careers. 20 hours/week position. Bache- b tor’s degree or experience in fire fighting or law enforce- P ment required. Job description available. Cover letter, resume and YWCA application accepted until position is filled at the YWCA, 1432 ‘N’ Street. AA/EOE Do you enjoy kids? Tired of paying room and board? We re looking for a live-in student to exchange 14 hours/week providing child care and cleaning in return for free room and board. Private quarters in large southeast Lincoln home. Flexible hours. Experience with children preferred. References and a dependalbe car necessary. Need second semeester. Call Penny or leave message at 423-1310. Part-time nanny needed for 3-year-old twins starting in January Monday, Wednesday or Tuesday, Thursday, - 7:15 a.m.-4 p.m. or 7:15 a.m.-'l p.m. Call 421-8278. c K E )8 ] Guaranteed Best prices to oancun, Jamaica, Bahamas K & Florida. Group discounts & Daily Free drink parties! n sell trips, earn cash, & go free! 1-800-234-7007. --1 • i * ■' ] A RELAXATION OPPORTUNITY r Join others and relax for 35 minutes 12:10-12:45. Just drop in-Room University Health Center. */> greet way to get through the dig Come and spor^ring a pitch C tournament January 18,1998. Prizes will be awarded F and proceeds will be donated to the Children’s Miracle ■ Network. For registration information, call 436-8787, I Attention All Students Please review your class sylabi and determine if there is a conflict with Dead Week Policy. If so, please contact I! ASUN - Student Government as soon as possible ( at 115 Nebraska Union, 472-2581. c ■ DEAD WEEK POLICY 1 Final examinations for full semester classes are to be given ONLY at the regularly scheduled time as published in the Official Schedule of Classes or at another , time DURING FINALS WEEK mutually agreeable to all J concerned. ; The only examinations that may be given during the last week of classes (Dead Week) are: lab, practical ex aminations, make-up or repeat examinations and self-paced examinations. / Projects, papers and speeches scheduled for comple tion during the last week of classes (Dead Week) must have been assigned in writing by the end of the EIGHTH WEEK of the semester. This refers to the project \ and Its scope, but not the topic. r Quizzes are acceptable during Dead Week. ATTENTION CRIMINAL JUSTICE MAJORS: LOOKING FOR A JOB IN LAW ENFORCEMENT? CONSIDER ARMY ROTC. START YOUR CAREER AS A POLICE LIEUTENANT RATHER THAN A PATROL OFFICER. CALL ARMY ROTC, 472-4269. _ Beta Alpha Psi Congratulations to our newly elected officers: Vice President, Angela Noel; Corresponding Secretary, Alisha Becker and Recording Secretary, Emilia Nisbet. Thank you to our past officers Darren Gardner, Kerry Gustafson, and Jesseca Myhre for all your hard work this past year. Biotechnology Seminar Dr. Robert L. Charlebois of the University of Ottawa, Dept of Biology, "The Sotfolobus Sotfataricus Genome Project’ December 3, 4:00 p.m., Hansen Auditorium, E103 Beadle Center. For more information, call 2-2635. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Interested in helping ASUN-Student Government help plwi activities for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day??? Come to the Culture Center, December 2nd, 7:30pm, to help the planning committee come up with ideas to celebrate King's work. j Questions??? Call the ASUN Office at 472-2581. Earn $$ for Research Participation 19-25 yew old couples will be paid $16 for completing confidential surveys about romantic and sexual behav iot. Contact Professor Raffaefe, 472-0737. ■■ There will be a prayer vigil ■■ Tuesday, December 2 wl ■■Prayers for Robert Williams,* ■flhis family, victims' families, Kfl mm NEED CHRISTMAS CASH? AAA le‘r» looking for good, used band horns. Dig that old m hjil^ iimmnn nnri nrittmt nttairtwr ;12brin° "t0STA^MUS<C' S^SCS&pwfor^Bre^aKS^ STUDENT EDUCATION Schanwnan 00 ^* ASSOCIATION -L^your sisters Actions for sscrstary and tranurar . . . ill be held on Thursday Dec. 4th at 5:30pm at Henziik. AAA Cooya.maltoo... otto.-. e~ S.'aSSMSSm'8^™"6""*™00'' ■ ... 1 1 ..— ..- Brittany Lamp, Continuing Education Chairman: Adrian 7ota Beta Tail Ferguson, Music Chain Jessica MftcheM, Social Devei tart your own MertfeZataBetalku is looking for en to start a new chapter. If interested, can JoeAifidi r?rm^!^^nf<trnrhft^^hni?apfinhniipnic^Julin Lannette Van Meter, Reference Chair Shelley Speck, VP Finance: Mackenzie Smith, Treasurer: Stacy —--—--—- Domnanish. VP Administration: Heather Frick, House Allinft Manager. Jamie Simunaci, Secretary: Brooke Glass lAAtinn/Dartu in th. i inion mnn, to®"- D®11® Fore8: Erin Kinnan, Assistant Membership: [eeting/Party tonight at 9.30 in the Union, room Katie Bareness, Assistant Reference: Heide Closman, S2H- Lincoln Rush: Megan Bredsnfcamp, Omaha Rush: Jen Dininm, r*k ik linnMnn nie Waldman, Assistant New Member Educator Kelli DlOIOgy UUD Meeting Melia. Assistant Social: Liz Sievere, Computer Chair jesday December 2nd. 6pm in 118 Manter Hail. JennOndiHa reryone is welcomel___ ___ • FIGI Thanks for meeting us for bowling. Next time there wHI be a chuckwagon in it for the winner. _Lowe Aloha Phi New Members Campus Red Cross leetingWednesaay, Pecembe.'3rpat_5pm in_the for ^ awesome time on Thursday. We had a ^^e^ring moneyfor “ShJte IfintereSed t0 attend' lot of fun and look forward to doing something again *_Love Alpha Phi New Memboro Congratulations to our new executive officers: Pres ident: Molly Egley, Vice President: Amanda Taylor, New Member Educator: Amy Allison, Rush: Laura Check It Out! Schweer, Secretary: Kelly Penke, Treasurer: Amy Diabetes Support Group tS^SSSS^BSSS^SSS^SS:. Meeting Wednesday, Dec. 3 at Social: Keri Zappa. House: Denise Roberts._ University Health Center, . «... «. . conference Room D,4-5pm Greek - Men’s Bible Study For students with diabetes, Nnulpatori spouses and friends welcome! Tuesday, 9*30 pm. City Union. Call 472-7477 for more Information_ _Room Posted Under Delta Tau Delta._ iibo jgA date dash! You wHI need warm clothes, transportation, money ($8) and a date. Girls wear red, boys wear green. Be at the house at 6:15 ?!?!?l?t?l? Horticulture Club Dday at 5:00, Kieme 327. We have the last meeting. ^ . pmm| ome and get your pizza. See you there._ OtUUent vaOVci mi lent Positions Open Sexual Orientation Subcommittee Senate- Law College Senate- Dental College Senate- Div. of Continuing Studies leeting tonight at 7 p.m. in the Union, room to be osted. Officer elections._ Deadline for all positions 7T Tuesday- Dec. 9 Nu Meds he next meeting is Tuesday December 2and, 7:30 pm Applications available at 1 1245 “R" street. Husband and wife, Dr. and Dr. _115 Nebraska Union_ loore, will be speaking on psychiatry and internal c*.. . . . _. —. ledicine. Everyone is welcome to attend. OXUCienX IITiPaCI 163111 Last meeting of the semester, Bring a few extra dollare Pm Dental Club to go out and socialize. Meet in the ASUN office at leeting Wed. Dec 3rd 7pm at the Dental College. 7:00, we’ll go from there. here will be a student panel to answer questions. SDr^^tffl®0-3 ln BUm8tt H8ll~ to™CalK%?SSII.asfcfbcArt._ II L I,»«_■ Hmhtiinjulniiii FOUND: a pair of pliers with leather belt case neat l,Sg will UNLflFFA ALUMNI ” tiristmas Party, 7 p.m. tonight. East Campus Union, ree Pizza and Pop. Also, $5.00 gift exchange. ATTENTION :C Public Relations Chairman and IFC Overall Rush ihaimnan Applications are available in the Greek Affaire ffice in the Union. They are due on Friday, December 5 - t 5:00pm. These positions are a great way a get involved with the Interfratemity Council. _ Ben hanks for the burgers. Neict time we wiH get a sober us driver. Tony, we promise to make it to your next Royal’’appearance. _The Ladles of POP X$ l belated thank you for the dinner exchange and eeutiful rosesl You guys are amazinglThe ladies of POP xo /e had fun at the movie. Hope you are up for ice skating talsoonl! _Love Alpha Phi New Members lorn out of your closet anc >612 South 48th, 423-6633. _ STUDENT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION Elections for secretary end treasurer will be held on Thursday Dec. 4th at 5:30pm at Henzlik. Applications for these officer positions can be picked ip at Henzlik 61C and must be turned- in to Henzlik >1C by December 2nd. All S.EA. members are encour ged to come and vote!!! Zeta Beta Tau Start your own fraternity. Zeta Beta Tau is looking for nen to start a new chapter, if interested, call Joe Alfidi it 317-334-1898, Allies Meeting/Party tonight at 9:30 in the Union, room looted • - Biology Club Meeting ruesday December 2nd. 6pm In 118 Manter Hail. Everyone is welcomel_ * Campus Red Cross Meeting Wednesday, December 3rd at 5pm in the lasement of the Health Center. Alt are invited to attend alease bring money for T-shirts if interested. University Health Center, Conference Room D, 4-5pm For students with dabetes, spouses and friends welcome! Call 472-7477 for more information mm* Horticulture Club Today at 5:00, Kieme 327. We have the last meeting Some and get your pizza. See you there. SMART Meeting tonight at 7 p.m. in the Union, room to b< posted. Officer elections. NuMeds The next meeting is Tuesday December 2and, 7:30 pn at 1245 “R* street. Husband and wife, Dr. and Dr Moore, will be speaking on psychiatry and interna medicine. Everyone is welcome to attend. Pro Dental Club Meeting Wed. Dec 3rd 7pm at the Dental College There will be a student panel to answer questions. PsiChi General Meeting Wednesday, Dec. 3 in Burnett Hall Speaker Dr; Slftie at 5:00 p.m.____ Ambassadors ■■■ kteetirHj tonight, 6pnfat 1245 R Street. Elections wil UNL7FFA ALUMNI Christmas Party, 7 p.m. tonight, East Campus Union Free Pizza and Pop. Also, $5.00 gift exchange. ATTENTION IFC Public Relations Chairman and IFC Overall Rusl Chairman Applications are available in the Greek Affair office in the Union. They are due on Friday, December! at 5:00pm. These positions are a great wa' to get involved with the Interfratemity Council. Ben Thanks for the burgers. Next time we wiH get a so be bus driver. Tony, we promise to make it to your nex "Royal" appearance. _The Ladles of DPI X$ A belated thank you for the dinner exchange am beautiful rosesl You guys are amaanglThe ladies of DDt x<x> We had fun at the movie. Hope you are up for ice skatin) real soon!! __Love Aloha Phi New Member ***PRE-HEALT . Have you had your If so, you may qualify for < 4 hours a week of your ti every 4 weeks while you s for AAA Congratulations to Nikki Haynes and Bridget Gallagher on their upcoming performances. Break a leg girtsl Love your sisters Congratulations to Andrea Schaneman on ner new of fice! Overall Rush Chairl Love vour sisters AAA Congratulations to the newly Installed officers: Pres ident: Andrea Schaneman. VP Chapter Development: Shannon Mauser, Academic Development Chairman: . Brittany Lamp, Continuing Education Chairman: Adrian Ferguson, Music Chair Jessica Mitchell, Social Devel opment Chair Steph Anderson, VP Public Relations: Jen Hayduska, Activities Chair Lora Peterson, Chapter Correspondent: Molly Wickham, Panhellenic: Julie Stewart. Philantropy: Katie Sievers, Risk Managor: Lannette Van Meter, Reference Chair Shelley Speck, VP Finance: Mackenzie Smith, Treasurer: Stacy Domnanish, VP Administration: Heather Frick, House Manager: Jamie Simunaci, Secretary: Brooke Glass man, Delta Force: Erin Kinnan, Assistant Membership: Katie Bareness, Assistant Reference: Heide Closman, Lincoln Rush: Megan Bredankamp, Omaha Rush: Jen nie Wald man, Assistant New Member Educator Kelli Melia, Assistant Social: Liz Sievers, Computer Chair Jenn OndiHa.__ FIGI Thanks for meeting us for bowing. Next time there wil be a chuckwagon in it for the winner. Love Aloha Phi New Members Thanks for the awesome time on Thursday. We had a lot of fun and look forward to doing something again soon. Love Alpha Phi New Members $M Congratulations to our new executive officers: Pres ident: Molly Egley, Vice President: Amanda Taylor, New Member Educator: Amy Allison, Rush: Laura Schweer, Secretary: Kelly Penke, Treasurer: Amy Shurigar, Panhellenic Delegate: Cal lie Crawford, Schol arship: Gina Mahoney, Standards: Mandy Johnson, Social: Keri Zappa. House: Denise Roberts. Greek - Men’jsBible Study Tuesday, 9*00 pm,'City Union. Room Posted Under Delta Tau Delta. 1M A date dash! You will need warm clothes, transportation, money ($8) and a date. Girls wear red, boys wear green. Be at the house at 6:15 ?!?!?!?!?!? Student Government Positions Open Sexual Orientation Subcommittee Senate-Law College Senate- Dental College Senate- Div. of Continuing Studies Deadline for all positions Tuesday- Dec. 9 , Applications available at 115 Nebraska Union Student Impact Team Last meeting of the semester, Bring a few extra dollars to go out and socialize. Meet in the ASUN office at 7:Cwe’ll go from there. , FOUND: 1 watch with rftstinctiveWbarfd. Describe to claim. Call 472-3611. ask for Art. I 4|| H STUDENTS*** “3-shot Hep B Series” i medical research study. Just me can earn you over $380 tudy. Call 474-2335 and ask Cory. Mabi Biomedical Center 300 S. 17th Street Lincoln. NE 68508